
Genuine Love Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Tough love only works when there's actual love."
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good."
"If you love yah, love him genuinely regardless of race or color or these other divisions Satan has created. He loves you and desires that you come to him."
"Love shows itself in its actions, not in his words, not by focusing on his own desires and bragging about it."
"The love and the feeling that exists between these two people is so real and genuine."
"You need to surround yourself with people who genuinely love you, who genuinely want the best for you, and stop worrying about attention and validation from people that you don't even know exist."
"This person wants to be there for you authentically."
"When men love a woman, they don't hide themselves."
"I genuinely love you, I have no hidden agenda against you."
"Real love comes from appreciation, not from reverse psychology."
"They know that there's genuine love and care between you two."
"Anyone that loves you genuinely, this is what they say: Those who care don't matter, and those who matter don't care."
"Somebody that truly loves you, they yank your coattail."
"Love is real it ain't memorex you understand that."
"Any man who loves you enough to tell you the truth is a man who really loves you."
"You're not a burden to anybody who genuinely loves you."
"When someone genuinely loves you, they don't leave you in doubt about that. They want you to know."
"Do they truly love other people? Do they live like followers of the Messiah?"
"We're trying to find the one who truly loves me for who I am."
"Their love is just so genuine it makes my heart crumble."
"These are the things men do when they genuinely care and love upon you."
"Men have responsibilities and duties towards the women they are courting, dating, and wanting to marry. Get with a man that you genuinely love, respect, honor, and have a genuine connection with."
"Men just want a woman that is with him because she loves him for who he is as a person."
"They really love you and care for you and will go above and beyond for you as well."
"Someone really just wants to be around genuine love and happy people, people that just love them for themselves."
"The love between the two of you is real, it's not fake, it's not something that's coming in and fizzling out."
"Your partner loves you because she wants to, not because she has to."
"Real love requires that people are actually present that they actually are there and love you that's what a romance is."
"Loving somebody without knowing them is fake love."
"Real recognized real, the love is pure"
"You can tell the difference between real love and people that's just doing it for a show."
"If a man really wants you for the correct reason, you won't have to do any of that."
"The love between these two does seem truly genuine - and that in itself is kind of a feat."
"They want that genuine, trustworthy, dependable, 'I want a family with you' love."
"Love demands and requires the ability to not love in order to be genuine."
"God only wants people in heaven who really genuinely want to be there, who genuinely love him."
"The truth is that in order for any form of gestures, any form of love to have a meaning, to feel genuine, to feel real, it needs to have two conditions."
"Genuine love that transcended what they owned or were."
"It's genuine love. Like, people actually... when I think about it, like where we came from and I think about how far he came."
"When we OT, it just feels like just love, it's just right genuine."
"It feels like it's a true love song, you know, not like a fluffy fake mega crush song, but like genuine love."
"These kinds of relationships are based on actual genuine love."
"I feel like I got more people that got genuine love for me."
"Our most basic emotional need is not to fall in love but to be genuinely loved by another."
"Her love for him was genuine and her wish as a heroic spirit was to protect the world Solomon strove to build."
"Money can't buy a woman who genuinely loves you emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually."
"It's about love and not cheap crap from Walmart."
"Let love be genuine; love with tenderness because we are the creation of love."
"Let love be genuine. Hate what is evil; hold fast to what is good."
"This is real love, you see it coming from the other side."
"There's real love there, there's real feelings there."
"Let us not love in word or in tongue, but in truth and indeed."
"The love is genuine, and it's just different, man."
"We really genuinely do because we love each other at the end of the day."
"If you genuinely sincerely don't possess the love that you profess to have for that woman, her being attractive will not mean anything."
"He and Jess seem to be perfect for each other, and the love is genuine."
"God wants genuine love. God could have made you a robot and made you obey him, but that wouldn't be genuine love."
"Genuine love, kind, loving, and generous, can be trusted with your heart."
"The love that comes from us is so genuine and pure that anyone wants a taste of it."
"You're going to learn to love this person on a genuine level."
"You're the only one they trusted they would tell this to because they know that your love was genuine."
"The love that I have for my wife is genuine."