
Height Quotes

There are 584 quotes

"We're hella high. 'I told you, it's peaceful.'"
"I'm so tall... No, Cory, I should be the Enderman. I'm way taller than you."
"Sometimes they use shots to make her look taller than she actually is."
"Called the Edge Walk, those who are brave enough can walk on the roof of the main pod of the tower at a height of 1168 feet."
"Europe's tallest building literally rises above the clouds."
"The creature is impressive, clearly at least seven feet tall."
"Get tall plants or tall lighting. Add visual interest taller up in the room."
"Zhang Jin Leon, confirmed by the Guinness World Record as the tallest female."
"The waves were reaching staggering heights of 60 feet."
"I realized suddenly how tall she was, she towered over the men when she stood up, probably over seven feet."
"Who needs luxury restaurants if in Brazil you can dine at the height of a 50-story building overlooking a waterfall?"
"How tall are you? Do you have a hard time finding clothes that fit? I'm a little under 5'10" and no, I don't have a hard time finding clothes that fit."
"That's not right, why would he have to be six feet tall?"
"Being tall has its perks, but also drawbacks like hitting your head a lot."
"Would you guys date a guy who's three inches shorter than you?" "Yes."
"It's great to be tall as long as you don't fall tall. You know, you don't let the guys get close to you."
"Short kings are so many other things besides their height."
"You have to be rated on if you hit 5'10" at some point in your life."
"Taller men in the Netherlands tend to have more children than average statured or short men."
"The Netherlands is on average the tallest country in the world."
"They are Terminators but better and a little taller, and I don't think many people are upset with that."
"Wow, you're as tall as the sky. That's because we're giraffes."
"Angel Falls is more than twice as tall as the Empire State Building."
"I've always been taller as soon as you came out of the womb."
"The tower stands over 400 feet tall."
"The tower rises 70 ft to the very top and assuming that it's a clear day, you can get some amazing views from up there."
"I'm actually not, I'm only six foot."
"You are taller in the morning when you first get up than when you go to bed."
"A tall person never lacks friends."
"Being tall is so OP, that's insane."
"This entry was of an exceeding height yet no broader from side to side that a man may fathom."
"This creates a much more leg lengthening effect."
"This will add the height without sacrificing the comfort."
"That's when it helps to be 6'9", right? You just take a step back and you have that reach."
"you ever had a tall person you love and be all right when it's not"
"Let me go, I already have enough tall people complicating my life."
"It had to be at least 6 ft tall, I kid you not."
"I'm 5'7 and it reaches me down to my heely heel which is an absolute dream for me."
"You're not taller than her at all, are you?"
"Had he been just a bit taller he could easily have been a top-class centre-back."
"Women: all bodies are beautiful. Also women when a short man exists."
"Great things come in tall packages."
"That's me 16 years old 6 foot 1 what I sick 6 1 that's it I mean like I went to high school in a relatively small town in Iowa and there's like five girls I can think of that we're at least that tall."
"This is like the best enrichment. Seriously, look how high she is. So high up. It's awesome!"
"546 meters high 118th level China you've outdone yourself even though they're smog the views are incredible like they really are breathtaking they're so high and they also have another level so 119th floor okay let's go up there."
"Standing at 330m tall, this concrete behemoth dwarfs the surrounding apartment blocks."
"Consider this: its head and elongated neck could reach 16.5 to 18 meters, which is equivalent to a six-story building, making it one of the tallest known dinosaurs, perhaps even the tallest."
"A fence that is six to seven feet tall is too difficult to climb easily and it may block vision providing some additional security."
"The sunsphere is 266 ft tall, you can take an elevator to the observation deck."
"Its 118 stories will soar over 2,000 ft into the sky."
"That was below the wind, I think I'm much higher than six foot."
"Boston's pretty tall. Look how tall he is, right? Yeah, look, he's seven years now."
"Great ceiling height as well, it feels like the ceiling height is..."
"Napoleon wasn't small, he was precisely my height. He was 5 foot 6, which is the average height of a Frenchman at that time."
"Blank looks pretty tall this morning."
"I'm not too short, you're too tall."
"Shrek's height adds to his character, towering over most humans and making Farquaad appear even smaller."
"To be honest, I didn't really like the height of it but now it's all on and in place like I don't think it's bad at all really."
"I noticed it was a picture of the parents, Timothy, and of course their older son Charles who happened to skyscrape over the entire family from how tall he was."
"Chandelier or light fixture should not extend below 7 feet."
"I would love for my husband to be taller than me."
"...men taller than their female partners in heterosexual relationships...this rule is reinforced by the fact that height differences between tall women and short men usually aren't shown on screen..."
"Height doesn't directly correlate with strength..."
"...the pair is helping break down stereotypes about height and gender roles."
"...it's way past time to stop making the possibility of romance dependent on something as superficial as height."
"Height only matters in basketball."
"I mean like it doesn't have to be like four foot eleven it can be like five foot like six because like I would still say that's like kind of shortish."
"Oh my god, it's the tallest potential suicide point."
"He's so much shorter than he's supposed to be in the comic books."
"It's a little bit in the higher position."
"Just because the plant's taller doesn't mean it's more productive."
"...so if you're really really tall there's no issues whatsoever."
"You've got 360 views of not only the city but the surrounding mountains and it just feels so grand being this high up."
"I know some Shire ways to get taller."
"The New River Gorge Bridge stands at an impressive 876 ft tall."
"Too short! I didn't mean I forgot that I'm short. I meant I forgot to grab my step ladder."
"It's harder to be defeated when you're short."
"This is vertigo-inducing stuff. Really sheer drop-offs that go straight down."
"This just goes to show you that even players under 6 ft tall can go out and dominate The Bigs On Any Given night."
"Oh my God, so hot he was higher than the rail at the end of it."
"He's a 6'11 dude shooting threes."
"That was really scary because you're climbing up the ladder and you're 20 feet above the water."
"Well Kenny, that's one of the most intriguing things about this matchup. At six feet tall, Jenna Fabian usually has the height and reach advantage. She's actually facing someone taller than her tonight."
"Godzilla Earth is by far and away the tallest Kaiju in the franchise, putting a swift end to the height competition."
"I never really realized this but I guess American women are taller I'm taller I'm 5'9 and one man came up to me he told me you are tall like the Burge Khalifa I was like oh my gosh thank you so they love that American women are tall."
"It's just so tall, like it's absolutely ridiculous."
"This is a very, very tall tree stand, eighteen and a half feet."
"...by the way, I used to feel that way. I used to feel like I wish I was a couple inches taller, you know, so I used to wish I was a baller."
"There's something about standing on a ledge high up that makes my belly go."
"I think the world looks like for Darren, are you so tall you feel powerful don't you?"
"The skyscraper's core and reinforced exterior gave it the strength to tower 426m in the air."
"In just 23 months, the canton tower rises 610 meters above Guangzhou."
"It will be the tallest structure ever built."
"So someone 5'9" I'd say would be okay cuz I've got a couple of inches above my 5'7" height."
"The architecture is just stunning, really high up as well."
"Lincoln Cathedral used to be one of the tallest buildings in the world."
"We're literally on the highest point you can be upon the hotel. Bro, this is nuts!"
"At just five foot one Colette is one of the shortest professional female bodybuilders..."
"Do you want a guy taller than you?"
"I am very short, and I actually really like my height. I love being short."
"This car definitely doesn't seem like it was made for people over let's say 6'2 6'3 because the seat can't go low enough."
"It's too high, it's too high. Alright, alright, I give up, I'll trade."
"The Shanghai Tower stands tall at over 2,000 ft and holds the record for the third tallest building in the world."
"Mountain elevations are traditionally measured from sea level to summit, but if you measure from base to summit, Denali actually stands a mile taller than Everest."
"Six feet tall I could grow another two feet in here and still feel pretty good."
"Regardless, he was too tall to risk anything."
"And Billy's raging, mate, he's going, 'I'm at least 5'7" and a half!'"
"For you tall riders out there, it may matter to some."
"T-Rex's legs alone were taller than a basketball hoop."
"I feel like I'm so tall now it doesn't matter. My pool's like I think 12 feet deep because it was built before the regulations." - Carly
"I'm not 510, I'm actually 6'1, skin color a whole different shade from his hand."
"That was right at the height of like the human performance aspect."
"You said are all our tall women too intimidating for masculine men? Well, girl, when I put on heels I'm about six three so um I never really had a problem."
"These are the perfect knee high boots and I am 5 foot two and they come to like the perfect point on my leg."
"If you're smaller than 5'7 I would be less attracted to you."
"Height doesn't depend on love. It's all about how you treat your women, exactly. Short Kings for the win."
"Girls want a guy that's six feet so just be six feet."
"I mean Toby isn't that short but we kind of want it to be."
"Astronauts can grow approximately two inches in height when in space."
"I feel taller and with heels on I feel taller with these jeans gives a taller appearance but sometimes I'll see pictures and videos of myself and I'm like oh my God you're so short and it like really sticks with me."
"Make comb heights great again or just for the first time."
"I need to see how high I am, I look over the balcony."
"From the top of Bernard's Hill, that's as high as you can get."
"It was nearly there, it was literally just height or something."
"Height above the threshold is 692 feet."
"I support short Kings. I Tower over everybody with these shoes."
"No one's as tall as a lordy, not even Kareem Abdul Jabbar"
"'He's not frightening, but because of his great height, he can reach windows that are one and even two flights up.'"
"The tree he had landed in was probably one of the tallest around. Maybe he could climb up and see if he could get his bearings further up."
"How it feels when you're in a Ferris wheel and your cart stops at the top."
"The fireball was nearly 30% faster and could fly nearly 10,000 ft higher."
"very very tall so yeah am i going to the top of this"
"Five six is actually a good height for light heavies."
"Another thing for me about being up high is it feels like you're so close to whatever it is that separates just our spiritual world from our physical world."
"The Milan Viaduct is actually the tallest bridge in the world being that you have each piers that is about the height of the Eiffel Tower itself."
"This is the highest residential bathtub on Earth."
"Your maximum height occurs after 4 seconds so after 4 seconds you're at the maximum Point uh of your height and then you start dropping Like a Rock."
"Having an extra X chromosome would make you shorter but actually it usually results in taller than average adults due to the extra set of genetic information."
"Sierra Green is a park located a hundred feet above the ground on top of a concrete structure."
"You're deceptively tall, like you're much taller than what I thought you were going to be."
"He's like five three, five four. That is sweet justice."
"The higher you go, the more leaves you got to stack."
"...the legendary Godzilla was the tallest incarnation of Godzilla to appear in a movie."
"Wow, he's tall compared to me, I'm pretty tall, I'm about 5'11."
"She's literally almost my height, you guys, and I'm 5'9". It's crazy."
"Wow it's up in the air super high."
"We're almost above the height of the roof right now."
"Imagine dropping off of that. That is scary."
"It really opens up. I mean, it goes up higher even than two stories."
"It actually looks really high. No screaming."
"Short queen, you know, and 4'8", you know when you need to like get a bowl from the bottom cupboard you know you don't have to bend down."
"Here's what I'm gonna say, Andy, maybe you can appreciate this, back me up if not feel free to contrast the statement that I'm about to say, if you're five nine and a half, just say five nine, you don't gotta rub it in, you never added a half."
"One of the reasons why is because everything is so high up."
"The only limit on height until we get to almost unimaginable heights like several miles stratosphere is financial."
"Step in height is really, really easy to get back here."
"Going up that thing, damn that's actually freaky."
"If I was 5'11 I'm like I'm six one dude I'm telling everyone that."
"I'm six feet tall, I feel perfect."
"A lot of guys that I know that are like five two or below they're like short and they're kind of insecure about it"
"There's a thing with being tall that people don't see it as an achievement."
"Wow, yeah, knee-deep here. It's a good thing Savannah's tall."
"Not all people who are taller than you means they're older than you."
"I'm actually like 6'1 you're 61 yeah okay I'm I'm four five are you serious no I'm like five five people on a dot yeah I you got to you got to me you got to like know so we can see okay okay does that look okay"
"He's 14-2, so just the perfect height for me and my mom to ride."
"Towering Fly ball that just kept going."
"I've never been rejected because of my height. Not once."
"The CN Tower, one of the tallest freestanding structures in the world."
"Lacking height is no obstacle to success. I can think of loads of short people who became household names."
"Height-wise is a big factor because of the sloping roof lines."
"They give you a little bit of height, you know if you're five foot four you put on these boots all of a sudden you're five foot six."
"If a shoe can give me a little bit of additional Heights it is always a bonus."
"People are wrong when they say that I am 5'3". I'm a good 5'7" now."
"I really like that they're not too tall."
"...a notable thrill ride as riders dropped 129 feet back to the ground."
"Like sometimes I'll be feeling short as hell sometimes I'll be feeling tall as [ __ ]."
"I never felt like I was short, I mean like nobody ever said they wouldn't date me because I wasn't tall enough so yeah."
"So, even if the dude is five six and I'm five three, almost five four, we're gonna call it five four, okay?"
"How did you go from dating a five foot seven girl to me?"
"I like your height, I think your height is perfect for me."
"If you could have your perfect height what would it be? I think the perfect height for a guy's probably like six one."
"Gus is so short. I didn't realize how short he is compared to Luz."
"I know it's frustrating not every girl in the world would write you off because of your height."
"You're very tall this is this is very awkward."
"We found that if I wanted to be as attractive as a 5'10" person, somebody who's one inch taller, they would have to make over twenty thousand dollars more per year."
"I might be the tallest professional operatic tenor in the world."
"If you were to fall off the Burj Khalifa, it would take 9 seconds to hit the ground, that's kind of insane."
"With an average height of 175 cm, Estonians are among the tallest people on Earth."
"Being a short King, you know it's great. Clothes are cheaper, shoes are easier to find."
"It wasn't until the Eiffel Tower that something was built higher than a man-made structure."
"It's terrifying. If you fell, you would fall down hundreds of feet and die."
"I usually date short guys like the height thing never really was a thing to me."
"You just got to think of the tallest brothers that you know."
"How high do you think we're at right now maybe 30 feet 100 feet 10 000 feet oh that's really high."
"How high is this? Is this not gonna exhaust her?"
"The man’s height is still thought to be an important factor. As he was shorter than 99% of the male population in North America, this could be the key to his identity."
"He was actually a little bit shorter than you."
"got another to guy in the chair today showing my height I wish everyone was my height who came in here you know I'd look really taller"
"...because I got long limbs, people always think I'm taller than I am..."
"All right guys, here we are on the second floor. We're about 20 ft up. It's not too high, right? Nothing to be scared of."
"But for your first stunt, we're going to go a little higher than this, about 100 ft higher."