
Universal Love Quotes

There are 626 quotes

"Love is love. You should be happy when you find it."
"When you start connecting to those greater frequencies, you're moving closer to source, and what is source? Pure love, Oneness, wholeness."
"The loving energy of the universe is the most powerful healing force there is."
"The true law is unity: that all is love, all is one, all is light."
"Just know there are so many people out there that love you for the person that you are."
"If you feel disconnected... ultimately not in a universe that loves you, nourishes you, supports you..."
"Accept the love of the universe as your primary teacher."
"We are all loved... we've all got our own guides."
"Love is love. Catch us now on Theo's Channel."
"I can see the beauty in and adore, and love qualities of an infinite number of people if I just recognize myself in another person."
"Forgiveness is the highest form of love. And you begin with loving yourself, or love your mama and your daddy and your sisters and brothers and allow that love to spill over to all of humanity."
"We are a family of light, soul brother, soul sister. That's why we love each other."
"Feel love towards everything that exists in the universe."
"You are so filled with love that you are capable of loving all on this planet, even those who are very wounded and fearful."
"Be nice and kind and compassionate to every life form, not just people but animals too."
"We know that that love can be felt in anyone's lives."
"Let's make this world a better place. Let's love each other."
"Whether you're in Georgia or India or wherever you are, it doesn't matter, we love you all."
"No one is excluded, no one is left out, no one is cursed."
"Embrace love, that is the key to all of our issues, is love."
"Love is love. Someone comes into your life and they love you, they love you."
"You have the ability to both exude and tap into that universal love."
"The new earth is full of love... that's where it's all going to be."
"When I accept the love of the universe as my primary teacher, I will always be guided back to the light."
"No, I cannot love everybody. But God can give me the capacity to love everybody."
"Love is love whether you sleep with guys or girls or anyone in between."
"We're all humans, and that God loves everybody."
"Food is awesome, let's not pretend that deep down we don't love food."
"Sending your brightest blessings, peace, healing, love, and light to every single one of you."
"Love is universal, and I feel the love from everybody. It's giant, it's my love for you, it's enormous."
"Recognize that the universe loves us and is trying to get us on our path."
"If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place."
"Connect to God and universe and earth: calm comfort love and joy."
"Love is love, and you'll live happily ever after."
"Let's just love everybody... let's just calm down and let's just love people."
"Love like Jesus, love with all your heart and soul, with your eyes love everything you see, with your heart love everyone in front of you and everyone around the world."
"Jesus Christ contradicts cancel culture. Jesus Christ says you're all sinners and now you better learn to love each other, you better learn to forgive each other, you better learn to accept each other."
"Use your imaginations, find creative ways to live your life and love everyone around you."
"If it's fear-based, it's BS. The universe is not a fear-based place; it's a loving place for immortals to dwell within."
"My main duty is to love everyone for who they are."
"Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of the world. Love is love."
"You are worthy of love, and that's a message to everybody out there."
"Love transcends boundaries, age differences, divides. Love is love."
"No matter what you've done or where you are in life, somewhere someone loves you."
"Once we are in that heart area... we have to be able to see and love everyone unconditionally."
"It's easy, it's delicious to love everybody and everything."
"God and all those religions is love. Love is love is the universal truth."
"Feel the love that surrounds us, feel the love that connects us all."
"The power of love and light exemplified touches the consciousness of all, benefiting the whole."
"Love must be the driving force in all human nature, regardless of sex, race, sexuality, gender, age, nationality, whatever." - Magnus Hirschfeld
"Remember, it's all one, everything is love, and everything's gonna be okay."
"Love somehow goes right through all the barriers and speaks to the essence."
"There's warmth and love everywhere and it feels good."
"Love is love and everyone deserves to be happy in their relationship."
"Love you despite the differences. You prove that good people are the same throughout the world."
"I believe that you shouldn't wait to give back, you shouldn't only limit your love to certain people, to certain environments, God calls us to treat everybody like family."
"Unconditional love is the language of God in the universe."
"Jesus role was a man of love. What color has nothing to do with it."
"There's truth and love at all times for all people."
"Love is the only answer, no ego, no hatred, no wars."
"The beating heart of universal love echoes throughout all of creation."
"Love is a magic word that holds the universe together."
"May all beings know such peace, comfort, and love."
"I sympathize with others and I choose to see the love in all around me. I see everything as a part of my own life, and I accept others for who they are."
"I love the fact that Jesus loves sinners...that means he loves me."
"There's a greater love that exists for us to experience."
"We ought to love everybody and want their happiness."
"If we loved everyone like you do, I think that we could get like way way way better outcome."
"Remember that we all are loved by the creator. We are all loved and you guys are just love, you are everything."
"Love is love, man. We're just gonna keep spreading it."
"You deserve love, happiness, and success like every other human being on this planet."
"Love your neighbor regardless of race, gender, nationality."
"The best thing about our relationship is probably universal, which is just like love and being yourself."
"Ultimately, the answer is love anyway. That's what we should learn, that is it always ends up that equation."
"Love is definitely the answer to many of our world's problems and is also vibrations that can transform our mind, body, and soul."
"Love expands, ultimately what's not lovable in this world?"
"Everybody loves each other with perfect love."
"May they help us all on our journey towards our highest and greatest good, may it be for love, joy, peace, abundance, and protection for myself, for you, and for all beings on the planet at this time, thank you so much Spirit."
"Love all mankind and share the message of peace."
"Just love. Love is the highest truth, the deepest truth, the most powerful infinite presence on Earth."
"In the essentials, unity; in the non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, love."
"When we plug into our higher self, when we plug into the heart nature of universal love, what can possibly invade that?"
"Life is beautiful and you never know who somebody is and we just need more love in the world."
"If we really get to that unconditional place of loving everybody, we're just in a much better space."
"If the ultimate goal is to love one another, then why does it matter how someone arrives to that place?"
"Love is the answer, you have to love your fellow man."
"From the point of love within the heart of the Creator, let love stream forth into the hearts of all living beings."
"Mencius said that kindness or love should be extended to all things living."
"Love conquers all so what that means is you have to learn how to speak love in different languages."
"This is true revival, love is all they need, everlasting love. Rise up and go and show them."
"Music teaches you to love everybody and your love has to be equal for everybody."
"Finding love in big cities such as Toronto and New York, or even in small towns, because you know love is a universal language and it's my first language."
"People are the same, people love each other and have been loved and they care, and deep down we're all very much the same."
"Jesus loves you, God loves you, we love you."
"Love is an objective truth, recognized despite differences in language or culture."
"You are not the problem, everybody in this planet is lovable."
"Love one another. Love is the only thing that can save us."
"Every single one of you are important in this world and every single one of you are loved and I love every single one of you."
"Love is the ultimate power in the universe. We have the ability to connect into creator and allow that energy to flow through our hearts into every situation."
"There is someone out there for every single one of you that will love you back."
"Love is the answer, always has been, always will be."
"Love is the source of all things in the universe."
"I love everybody, man. No matter where you guys are from, the world is a beautiful place."
"I love everybody and I want everybody to have a good day."
"There is real love there for you, whether you're in a relationship or single."
"He loves every single person it doesn't matter if you're black white tall short Rich poor young old I mean he loves everybody"
"I really want Nuri and Yasir to be ambassadors for this idea that love is achievable for all of us."
"Because we feel the depth of God’s love for His children, we care deeply about every child of God."
"So the answer I guess is to love everyone I guess Jesus was right."
"They just kind of show people that you don't have to be perfect or the same or anything else to be loved."
"Until all people are free people, nobody's gonna be free... We gotta have divine love."
"You don't need a religion to understand it, it's all about love."
"Love for all, hatred for none. This is the message everybody is forgetting."
"Love thyself, because one that loves thyself is one that loves everybody. And not even just that, everybody will love that person back."
"We shouldn't hate anyone, no matter what they do."
"Love your neighbor, love your enemy, and they're all from the same place, often the same people."
"We can come together and imagine a future where we instantly create, with unlimited resources, absolute abundance, and all-encompassing love."
"We love each and every one of you, even if you hate us, you'll come around. Be safe."
"Education on this is important. Love to all. God bless."
"God bless the world and oh, let's remember to love one another."
"Love is love and if we have more love we'd all just be groovin'."
"Love is universal, rampant around planet Earth."
"Everybody deserves to be loved unconditionally."
"Neither I or any other human being is excluded from that unity and from that love... all that horror that is being perpetrated comes from people who are cut off from love."
"Honestly man I love being black and I love our community I love our culture but I love humanity and I want to see a greater measure of equality and harmony."
"The real [expletive] is love and it sounds cheesy but it's really love thy brother, love thy sister."
"Love forever reigns on earth as it is in heaven. All atoms who deny this message will be recycled into right action."
"Love is all around you, you deserve love, Soul family."
"Of course, we don't know for sure and of course, God loves people on the left as he loves people on the right."
"We must love each other, and when Jesus says love each other, he didn't just say love your families, he says even pagans love their families."
"If we could all try to be more loving towards each other... it would have a really, really good positive impact."
"It's all love and you chose this... we all knew on some level."
"This may sound corny, but love is the answer. Wouldn't hurt to have more love in the world."
"As followers of Jesus, we know that we're called to love. We're called to love everybody, and we're called to love those people."
"No matter who you are, what you look like, or whether you're a fan of dumpster diving, you can fall in love."
"The love is happening simultaneously at all levels of reality."
"It's all love, or at least it's supposed to be."
"Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband's because that's what love is coming to. Love is coming into your life."
"God is love, so that's connected to everything, honestly."
"By virtue of your birth, you are loved, supported, wanted. You are part of the universal expression of life, its greatest joy." - Gemini and welcome to my channel
"Everyone has a story... Just love them, that's it."
"You are loved. You are loved. All are loved."
"We're all part of that unconditional love and commonality."
"Love is universal energy that really rises above all, no matter where you are in the world, no matter what country or language you speak, love finds a way to break barriers and bring people together."
"I love every man and woman, I see God in everybody."
"Love comes in all manners, so enjoy yourselves, Mr. and Mrs. Ealing."
"Sending you all my love and light to whoever needs it at this time."
"We are all loved, that's who we are, that is our reality, and once we start really truly getting it, that we love everybody, and that love is who, I mean, that's all we are."
"And in love, I radiate these blessings forth to all life around me, I am the spirit of love permeating form until all is drawn back into the indivisible whole."
"We all come together as a species out of all of the religions, love is the most accessible one."
"Love is the key. If we all just loved one another, you think there'd be a lot of problems in the world?"
"You are supported. I know that you don't feel you're supported, that you feel so alone in this world, but you have so much love in and around you in the universal flow of life."
"I'm sending you guys so much love wherever you are."
"Love yourself as you love others. Love is the solution of life."
"I just wanted to love everyone and be loved back."
"Love is the currency of the universe; it pulls us out of its own hat."
"Universal love, it's our love for each other, and it's about absorbing that and allowing it to expand you."
"Love your neighbor love your enemies love everything it's not that difficult all these religions and spiritual teachings from ancient times up into the present have taught the same thing and that is love."
"Love is one omnipresent nurturing energy, and we're all one."
"The more you love yourself, the more you can love the world."
"You want to spread the cosmic love of all that it is."
"I don't identify as straight. I identify as a universal being of love."
"In the spiritual world, there's nothing but love."
"Jesus loves all, regardless of class, race, or status."
"Feel the love for your enemy, feel the love for your brother, feel the love for each other."
"Love is a fruit in season at all times and within reach of every hand."
"Love is universal because love is who we are."
"God loves the whole world and he made his mind up to love the whole world."
"Love is love is love, whatever form it takes, all will be well."
"Love is the most powerful transformational force in all of the universe. Love is what changes things. Love is the ultimate power behind any change."
"You are full of love, you're feeling the love, you're receiving a lot of love and support through the universe."
"You're feeling supported. You may be receiving love and support through another person or from the universe."
"Your soul's desire is for everybody to be in unity and love each other, releasing burdens of the past."
"He's riding in to wrap his arms around a billion souls and say I love you."
"Open your mind, open to the love that the universe is trying to send you."
"Everybody just need love and attention and that will make this world a better place."
"Love, it's just love everybody it's just love it's not brother love it's not a 1970s new name it's a modern new name love love love love love when you see me throw your L in the air and say love love love love."
"All you really need to know is infinite love is the only truth."
"Love is the recognition of our shared being or our shared reality."
"I love everybody because I know that the same light that is in me is in every single person."
"Love is everywhere, so many of us want love."
"I love each and every one of you, alright, I do, every single person watching it, even if you're a hater, I still love you, I still do."
"Every religion teaches you to love, and that's where I'm standing."
"Everybody deserves love. Everybody deserves to feel loved to feel appreciated."
"Love is the creation. Love unites all of creation."
"I think only in Jesus do you learn how to love everybody and that every person matters."
"Love is love, right? That's what humans said. Studying a brave of course, I just want to be loved, accepted."
"Love all of you, I pray that you'll be blessed."
"This is a spiritual Universe animated by love."
"The universe is made of love, everything is love."
"Have faith, love is coming. New, old, annal, whatever, it's coming."
"I am now receiving beautiful unconditional love from the universe, from the angels, from mother earth herself."
"I do truly believe that at one time in the future religion will fall away and through spirituality and true unconditional love for everyone will rise above all."
"The universe loves you no matter what. So the universe wants exactly what you do."
"Love is one language; you don't need to speak the same language to love each other."
"A lot of people love each other; the world would be a better place to live."
"Love has no age. My son is living la vida loca and I'm just happy for him."
"The message of love is the silver lining of every religion."
"Love is the greatest gift of all, love in whatever shape or form."
"The culture of Love is present in all Divine laws in Judaism Christianity and Islam."