
Safety Wishes Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"You take your loved one to the airport, and you say all these euphemisms for 'don't die,' like 'text me when you're there,' 'safe trip.'"
"Thank you very much for being here. Hit the subscribe button before you head off, drop a like on the video, but most importantly, stay safe, be well, lots of love, and have yourselves an absolutely wonderful Sunday."
"I pray and hope that they have not harmed her and they bring her back to us safe and sound."
"If I cannot buy it three times over I cannot afford it."
"But it seems so much worse today, praying for this family and this innocent little girl Charlotte, praying she's found safe and soon."
"Listen everyone, thanks a lot for listening, be well, be safe, and especially be prepared." - Narrator
"Big thank you everybody for being here have a good night be safe and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Please do stay safe wherever you are in the world."
"Thank you very much for watching I'll take I'll take care hope you take care stay safe and I'll speak to you tomorrow."
"Thank you so much for watching until next time stay safe and I'll see you then bye."
"Bye, everyone! Stay safe and take care of yourselves."
"Stay safe, be well, have faith, and nayavada peace."
"We love you guys, stay safe out there this summer."
"All the very best, guys. Take care and stay safe."
"Stay safe and you know, wishing everybody well."
"Stay safe and I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good one!"
"Stay safe out there, I know these times are really tough."
"Thank you all for watching, make sure y'all stay safe."
"Be safe guys and I hope they've had a great day or evening depending on where you are and I'll see you next time peace."
"Thanks so much for watching everybody and stay safe out there, until next time double peace out."
"Thank you for all the support thank you for watching and I hope you all stay safe out there and then you take care."
"I appreciate your professionalism. You have a great day, be safe out there."
"You guys have been great. Everybody take care, stay safe."
"I love you guys so so so much, don't forget to stay safe, stay blessed. Peace."
"God bless you all and keep you all safe today."
"Have a great day everybody, be safe, and God bless you all."
"I hope you're all well and I hope you're all safe."
"Thoughts and prayers with everybody worldwide. Stay safe and yeah, we will get through this together."
"Stay safe, enjoy it, be creative, and peace."
"Thank you so much for watching we really hope you're staying safe we love you bye."
"You take care, be safe until next time. Bye!"
"Be safe be healthy god bless all of you because at the end of the day we need god's blessings totally in our lives."
"Until next time, please stay safe out there and have a wonderful day and or night."
"I love you, love you so much. We'll see you all tomorrow. Good night, everybody. Bye. Stay safe out there."
"Thank you guys for 14 years of support, we love you guys, be safe, we'll talk to you soon, take care guys."
"I love each and every one of you guys so so much. You take care, be safe, until next time. Bye."
"I just want to say thank you to everyone, take care, stay safe, I will see you guys next time, insha allah."
"I pray that he never has a chance to hurt anyone ever again."
"Be safe out there, thank you for everything."
"Until next time, stay beautiful, stay safe. I love you guys. Bye."
"Thinking of you Sebastian, hope you come home safe."
"God bless you and your families, I pray all of you will be safe."
"Thank you guys, love you, take care, peace, be safe."
"Stay safe out there and I will see you in the next one. Bye, friends."
"But for now stay safe look after yourselves take care and I'll see you on the next one."
"Much love, much respect. Stay safe out there."
"I appreciate you guys, and stay safe, keep rocking, stay positive."
"Take care, stay safe, and I'll see you around again. Bye!"
"I just hope and pray that you guys are safe during this time."
"Stay safe out there, everybody, we look forward to seeing you all again very soon in the next one."
"We love you, Mark. Make it home safe."
"You provide a lot of good arguments, bro, be safe, man."
"Thank you so much for your participation and hope everyone will be safe and healthy."
"Stay safe, and I'll speak to you guys very soon. I love you."
"Everyone stay safe out there, have a great holiday."
"I hope everybody out there is safe."
"I love you guys with my whole heart, stay safe and I'll see you later."
"Stay safe, folks. I really mean that."
"I hope that this finds you safe and well. Until the next time, remember, be safe."
"So until next week, please stay safe and have a wonderful week everybody, I will see you next week, bye for now."
"I hope you guys are all staying safe, and I'll see you guys in my next video."
"Stay safe, stay happy, and most importantly, just make sure you stay creating."
"I hope that you guys are having an awesome time and you're staying safe."
"Be safe out there, Ninja Dwarf, Northern Exposure."
"I pray whoever's in that ambulance is okay, or wherever they're going, that they get there safe."
"Stay safe, make good choices, and stay sweet, bumblebees."
"I hope everybody is staying safe."
"For those of you in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, stay safe, and I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers."
"I love you all so much and I hope you stay safe."
"I pray to God that your return and my return will be equally as safe."
"I hope you guys stay safe, take care, and I'll see you guys in another video. Bye-bye."
"I love all you guys and stay safe."
"Good luck, study hard, and stay safe."
"Stay safe out there, and we'll talk again very soon."
"We pray for a safe race for each competitor and for every team."
"Be safe, don't be nervous, farewell."
"Thanks for watching, stay safe, and we'll see you again here soon."
"Love you all, stay safe, see you soon next adventure."
"I'm just praying that everyone stays safe."
"Please stay safe and a very Happy New Year to all of you wherever you are this evening."
"Hopefully, Miwa will be safe. God, I need to rewatch it a thousand times, a million times. I loved it."
"Until next time everybody, as always, stay safe."
"We just want to know that she's safe and well."
"Be safe, watch a fun movie, and thank you for watching."
"Please stay safe, make good choices, and I'll see you next time when we're online."
"Hope you're staying safe out there, I'll see you next stop."
"Stay safe and you have a great start to the new year."
"Thank you guys for watching, I hope everyone is keeping safe."
"I hope you all stay safe and well, and I'll see you soon."
"Be safe out there and stay blessed."
"My heart goes out to all of you Texans; I hope you're staying safe."
"I hope you are managing to stay safe in these odd times."
"As always, we sure appreciate you being with us, and be back very soon with another video for you, of course, and until that time, everybody please stay safe and have a great day."
"Stay safe and thanks very much for watching."
"I hope you all enjoyed this blog and hope you're staying safe."
"Stay safe and if you're in, stay warm and stay dry."
"Stay safe, I look forward to seeing you next time. Happy crafting, cheerio!"
"Keep safe out there and I'll catch you next time. Cheers!"
"Stay safe and I will see you all in the next."
"I'm sorry for if it's like so short or not really but I do hope you guys enjoy it and you guys be safe."
"Thank you for watching, take care, stay safe, and I will see you in the next video."
"Stay safe out there and have a great day."
"I just really hope everybody is safe right now and healthy and well."
"Until then, you all take care, stay safe."
"Thank you all for hanging with me here today, stay safe out there."
"Thank you very much for your time, and I hope you all stay safe and well."
"Have a safe and fantastic rest of the day. I will catch you guys soon in a brand new vlog. Take care."
"Stay safe out there, take care of each other, and I will see you in the next one."
"I hope everybody's staying safe out there and I'll catch you guys in the next video."
"So till next time, please be safe, and I will see you all in the next tutorial. Take care of yourselves, bye for now."
"I hope this thing is over. Our family can be safe and sound."
"All praises to the Most High, y'all stay safe out there, Shalom and peace."
"Thank you very much for watching and as always, wherever you are in the world, stay safe."