
Irreversible Change Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"It's going to be very hard to put the genie back in the box."
"History moves in one direction, time moves in one direction, you can never put the toothpaste back in the tube."
"There's no going back with Pluto, a permanent shift, a Next Level Awakening."
"If the Batman who laughs wins, there's no turning back. You can't unring that bell."
"Once I did start to believe that and understand that, I realized that there was no going back."
"You don't go back. You can't reset the meter on your car."
"There's No Going Back. It's the genie out of the bottle now."
"Pandora's Box has been opened and there's no closing it now." - Narrator
"You know the collective public cannot unsee this."
"Magic is now in the machine, and there's no going back."
"Life has now changed forever. What was is really not coming back."
"It's like once you've seen it, you can't unsee it, you've seen it, it's done now."
"Discover the truth that will set you free, but be warned once you see the light, There's No Going Back."
"Once parents no longer have the absolute authority over the essential decision making for their children, that's a line that you can't come back from."
"You're moving towards love towards stabilization towards a beauty that cannot be reversed."
"There's no going back... because I went through this process."
"There's never, there's no going back. Now it's your job to model, teach, and preach this so that the guy next to you can have a life that's also goddamn worth living."
"The genie is out of the bottle now and he's never going back in."
"The model of decadence has come to an end and there's no going back."
"The train has left the station in that regard now officially and formally and not coming back."
"The ship can't be turned around... it's just a matter of the rate and timeframe in which the whole thing goes down."
"A mind stretched by new experience can't go back."
"This is a Pandora's Box we will never ever be able to go back."
"Once you have seen, you cannot unsee. So once you get it, there's no way back."
"A global experiment from which there is no return."
"Regardless of the outcome, this man's life, career, and public perception have been forever changed."
"Once you see the truth, there's no going back."
"I realized like oh well this is a genie that once it's out of the bottle you're never getting it back in."
"Sooner or later, once you start to change... it's pretty hard to go back."
"I'm excited about knowing... we're not ever going back."
"It's going to be impossible to put that genie back in the bottle."
"The rewards of consciousness: once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep."
"It's something that you can't unlearn, you can't unsee, you can't turn your back on it."
"Once somebody's awake, you can't make them dumb again."
"The genie is out of the bottle. There's no getting rid of it really. It's going to change our lives forever."
"Time dilation is a real and irreversible phenomenon."
"You're not putting that Genie back in the bottle."
"Once those who are open to transformation goes through the intense process they can never unsee what they now see for the rest of their lives."
"A game that comes along and you just immediately know that something has shifted and it cannot shift back."
"Realistically you put it in perspective... you're not going back."
"That felt like being hit by a lightning bolt. There's no going back."
"You can never go back once you make this change."
"A mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to its former dimensions."
"There's no putting the genie back in the bottle now."
"I think things are so bad right now there is no turning back. There's no that's it we are going to be heading towards some kind of disintegration."
"We are at a moment... that we are laying the groundwork for potentially... irreversible transformation."
"Once you get a taste of next-gen, it's impossible to go back to anything before it."
"Once this massive event happens, you can never go back."
"Once the glaciers melt, you can't unmelt them."
"Once you experience the truth, you can never unsee it."
"They now know who you are to them, and there's no turning back now, Libra. This is happening."
"Eventually, I'll never be able to turn back to a human."
"Once you take...innocence away...you can't get it back."
"The toothpaste is out of the tube, it's becoming very difficult now to pretend."
"Singleness is a gift, it is, and that's something I can't get back when I'm married at all, it's gone."
"It is life-changing, you can't go back to that place you were before."
"This is not going to be reversed. In other words, we're going to cram it down everybody's throat. No nation will be able to opt out. It is a global system."
"We're in the post-climate change world now. There isn't a going back that's easy. We are now in that world."
"Once the truth is told, the mind is stretched; it can't go back."
"You have created institutions that cannot be resurrected by reversing the things that ruin them in the first place."
"But it's cool and satisfying as hell when you manage to beat somebody down."
"Because what this story illustrates is when you shut off that faucet, you lose something of great value, and you never get it back."
"You can never unsee what you've seen. You cannot."
"Once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep."
"Once we fire this laser, there's no way to put that genie back in a bottle. Mankind will have been changed forever."
"When God intervenes, he's going to break the dam and you can't close that door."
"When you change, you can always change back. But when you transform, you don't go back."
"If you're awake, you can't go back to sleep."
"We can never really go back to the status quo with respect to China."
"You know that isn't how this works...page is gone just like Margaret."
"There is no slipping back this time. When you break out of your routine, you're never going back to the way that it used to be."
"When we wake up those people, there's no going back. We have basically the planet."
"Once artificial intelligence really kicks off, there will be absolutely no going back."
"Once you've tasted that freedom there's no going back."
"Understand that digesting this information can cause permanent psychological changes in thought patterns and behavior. It's something you can't go back from once exposed to it."
"If we go up to somewhere between 750 and a thousand parts per million there's a tipping point that nothing you can do is going to stop."
"It's a mode, a method of modern times. We are not going back. Never."
"The genie is not going back in the bottle I've already seen all I need to see and I have zeroed out in this ecosystem."
"This is why there's so much fear, because once that information is out there, you can't put it away and it's out there."
"Once you wake up, you cannot go back to sleep."
"Truth is truth, once people's eyes are open, they will never be shut."
"Once people's eyes are open, they will never be shut."
"After those three plus days we had crossed into something else, things would never be the same, ever."
"Once you awaken, you can't go back to sleep"
"The trajectory of your lives will never be the same, and there's no going back."
"There is no going back to who you used to be after meeting this person."
"Once you know, you never want to go back."
"For the Apache, he was one of them now, and for Herman, there was no turning back."
"It's hard to put the genie back in the bottle."
"Once you're exposed to that, there's really no going back."
"There is a point of no return... To bring that back, that fullness, density, it takes weeks, sometimes even a few months."
"We're opening Pandora's Box. Do you realize now that things are happening and there's no once it happens, you can't change it? You can't change it back. We've already crossed that threshold."
"Brosaurus teeth are restored, the flowers won't grow back again."
"There was a point at which I knew that things would change forever."
"Chaos had claimed a victory that could never be undone."
"her life would now never be the same"
"I know that if I activate everything God wants me to activate right now, I can't ever go back."
"it was an epiphany it was one of those light bulb moments where at least for me you know there's no going back"
"Once a cucumber becomes a pickle, it can't become a cucumber again."
"We can't put the genie back in the bottle."
"...let no one leave the same. Let no force be able to return back to who we were before we came. But the impact of your word and of your finger in our lives would be irreversible."
"I can't go back. It's like a tomb and I'm still alive. I can't go back."
"Once your eyes have opened and you see the reality of this Matrix there is no going back."
"Tipping point: a threshold that when exceeded can lead to an abrupt, irreversible change in the earth system."
"Now that I have it, I can never go back."
"He knew what they would do and it would fundamentally change them and then destroy them."
"Once you've been orange peeled you can't go back."
"We have opened Pandora's Box and there's no going back, only forward."
"Because these tipping points exist, even if we were to return to the climate in its pre-industrial state, the ice sheet would almost certainly not recover to its pre-industrial extent."
"Once you've seen that you are the totality of existence, you can't ever go back."
"Once you have loved, you wouldn't go back, believe me."
"The power of God is so strong that when God delivers you, He delivers you on purpose so you can't go back to what you wanted to go back to."
"You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube; Pandora's Box is open, and who knows what's going to happen in the future."
"With each step forward, you realize there is no going back."
"This is a genie that cannot be put back into the bottle."
"Once you realize what's going on, you can't go back."
"If you've denatured a protein, it cannot be undone; you can't uncook an egg."
"Once you pickle, you can't unpickle."
"Once you've seen the progress, you can't really go back."
"Once the genie is out of this bottle, it's not going back in."
"Once your eyes are open, you can never go back to sleep."
"Once we get past a certain point with technology, we cannot go back. Society, humanity is irrevocably changed."
"Once the genie's out of that bottle, it can't go back in."
"This love is transforming you; there's no going back."
"You're coming full circle, which means there's no going back."