
Reverse-engineering Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"The mission was clear, yet unimaginably complex: to reverse-engineer advanced extraterrestrial technology."
"When you reverse engineer anything you want to know how it works."
"He really believes in reverse engineering that concept and centering economic policies around the middle class from the beginning."
"Maybe you could do it in reverse. Start at the edge of the cliff and launch yourself, all the way to the island."
"Reverse engineering is like if somebody comes to you with a product that already exists... I want you to make this exactly like this."
"Code doesn't really have to be hard to reverse engineer."
"If the past was nothing, how are you ever gonna reverse engineer to nothing?"
"The Pentagon has acknowledged the presence of the program which is the program to reverse engineer materials retrieved from UFO crashes. So what we're talking about is ET contact and ET technology."
"What if we do have this craft, what if we can back engineer it?"
"Major aerospace corporations benefit from secret contracts involving reverse engineering, leading to attempts to sabotage genuine disclosures."
"The idea behind reverse engineering code: 'We can exploit it or modify it or copy it probably in a way that the original author wouldn't like.'"
"That movie makes total sense if you work backwards."
"Someone did all this reverse engineering work at that point... hats off to whoever that was."
"While reverse engineering remains a common practice throughout the world, the question as to whether or not it has ever been used to obtain alien technology remains unanswered."
"It has been theorized for many years that the United States has been reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology since as early as 1942."
"Bob Lazar disclosed that he was hired to work on a project named Galileo, which involved the reverse engineering of extraterrestrial spacecraft at a facility known as S4."
"Sources confirmed... US government... reverse engineering of UFO materials."
"Bunny essentially reverse-engineered the Xbox, providing code and allowing individuals to source code."
"You just assume they did it because you can't reverse engineer everything that they've done, you just kind of have to assume some level of competence."
"Start with the last paragraph of the introduction and then reverse engineer the rest of the introduction as defined by the key points in that last paragraph."
"The best way to keep your skills up to date... continue reverse engineering them."
"If you're confident and you can write that code yourself and you know what this code should look like then I guarantee that you're much more able to reverse engineer that code."
"The right way is when we start at the end and then we reverse engineer the process."
"Representation, but he's not out at this stage for more complexity. He's already done that. He's reverse-engineered war for you and put it back together."
"By sheer persistence, Ken was able to reverse engineer it."
"That's the gold mine, that's the reverse engineering features, that's, um, I think one of the things that we bring to the table that's completely unique."
"What you can do with paint to make it look like reality...I'm gonna have to reconstruct his paintings through master studies...like you found a UFO...you gotta figure out how the damn thing works...you gotta sit there and reverse engineer it."
"If somebody built this, I can figure out how to take it apart."
"...so what you have to do is work backwards as far as ingredients."
"I'm a reverse engineer of the spine. That's what I like to think of things. You're working backwards, right? What's the root of these things?"
"So if this was five hours and I've done this several days before I'm thinking I've probably spent close to 24 hours now reverse engineering this."
"I don't know why people complicate this so much I don't know why people get so confused like how do I get to 10 grand a month like you just reverse engineer the maps."
"The engine story is very, very interesting on this 5.2 if a lot of you guys don't know it Ford actually purchased a four five eight Ferrari and they ripped the engine apart."
"I'm much more of an advocate of actually trying to find and reverse engineer the back end API to get the data that way."
"Let's get the circuit board off and reverse engineer."
"You can reverse engineer absolutely anything."
"I work backwards, so whenever I do goal setting, I always set it from where I want to be and then work backwards."
"Software cracking has a bad reputation, but I would argue that it's one of the best ways to get yourself into hacking or reverse engineering."
"I reversed-engineer how the protocol talks to the server and vice-versa."
"I had to reverse engineer a lot and experiment a lot to get that running."
"The realization that birds are dinosaurs opened up the possibility of reverse engineering modern dinosaurs to retain the traits of their ancient non-avian ancestors."
"Work backwards from your customers' needs."
"With the knowledge you now have, you are well equipped to take on a reverse engineering project of your own."
"This is a very useful approach among others to have at your disposal when performing reverse engineering."
"We did a reverse-engineer to the Soviet MiGs."
"Reverse engineer whatever the problem is and go, 'How do I solve this problem?'"
"I'm considered an iOS reverse engineering subject matter expert, and I do really enjoy reverse engineering iOS."
"One of the best ways to learn anything is to reverse engineer a process."
"We sort of want to reverse engineer the product rule."
"I'm going to show you how you can reverse engineer code from any website for your own projects."
"I hope this is helpful for you guys, especially if you're getting into reverse engineering."
"I'm looking forward to taking this unpacked file apart and doing some real reverse engineering."
"The lattice ice 40 FPGA is famous for being the very first FPGA in the world to have been completely reverse engineered."
"Disassemblers are the most commonly used tool for reverse engineers and malware analysts, apart from hex editors."
"Hopefully, that's given you an insight into some of the tools that are available there for reverse engineering over triangle models with PowerShape."
"Congratulations, you just reverse engineered CrackMe 0x00.exe."
"I'm really stoked that people are trying to reverse engineer products and innovate their own ways to make improvements."
"By 2029, we will have reverse engineered the human brain."
"We accomplished that by using an FPGA to drive the signals that we reverse engineered."
"This will allow us to go through and start doing our reverse engineering."
"This is really helpful; I'm trying to start learning the RE process."
"So we'll do five tips to help speed up your reverse engineering with Python 3."
"I love reverse engineering malware and I love that I can take you all along with me."
"Reverse engineering is basically taking things apart, figuring out how that works, and then putting it back together again."
"Somebody out there has single-handedly reverse engineered some interesting parts of the GPU."
"It's time once again to refine that persona. What's the next goal and therefore how do we reverse engineer that goal back into the person we need to be right now to reach that goal?"
"Understanding what the malware is capable of is actually one of the main purposes of malware analysis or reverse engineering."
"Reverse engineering is commonly employed in software security to guarantee that the system is free of severe security flaws or vulnerabilities."
"Plan your life and then work backwards."
"There's a third path... that is stunningly common for inventors, entrepreneurs, and artists, and that is reverse engineering."