
Overcoming Failure Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"You have to want it more than the failure would hurt."
"Mindset, if you want to change your situation, lifestyle, you do have to work hard, but persistence, really... Failure can't cope with persistence."
"Find your feet, get up and tell yourself that failure is only a part of the journey."
"Don't wallow in failure, get up and move forward."
"A block, a quote-unquote failure, a mishap, it's actually going to help you avoid the black hole that was there."
"The greatest are motivated and fueled by failures."
"Just get started. You will learn more by screwing up."
"These are games that failed in one way or another be it financially mechanically expectations hype whatever but then ultimately bounced back and became something really really cool."
"Abraham keeps his focus on Jesus and he lets Jesus lift him up from all of his failures and we can do the same thing."
"Failures don't knock me out of the saddle; they make me look stubbornly ahead, clench my teeth through tears and despondency." - Keanu Reeves
"You will fail your way to success. Fall down, get back up again."
"If at first you don't succeed, try again after repeatedly hitting rock bottom."
"Failing before you succeed is not something that's dishonorable at all."
"Before people knew his name, his charm story started with failure."
"Think of your failures and weaknesses as steps to climb to the next level."
"Failure doesn't erase God's call on your life."
"Our greatest glory lies not in never failing but in rising each time we fall."
"Failure is a learning experience, an opportunity for growth."
"This is a story about defying the odds, about innovation, about failure."
"Remember, there's no such thing as failure, only a learning curve."
"Your success is a function of your perseverance over your failure."
"Falling down is an accident but staying down is a choice. It's okay to fail, it's okay to fall, it's okay to lose, but it is not okay to quit."
"I've failed over and over and over again in my life, and that's why I succeed."
"Failure doesn't exist... it's a learning moment."
"I like to give myself some really hard challenges and then show the process of just trying to overcome failure."
"This is tough but I can conquer it. Safety first I do this because I failed one too many times."
"Don't be afraid of failure. Failure ain't nothing but lessons that teach you how to succeed."
"Failure ain't nothing but lessons that teach you how to succeed."
"Failure is part of life; failure is a stepping stone to success."
"The only time you really consider failure is if you fall and you don't get up."
"Every champion has lost, and losses make them better."
"The biggest thing that drove me to be successful was the failure of not making it."
"Failure makes winners stronger, but it makes most give up, it makes most feel worthless."
"Failure is just a part of life and the quicker you get over failing, the more success you'll have."
"Nothing beats trial but a failure... you want to win, put your clothes on, let's go."
"Honestly, I thought I had completely failed until I put the video and photos out and everyone was so stinking supportive."
"If you fail harder, you will learn in the hard way how to overcome the failure and how to excel beyond the failure."
"We were wealthy, we had goals, we wouldn't let failure choose our path."
"Turn failure into stepping stones of achievements; don't use it as an alibi for not producing results."
"Failure is not personal, it's the water that makes the plant grow."
"Conquering the storm of failure is the key to your success."
"Losing and failure is a big part of success. You've got to go through those motions to be successful. There's not a single champion out there that hasn't failed at some point in their life, hasn't lost."
"Develop success from failures discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success."
"Failure's not the end, it is a necessary part of the path."
"The positive energy that you put out into the universe is working exponentially."
"Thinking through failure only leads to success."
"Failure doesn't mean the end, it means a new beginning."
"Failure is the impetus to success. Probably one of the best things that ever happened to me was in 1982, that failure on Broadway."
"Success is not a measure of how many times things didn't go wrong. Success is the amount of failure you have overcome."
"Failure is okay. It's not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up."
"Failure is a part of life, but we must fail upwards, learn, regroup, and come back stronger."
"Failure fuels progress, turning dreams into reality."
"Admit your brokenness, let go, turn failure into triumph."
"Your story can't end in failure because God has already promised me His grace for every failure that I would face in this life."
"So basically yes a failure can be a strength and path untreaded can be turned into a beautiful highway."
"Failure isn't really a part of this cycle anymore for you, and you never were a failure."
"I stood in that line of failure and I went looked around and went kavanau read up my scores fail step back and I looked around I said I'm never [__] going to be in this line again."
"Keep chasing your goals. We all make mistakes we all fail at some point of our life don't stop chasing it because at the end of the day what's gonna make you happy."
"He actually talks about how when he first started, he knew nothing and he failed."
"It's only a failure if you don't get up and keep on fighting."
"Failure will only make you stronger and have you become a better internet entrepreneur."
"Your life will never be a straight path, sometimes failure is the best way to figure out where you're going."
"I failed hard and learned that you just keep moving forward."
"Lean into the failure, push through to success."
"The moment you stopped looking at the hits you took in life, the moment you stopped paying attention to your failures and you start redirecting your energy into productivity."
"Dismiss the myth of easy success. True success is the result of hard work, persistence, and often overcoming numerous failures."
"Don't get hung up on what didn't work out, there's another opportunity for you."
"I calm the hell down and stop reviewing the parts that were my failures."
"Champions cannot be champions without failures. You are always worthy of greatness, for greatness is within you."
"They're built from the resurrection of failures, from the challenges that keep the average average and separate the weak from the legendary."
"We're moving on from our failures and starting fresh."
"There is no substitute for persistence. Failure cannot cope with persistence."
"Failure is just speed bumps on the roadway to success."
"...to take action is how one moves on past failure."
"If you fail, the next step demands that you summon the best of who you are to handle it."
"Pulling that handle was your sense of failure, you know, this is it, you're out of that aircraft, you're no longer part of the W."
"Your mistakes and failure should not become a prison house where you're held hostage."
"I stopped being afraid to fail. As bad as things get, you came back."
"My greatest accomplishment was having the strength and the nerve to go into a room of people that hated me because I unfortunately failed."
"Nothing hurts a failure but a try."
"We learn by making mistakes; we learned to walk by falling down."
"Out of the shadow of Mickelson's failures come the achievements worthy of a champion."
"Failure isn't final. It's getting over these fears to teach us how to be resilient."
"It's not the failure; it's what you do after you fail."
"I'm considering going to graduate school, which is crazy to think that someone like me who failed a whole year practically is now gonna finish school and go to graduate school."
"When you fail, just pick yourself up and keep working for that goal."
"The past areas of failure will now emerge as the great arenas of unprecedented success."
"Become someone who can fail forward, and you will succeed at everything you do."
"What separates the greatest from those that are not so great is your ability to deal with loss, your ability to deal with failure."
"For those of you that don't know me, my name is John, I'm a second-year medical student, I am currently at the top of my class in medical school, and I failed the MCAT three times before I scored in the 90th percentile."
"You have the ability to decide how you're going to react to this quote-unquote failure."
"Even with failures, I still overcame."
"Failure is not final when you put your life in the Master's hands."
"Failure is not the end, my boy. It is how we choose to face it when the time comes."
"I didn't fail because I was a bad pilot, I failed because I had a bad flight, and I'm going to overcome that."
"I failed a couple times but I kept working hard and I was able to get there."
"It isn't really failure until you quit."
"It's within those failures that I managed to find these little successes and little wins."
"We're not going to wallow in our failures."
"You don't have to constantly remind anyone about their failures in order for them to move toward victories."