
Shadow Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"This made it all the more terrible when he finally got back to the top and found his shadow waiting for him on the other side of the wall."
"Shadows sculpt light; they give it its boundaries and its shape."
"Living up to my dad. I like, always have been like, this- that shadow."
"I absolutely love Shadow. He is just one of the coolest characters in the series."
"Beautifully executed shadow person, if I do say so myself."
"Our shadow self is just the side of us that we don't want people to know about."
"The light is coming by facing the shadow."
"Embrace the shadow parts of yourself and integrate them with the light."
"Shadow, aware of being followed, led Father Gabriel through streets and alleys until they reached a point few in the town knew."
"Shadow's mystery was in fact a lesson of faith and unconditional love."
"Shadow was more than a dog; he was a messenger of faith, a link between heaven and earth."
"You can't walk away from your shadow."
"We see a black shadow walking towards the door and it's stung no more footsteps complete silence."
"I saw a shadow on the wall of the rec room."
"They've integrated their shadow and have truly, truly transformed."
"I never saw his face, just a shadow, and I admit that over time he did not scare me anymore."
"We are now coloring and drawing with light and shadow."
"All that we behold though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow."
"That's an eclipse shadow, isn't that neat?"
"Embracing the shadow can be a journey of self-discovery leading to personal growth and a more authentic life."
"Maybe the nuance that you're trying to see could have something to do with seeing your own shadow."
"Welcome to the postmodern critique. I'm not just speaking here as a religious person; read all the postmodern philosophers. The brighter the light, often the darker the shadow it casts."
"Shadow over the geopolitical situation that we live with today."
"Crime does not pay. The shadow knows."
"He is the king of the shadows, he is the king of the meditators. Nobody could meditate like him, nobody."
"I noticed about halfway through my movie that there was a kind of blurry shadow sitting right next to the back door right next to the living room behind the couch is where the door was"
"The shadow is not the whole of the unconscious personality; it represents unknown or little-known attributes and qualities of the ego."
"When an individual makes an attempt to see his shadow, he becomes aware of, and often ashamed of, those qualities and impulses he denies in himself but can plainly see in other people."
"If you feel an overwhelming rage coming up in you when a friend reproaches you about a fault, you can be fairly sure that at this point you will find a part of your shadow."
"The shadow becomes hostile only when he is ignored or misunderstood."
"It was like a black spot, a shadow that slithered through the room with an eerie grace."
"Do not be afraid of the darkness right now. It is happening for your highest good. Your shadow is not something to be afraid of; it can be embraced."
Shadow: "Give them a chance to be happy. Let them live for their dreams."
"Your light has actually managed or rather forced this person to address their shadows and this is what they've been doing all this while."
"You shine a light on people's shadow sides."
"Addiction is secrecy. It's living in the shadows."
"The trait that you are the most attracted to in them comes with its own shadow."
"The shadow is everything we would not like to know about ourselves."
"The shadow is the doorway to the real, helping us become more whole."
"99% of the shadow is pure gold, containing treasures and energy that can enrich our lives."
"Confronting the shadow is often the work of the second half of life, when the ego is strong enough to have a conscious relationship with these qualities."
"The dangerous of confronting the shadow."
"An individual can become possessed by it and begin living it out in a very florid and sometimes dangerous way."
"Identifying personal shadow: writing about what you absolutely hate in other people."
"Your future spouse's deepest darkest SE actual desires are going to be connected to your Shadow side."
"The quality of light means if the light is relatively bigger than the subject, it's going to generate a soft shadow."
"Jung's ideas about the shadow have influenced many therapeutic approaches and have contributed to a deeper understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of the human psyche."
"Can we have pleasure in this connection without shadow?"
"A shadow, a fleeting mockery of the former feeling of love and contrition."
"Let's not ignore our individual shadows and darkness and the fact that sometimes some of us enjoy power and causing fear in others."
"As the shadow side of the shapeshifter, but the positive side think about this when you're watching TV."
"That's the original footage shadow laid in perfectly matched with the real shadow and then all the rest of this added in on top in the beautiful 4k."
"The more intensely the light shine, the darker the shadow it casts."
"I'm a bit sad that my shadow's gone away."
"The scene in which its shadow moves across the room before joining up with the painted image of itself is one of my favorite sequences in modern horror."
"The shadow sees all, you cannot hide."
"As long as the sun shines, you're gonna have a shadow."
"Underneath your shadow, there really is divine protection."
"That shadow was so important for not only the light source but the whole warm and cool of it all right in there that's so important."
"That's where that boxy form or the cylinder form where it turns, but it goes in shadow."
"Don't run from darkness, embrace your shadow side."
"The shadow doesn't leave; it's there to let us know the places that still need to be loved."
"The shadow should never be trusted, but when you're ready, follow it to see where it goes."
"Any place that you can imagine exists somewhere in Shadow," he explained.
"The shadow in Jungian Psychology isn't merely the absence of light or a mere reflection. It represents the hidden, the suppressed, the parts of ourselves that we often deny or ignore."
"If we don't access the truth of our shadows and what our shadows is we don't realize just the beauty within it."
"The story of Malkier gives us an example of the Shadow doing real damage and shows the gravity of the fight in the Borderlands."
"The shadow is the absence of the direct light, so the shadow gets their light from different sources."
"What did kill Dr. Gilbert? His shadow, his subconscious."
"I am the shadow Shadow but but where are you as my name implies Mr mcade I'm in the shadows right here in this room"
"...every single time you have a highlight you need to have a shadow next to it that's going to create that 3d look..."
"I can't do what everybody else is doing because I'll always be in their shadows."
"The more powerful your shadow grows, the more it controls you."
"...a shadow-like figure bolts behind the Grand Mall in a swift motion."
"Because the shadow isn't all negative."
"Misunderstandings lie at the forefront of eminence in Shadow."
"A remembrance like a shadow, vague, variable, indefinite, unsteady, and like a shadow too in the impossibility of my getting rid of it."
"...so this way you're giving the shadow, but it's maybe not as intense as you did down below with the black."
"This is just going to give me a nice dimension to it and nice and shadowy down at the bottom."
"...no light can hit the table underneath these this fruit it might cast a longer Shadow like that but there's a really dark shadow directly underneath and underneath this Croc too."
"It's really the figure is most wonderful when you have that real strong light and Shadow."
"So few people put in the work to integrate their Shadow and it's why they don't get results."
"She was hiding in a shadow under a tree."
"Highlight, light form, shadow, darker form, shadow core, shell, reflected light, and your cast shadow."
"A mysterious large shadow is captured moving in an unusual fluid manner."
"I love how he just moved into the shadow. That was cool lighting."
"...Shadow is actually a good thing it helps reveal form a lot of new artists like they get scared of Shadow they're try and like fill everything in and light everything you do want shadow shadow is a good thing..."
"Jung's solution to the problem of the shadow is integration, balancing between light and shadow."
"Never be afraid of shadows because if you were to fill that shadow in all the way, you're basically asking yourself, 'Why are you even bothering to use the light?'"
"The sun always provides a super hard light, so look at the shadow and see how hard that shadow is, that's what we call hard light."
"The shadow of K2, second-highest mountain on Earth, is tall enough to extend all the way from the Himalayas to China for hundreds of miles."
"Very nice very soft Shadow very pleasing."
"Someone is engaging in addictions or indulging in their shadows."
"Ra's al Ghul is gone, but his shadow will live forever with us. The Demon's Shadow."
"...if your light source is cold, you want your shadows to be warm."
"I see that all four of them are linked. I see Sparks of light trying to fill the shadows and the Shadows trying to swallow the Sparks."
"The brighter the light, the darker the shadows."
"Even in the shadows, you can see the form and structure—it's all about subtle definition."
"The tragic end of Natalie Wood's life cast a shadow over the hatred she endured."
"The brighter light shines, the darker a shadow it casts."
"Everything comes from the Oneness we all have light and Shadow in our culture we're largely told to avoid our shadow like it's like oh let's not look at this or don't be bad because then this but we all have light and Shadow within us."
"Megumi Fushiguro's 10 shadows technique."
"Krampus was the Shadow, the punishment for those who strayed into the vices when the world was reborn in the white purity of snow."
"Shadow is really important to me."
"Soft edges, hard edges, we've got soft and hard together, and then we've got mottled or broken shadow."
"Putting the shadow in at the right time gives us a fantastic and three-dimensional effect."
"I've always looked up to the men in the shadows. I wanted to be one of them."
"Because if the anima and animus are not integrated, they become part of the Shadow."
"I opened my eyes only to see a small black shadow quickly duck behind the ridge."
"I noticed a shadow being cast onto the street behind us with no one there to make it."
"Allows the user to steal the shadows of others, making them combustible when in contact with the sun."
"The initial experience of the shadow is usually an experience of wounding, and through accessing and healing this wounding, we develop a relationship with the shadow."
"Opening the door to your Shadow and embracing your darkest urges as a part of yourself is the only way to live a fulfilling life."
"One last thing we can do is to make sure that the shadows on top of this pancake mix matches the shadows on the pan so I'm just gonna paint on top of the mix and try to match those shadows."
"We can add some real dimension, so the first thing I want to do to add a shadow is bring up my ellipse marquee tool."
"This is the one place where people specifically see a very tall shadow figure of a man."
"Just having that little kind of gap there creates this nice sort of shadow, which I enjoy."
"During a lunar eclipse, Earth's shadow darkens the moon surface."
"The brightest light creates the darkest shadow, or the darkest shadow makes the brightest light more visible."
"Spiritual bypassing is a very persistent shadow of spirituality, manifesting in many forms often without being acknowledged as such."
"Your shadow casts a blinding glare on evil."
"I have to treat that shadow as a physical subject in my photograph because it really is."
"The earthly monarchy, the Davidic monarchy, is a shadow of the heavenly one."
"When a shadow passes through your security footage, you know you’re not alone."
"I wanted Pennywise to be in the sewer, well at least the shadow anyways."
"In it, cold water makes a clear sound through apple branches, and with roses, the whole place is shadowed."
"Look at that shadow up against those trees."
"During a total solar eclipse, the darkest part of its shadow, the Umbra, will pass over the Earth."
"Absolutely gorgeous as you see that shadow go through the tree line."
"I used to like the play between the light and the shadow."
"Lilith is the shadow side of the feminine; it's the part that doesn't want to be seen or heard."
"The first thing to make a film look cinematic... is to shoot Shadow side, meaning to get more silhouette rather than more light."
"The towering shadow was absorbing all other shapes into its own."
"One of the real keys to dealing with a white portrait is light and shadow."
"You have to be in an isolated state to allow these deeply repressed shadow qualities to come up to be acknowledged and worked with."
"Now I have this really cool look of a drop shadow made up of halftones."
"The dark night of the soul takes the shadow self out of the dark and brings it to the light."
"The shadow mimics, the shadow replicates, the shadow responds accurately to what you do; in fact, the shadow is a reflection of you."
"She sees the figure of a man appear down the hallway, shrouded in the shadows."
"If there are ghosts involved here, perhaps the Shadow can bring them to light."
"You can see the areas of light and shadow mapped out nicely."
"He was born in grief, my queen, and that shadow hung over him all his days."
"And what it does is exactly what it sounds like, it's going to drop a shadow below the object or the text."
"Dragons first came from the Shadow."
"All it takes is a glimpse of that pointy-eared shadow and criminals start shaking in their boots."
"A dragon whose shadow covered the entire field."
"You can't have a shadow without a source of light."
"I saw a person's shadow moving across an area that was illuminated by lights."
"If your shadow is shorter than you are, that means the rays are more intense."
"What this is doing is it's creating a contact shadow between the two pieces of geometry inside of Nuke, so that makes it a lot more convincing."
"I'm a part of you and I follow you as you lead. I dress in black and flee the light, but without it, I wouldn't exist."
"Through the highways to my shadow, through the sunrays."
"Where your darkest shadow is, that's where your heaviest inkling is."
"It's that really turning point when it goes from shadow to starting to go into highlight instead."
"The shadow is what you're unconscious of, right? Once you become conscious of it, we can no longer call it a shadow."
"The shadow of that hand falls on the Lieutenant's jacket."
"I'm going to add a little bit of shadow underneath our starfish."
"The brighter it shines, the longer it casts its shadow."
"The sunlight streamed in through the window, casting a long shadow on the woman."
"The core shadow is the darkest part where there's the least amount of light falling on the form, the deepest shadow."
"Now when we move our light around it actually has an effect and we can see the shadow change in real time."
"If you've ever wanted to integrate your shadow, this is honestly the way to do it."
"A shadow is not a physical thing; it's a projection of light and dark."
"Usually, we have smooth transitions when we're talking about light and shadow."
"Even on black things, there's still light in shadow."
"I watched a black shadow walk past my door."
"The only shape that could cast a curved shadow like that at every different perspective was a sphere."
"So I'm learning how to see the light and the shadow."
"This brown is great for the darkest part of the shadows."
"A shadowy shape and shadow figure darts across the ceiling in the living room."
"Let's go ahead and finish off this little project by adding some shadow underneath."
"It's really exciting, and I love that the shadow of the arch was on the front lawn."
"You've got a light, you move something in front of a light, everything gets dark behind it."
"Carl Jung said the shadow is a living part of the personality and therefore wants to live with it in some form."
"Everybody has a shadow because without the shadows, there wouldn't be light."
"That shadow you seen wasn't nothing but you growing into yourself."
"The shadow that's created from our primary light source acts as a container for all the secondary light sources."
"The shadow exists in the deep mountains in an ancient forest where no human had stepped foot."
"The shadow became more aggressive."
"If you've lost your Shadow, find it and hold on to it."
"The play of light and shadow makes this photograph."
"But don't worry, you wouldn't live in the moon's shadow all the time."
"Because of the Earth's axis, this large shadow would sweep across different parts of the globe during different seasons."
"The shadow is actually not a bad thing; we've just labeled it as such."
"That light is casting a shadow and I can actually move the position of the light around as well."
"It was the mournful influence of the unperceived shadow that caused him to feel the presence of my head within the room."
"Work with your colors, make your cast shadow."
"In the shadow of the moon, Terrapin Station."
"Raven and crow can really stand for the shadow aspect of ourselves."
"You want bits that stick up that catch the light and reflect the light back, and you also want darker sections that create shadows."
"The Hat Man... a spindly shadowy figure that appears to be wearing a hat."
"Another hint would be that Moria puts Luffy's shadow into Oars, showing that the both of them are connected in some way."
"The beauty when the sun comes out, you get that shadow."
"Pick a diagonal light source... and you're going to develop three kinds of shadow."
"The color I personally like to use for my shadow is a grayish purple... anything that has a bit of a tint to it is going to work well."
"For this eclipse, 97% of the lunar disc will pass into the umbral shadow."
"I think once the light hits it and creates the shadow from these pieces, I can imagine this looking really good with butterflies."
"You have to actually come in and really paint the shadow out."
"What usually happens when you have light is after it reflects and refracts, usually you cast a shadow."
"To create a shadow, use the complementary color for a more natural and realistic look."