
Family Safety Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"This is going to pass, and the faster that you make decisions that are keeping you and your family safe, the faster that it will pass for you."
"No evil will befall you or your family, in Jesus' name; no plague will come near your home."
"Your wife is a remarkable woman who not only survived a terrifying situation but protected her children while doing so."
"Wouldn't you rather protect your families from being shot up by AR-15s, if you just had to give that up and sacrifice, like a man going to work and doing whatever? That helps, right?"
"The goal of our policy initially is we need to reduce that flow and disincentivize families and children from making that dangerous journey."
"We got to protect ourselves... I mean our families, our loved ones. This is the reality, man. It's like life or death out there."
"It's every husband's worst nightmare, every father's worst nightmare to think that your kids are in danger, your wife's in danger, and there's nothing you can do."
"Thank God my family and I are safe; that's the only thing that matters."
"The virus is here so what are you going to do to protect yourself and your family?"
"So if people are looking for protection for their children or from when they pray... some people have also found this helpful for chastity issues..."
"My girls are home. Know today that your family lay you to rest."
"I lived a happy life, now I live in fear. I live into the point where I'm taking a shower, if I hear some type of noise, I jump out with a towel on, making sure that my daughter's fine, making sure that all the windows are locked."
"Nobody should want to come to this Hospital unless you have no other choice, just like me and my family does because it's where we need to be protected."
"Protect your family, make sure that you're protected with things that you control."
"He never got upset... he never hit his wife... he never hit his children."
"Everybody just wants to live a good life everybody wants to make sure their family is happy everybody wants to make sure their family's safe."
"Tonight's the night tonight's the night come to Jesus Christ think under you find a place to the Balboa family wants to be safe."
"It's very important that your children, especially, feel safe to express themselves to you."
"Act now to do what you need to do to protect yourself and your family."
"King approaches monsters, and the monsters, out of sheer terror seeing the legendary hero King, they're so scared of him, he will stare them to submission. One of the biggest flexes of all time."
"In addition to that people were doing surveillance on our property trying to get photos and videos of our child us playing with our child going on walks with our child making sure that you live in fear to literally step outside of your house."
"He seemed very concerned for his little brother's safety and just his family's safety in general."
"I'm not gonna jeopardize my kids' safety, my family's safety, my family's comfort out here just to be the nice neighbor."
"We're just worried about everybody being safe, we just want, you know, mom and dad to be safe, we want our kids to be safe, make sure we got enough food."
"Fathers typically are your first line of defense for your children to protect them from [ __ ] themselves up."
"Interconnectedness is key; every small system impacts the Safety and Security of my children."
"I just want to go to bed at night and remember what it's like to know all my kids are safe."
"Make sure you got people who can look out for your folks and your kids."
"Be mindful of your own safety as well as your children's."
"He's an NYPD lieutenant who, a couple of years ago, when their house is burning down, made sure that his entire family got out safe."
"I'm just so, so happy and grateful that our whole family is safe."
"We are being asked right now to protect something that is possibly as important as our family and that is our country because without a free country to live in we don't have a free and safe family."
"If you can save at least your family it is better than to lose all."
"Reduce the viral load of your children, your parents, your partner."
"You will never take her, you will never have her, you will leave us alone forever."
"The only thing moral about a man doing the right thing is making sure his family is safe."
"I fear most obviously for the welfare of my family."
"Mash: Threatens to kill Brad if his family is threatened again."
"The FTC is actually not the bad guy here. I have two little girls, alright, a two-year-old and a five-month-old. I have two kids. I want the FTC to be looking out and protecting my children."
"The time to prepare you and your family is right now, not when the proverbial stuff hits the fan."
"No parent should ever have to fear for their sons and daughters when they kiss them goodbye in the morning."
"They're considered one of the most intelligent breeds in the world as well which makes it a strong adversary for whoever wants to harm its family members."
"If anything happens to my baby girl, I'm going to pack you and your father into a capsule."
"May you and all your family be safe, happy, joyful, abundant."
"I applaud that brother. No, he's not perfect but so what? He's trying to make up for the past crap and he wants to make a world that's at least safe enough for his children."
"Advertising, when done right, can delight, entertain, and inform you."
"We are now a fully vaccinated household which is very, very exciting."
"It got... it got so bad. And that's when I really decided, I feel like a threat to my family."
"You can't go to the other extreme and say that it's not a problem and minimize the problem to the peril of yourself or your family members."
"An entire family saved from the fire heading towards the path of Jenna this is great alhamdulillah historic event may Allah protect them and protect us and keep them and keep us on the right path."
"If anything else gets done, if those vital things are done, I'm okay, my family's okay, not okay, we're wonderful, we're feeling loved, and we're safe."
"I want it to be a fairer world, because a fairer and more just world, is a safer world for my kids."
"I'm generally concerned for the safety of my family."
"The safety of his family is of utmost concern to Prince Harry."
"My dad shot out of bed, grabbed his revolver, and ran downstairs."
"If you're willing to insure your home, why aren't you willing to insure your family?"
"I declare that no weapon formed against me and my family shall prosper."
"You love your daughter, you worked incredibly hard to provide a safe and loving environment for her."
"Just get my sister out of town someplace safe don't sit with me on this one I can't lose her man."
"I'm still trying my hardest to keep my little family safe."
"These are human beings, looking for safety and a better life for themselves and their families."
"They've convinced you that unless everything is done at the border, your family will be raped and murdered by migrants."
"Your child should not be subjected to homophobia in their own household."
"If my daughters want phones and they're under 18 years old, I'm gonna respectfully ask that they have either Find My iPhone or Family 360 on their phone."
"Henry Hill took his wife Karen and the two children and entered the witness protection program."
"My children's life depends on me to build them a better world."
"I just want you and your family to be safe, so please get the vaccine." - Amber
"Honda knows this is a family vehicle, which is why they made all the safety systems standard across every single CR-V."
"Every California family deserves to feel safe."
"If my family was in danger, no, this armor may not give me life, but it may give me the time to win and end the threat."
"As a father, you do everything to keep your family safe."
"The core fear simply came from this idea that one day your loved ones could just turn unexpectedly violent and unreasonable and there was nothing you could do about it."
"I woke up to my dog Lucy barking she was upright on the bed where my husband and I was sleeping with our 22-month-year-old daughter staring at our door like an unknown stranger was out there rummaging around."
"Most people who build bunkers are families who want a building that can deflect electromagnetic pulses and radiation."
"As Preppers, we try not just to look at what's currently happening but try to understand the implications and how it will impact us and our families so that we can prepare."
"It's important for families to get prepared now."
"How prepared is your family if a tornado shows up at your doorstep?"
"That's your baby. You need to know who's around your crazy."
"What is wrong with people? Parents, stop using your kids as pawns."
"The glory of God has destroyed every demonic attack against my family."
"Their children aren't the ones at risk as a consequence."
"I was there in those great big meetings where we were told the family was a dangerous place for women and children."
"Teach him how to protect, not only himself, but your loved ones."
"My safety for my kids is my number one priority."
"I think what freaked me out the most about this was the idea of something slowly killing you and your family."
"Run! Get out of the house!" George frantically warned his family on the final day.
"No matter what, you do whatever you can to make sure that your loved ones are safe."
"When I see criminals trying to take my rights and my beautiful children and everything that they're gonna do, they're going to have to take my life, there's no way."
"Tornado emergency for Moore... grab your kids, grab your loved ones, grab your friends..."
"Instead of trying to keep the door closed once the door blew off, nothing happened to his wife and daughter or thankfully the dog."
"It's not about prepping for the end of the world; it's about keeping your family safe during any crisis."
"Thankfully, after he sees his daughter returned home safely from her trip, he finally lets go of his fears and happily becomes a Voyager."
"If I'm right, then a lot of people might actually be able to protect themselves and protect their families."
"Could the mother's undercover work with the local police department have made her 18-year-old daughter a target for murder?"
"Under my administration, the safest of our families will always come first."
"We are happy to report the family has had no more physical attacks and last night was the first night everyone slept in their own rooms with no activity taking place."
"He got safe, and two weeks later, thanks to the hard work of Saber Allies and my team as well, we got his entire family out."
"I just want my grandkids to be safe. I love them and I'm scared everywhere we go."
"Get her out of the house, Hugh. Get your kids and leave the house right now."
"Light and darkness cannot live together. As a Christian, it is your job to protect your family and home from unclean spirits."
"I don't go anywhere without these weapons because I gotta protect my wife and my kids."
"The graphic footage shows a police officer walking toward a home where a woman had been shot around 2 a.m last Friday. The woman later died; her baby was at the home during the standoff and was unharmed."
"Either way, Mom and the kids are safe so that's all that matters."
"The Lord already knows what he's going to try to use on you today, so I ask Lord Jesus that you please cancel out any other plans that the devil has for me today or my family."
"A safe and happy home for his children and his wife."
"I think we have a stalker," I said to my wife.
"Living on the edge of a forest brings uncertainty about unseen watchers among trees. A video shared on social media captures a moment of intrigue, a kid prompts another to summon their parents."
"I started thinking of my kids and what would happen if something did happen that they wouldn't see their father."
"my christmas miracle is that my family is safe my daughter didn't have to really experience any of the intense feelings my husband and i did over those couple of days"
"If you see evil, get away from it. Protect your family."
"For something that you carry your family in, and then the fact that when you're not driving with the family you can have a lot of fun with it."
"My mom always knew that we lived in a dangerous neighborhood and was rather overprotective of me as her daughter."
"I try to evaluate what's coming on the horizon to prepare myself and my family so that we're capable of dealing and we're able to weather both literally and figuratively what may be coming."
"I got thinking about everything again and asked her out of nowhere if she thought that the woman that she saw was what lured my daughter upstairs."
"Make a map for your family that clearly marks all emergency exits."
"Preparing for the worst can ensure you and your family's survival."
"I want the peace of mind knowing that I've got the support of good people that know what is required to get me home to my family."
"Look at the data, look at the facts, and prepare your family."
"Every family today should have a password."
"I hope all is going well with you and your families; you're staying safe."
"What will keep your family safe is a dad who is fully present."
"Don't be unprepared, rest easy at night knowing that you have your family covered in the event of an emergency."
"We are all okay here, our family is safe and we're good to go."
"In the event of an actual disaster, you could have an evacuation plan for your family included in your planner."
"Venomous snakes are extremely dangerous animals, but this courageous pit bull decided to risk his own life to protect his family."
"It's awesome having a companion like Gabby that will protect your family at all costs."
"The thing I cared the most about is that my husband wasn't abusive to my kids."
"Many of us will die, but the payoff is safety for your families and your world."
"I want to know what this is so I know how to protect my family from this."
"Preventative is the best method to stop it. Fathers especially, you are biblically responsible for protecting your family."
"What I want as a civilian is peace. I want my family to live to see another day."
"I want to be sure my family is in safe hands."
"I'm afraid of anything bad happening to my family, and I'm afraid of failing in my career."
"Radiation therapy does not make patients radioactive; once a treatment is done, they can go home and play with their grandchildren, hold their newborn baby, without any risk to their family."
"It's all about your daughter's safety."
"Eliminating or reducing risk as much as possible is pretty important to my family and I'm sure that it is for yours as well."
"Parents trying to keep their kids as safe as they could, wondering if they were going to make it out alive."
"...check on your parents, check on your grandparents, make sure they're okay and make sure that a filthy evil scammer like this one doesn't have control."
"Protect children from abuse and neglect; promote the safety, integrity, and stability of families."
"It's a family tracking app so you know where people are at."
"You don't really want to be super rich, you just want to be comfortable to just keep my family safe."
"Your job is to go back home and tell mom and dad of the importance of having a fire extinguisher at home."
"No weapon, no worry will prosper against you; declare that no darkness, no evil will torment you or your family."
"The whole idea behind the brand is that it's clean ingredients; it's good for you; it's safe for your kids."
"Protect your kids, do everything you can to protect your kids."
"Simply Safe will give you and your family real peace of mind."
"I got my three kids and we bounced out. We ain't gonna be in no fire. Not today."
"Dogs make good security guards because they might bark if a stranger comes to your door and they'll alert you to danger and keep the family safe."
"I'm beyond thankful that my sister made it home safe that night."
"We need to find out who's been doing this to your mum."
"I'm going to take my mother and my sister, and the three of us are getting out of here."
"You cannot risk the life of your family to save a man."
"Once I felt that my kids were safe, I made sure my wife was comfortable staying home alone."
"You won't be hurting anyone's family anymore, now that I'm around."
"My daughter's found because of you; I'm so happy and relieved. Thank you all so much."
"This year, safety and relationship in a family is very important."
"If you have pets, kids, grandparents, anybody at all that you want to keep an eye on when you're away from your house, this is by far the best camera on the market for you guys to do that."
"Golden Light is the light for protection; this Golden Light is going to protect your family, protect you and your home, protecting all the beings in the entire world."
"I trust him and his wisdom and guidance for our family, especially in regards to safety."
"She most likely just wanted peace and a family who would be safe."
"We've developed AI and heuristics to detect thousands of websites like virus popups and crypto scams, so you and your family won't even be able to visit those websites in the first place."
"Thanks for being awesome, thanks for being by, don't forget you need to be here to protect your kids, somebody has a cross on you, don't forget."
"That's when you huddle the family together, you say, 'Alright, this is our exit strategy.'"
"The scene slowly fades away as Bud's family is once again safe and more honest with each other than ever."
"It's always good to... keep your family together, and the FRS or GMRS radios are really handy for that."
"Disney is already a competitive advantage with the streaming platform that is the safest one out there for families."
"Not wanting the evil chaos bringers to ever harm his family under any cost, he sealed his wife and child with an unbreakable crystal, protecting them from evil forever."
"It's a game where you want people to go, watch the match, and you want to get your kids and your family home safely."
"If I know that my child isn't breathing in harmful chemicals, I also know those harmful chemicals aren't going into the air, into the atmosphere, into my home."