
Contingency Planning Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"It is clear to me that we should also prepare for a worst-case scenario."
"I've been doing bad for so long I'm going to try to do something good. If all else fails, I could always go back to doing bad."
"Those things happen, and we need to spread life beyond Earth in case they do."
"The bigger story now, that's in many ways shocking, is that we're learning the feds had a secret plan if Derek Chauvin was acquitted... they were going to file a criminal complaint and arrest him at the courthouse."
"It's silly not to consider that the worst case scenario could happen."
"Pizza time! Emergency pizza is always a good backup plan."
"So even if I lose my business or job I have you know months of income."
"Have a plan B for everything when you are in Disney World. It could make or break your vacation."
"If you cannot trust the service to work no matter what, then the responsibility falls on you to have a backup plan as well."
"We've diversified. If one doesn't work, the others will work."
"Make sure you have a backup plan for if anything hits the fan."
"Last will and testament case I die... before the miraculous fountain of youth is found."
"But yeah, if they're super like into video editing, like that's their like passion right now, yeah, um, I don't think they should like give it up, but you know, just in case like you said."
"Leave room for error... both physically and emotionally."
"When the world gets weird, I think you should have a backup plan."
"A contingency plan existing for the end of the world doesn't negate the fear of the end of the world coming about, nor the anxiety brought on by the idea of the contingency plan failing."
"If your name has appeared on the Forbes 30 under 30 and you're running some sort of criminal conspiracy, it might be time to start planning your escape."
"It's really important for Americans and for people who are in these Western democracies to think about a plan B."
"You can go about plan A in a way where if you fail, you have created a safety net for plan B."
"If they don't work, are all options still on the table?"
"If all this YouTube stuff disappears for me tomorrow, I still got some really good skills."
"I mean what if, um, you know, I have to go and work... What if my husband dies... What if your boss fires you? You're going to be in the same predicament."
"Nothing is safe or guaranteed in life. Always have a plan just in case."
"Ten nanometer is a little bit of a mystery to everyone. What's the back-up plan?" - David Cantor
"If anything ever happened to my YouTube channel, would I stream? First thing I would do, get a real job."
"One of you has to get rid of the other's porn collection if they die."
"The last thing on earth I would want is CR and the kids to struggle if something were to happen to me."
"Have a plan B just in case Plan B becomes plan A."
"Having a plan B could mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people."
"It's rather simple, really. The White House staff needs a place of refuge and evacuation should the traditional exits be compromised..."
"We're seeing that so many companies really don't have a contingency plan in place. All their sourcing is out of one country."
"It's like you're expecting something to fall apart and you already got a backup plan."
"We need to ensure that we have made contingency arrangements for every eventuality."
"Backup plan just in case this is especially important when it comes to Epcot festivals since supplies can run out at these temporary kiosks even."
"Kids, if you have your heart set on being a celebrity in sports or YouTube, always have a plan B."
"If Patty dies, we have to remove Patty from all the branding."
"Have that fallback plan, have that Plan B... because not everything works out for the best, it just doesn't."
"If I keel over in the middle, just rest assured that we'll have a guest host in place and rename the program and move on from there."
"I always recommend that you have at least two batteries if you're traveling because what happens if something happens to one or you run out of juice, you really can't shoot without a battery."
"Do your research, have a plan for everything, and then have a backup plan if your main plan fails."
"There have been more than one guy though that would go the extra mile to show it off, I bet I think Buddy Landale did that a time or two in Tennessee."
"What happens if the motor goes out? Nothing, if you prepare for it."
"Roadmaps are subject to change based on a variety of factors."
"Plan for the worst. If the worst doesn't happen, you lose nothing. If the worst happens and you're not prepared, you lose everything."
"It's such the core of the thing I want to have access in case my the way I split it off from there gets weird."
"Are you drafting them just in case? Yeah, I would be willing to draft Trey Lance just in case."
"I want something to fall back on. I need a plan B."
"We may not have enough gas to do it, but at least it's a plan."
"Hunter Association's plan: disembark passengers to a fake Dark Continent, averting disaster."
"Any good plan must have a plan B or a backup plan."
"If you don't have a backup plan, now is the time to get one."
"It's always a great thing to have a plan A, B, C, D all the way through Z."
"We need a plan B for Humanity because you don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"During the event: 'Make sure the game runs on its own, even if it catches on fire.'"
"Do you have any Plan B, do you have a backup for your animals? They deserve it."
"You want to have a plan B that's parallel and congruent with your plan A."
"If anything bad happens, we'll be able to go back into town and heal up."
"You have to just have contingencies on how to deal with the unknown."
"One of the reasons people want to have a second passport is just a hedge against their own government, a plan B."
"So if you've got a company that's sitting in there flying and has no basically key employee backup plan, that's a good short."
"It's always good to develop new skills, it's always good to think well, what would I do in this scenario, it's always good to think well, do I have to rely on the power companies, could I make my own heat light shelter."
"If it all ends next week, at least I'll be able to get my truck fixed up or get a new one." - John Hamson
"In magic you you don't really have a plan B you just have a plan and now I have no plan how are you feeling right now I feel bad."
"Make sure you have a plan A and a plan B at least."
"Dexter left an emergency message for his mom... 'in case of my death you own the lab'."
"Have a plan B as a fallback strategy to prevent future problems."
"The important thing that got my parents to say yes was the fact that I had backup plans."
"Always have a backup plan at all means necessary we all have cars we're not hoping to drive and have a flat but if you do have a flat there is a spare tire that you can put on and hopefully you go get it fixed immediately."
"I think we should never stop fighting for those checks but I think we should also plan just in case for some reason they were to give Aeterna money today you see you"
"We might use it at first to come together as a nation and maybe in different parts of the nation, and then if things get worse and worse, we'll have a place to migrate and stay."
"If you're looking at rock-solid communications if you know stuff goes sideways, this is where you want to be."
"You always need a backup plan in case they don't go for the thing that you intended them to go for."
"Are you prepping for nothing to happen just as much as you're prepping for something to happen?"
"Prepare for things, have a plan B. You never know when something's gonna happen."
"Do you have a backup plan where you're at least you can at least rely upon yourself and not all the other people? That's what matters the most if you ask me."
"Especially if you live in a cold climate, you should have some sort of contingency plan."
"Everybody's got a plan until you get smacked in the box."
"It's very wise for every country to have a Plan A, a Plan B, and please also have a Plan C."
"I wanted the backing of Amazon in case something didn't go right."
"We have to be ready for everything so we're basically planning for the worst and hoping for the best."
"Being kind to yourself while we're trying to figure it out, changing your rules if that's necessary, and creating an exit plan are things that I really think are important to think about."
"He had backup plans, he had contingency plans for his backup plans."
"What happens if you run out of water whether it be drinking water or system water what happens if you run out of propane."
"...life insurance might be a sensitive topic but knowing your options and being prepared for the worst is just plain smart."
"Having pockets of emergency can save your vacation."
"We cannot rely on China and other nations across the globe that could one day deny us products in a time of need."
"So, if something goes wrong, do you have a plan?"
"You need that emergency fund to make sure that if life happens, when life happens, that you can go to that immediately."
"If and when we all get banned from the internet, this is what we have to do."
"We must also prepare for contingencies. The failure to prepare for contingencies can result in greater difficulty in execution."
"What happens when the knowledge of the SCP Foundation fails us?"
"I want to have food in my pantry as insurance."
"Understanding this also allows businesses to proactively plan for organizational impact should the third party fail to provide the products or services promised."
"We know that we did everything we could in the scenario that the worst case happens."
"If you want to spread the eggs such that if something bad happens on Earth, we still maintain the future for our civilization, we want to go into space."
"Always have a plan B because life is much more important than you know what career you want to follow or what oh you want people to say about your accomplishments you want to have life is much more important than that."
"To define the maximum acceptable amount of data loss in the event of a disruption."
"It was really good that I had the extra change of clothes right there in my backpack."
"I'd cash flow the bills as they come in and Sean if you guys get to the B get to the end of it and you need $1,000 from your emergency funds then it's not the end of the world"
"There's already talked a lot about the 25th Amendment. You need this as cover."
"Two is one and one is none, so I like to have backups to backups to backups of everything."
"Supplemental kits are about preparing for contingencies that may not be covered by your baseline kit."
"It really makes sense to have backups for your backup."
"You need enough time to work through the scenario with some extra time for contingency."
"There's different reasons to be canning that meat. One of them too is what if the grid went off and you've got all this meat in the freezer, what are you going to do?"
"That's our backup plan, by the way, if Mind Pump ever tanks."
"But that's even if it was a bad day. I get it. You need a contingency plan of some sort because Godzilla can wild out at any moment. What you finna do?"
"President Nixon had a speech prepared if the moon landing failed."
"Hope for the best and plan for the absolute worst."
"If things don't work as according to plan as you thought it was going to, you still have time to fix it up before you say anything."
"Things could go wrong and you openly acknowledge that, but here's how I would deal with them."
"It's really important to stress test your retirement plan and then run some what-if scenarios to see how you might address those potential issues."
"The best advice is to always have a backup plan."
"Worst case scenario, we can go back and get regular jobs."
"Social workers should take reasonable precautions to protect client confidentiality in the event of the social worker's termination of practice, incapacitation, or death."
"Create a plan for when things go wrong."
"You need to have an exit strategy."
"He knew how to work within his limits and had contingencies in place to deal with the unexpected."
"I had realized very early on that things might not work for me here, so I should not only rely on Australia; I should have a Plan B."
"I need to know that if something happens to me, my kids are safe."
"Have backups... having backups is extremely important because you never know what you're not gonna end up being able to sign up for."
"Always know where your second escape route is in case the first one gets blocked."
"We've got backup plans for our backup plans."
"The contingency plan can include an alternative route or a safe anchorage or a waiting area where it is safe for the ship to just drift around."
"Plan B is a way to make sense of bailing out on Plan A."
"We had a plan, didn't we? What we would do in this eventuality."
"Always try to find a backup manufacturer."
"Whenever you do what I do, you always gotta make sure you got a backup plan."
"It's always to have a plan B, a plan C, a plan D, and the rest."
"Even the good plans of wise wizards like Gandalf and of friends like Elrond go astray sometimes when you are off on dangerous adventures over the edge of the Wild; and Gandalf was a wise enough wizard to know it."
"I spent 20 years on a submarine, so we got a backup plan for a backup plan for a backup plan, and if all three of those don't work, you still got another plan."
"Actively accept the risk and develop a contingency plan that would be triggered if the event occurred."
"They are preparing for a possible worst-case scenario."
"It's really, really important to have some sort of backup plan or some sort of idea of what you will do or can do if say your aviation dreams don't end up lining up exactly how you wish they did."
"If you're getting into the wrestling business in any level, you've got to have a plan B."
"You always have a Plan B, and you should probably have a Plan C as well."
"Expect you're gonna fail sometimes and make a playbook for it when times are good."
"If God forbid something happens to me, my family is good."
"The National Contingency Plan provided the first comprehensive system for oil spill accident reporting, spill containment, and cleanup in U.S. waters."
"Contingency planning is planning for an unforeseen event."
"In life, you just need a plan B, a plan C, a plan D, a plan E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, because you never know."
"Sometimes you've got to go to Plan B, and certainly in Florida where the weather changes so quickly, having a Plan B was the ideal solution."
"Hopefully, Murphy's Law doesn't come back to bite me and something goes wrong, but that's what we're here to try and figure out."
"In life, it's always good to have a Plan B."
"The requirement is to apply reason and judgments to horizons of contingency rather than applying a narrow calculative rationality to given variables."
"You have to think through what are you going to do when things fail."
"What is my plan B?" - If plan A fails, you've got a backup to go to.
"Maybe we should be thinking seriously about putting a million people on Mars as some kind of backup plan."
"I'm trying to make friends along the way, so that if things go belly up, I can go get a job somewhere."
"Great offenses can go Plan B, sometimes you have Plan C."
"It's good to think through all your systems, not just the heating system, what would you do if it failed and if you can't fix it, how can you work around it."
"You need to have a backup plan sometimes."
"Create a plan B if your career takes a hit."
"What-if thinking, one of the most important bullet points on this whole list."
"Lesson from a coding competition: always have a backup plan."
"Rather than praying and hoping... accept that it's going to go off track and prepare for it."
"If the capture operation encountered the worst possible situation, Roland hoped that they could abandon the mission and at least make sure everyone came back safely."
"We're looking into Mars because we need a backup."
"Having a plan B is always necessary."
"If YouTube closes down tomorrow, I would enroll in university again; I wouldn't be worried because I have a plan B."