
Wishful Thinking Quotes

There are 884 quotes

"Sure do wish I could just escape into a virtual world instead."
"I wish we had less guns, I wish we had less need for guns."
"I wish I could store up my sleepiness in some sort of amulet, and then take it out when I want to go to bed."
"What we really want is an equation that fits on a T-shirt."
"I always romanticized it like a cruise ship. I wish I could spend a few weeks exploring every room, every turn, every part of its labyrinth."
"This little dance wall, I love, and I really wish we had something like ballet shoes I could add or a proper bar."
"As a recipe developer, I wish that I had come up with this shape and decoration for a cookie."
"I'd make a wish for the good of humanity... instead of unlocking 100% of myself, I'd like to unlock 100% of every human being on Earth."
"I wish real life skills worked this way. I'd import dancing so it could be more fun at weddings, cha cha cha."
"I wish this was a different timeline where I could highlight all the joy we gave each other."
"If I could wave a magic wand and make the world a peaceful, wonderful place to live where you would never need such items, I wish I could."
"Wouldn't you love to be able to travel in time?"
"But it's always important not to have wishful thinking colour your analysis."
"I loved it, how good would it be to be able to travel back in time."
"If any myth today worked, this is the one I wish worked."
"I'd snap my fingers and make Phantom Menace great."
"I wish it would go away. I wish there was some way to completely get rid of the compulsive thoughts, the feelings."
"Just because you want something to happen really, really, really, really badly doesn't mean it's gonna happen."
"I want a Dragon Ball movie where you have multiple villains and they're all out for themselves."
"Have you ever thought to yourself, 'Man it'd be great if anime was real'? Our world is so boring, you know?"
"The West is now engaging in wishful thinking."
"Damn if only you had a device to let you teleport anywhere in the universe."
"Please make tea, not war. Wouldn't that be great?"
"If they can announce one game that I'd like AI know about it be Metroid but probably Pokemon."
"Each time she makes a wish, it's always for Lulu and Liam to come back to be with us. Nessie knows this wish will never come true."
"This park is absolutely perfect. A little bit Tibet's, I wish we had more than one day here."
"Wouldn't it be nice to not care or not focus on the negative?"
"Perhaps this doll's creator had wished for such a friend, albeit in vain."
"I just wished that things would've worked out a little bit different, you know?"
"I would very much like for the person who is responsible for everything would be somebody else."
"Mirror, mirror on the floor, give me a more manly jaw."
"Wouldn't it be awesome if you could eat whatever you wanted and then just take a medicine once a week and lose weight? That would rock, wouldn't it?"
"I kind of lowkey wish you had to buy them. So like, to change your outfit you had to buy it at the store. That would be kind of cool."
"I wish you guys could smell through the screen."
"There's this sort of wishful thinking that goes into so much of our foreign policy these days that if we just do the things that we want to do, everybody else will just fall into"
"I wish that Taylor Swift was in love with me, period, point the end of story."
"The only thing that can cap off this year the way it's supposed to is that if a bunch of aliens came and tried to take over."
"Ah, I only wish life could be as leisurely as this a little more often."
"I'm still here, why can't people hibernate through the winter just like animals?"
"You deserve better than that, you know, and I want, yeah, if I could make one wish it would be for people to see that."
"We're second in the league. I'd love us to buy Kane, won't ever happen but United of old would have."
"I'm going the neuralizer for Men in Black. I could think of so many I could think on a daily basis how many people I would love to be speaking with in the afternoon."
"I would've loved to eat with Anthony Bourdain."
"I just wish we could live in a world where everybody gets along, but unfortunately it's not that."
"I love my dog so much, I wish I could have part me part of my dog, you know?"
"Instead of nine, I wish I could have been up here for 99."
"I just wish... people could draw lines between different types of behavior."
"Wishing on a Star is great when you have Neptune in the first house but wish fulfillment because you choose to believe someone who's deceiving you it's on you."
"I wish there were other people doing this work."
"Your fantasies don't become real just because you imagine they have to be real."
"Surely at that moment he must have wished for some sort of magic to halt the abor laughter."
"If I had a superpower, it would be to pause time so I could take a nap."
"If I could wipe my brain clean and read that book again, without knowing what's gonna happen, I absolutely would."
"It would have been nice to see Gino in one of these games regardless."
"What if our batteries actually lasted all day and we didn't have to worry about how much storage yeah what if we could stream and download the things we want when we want them"
"Wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along?"
"We need a toy side folks, if only real hotels were like that."
"I know what people want to happen: Chelsea go bankrupt, everybody laughs. The bollocks off and we all sing songs. That's great. Ain't gonna happen."
"My friends, we in the Miss Hina fan club must abide by the club rules. Firstly, we mustn't try and probe into Miss Hina's true identity..."
"Invisibility: being invisible is a popular power as we've all felt like just disappearing at one point or another in our lives."
"Can you imagine if the real world had cult? Like it would be insanely handy."
"It's really good. I love the songs. I wish that the album was on Spotify so that I could listen to them."
"Just because we want a thing doesn't mean it's true, and it doesn't mean it's more likely to be true."
"Making money is like I wish it was that easy. I so wish that would be a thing."
"I spend all day on a couch right look at that making money is like I wish it was that easy I wish."
"It would be funny if we did... hopefully one of the ones with the springy floors."
"What should your one wish be? Let's do some research get creative."
"I just really wish she would have won, that would have been the icing on the cake."
"Godspeed, Mickey. Maybe you'll be in Super Smash Brothers someday with Sora as well. Probably not."
"Unironically, I would love to see the people who made this should make... What's a classic property you would love to see people do?"
"It's not going to happen, but it would be fantastic."
"Even now, over 10 years later, it's so good that it makes me wish for nuclear winter, so I can stay inside and play it."
"If I had one wish, I wish everybody went to therapy. If I had a million bucks, I'd go to therapy, and I wouldn't even tell you this."
"Again it's not ideal in any way to cut out Pyro and Mithra but I'd love to see Elma in Smash sometime too."
"Be careful what you wish for. If it's an apocalyptic event, I know exactly what direction I'm gonna go in."
"I'd love if Warcraft was on the Xbox Game Pass."
"I wish if I could give genes to those adrenal glands I would every single time."
"I just wish somehow they would just cancel Christmas this year."
"You are Romeo and Juliet, and we all wish you the same happy ending."
"Just be here, you and me, like that'll happen."
"I wish they had just thrown an enormous bucket of money at Neil Gaiman and been like, 'Do this with the watch.'"
"I wish it was more of a high-five and a hug scenario."
"The person who navigates in reality will always outperform the one acting on wishful thinking."
"The accessory system is something I wish was in every game."
"Wouldn't it be cool to have one of these in real life like this Rover here?"
"Healing from something from the past, I would definitely make a wish with the star card."
"I wish these national teams were in FIFA because we could see this impact on the international stage."
"Make a wish and kind of get the things that you desire out of this situation."
"Make a wish, the only answer is to give this world back to God."
"Imagine if you could turn back the clock 5, 10 even 15 years and reverse the effects of Aging."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of our elders at the very end of their life were intellectually intact?"
"If everybody stopped driving and only I could drive, oh man the roads would be incredible"
"Sometimes all you wish for is a place to place the blame."
"I wish there was a channel that just did like really fun sausages, like crazy sausages, you know, like made out of things that you don't traditionally make sausage out of. It'd be so cool for somebody to innovate in that space."
"I wish I could just easily transport that. I mean I could, but it's kind of a pain, you know."
"I kind of just want to see an interaction between Iron Man and Doctor Doom."
"If there was one person I could truly sit in that chair across from it would be George Carlin"
"There are so many incredible locations that you just wish you can go inside of but sadly there's nothing."
"I thought if I had superhuman powers like wouldn't that be great."
"She saw a shooting star the day before and made a wish that her father would come down from the sky like a hero."
"Wouldn't that be wonderful to hand him over on a silver platter?"
"It also just plays out in a really fun way and kind of makes you think about how you would approach a wish if you were given one."
"It's wishful thinking, and it doesn't tell us at all about whether or not there's a God."
"Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to experience the buzz without any downsides?"
"I really wish humans could hibernate. Why can't we hibernate? I could go a few days of sleeping, 100%."
"Wouldn't it be fabulous to have your very own dermatologist and cosmetic chemist?"
"Hopefully the next presentation we get a new Pokemon Puzzle League and we get a Pokemon Pinball."
"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?"
"It would have been awesome to have a Rhythm Heaven character in Smash Brothers."
"Honestly I would love for this not to be true so I could go back to regular life."
"I just got brave. Can we pretend that the airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?"
"This is so cute, I wish we had more brunch spots like this."
"What a dream it would be to get paid to eat delicious food."
"It's times like these I wish fast travel was a thing in this game."
"Everything you've been wishing for is right around the corner."
"You know, 50,000 years of free energy... wouldn't that be nice?"
"He's a great player, yeah, really good. I kind of wish he would have went to, like, Madrid, honestly."
"It's unbelievable and I wish that were true."
"Jurassic Park makes you wish dinosaurs were real."
"Wouldn't It Be Nice if he would just go away?"
"If only leveling up in real life was possible, he could be popular with the ladies."
"Females that's I wish there's a lot more female love out there."
"If only I could read this again for the first time."
"But you know, I would love to see some of these abilities in-game."
"Seriously, is there like a time portal I can go into, play a bunch of games, and come out and it'll still be today? Because I bloody well need it."
"It'll be so cool if you could actually lock the doors."
"This bill, which is rightly called the stimulus, is then somehow much more than that transformative... I think is substituting wish for thought, for reality, for analysis." - Richard Wolff
"Why doesn't everyone just head back in time to when things were good?"
"I wish every one of you could experience what it's like because it's making me so very happy."
"Wishing that it could be like this every single day."
"If everyone in the world could think like that, please, that would be awesome."
"If I could have any superpower I'd have the superpower to have all the super powers."
"I wish the one thing I'd love to do more than anything else is go back and play these old alpha builds."
"Some people think that when you're walking at night and you see a shooting star that if you make a wish it might come true."
"That's so cool, I love this. Why isn't this a real thing in real life?"
"If you see a shooting star, you can make a wish."
"I feel like we could all use a little bit of a Christmas miracle."
"I would wish for the ability to understand any language, to speak any language, including that includes communicating with animals by the way."
"I wish they had like freeze-frame character names..."
"I remember driving it and thinking, I wish I had done this like 10 years ago."
"I wish I could bottle my kids like genetic potential for good sleep. They're such good sleepers. I wish I could give that to people."
"Be careful what you wish for, you want to be successful, you want to be famous."
"Realistically there's no real way for any of us to stop the way that internet hate mobs work but God you know it's nice to imagine..."
"Make a freaking wish and you will so be surprised that it will come true."
"If I had one wish, love will never end, it would just begin."
"Can we invent the time travel machine? I swear life would be so much easier."
"I wish I could get a puppy. I wish I could fly. I wish I could grow a mustache. I wish I had a hundred wishes."
"I almost wish there was a queen's behind the scenes."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you could equip all your exotics at the same time? It's like how I dress. I would feel very strong."
"Bro, invisibility, literally the best superpower that anybody could ever have."
"There is an energy here from somebody in this connection that they wish that this could be forever, that they wish that there could be a commitment here."
"I never would have thought, you know, when they have always asked you if you could have one superpower what would it be."
"The patrons had nothing to do with me, but I wish I had been this clever."
"Overall though this is a very fun game and I kind of wish there was going to be a full release."
"You have no idea what you're wishing upon yourself if you say that."
"I wish he was only 29 years old and we could have a whole other decade with him in this side."
"I wish that a million dollars just fell on my head right now, and boom!"
"I would love to see Harley Quinzell introduced in this world."
"If I could have a day without no worries, maybe I figured out a way to stay."
"After you live through their games, you'd wish you could do it again for the first time."
"This very first product that doesn't actually exist, but in my opinion, clearly, I think it should exist."
"You got to wish upon a bright star."
"Sometimes I wish I had blue eyes."
"I wish more people were like him; maybe the world would be a little bit nicer to each other if they were."
"I wish everyone could make it all the time."
"I just really wish that things were different."
"I just wished it to be so, and I became 12."
"We don't get a lot of international funding, I wish we did."
"I wish I had a dollar for every time I got five."
"Be careful with you wish for, for real."
"There's lots of research of this where people double down on what they wish to be true"
"Loretta expresses a wish that her father had also fed Melody to make her a permanent part of their family."
"If the world was as we wished it were, but it isn't, and that's the truth. And that's a hard truth."
"By wishing something was so, doesn't make it so."
"A kiss isn't the truth but it's what we wish was true."
"I want to make sure that no one ever tells a lie again."
"I wish the supernatural was real. It'd be awesome."
"I wish everything was as easy as getting fat."
"Hopefully he's dead sooner than later."
"I wish I could fix all these problems in this world."
"Isn't it great when things work together? Don't you wish humans did that more?"
"I wish I could let you and your mom stay here in this Mansion."
"I yelled out, 'Oh if I only had a fairy godmother!'"
"I ain't gonna lie I kind of wish they'd be Sharon Stone's character with them bats too like I ain't gonna lie to you"
"How cool would it be you guys oh my gosh I wish I had like an extra bedroom in my house because I think it'd be so cool to have a room of like vintage toys."
"I wish he'd just soak up some of this lovely atmosphere and write a best-seller in which no one was murdered."
"I wish I was a little bit taller, which was a baller."
"He's wishful thinking is Harry. Harry's doing a lot of wishful thinking."
"I kind of really want this list to happen."
"I hope they make all the money in the world."
"Let's hope we have uncharacteristically stupid Tremere in this city."
"They are still wishing on the stars for you."
"One of my personal favorite things to do is to go see all the RVs that I wish I would have bought."
"Hell yeah! I mean, oh, it's hard to say hell yeah because I just want Bruce to come back or for the Hulk to realize that he needs to be not fighting. Ah, whoa."
"Life would be so much better if every day was like a Ricola coffee."
"Wow, look at all these horses, I wish they'd eat me because this would be very helpful"
"I just wish the world was like a great big onion."
"I want to see Wonder Woman wrestle a cat."
"I wish this puppet was my grandpa."
"Just because you want it to be true will never make it true."