
Levitation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Now let me hold on while I hover off the ground with the power of science beneath my feet."
"Levitation, knowing things outside of what you should be able to know, speaking ancient languages."
"Flying is really just levitating, and it has massive implications."
"One night Marianela woke up and saw Estefania levitating above her bed."
"Nuclear Man has weird powers. He's able to levitate Lenny just by pointing at him. Superman has telekinesis power."
"Above all this floated the specter of Asahara, followers believed he could levitate for hours at a time and that he was capable of reading their minds."
"You're levitating, I'm levitating! Woohoo! All right, it feels cool, it's sort of like surfing a little bit."
"I do this thing where sometimes I wish I could levitate like, because I just think that'd be a really fun way to describe how I feel about something."
"The way that it lifts off the ground and floats is"
"Richard began to levitate, a sight that Rita witnessed."
"I've known Jack to us. He said, 'I want Criss Angel to make me float. I challenge Chris, make me levitate.'"
"...what a gift you know if we could find a material that just levitates by itself."
"This lack of ability is a very good thing because if you could will yourself... to lift the several thousand pounds required to levitate a 1964 Impala off the ground, you would undoubtedly shred all of your muscles into hamburger and lose all of your tendon insertion points."
"Wow, a real case of levitation, this just gets better and better."
"This glowing ball levitates. That's right, with one little shake it completely levitates and floats around your room."
"How does this stunning visual trick make a 3 and 1/2 ton concrete Arch Levitate? It looks like the wing is floating completely unsupported."
"Airwalk lets the user stand on and manipulate the air surrounding them, allowing them to levitate."
"Direct levitation is the hardest of the Practical Magics because of the ever-present danger of the well-known principles of action and reaction which means a wizard attempting to lift a heavy item by mind power alone faces the prospect of ending up with his brains in his boots."
"It was like he was levitating his body, holding himself there, feet in the air. Incredible core strength, I imagine."
"Objects would move or levitate through the air with one strange recurring instance of this being her camera which would move around by itself and take various pictures of the house."
"Allows the user to make anything float in the air, with the exception of living creatures aside from themselves."
"It would really blow some minds if people could levitate, and it could be scientifically measured, and physics would have to scramble to explain how such a thing could be."
"The most chilling part of this experience... her body was floating about four to five inches off the floor."
"If the gravity stops working only for you, then you'll levitate a little over an inch upwards and then fall back without consequences."
"Kendall and Anakin were able to levitate objects larger than most knights could do."
"Let's try something else, Wingardium Leviosa."
"One of the cups floated a couple of inches in the air, wiggled a bit from side to side, and then lowered itself back down."
"There's a floating broom. Look, it's just floating."
"If you take a magnet and you put air on top of a superconductor it levitates above the superconductor."
"Left foot, right foot, levitating."
"Levitation is always good at street skateboarding."
"Whatever it was that attacked them, could it have been levitating?"
"If the ancients could manipulate a kilohertz frequency... that's the frequency of levitation."
"I've found my new passion in life, levitating things."
"And here we have the world's first levitating switch."
"I know how to levitate off my feet, and you can too; all you need is just a little help."
"This Darth Sidious one looks awesome, I love how he's floating."
"You feel like I'm floating, I'm lost in the moment, I swear I could levitate."
"A surge of ethereal blue energy spirals from his palms, inundating the room and levitating the lifeless form."
"You can make stuff levitate, you can make stuff move."
"When people think of magic, they usually think of something levitating."
"Check that out, the thing is levitating. How's that happening? Seriously, that is crazy."
"I'm kind of fascinated by this levitating behavior we've got."
"Friction from the air rushing up in the chamber is enough to counteract the force of gravity, which is why he's able to float."
"The Gravitron... allows them to lift their feet off the ground and momentarily float."
"With a solemn expression, Sophia used her psychic abilities to levitate the 15 metallic orbs."
"I know this may be hard to believe, but he was floating in the air a good 20 feet above my head."
"This being Doctor Strange, you do of course get his cloak of levitation."
"Do you believe that I could levitate things?"
"She can levitate herself or other objects, real Matilda style."
"It just feels totally frictionless, there's very little force from those magnets, and it feels like it's levitating."
"If you put a superconductor in a magnet, it levitates."
"A levitating shoe display is a cool gift option... it looks like they're levitating."