
Hijab Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Allah SWT opened up my heart to the hijab, and I saw this beautiful drama... and this girl was wearing a hijab and she looked absolutely gorgeous."
"The only reason you should wear a hijab is because you want to and because Allah commanded you to, never for other people."
"The hijab is for modesty; it is not to degrade the woman."
"Since I took off the hijab, I feel more consciously practicing my religion, except for the bit that you guys see."
"By choosing to wear the hijab, many women are embracing rebellion against those people by returning to their roots. They feel a sense of pride."
"One of the biggest myths that has been propagated about the hijab is that Muslim women have been forced into wearing it by our male relatives, whether it's our husbands or our fathers."
"The reality is, this myth is at complete odds with the evidence. If the hijab was a symbol of women's day of subordination, then how do we explain the fact that the highest group of converts to Islam, both in the UK and the U.S., are women?"
"Wearing hijab is a promise between you and God."
"We're oppressed... It's really important for me to wear it and show people that we are normal people, just like regular girls."
"Wearing hijab is a promise between you and God, a more difficult level of faith. But the struggle is part of the devotion."
"It's really important for me to wear it and show people that we are normal people. We're just like regular girls. We just happen to wear it for our religion."
"The action doesn't become worse because the person is wearing hijab."
"The hijab is to dignify, to honor, to make a woman known as free, as honorable."
"You wearing the hijab reassures all of that for me."
"I fully identify as a Muslim woman that wears a hijab more than anything."
"Hijab being an obligatory part of being a Muslim woman, you gotta understand there is immense beauty in the reason why hijab is a thing."
"It's not the hijab that's the burden, disappointment, or disadvantage, it's society that makes you feel that way."
"The hijab in all its iterations has become a symbol upon which Muslims and non-Muslims attach their opinions on religion, politics, and nationhood."
"The older I've gotten, the more I fell in love with the hijab and not the other way around."
"There's a hijab on a person's face... but there's also modesty of one's personality."
"When you see a gorgeous hijab, I swear to God it just makes you want to wear even more."
"Us women feel it, they do feel it, and I have to respect their perspective, right? They feel it and they feel because of their hijab, not to."
"The misconception that a hijab is meant to oppress women, rather it's meant to show how sacred women are."
"Hijab is not just a headscarf but it's modesty in your speech, thoughts, heart, and actions."
"Starting to wear hijab and therefore showing yourself to the public that you are a Muslim woman does come with a responsibility."
"I wanted to be seen as a Muslim woman and to show myself as a Muslim woman in society."
"Even if you dress modestly, when you start wearing hijab, you do have to think about what you wear a little bit more."
"As soon as you put a hijab on, that small amount becomes so much bigger."
"It's not just about shoving a scarf on your head and getting on with your day as you usually would."
"You are portraying Muslim women, Muslims in society, and that is the responsibility of wearing hijab."
"Being hijabi, it is a form of dawah as well."
"It is hard and it is a process and you have to learn."
"You literally have to learn a new skill and you have to become aware of all these different material types."
"I am a Muslim woman and I wear a hijab in day-to-day life."
"Hijab is not just an outward performance, it's also the state of your heart."
"Again you only ever know the value of hijab when you know who you're wearing it for."
"Hijab is not the biggest part of Islam, and I hate the fact that sometimes because of the internet, I feel like I'm a bad Muslim because of my hijab, nothing else."
"Every adjustment for the hijab during the day is a reward."
"Alhamdulillah, guys! Notice how Allah opened both of these sisters' hearts to try the hijab."
"Let's check in with Carrie to see how her hijab transformation is coming along. Mashallah, Carrie!"
"The symbol that is the hijab, as we know it today, is probably the symbol which is the most controversial."
"Hijab is about focusing on inner qualities rather than external appearance."
"The wisdom of hijab lies in its submission to God, not just societal norms."
"The biggest issue, the biggest point of hijab, is that it's worship 24/7."
"Hijab is a form of connection, hijab is a form of showing our gratitude to God Almighty."
"...and I honestly just feel like ever since I started wearing the hijab, I've noticed nothing but positives. I've said this before on my channel, but it's so true, like, nothing negative really came from it for me, Alhamdulillah."
"...so, like, I'm already wearing a hijab, I'm already dressed to be able to go make my prayers, so that really helps me, so I've been very consistent with that. Obviously, like, watching all these lectures really, really helped me just gain a better understanding..."
"A hijab is a symbol of empowerment."
"I hate having to explain to everyone why I wear a hijab but if everyone must know, vate has possessed me and his face is living on the back of it."
"When you decide to wear hijab, you will need to look the most beautiful woman in the way He pleases Allah."
"I wear the hijab because I want people to judge me on my mind not by my body."
"Hijab is not just this, it's like everything that comes from within, it comes from your tongue, you telling someone like, oh, fear Allah, you know, you're not going to do around the day of judgment, you could have driven someone away from the faith."
"If the only reason why Allah legislated hijab is because of men, why is it that when a woman is standing alone in her room for prayer she still has to wear hijab?"
"People wear hijab for various reasons."
"As long as hijab is observed, there's no problem with men and women interacting in religious settings like seminars and workshops."
"The hijab is a representation of modesty and it's a choice of the woman."
"My hijab is not just a piece of cloth, it's a symbol of my faith and identity."
"...when I first put on hijab, the change in the way that men looked at me was so drastic..."
"...it went from me being this like sexualized object...to like when they'd look at me it was like with respect and admiration..."
"I reject the view... that a woman who chooses to cover her hair is somehow less equal."
"I really love the hijab with this."
"Posting myself online now in hijab is what's keeping me very, very accountable."
"What happens when you become hijabi is way more than just putting a piece of material on your head."
"The hijab has become a symbol of the government and its ability to control people."
"I am here to talk about my personal beliefs and experiences with the hijab."
"Sometimes I find myself, like when I'm wearing hijab, I focus more on what I'm saying or doing instead of focusing on the way I'm looking."
"Wearing hijabs is cool... it's really cool because growing up as a child there wasn't much of that in America."
"I'm Muslim if you didn't know that... when you reach a certain age and you're female, you start wearing the hijab."
"Hijab is a daily commitment that reminds or encourages us to achieve the highest qualities in human character on a daily basis."
"Hijab is not made to hide your beauty because Muslim women are beautiful."
"Wearing the hijab can also become a kind of barrier for you in terms of helping you not to cross the line in lots of certain situations."
"When we put on the scarf, it's an act of worship solely for God."
"Adopting the full hijab to the best of our ability is no doubt a liberation for women."
"I am very very happy that I did wear the hijab at the age that I did because I feel like if I had waited till I was like 18, 19, 20, basically I would have never worn it."
"It's a round of applause to everybody who's a recent hijabi; it's very very difficult especially in these times that we're living in now."
"A few words of encouragement for you guys who are struggling around the hijab: you can get through it, if I did 15 years, you can do it."
"Hijab should not be a factor that stops girls from achieving their goals and fulfilling their dreams."
"I guess we can call people who wear the hijab a community in itself."
"I've been wearing my hijab since I was eight years old."
"I wasn't forced in any way to wear hijab; it was something that I wanted for myself."
"Hijab is a journey... I'm still on my journey."