
Immersive Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"Having a dinosaur experience, this guy is staring me in my face."
"The marshy outskirts of town are thick with hazy, humid fog as crickets and frog croaking fills the air."
"Land of Oz lets guests experience their own Oz story; they were stuck inside Dorothy's house in the tornado, walked a yellow brick road made up of 44,000 glazed yellow bricks."
"Crysis: Setting the bar for immersive gameplay experiences."
"Session 9 truly gets under your skin and into your head."
"Risk of Rain 2 feels more like music than it does a video game. It's so easily played, so uninterrupted, so immediate, so flowing, so symphonic, so intricate, so fearless, and so ethereal."
"The backroom series is perfect... it feels like something that exists in the world."
"It feels like a really good role-playing experience."
"I have yet to have a reading experience like reading the entire Harry Potter series because that experience was genuinely like an alternate reality like I was in this world and nothing else existed."
"It's one of the most engrossing worlds I've seen in a long time... something special."
"A book that makes me feel like I'm in a Studio Ghibli movie."
"The world of Signalus is built up phenomenally from the beginning."
"Tolkien was able to create an incredibly imaginative and vibrant world that still sucks in Raiders today when most people see a little bit of Middle Earth they'll always want to come back for the rest of their lives."
"It's really interesting how it provides a really nice glimpse into the world of Pandora."
"New World does such a good job... and audibly makes you feel good."
"Echoes from Ravensburger: a highly immersive audio mystery series."
"Lights off, volume up, we be getting spooky in here."
"They're good at making worlds you want to be lost in."
"The Secret World of Arrietty is truly a world you have to discover."
"It's brief, but if you full screen this and watch this with the lights off, and the sounds turned up, the sound of the foliage, the trees, the wind, you can kind of almost get lost in it for a second."
"Star Wars Hyperspace Lounge offers otherworldly concoctions and interactive tasting experiences."
"Everybody in the game will have their own unique daily routine."
"Cinema is the most immersive medium there is."
"Horizon Zero Dawn: not just a game, but an experience that should under no circumstances be missed."
"This is pushing that boundary of you really do feel like you've stepped into the comic book."
"You can get lost in this game, there's so much to do."
"Imagine being a little kid playing this game, how gorgeous this is."
"The Wii: where every game has a story waiting to be told."
"Movie doesn't even feel like the right word. It's much more of like an experience."
"Despite this vast range of player freedom, New Vegas still manages to tell a complete and cohesive story—one that starts with a bang: you're shot in the head and dropped in a shallow grave in the outskirts of Vegas."
"The text messaging that you're doing in this game is not just a gimmick it is a masterful way of dissolving any barriers between you and experiencing the story as your character does."
"No other games make you feel more like Bond in both quiet and bombastic moments."
"So many NPCs around just doing really cool stuff."
"It never felt like I was just repeatedly going through the same environment over and over."
"Galaxy Buds Pro: The most immersive sound experience."
"Resident Evil 4 VR is almost a whole new ballgame."
"A hypnotic dreamlike and visually satisfying ride experience."
"Sarah Moss makes the most and builds the most incredible World cast of characters."
"Ulduar: my personal favorite raid, it had everything - cool boss fights, a sense of scale and epicness, great-looking tier sets, an awesome non-linear layout, and an interesting theme throughout the raid."
"I genuinely think that this open world is very well crafted each burrow feels distinct from one another not just in its atmosphere and design but also in the gangs that Patrol the area."
"Part RPG part graphic novel and honestly even if you never play it you might just enjoy immersing yourself in the world and the fantasy of the setting and enjoying the miniature stories throughout the book."
"If you're into grand tales of conquest and court drama and if you've got an active imagination and enjoy emergent gameplay then star dynasties might be well worth your attention."
"A day in Bel Rue feels like a creepier side quest in a video game."
"Visually, this is stunning, especially when the boss reaches his hand out and grabs the foreground from the background."
"Journey is a remarkably beautiful game... the few hours you spend on Journey will show you just what video games can be."
"They actually re-rendered a whole new cutscene for this, and it's the closest thing I'll ever get to be able to fly around and seeing different perspectives."
"Viz is definitely my favorite protagonist of the year, and his internal growth and change throughout the story is just as fascinating as the world we explore through his eyes as well."
"This book really came here to be like 'Mel light that candle, put that ambiance, sit down, turn off the lights, and literally just read the night away and pace yourself.'"
"Every other part of the craft contributes to making a world feel truly alive."
"In terms of realism and immersion, you can't beat it."
"But I promise you will fall over the characters the combat the magic everything about this world is intricate."
"A 15-minute Breakaway into some serious head swirling Acid Rock."
"It's a fantasy. It's an adventure. It's a ghost story. It's a mystery. It's a romance."
"It was one of those sessions where you don't really feel like you're in the commentary box, you feel like you're in the living room."
"It feels so good to play, and it is the reason why we played non-stop from mid-afternoon till midnight."
"Metro Exodus is true escapism... I felt every time I booted it up I was somewhere else."
"It looks like you've just got like a big movie theater in front of you."
"It's the world's greatest role-playing game."
"It looks like it would have been more than just a social world and would have featured some kind of story as well as full-on RPG elements."
"It almost feels like you're reading a comic book when you're listening to his music."
"It felt like real players playing around a table and attempting to outsmart the dungeon master."
"This is an immersive escape room."
"The Cabinet of Curiosities is a mystical Bar and Lounge like no other not only can you relax and enjoy a couple cocktails but you can also have an immersive experience by exploring the cabinets containing many objects from around the world."
"Ocarina of Time was different. It was the first game to really take you to a world that you could explore, one that you could get lost in."
"I freaking love it! It's like being in a snow globe."
"Akihabara honestly feels like you're in another world."
"Wow, this is unreal. What it's like walking straight into a Star Wars movie, except it's not a movie. You get to be in the middle of it all, in the middle of the action."
"I feel like I lived a million lives in this book alone."
"The special effects were so trippy. It was kind of breathtaking with how they were making things work."
"I really feel like I'm in Hogwarts."
"I think I like the storylines. I like it's almost like feels like I'm watching a movie in real life kind of."
"This kind of thing, that is, seeing these huge, sharp, detailed, bright, and clear images on this massive screen which covers your entire field of view, this will always be, any day, much more impactful and immersive than any other movie format like 3D."
"It's one of those books with such a fantastic sense of place that you really feel like you're there."
"You essentially get to create a show, a very cinematic experience, like you walk in, the whole thing's the size of a cinema screen except it's just playing out in real life."
"Elden Ring is not just a game, it's an experience."
"TeamLab Planets offers a unique experience where your body becomes one with the exhibit."
"This is like stepping into one of those films."
"This film just makes it feel like an experience man."
"It's a story to get lost in, to grow up alongside, and one with worlds and characters that will stay with you for years to come."
"It was just fully immersive. Go check it out because it is worth every second."
"Annotating is such a deeper, richer experience...it's almost like you've got journal entries while you're reading...it really is just like a very immersive experience."
"This is a pretty immersive experience, unlike I think you've ever seen before."
"...seamless and authentic and utterly immersive."
"The world they created, I never once felt like I was taken out of it."
"This is crazy, this is starting to feel cinematic."
"Our spring display is a harmonious blend of immersive set design, botanically enhanced decor, and natural elements brought together to create a magnificent tea party."
"This is perhaps the most immersive NASCAR stop motion track I've ever seen."
"This is like a sit down and listen to the whole thing and like immerse yourself in the experience kind of album."
"It's really, really immersive. The pacing is great, the sound effects are really, really good, the music is great. It really fits what's going on."
"It was quite immersive. It was really a cool experience. The sound just literally wrapped around my head."
"The pre-ride experience is as immersive and engaging as the main attraction itself."
"The whole ride was almost Disneyland-like in the sense of how good the immersion was."
"Circe by Madeline Miller has very automnal vibes in spades. The writing is gorgeous and immersive. Highly recommend if you have a weekend to cuddle up."
"World building in Arcane is nothing short of a marvel, laying the foundation for a captivating and immersive experience."
"...leaves you feeling like you're experiencing the creepy winding hallways of Arkham Asylum firsthand..."
"There's just something magic about it, something he's able to capture that just makes you feel like you're getting away to another world."
"We have created a world for these three days which is and is not Port Talbot, but perhaps it's Port Talbot slightly in the future."
"I absolutely love how immersive this garden is."
"This is the ultimate immersive theater."
"This immersive exhibition has enormous animatronic dinosaurs that come to life before your eyes."
"It's truly incredible... even if you're not a Star Wars fan the ride itself is more of an experience than even just a ride."
"It's got a compelling quality about it and it's nothing to do with pop music. This is to do with art grabbing you by the throat and pulling you through the experience."
"I make deeply narrative and immersive escape rooms."
"We set out to make an immersive environment that would be a place where the library's visitors can also come together."
"It made the movie feel like you were actually back in that era."
"This creates a crazy immersive experience."
"...it successfully does that more so than really any other film inside of the Star Wars universe. This is the one where you feel the size of it all by far the most because of the planets you're on, the way it blends them all together and everything, does a really nice job."
"It was the most wonderfully immersive experience ever."
"Robert Eggers is an awesome director and one thing he does in every single one of his movies is he just drops you right into that world."
"It was like going from movie to movie and you were going into the screens."
"Analog immersive console... amazing how good it sounds."
"It's a full package experience. Oh my gosh, the theming is insane."
"It does still feel super engaging."
"It's almost as if the instruments are coming out of the room instead of in the room."
"It just feels so full with life and well realized."
"I think it's a really beautiful topic to read about it's very immersive."
"When you've read a book that's been really difficult and you just want to find a book that is gonna completely just suck you in, this book did that for me."
"From the get-go, you get sucked into the Cracker Barrel aesthetic."
"Must-see movie I would say this is a movie you have to see in a theater too it's so fun to watch in a theater really exciting really immersive."
"The entire cabin is designed to be an experience for all of your senses."
"It's like a concert hall in your head."
"This place is like I don't know it's hard to capture on camera to tell you the truth because the ceilings are so tall and there's just like so much to see it's very immersive."
"The work is sublime, and we do not just read it. We experience it."
"Video games can tell an amazing story and you can be a part of it, yeah. Video games, you can tell an amazing story and you can be a part of it, and it can be over 40, 50 hours, something that just movies can't really do, not books."
"This film is more than a film; it's an experience. It is truly an experience from like the moment it starts, you are hooked into this film."
"It's very immersive and interactive and a lot of fun."
"The near-misses as you weave through the raptor paddock in the first half are truly amazing."
"'Goliath' is a compelling read with a dystopian and post-apocalyptic setting, strong representation of social awareness, and a short book that feels like a long read."
"I think Cyberpunk has a lot of potential to make this very immersive and very enjoyable."
"We are loving that Carnival has stepped up their game in terms of entertainment and made their shows both innovative and immersive."
"Being transported to another world and of rooms like these being almost an assault on all your senses."
"Once you put your headphones on and you activate this kind of effect, you suddenly get this sense of the music and the sound enveloping you instead of being inside your head."
"The absence of cuts very much mimics a theatrical play."
"You don't feel like you're listening to the music, you feel like you're listening into the music."
"It will just wash over you and you're just... it embeds itself into your psyche."
"You're getting a full themed experience."
"These settings are vibrant, detailed, and full of intriguing designs and architecture which make them feel alive and different from the other settings of this show."
"What I love about this space is it's got this immersive kind of feel."
"It's a beautifully themed attraction, this is."
"It is an experience more than watching a film; you're going to have a cinematic experience."
"This is more of an experience than an album."
"I find George RR Martin's writing style to be very distinctive, and it really helps envelop you in the world."
"It's a very haunting album, you can really get lost into it."
"It's like an attraction that takes about two, three hours long; it's a walk-through attraction, and you can see different fairy tale stories inside."
"The last stop will take you to a lakeside where you will be able to board a first century fishing boat similar to the one that Jesus and his disciples used."
"The world is just enchanting for such an older book, it really sucks you in."
"You actually feel like you are walking around an old Wild West town here."
"These are some of the most immersive desktop replacement laptops you can possibly buy."
"The freaking bathrooms have underwater murals, play the underwater theme, and smell like the ocean."
"King has an incredibly immersive writing style. I really felt like I was there."
"Experiences in Vision Pro aren't constrained to the boundaries of a display; they can freely fill the space around you."
"It sounds absolutely wonderful, lost for days."
"It's completely all-encompassing."
"The immersive audio feature is pretty cool; it works just fine."
"You feel like you should be on a boat in the ocean or swimming with the fishes or drowning whenever you listen to this record."
"It felt like I was in the middle of a movie."
"Onboard cameras provide some of the most exciting footage of the race."
"Oh man, now you got that concert feel, oh so wide around, juicy."
"Virginia City sure doesn't disappoint folks, when you come here you feel like you've stepped back in time."
"Of all the books, this is definitely like the most transporting; I felt like I could feel the ocean spray, smell the leaves."
"This book captivated me in every single way."
"Home provides the listener's eardrums with an audio-induced virtual tour."
"...one of the most immersive books I've ever read. Ferrante has such a talent of being so immersive, so realistic..."
"We went to a really cool interactive immersive art exhibit."
"It's just crazy that I can get that same feeling reading a book when it's not even happening."
"I feel like after reading this book, I feel like I've been to Alaska, even though I haven't."
"MIUI 12 super wallpaper breaks boundaries of space and brings home screen, lock screen, and always-on display together into one amazing immersive experience."
"It's an immersive educational experience."
"Whenever I would listen to their music, I felt like I was in a movie."
"I think her stories are very well crafted to the point where you get to the end of her series and you feel like you've lived it."
"All series and stories intersect and influence each other, providing horror lovers an immersive experience."
"Creating a multi-sensory experience where the viewer can not only see but also smell, hear, and touch different pieces."
"This truly feels like a lived-in Underwater Palace."
"Some of the best books out there are the ones that you start and read in a single day and you just devour because it's just that good."
"It's immersive, the sound of it is pristine and perfect and gorgeous."
"It's a setting and a theme that like when I watch it I just feel like I wish this would I could watch this every day, I wish it would never end."
"If Disney is known for anything, it's their massive budget, extremely immersive rides."
"It's a lot of fun, I feel like it's very vivid when you're reading it."
"It's almost like a narrative, like you're watching a movie or watching a documentary."
"Tomorrowland was meant to be a real immersive sci-fi city, an intergalactic spaceport of landed spacecrafts, neon science, and alien languages."
"The minute you step in this place, you're going back in time."
"With immersive theater, you're not trying to give them the feeling... you're giving them that feeling."
"The audience really finds themselves within a world, one in which they are not simply passive observers."
"The theming for each section was so detailed, even down to the pathways."
"He's building this world right off the bat, very atmospheric."
"Spatial mixing... it's a three-dimensional immersive form of experiencing and mixing music."
"We're able to place sounds around yourself or the listener, and the sounds will actually sound like and feel like they're coming from in front of you, behind you, to the left, to the right, even above you."
"You really get the sense that you are physically present when you look at Bellotto's paintings."
"Scott's hallmark as a director is in building an on-screen world so rich in detail and character that merely being on set is an overwhelming experience."
"All the vibes of games like that on this projector is just absolutely incredible."
"George Washington is one of those films you don't watch, you inhabit."
"Ambient music didn't impose itself on your space in the same way but created a sort of landscape that you could belong to, you could be part of."
"It's got great world-building, and the art is nice."
"A movie that makes you forget that you're watching a movie, no matter how cinematic it is, it just makes you leave your own reality."
"I think it's one of those books that you just have to sit and enjoy and really get into because there's just so much you can get out of it."
"An immersive audio-visual journey through fractal dimensions."
"I'm really into it. I feel like the writing style has seamlessly pulled me into the story."
"That's why we love the RVP, you just get all the action, an amazing view, amazing sound, it's just great."
"It feels like the sound is bouncing off something and hitting you."
"I want to take you along as if you're with me; this is what these one-hour travel movies are about."