
Mixed Feelings Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"It's one of the most complex products I've ever had to review. I have so many different feelings about it."
"I hate that I can't get it out of my head, but I kind of love it."
"That was just lovely in a wholesome and happy, but it also maybe sad."
"Sometimes I have ambivalent feelings, but I love America for quite a few things."
"Maybe I should hate watch my... this is actually kind of fun."
"I mean, it's super cool but it's kind of crazy at the same time."
"It's probably my least favorite on the album despite instrumentally being perhaps one of my favorites."
"I hate this movie but without this movie I don't get Dragon Ball super."
"I loved it for every single thing. I loved it for how terrible it was."
"Overall, I liked it. Overall, I don't think you did like it."
"Despite the end of the year being a bit lackluster... overall this truly has been the year of the monster."
"I love City so I want to do well, I want more, but if I'll score a goal and we lose, I'm happy, sort of thing."
"My personal two cents, I have to say, I'm very mixed opinion about this..."
"It's okay to have positive feelings towards something that you also have negative feelings for."
"There's good things about this story and things that I wasn't really huge on but it was the same thing with Thanos wins right there were things that I loved about it things I didn't really that I wasn't too big on it."
"Purple leather pants, a strapless cocktail dress, and strapped sheer dress were Fringe not all were bad but they also weren't great they were just existing."
"I was just flabbergasted but at the same time not actually surprised."
"I don't know if it's a genuine sickness or excitement, probably a mixture of the two."
"I liked this movie but also hated it with every part of my being at the same time."
"This here is Fallout 76 Nuclear Winter and I'm very divided on it, if a time very confused by it because the thing is, I actually quite enjoyed it, I had a pleasant time playing it."
"The results can sometimes be off-putting but amazing at the same time."
"I think these feelings were a mixture from shock to hurt to sad to anger to numbness and more anger and just I don't know so many mixed feelings."
"I've never had a series that was equally fun and frustrating."
"It's so good, ain't it? You love it and you hate it, yep."
"It's good that it exists, it's not exactly what we all wanted."
"Honestly, even though I didn't enjoy this trilogy as much as I had hoped, I have still enjoyed some of the other things Disney's done with Star Wars."
"Thrones of Britannia feels like two steps forward, one step back."
"I don't love this game, but I also can't remember the last time I played something that felt this compelling or drew as much raw emotion out of me."
"You've been waiting for this conversation for a million years. There's an energy here of you wanting to talk but also not wanting to talk."
"Wow, I'm proud of you and mad at you at the same time."
"I'm excited, but right now I'm not actually excited."
"As excited as I am for this sort of technology, it still makes me feel a little uncomfortable."
"I don't necessarily love it, but I don't hate it."
"Louisville's a weird city. It's a wonderful city, but it's also really unusual."
"Everything about this song is annoying as [__], but you know what? It slaps!"
"I love being scared, but also hate nightmares."
"Balancing your emotions. One foot is on the ground, one foot is in the water."
"It's so disappointing because there are so many moments that are so good."
"A time to celebrate results but with a bittersweet element."
"It's kind of heartbreaking, but bittersweet."
"Looks like everyone had a great time except for dad here, he kind of feels bad for the animals, which is cool because they had mixed feelings."
"There's a lot to like and there's a lot to nitpick there's a lot to criticize and there's lots of Praise so I really [__] I don't know I don't know how I feel with this right now."
"This victory is supposed to be bittersweet; it's over, this is the end."
"I can't stop watching this. It's terrible and beautiful and I love it."
"I have mixed feelings about the sequel trilogy, but Harrison Ford returning for Force Awakens will always be a great moment."
"This Pokemon is hilarious, I feel like I should dislike him but I kind of love him at the same time."
"This is the fourth year, wow, and we still see things that we like and things we dislike."
"I'm like getting way into this now, I don't like it but I don't not like it."
"You may find that it is a little bit of enjoyment with it as well as frustration."
"These are crazy mixed up times and nobody really knows what's gonna happen."
"The ironic thing is, for all my complaining over it, I'm actually thrilled Watson was cast as Belle."
"But let's be honest, for me whenever Bloxburg updates, it's bittersweet."
"Am I happier after retail therapy? Yes and no."
"It's really just mixed with a ton of different emotions."
"There's good things about LA, there's terrible things about LA. I'm gonna give it six months before I make it."
"I'm staying at an old freaking prison, what the actual hell, it actually freaks me out but I love it at the same time."
"We're so excited to move into our house in Orlando, but of course, we're sad to be leaving home as well."
"I'm really sad it took us this long, but I'm really happy to finally be here."
"I really enjoyed it, but you know... it was the best of times and the worst."
"I'm excited to go home, but also I had a good time."
"When it happened, I was laughing, crying and doing a number of things all at once."
"Don't Panic as a hodgepodge of ideas from other better movies... it winds up being its own film for better and for worse."
"Someone tried to hurt you, try to make you feel some type of way but in some strange way, they still have love for you."
"Oh buddy, this is so Bittersweet, I love it but I'm cringing too."
"That was better than expected and also worse than expected so I guess I'm impressed with myself and also disappointed."
"Every now and again, you'd sneak open at the Stratford C's or something, it was everything, it was horrible but it was great."
"There are things about him that I enjoy, but sometimes he just says stuff that's like so shitty that it upsets me."
"That's like a bittersweet, yeah. Bittersweetly, right? It was like, yeah, everybody's happy, hugs, hugs. Oh, you're getting the upside down now, you're getting all this snowflakey upside-down nonsense coming down."
"I'm excited for this. I'm sad for this."
"I finished this book and just felt a bit... there are just parts in this book that I didn't love."
"It was a bittersweet moment for her, for sure."
"It’s a bittersweet end to what seemed like such a triumphant finale."
"A blessing and a cursing all at once."
"I'm excited for Christmas because of our baby girl coming, but I'm also not because in January comes and then I don't really like January."
"I feel very glad that it's over but I also feel a bit sad because I actually had a really good time."
"Getting old is a blessing and a dang curse."
"I love James Robinson. He's a nice guy, but I kind of hate him as well."
"It's a sport we're in. I do love knocking people out, but I also feel bad. It's a weird mix."
"What a pain in the ass to interview but what a great guy."
"A good season but not so good season at the same time, man. I mean, it's kind of bittersweet, but definitely a memorable one, no doubt."
"I must say I have mixed feelings. It's quite a package, and I am glad to see the trumpet is not buying blankenship's position."
"It's so great to be back on the water, all the unknowns, all the things that you can't plan for, the hellacious part of the sail, the great part of the sail. It's like, oh I love it, I hate it, and love it at the same time."
"I've got a lot of mixed feelings."
"9/11 is the happiest day of my life because you were born that day, and it is the saddest day of my life because there were so many friends that day."
"I can't believe this is the last one I'm like excited to finish it um because then I've done it I've watched it and that's awesome but I'm sad I'm actually sad."
"I'm happy that he's gone, but I'm sad about the career."
"It was a bit of a surprise, a bit of a mixed bag, overall, very, very positive though."
"I've been kind of in a LoveHate relationship with Mesco for the last couple of years."
"Sad and exciting at the same time."
"It's nice though, it's nice but exhausting at the same time."
"Why do I love it and I hate it at the same time?"
"Going to school is like very bittersweet."
"It was both kind of a blessing and a curse though."
"This is such a bittersweet victory, dude."
"Salute to the Grammys, had mixed feelings about this kind of set aside."
"I sit here with mixed feelings of awe and envy."
"I've never been so sad and so happy at the same time."
"I complain just as much as everyone else, but I'm also the one that's taking it all in at the same time. So it's home. It's hard to beat home."
"Overall, it was a mix of positives and negatives, but it left me satisfied."
"I think it's safe to say that it was a bittersweet ending."
"I still really enjoyed it, not gonna lie, but it just frustrated me."
"I miss him. He was [expletive] annoying sometimes, you know, but he was also a great guy."
"It feels great to be back and also really scary and strange which is totally fine."
"I'm so excited of course going back to school is not always like the most exciting thing."
"I love that part about California but I also hate that part about California."
"I always wrap back around hating it but I love it but I still hate it."
"It's sad that he's retiring but happy that he won."
"wow it is quiet in here for the first time in a long time and you know what there's it's like a Bittersweet you know it's nice to have our own space but it's also sad because no one's here"
"I'm joyous about it, I'm excited about it, I'm terrified about it."
"Star Wars is like a staple fandom for me, I have mixed feelings about the sequels but I still am a fan."
"I have such mixed feelings about leaving right now and walking out of the Magic Kingdom I'm excited to go home I'm ready to squeeze my babies and hug my husband."
"Halloween 2018 is a movie that kind of makes me angry now sometimes because what it gets right, it nails."
"Tough video to watch. It makes me very happy but also very sad."
"Better than expected, worse than I wanted."
"I'll put in the middling, the reason being yes, it's a mess, yes, it is all over the place, yes, it's kind of bad however there are moments that I like."
"I think it's a brilliant film but I hated watching it."
"I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm all of that."
"I hate it because it evokes that emotion. I love it."
"I really liked it, I think at times it can be very boring... but it's something I really enjoyed watching."
"You hate it but you kind of love it because you feel something good, it just makes people..."
"This movie is so frustrating because there were parts in this movie that do work so well."
"They say they saved the world but it's still a little bittersweet."
"I still can't decide whether I hate it or love it."
"That's like a blessing and a curse."
"They are kind of annoying, but sometimes, but not all the time, but it's all worth it."
"I'm sorry for being so negative up to this point, despite all of this, I actually enjoy using my device."
"I am both disappointed and impressed."
"It was a beautiful day but like a beautiful song with a bad note here and there."
"It's always a mixed emotions... you're on a major high once you recover the deer."
"I don't think Tammy likes me very much, but the thing is, that show has really... I kind of love Tammy."
"It was pretty entertaining, had some hits, had some misses, but overall I was pretty happy with it."
"I'm excited and nervous at the same time."
"I just watched Alien 3, I love it and despise it at the same time."
"I didn't love it, I didn't hate it, but it had me invested enough."
"It's a mix of good and bad, but I love it."
"Should we be excited, or should we be concerned, or maybe a little bit of both?"
"I'm confused and sad and happy and alone and smothered all at once."
"It's a thumbs up and a thumbs down, I'm kind of wishy-washy on this one."
"I'm kind of mixed emotions, a bit sad, a bit happy, I don't really know how to feel about this."
"The intent of the encounter was support, appreciation, and love, but the problem is what I extracted from it and took away was a bit of a mixed blessing."
"Yes and no. Yes, because who isn't excited for Christmas time?"
"I have so many mixed emotions for Delhi, in some parts I really am not happy and not enjoying it, and other places like we've come this morning are just so wonderful."
"He expressed a mix of apprehension and optimism about the 18-month service period, seeing it as an opportunity for growth and learning."
"It's also family, you know. As irritating as they can be, and as scary as they can be, having family around is also kind of... it's a mixed feelings."
"Scooby-Doo, I used to hate that show but I loved it at the same time."
"That Loki finale, I don't know how I feel about it, guys."
"Anyway, this movie was pretty good, other than all the parts that were really bad."
"We all went to summer courses, we all loved summer courses, we all hated summer courses."
"Have a great evening everyone, a day of mixed emotions."
"Thank you, hate you all but I still love you."
"The music and art style are pretty great. There are things I like and dislike about this game, and I think it balances out to a B tier."
"I loved this book despite all the things that I don't like about it."
"I found out I'm having to have a cesarean section, which I know a lot of people would freak out about or be like really really scared about, but I'm kind of I have mixed feelings about it."
"I am so pleasantly surprised... I'm disappointed in many ways too, but I'm also pleasantly surprised."
"The holidays are not just easy for everybody; they are such a happy time, but I just feel weird right now."
"I don't hate this movie; there is quite a bit to enjoy about it."
"Here's my finished makeup look using all new makeup, and I have mostly hits, a couple products that I'm not in love with."