
Sedentary Lifestyle Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"A sedentary lifestyle not only impacts sleep quality but life quality."
"Sitting is the new smoking. Sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of all-cause mortality."
"We're in a culture in which we're just eating all day long and we're sitting in chairs."
"Everyone has lower back pain because we sit too much. That is the medical reason why lower sitting is bad for health."
"Our bodies were made to move. Sitting for prolonged periods can lead to chronic pain."
"Don't let your health span sink into your sitting. That's the key."
"Our brains suffer when we're sedentary and they thrive in a body that moves."
"Sitting for large amounts of time is very unhealthy."
"It's the proof of a sedentary race, or race where they have technology doing all the work for them."
"Staying active throughout the day is the best way to combat being sedentary."
"Sitting is bad for you. Why? Sitting for prolonged periods without moving essentially drops your basil metabolic rate."
"Unlocking sedentary life: the first step towards progress."
"Sedentary people have reduced muscle function... and increased incidence of lung inflammation and bacterial pneumonia."
"You might not need exercise to become better at sitting, but to prevent the deleterious effects of continuous sitting."
"This becomes a healthy habit; you will actually start feeling unhealthy when you've just been seated the whole time."
"The more you get inactive, the more you're not moving around, then you get into a rut, and it's like eating everything."
"There's no such thing as a healthy sedentary person."
"You sit down for 18 hours a day, enjoy fewer things than you used to."
"I think honestly when it comes to training you know you know for the average person that just wants to be healthy not being sedentary is probably the biggest thing you can do."
"The first evidence for sedentary communities appears perhaps 11,000 years ago and the first evidence of domesticated plants and animals appear at roughly the same time."
"There's no such thing as a healthy older individual who is sedentary."
"...being obese or being sedentary it can increase about 50 chances of many cancers right so that's absolutely astronomical right..."
"...if we were around maybe our genes are they they adapt to become sedentary but at this point we're too too young as as uh as a race as a species for our genes to to adapt to become sedentary so they're ready to to to to get the ball rolling with exercise anytime..."
"Sitting all day is linked to so many health problems like an increased chance of weight gain, back pain, anxiety, and depression, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer."
"I remember reading an article about eight years ago that said sitting is the new smoking. Sitting all day is linked to so many health problems like an increased chance of weight gain, back pain, anxiety, and depression, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer."
"...living sedentary lives is not what we were created to live and eventually that affects us it affects our metabolism it affects our muscle mass it affects our bones it affects everything."
"It takes some time but what's really amazing here is that we seem to have the elites being the first people who are sedentary."
"This is so good especially if you sit down all day long in a desk."
"I really didn't walk more than, say, a couple hundred steps a day."
"I always think how crazy it is where if you want, you can just be a complete human blob because of technology."
"One of the most unhealthy things that people do is sit a lot... if you got up and moved for five minutes for every hour that you sat... you erase a lot of that damage."
"We live in a very different environment, and our environment is in many ways set up for us to be sedentary, so we need very much so, we need a little more intentionality to kind of age healthily despite the environment."
"Exercise snacks: 5 minutes of activity after 45 minutes of being sedentary can completely reverse the negative effects."
"Can we normalize sitting our butts down?"
"We've made everything so alluringly sedentary that you have to actually schedule activity."
"There is no such thing as a healthy sedentary person."
"Sedentary lifestyle can definitely be one of the main reasons for brain shrinkage."
"As you've gotten older, a lot of men tend to be a lot more sedentary, sit around a lot more."
"Sitting is a new smoking. Inactivity and the health problems from inactivity are almost identical to the health problems from smoking."
"Under desk treadmills could radically change the health of the United States."
"Sitting all day, not a good thing. Okay, gotta get that blood flowing and build muscle."
"Being sedentary and not moving is what I believe to be a sick state. There's no such thing as a healthy sedentary person."
"Being sedentary is worse than smoking for your health."
"Our sedentary lifestyle is why there's so much body fat on our bodies and our bellies."
"Sitting down all day is one of the most unhealthy things you can do, and we all do it for long periods of the day."
"The lack of physical activity is really turning into an epidemic. Less than five percent of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day, and that's just not enough."
"The medical evidence in the literature is so conflicting... but the one thing we all agree on is that sedentary lifestyle is the leading cause of all-cause mortality."
"Hourly exercise may attenuate the negative effects not only of prolonged sitting but also of high-fat meal intake."
"Human beings were not meant to sit down all day."
"Hip flexors get tight for a lot of different reasons, the biggest culprit is usually a lot of sitting."
"If you're gonna sit, get up every once in a while; get up every 10 minutes or so."
"Thank you so very much everyone for doing this yoga practice for all of us who sit for most of the day."
"What happens to someone sitting in a chair 15 hours a day? Not much better."
"Protective against a sedentary lifestyle."
"This is where you get that really great stretch in the hamstring, awesome for people who sit for long periods of time."
"A couch potato is someone who sits on their couch a lot and watches a lot of television."
"The human, simply put, was not designed to sit all day."
"This is such a good stretch for those hip flexors, especially if you have a job where you're sitting all day."
"We live in a very, very sedentary world."