
Environmental Influence Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"Genes cannot turn on and off by themselves; they're controlled by the signals of the environment."
"The fastest way to change your habits is to change your environment."
"To change then is to be greater than your environment, to be greater than the conditions in your world."
"He started a journal about his negative thoughts, realized they were a byproduct of his environment and upbringing, and began the process of transforming them."
"It's a way of dealing with a constantly changing environment, both responding to that environment to achieve your goals and also attempting where possible to change the environment to your benefit."
"We're not just a product of our environment; we're creators of our environment. You can consciously choose that."
"Your microbiome is constantly being modified by the behavioral interactions, the nutritional interactions, and indeed your mood and internal reactions to the outside world."
"The environment raises a child because children learn through experiences."
"To actually understand what makes people successful, we have to look at things like hours put in, environments people grew up in, mentors, and even circumstances of where their family was located or birthdays."
"Sometimes seeing things in your environment that you don't like can be a catalyst to become what you want to be."
"Your environment has an enormous impact on how you develop."
"Our responsibility is to create an environment whether you're in the military or in the industrial area or in government or education, an environment where people can discover their gifts, develop their gifts, share their gifts."
"To change, to truly change, is to think greater than your environment, to think greater than the circumstances in your life, to think greater than the conditions in your world."
"We are a product of our environment, and our environment is very much a part of us."
"Our biggest environment that affects our biology, are our close relationships."
"Everywhere you turn, there's something that feeds the soul."
"It is easier to change your environment than to change your willpower."
"Gravity shapes our bodies and molds our planet. Nothing happens on Earth without its power and influence."
"Change your environment, change your life. Fresh energy, fresh mind, fresh experiences."
"When you change, everything changes around you."
"Your environment definitely has an effect on you."
"People are truly products of their environment and their experiences."
"That's one of those powerful things about habit change is the changing of the environment."
"Why do Aaron and Reiner fight? Is it because their environment forced them to, or is it something else?"
"Change your environment to change your life."
"I'm completely fascinated by how the geographical and environmental context of a city informs its transportation and its Urban form."
"Your environment, where you live or how you shape your surroundings, is the biggest, most important, and most impactful thing you can do to favor your own happiness."
"Epigenetics is the environment controls the genes."
"These self hotspots become cooler when attentiveness is required and demanded by events in the external environment."
"We're all a product of our environment, our genetics, our experiences."
"The environment is often referred to as the third teacher."
"You can emphasize certain textural effects like your grass by moving in the direction the wind might be blowing the grass or how the grass is growing."
"You are a product of your environment, so wherever you can, try to have conversations that spark you to think bigger than what you can do."
"Your environment is more powerful than your willpower."
"Environmental storytelling is the most effective way to tell a story."
"Be the bean. Let your environment change you. You change your environment."
"You can tell how people live so a lot of times the body is a reflection of its environment."
"Boros gained his strength and resilience from the environment of his harsh planet and was also considered the strongest being there."
"The idea of spatial sound is very exciting because I consider rooms to be as important an instrument as the individual musicians and instruments in the song."
"People will often behave in a way that reflects their environment."
"Your environment will not dictate your future."
"The Millennium will prove once again that our problem is not our environment, but our nature."
"Atmospheres influence desires... Guard your atmosphere."
"Can parents pass on environmental responses to their offspring?"
"It's probably no surprise that nature is beneficial to our mental health."
"You can either be someone that allows the environment to dictate how you feel or what you do or you make your own [ __ ] way."
"This is such the antithesis of the environment I grew up in as an athlete."
"Crime specifically... manifests in environments... due to material conditions."
"The discipline to actually do things every day, like force yourself... create an environment around yourself that will help you do those things."
"It's not controlled by genes, it's controlled by what's going on in the environment that allows the organism to continuously adjust its biology."
"We didn't get here by chance. We came here as part of an evolution of a garden."
"The problem is likely that there's something wrong with the message we're giving people, the information we're giving people, and the food environment that we're finding ourselves in."
"We're products of our environment, I needed to separate myself and create a new environment."
"Detox the negativity of your life. Your environments do shape your psychology."
"It all boils down to manipulation, man. You were being manipulated by your environment, the people around you."
"It's a very exciting time, a very important time for science in terms of looking at the links between how the ocean is influencing the rest of our planet."
"Black men are asserting themselves in the third way. They've done it biologically, they've done it culturally, now they're asserting themselves environmentally."
"This game doesn’t need any words to tell you what to feel, because the environment says it all."
"Your own environment, you get what you put in."
"It's much easier to change your environment than it is to change your behavior"
"To me, more importantly, is I love to infuse whichever space I'm in with more positivity, more light, higher Consciousness."
"Much of who we are is a result of the experiences that we've had in environments, different circumstances, different relationships."
"Awareness becomes one when you're in the right environment."
"This is an alder tree, a sacred medicine of the north plants but it grows in abundance all over the world."
"I'd be a much different person if I grew up in this place."
"Mutation is not blind; context molds populations."
"There are things in the box propensities maybe but they're expressed in a wide variety of ways epigenetically depending on how they interact with the rest of the environment."
"If you want to change how people behave, you have to change their environment."
"We move in a certain way because you see what's going on."
"Hindsight's always 20/20 but looking back it's like well, no, obviously. Obviously, you're a part of that environment too."
"Our beliefs are shaped by our environments, so beliefs can shift, beliefs are moldable."
"Environmental factors are huge. We have our genetics, we have the environment."
"Your surroundings really influence how you feel."
"The child shapes itself, forms itself, molds itself to reflect the other people around."
"The idea is that this doesn't happen by accident. Behavior comes from the environment and from the systems."
"You can't determine a person's value by their surroundings."
"Toxicity is literally a product of your environment."
"Imagination, self-image, skills, and environment stimulate our greater ability of resourcefulness."
"The weather is, in my opinion, the biggest factor."
"Something about Colorado that just makes you want to be eating green on green."
"The islands within develop much more differently than they normally would."
"Your genes do not control you, the environment and the way your mind interact with the environment control who you are."
"Henry gets stronger the more strong magic that's around him."
"You're someone who's trying, you're really trying. And you're learning in this period of your life that you aren't a product of your environment."
"Closed the window once to shut out the noise and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart beat stronger."
"Percussion is a big part of the space as well."
"Focus on big changes in your environment; it'll make you more magnetic."
"Nothing good develops in an atmosphere of anxiety. Nothing."
"The environment is the master of the mindset."
"If you don't decide, your environment will decide for you."
"Your mind state is dependent on your environmental state."
"I wanted to be what I saw around me growing up, even dyed my hair blonde."
"Genetics will load the gun but its environment that pulls the trigger."
"It would be nice not to see clutter everywhere, you'd be happier because I'll be happier."
"The environment and lifestyle matter more than what I say."
"Just an amazing game of football, an amazing kind of difference in two halves."
"In Las Vegas, the climate skews the odds toward a new kind of strange display."
"The most important thing that you should always remember is how you feel in a space."
"Every human being is equally powerful in their creative ability to shape the planet."
"Stay away from negativity as much as you can, stay away from negative environments and excessively negative people."
"The real solution is to learn to self-regulate so well that you change the field within you."
"Put yourself in better places and better rooms."
"So it's great to just set up your environment such that it's going to promote the healthy choice."
"The shady hotel across the river tarnished Thurmond's reputation."
"You develop who you are by the things that are around you when you're developing. It's called growing up."
"Circumstances and environment do not control your destiny."
"When the lights are on, you're fine, you're just in that chill jazz area. But when they turn off is when the entity swarm starts."
"She grew up in one of the toughest neighborhoods in the world."
"Sea turtle breeding: eggs laid on beaches, gender determined by temperature."
"Life taught me that it don't matter how good of a job you do parenting if they grow up in a bad environment."
"What we surround ourselves with is what motivates us."
"Human personality is quite diverse and even under very different conditions, you're going to see people behave sometimes in ways they ought not."
"Don't let your external environment determine your state of being, you decide."
"Human life is in reality made of well-balanced mixture of personal environmental factors that all need to work well together."
"You're a product of your environment, hang around with the right people."
"A pronounced sense of place is something that wins my heart."
"Changing habits: change your environment, change your life."
"We can't separate the individual from the environment, and we can't separate the mind from the body. It's all one."
"Find your truth—shine a light on what speaks to your heart."
"If you want to change your behavior, change your environment."
"You just need a different kind of soil for your brilliance to flourish."
"Childhood pickiness isn't an inherent trait but a product of modern abundance."
"What we do as creatives is allow the ground beneath us to become more porous."
"Humans suffer, we're responsive to our environment. Maybe you need to change your environment."
"Makes it easier to channel nature mother nature did all the hard work to channel this one so it would be a perfect candidate the channel."
"Don't allow whatever's happening around you to taint who you are, try to remain pure."
"So much of our situation, or so much of who we are and the decisions we make, is based on our experiences and environments and we really don't play much of a role in that on a macro scale."
"Situation truly has a dramatic impact on our behaviors."
"Most monsters are made both by choice and by circumstance."
"We're not born with prejudice and bigotry. It's generated and nurtured by the environment we live in."
"You create the environment. The environment does not create you."
"You should test it small... where you try to see what you can do for mental health by building a physical environment..."
"Maps are the biggest variable in perceived imbalance in this game."
"The life story of a star depends very much on its environment."
"Be patient with yourself, but ruthless with your environment."
"Confidence can be improved by reactions from the environment."
"Leaders are responsible for the environment, not just the results."
"It's just a choice, being influenced by your environment."
"Climate change played a very important role in human evolution."
"Kids in places where they're out in the sun all the time... genetically have a body that's shaped like that."
"The African savannah is an open landscape that supports its entire ecosystem solely because elephants are able to destroy basically the environment and create that ecosystem."
"There are no bad kids. Kids are just really dependent on the people around them and what we expect of them."
"Your environment will change you before you change it."
"Environment does play a very very large factor."
"Sometimes just being in the right environment can make all the difference in the world."
"These are versions of existing Pokémon that have adapted and evolved in various ways to fit the environments of this west coast US-based land."
"It's made of several different things around here um a lot of times it's just from like the wood mills like forest materials."
"The land shapes the lives of the Duttons and those around them, and provides an expansive canvas for the story to unfold."
"Your environment is a big part of who you are and what you become later on in life."
"Environment abundance of nutrients, you're gonna grow and divide."
"These guys need to get some other vibes going on."
"Your environment is like a womb... What happens when you exit the womb? You're delivered into another environment, and you're not going to be sustained by that same thing."
"Your personality is heuristic, reactive to the environment, flexible."
"The strongest way to change your behavior is to simply change your environment."
"Nurture your surroundings, your tribe, and watch the magic unveil."
"Recognizing that your environment plays a role in your growth and development."
"Nature is the best remedy; spend time outdoors."
"Our memories are dependent on small little markers in our environment."
"Despite our lack of terrifying jaws of death, we really are the animal in the world that holds all the power."
"Healthy long life comes from clean water and healthy living."
"The belief that the physical environment plays a role in the development of society along with the culture is going to be possibilism."
"We are victims of our environment basically, we're victims of our circumstances."
"I think the biggest message I took away from it is that you know we're evolving as a result of our environment which is like the basis of evolution right like that's how all organisms progress."
"Pleasant smells in casinos make people want to gamble more."
"Expect poison from standing water."
"Four-leaf clovers are rare because of a recessive gene and environmental conditions."
"Diatoms affect the climate on such a large scale."
"Everybody can be a predator. The environment and circumstances can create Predators."
"Changing your environment changes everything."
"If you train a rat to press a lever for a stimulant and then put it in an enriched environment, it may press it occasionally but not as frequently as its counterpart in the dull environment."
"Some countries is more rain, others there is snow, others are warm, and hot, so-the styles, and the materials, were they affected by the environment?"
"You're not a bad person but it's based on the environment that you were raised in."
"Martin Scorsese as a director, especially when he deals with the human emotion and the depths of it and how that can manifest through the product being a product of your environment is very fascinating to me."
"The insights that you can glean from understanding the forces that shape us, whether they're environmental, biological, obviously it's both."
"We can raise their best through the education we can give them and the different environments that we can put them in to help generalize good behaviors in all environments."
"Change your environment and you have to learn your religion if you're a Muslim and if you want to stay a Muslim because it is a blessing from Allah."
"Your environment has to be stronger than your mentality."
"Nature could indeed do the same thing, and natural forms could change over time and diverge and adapt to an environment."
"Circumstance is a major contributor to behavior."
"A fish grows to the size of its tank."
"How can we trigger those mystical experiences in ourselves and then create environments where it's triggered in others too?"
"We are products of our environment."
"The environment, including teaching, can and does shape the developing adolescent brain."
"A baby's environment and care can increase or decrease the number of connections in their brain by up to 25%."
"I've learned that curiosity gets you far, and the right environment can make all the difference in the world."
"We are not cold calculating machines; we are a product of our environment."
"Your thoughts are influenced by your environment, your family, your generation, people around you, and the atmosphere around you."
"A lot of what I'm doing is cued from the environment around me."
"If you're always being acted upon by the environment, you're never free; you have no free will."
"Altering your environment to set yourself up for success is one of the best things you can do."
"There's an invisible force shaping our lives, affecting the weather, climate, land, economy."
"Individually, one change to the environment does not usually meaningfully move the needle, but collectively, it can stack the odds in your favor."
"Does the environment control your thinking, or does your thinking control the environment?"
"You are shaped by the hardness of the environment around you."
"I'm a product of my environment, and I'm happy with who I am."
"Growing up in different environments can have a real significant impact on a person's life experiences, values, opportunities, and overall outlook on life."
"Humans are never born evil; they become such as a result of their upbringing and environment."
"All animals are a product of their environment and how their genes interact with it."
"Your environment affects your behavior a lot more than you think."
"I'm a product of my expectation, not my environment."