
Relationship Balance Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"It's all about balance in a relationship, right?"
"The real struggle in a relationship is balancing both [fear of abandonment and fear of being smothered] because you have two people experiencing each of those fears."
"A relationship should be 50/50; it should be nourishing and supportive."
"Desire needs space; if love wants closeness, desire needs space to thrive."
"Some of you are learning the lesson of well, speak up for yourself if you want that equal give and take."
"If you find what works for you as a couple, if you find that perfect balance - which takes time, it takes effort, it takes a lot of communication - you can have a very happy relationship."
"The birthing of 'we' is not the death of 'me'."
"The harmonious balancing of a network of relationships to yourself and others is the essence of mental health."
"They want closeness between you but also space, love never claims."
"My heart longs for you. You will balance me."
"We do have to honor our needs and someone else's and create the space in us and in the relationship for both."
"You're learning to have balance in your relationships, equal give and take."
"They're feeling so much passion, they want to race towards you but they know there needs to be balance."
"They're making decisions, they want to meet you halfway, they want this balance of give-and-take."
"You two have got to learn that whatever you want out of a relationship, you've gotta be willing to give it."
"Interdependence is the healthy middle ground between independence and codependence. Be two people standing together, holding hands."
"You were born into a society which is still in the dark ages... we know so little about reality."
"He has a good balance, I feel like with me. Like, okay, we have to settle down and get serious, but he's also become like my best friend outside of work."
"When you're in love, you don't need to keep score, things just build themselves almost out of thin air."
"Thriving relationships are the ones that straddle contradictory needs."
"Wow, you're seeing me real vulnerable right now, she just, she balances me out, you know?"
"You want to reconcile working out and marriage it's all about compromise."
"I can't just be the one forever holding your hand."
"Relationships are about compromise, but they're not about forgetting who you are."
"Just because you become a parent doesn't mean you stop being a husband or a wife."
"If somebody has to stop being all of who they are to be half of a couple, the price is too high."
"Love is not lust; you need a balance of both."
"Love we have passion we have intellectual stimulation we have stability like we need to you know have a balance."
"They want equal give and take between the two of you."
"Definitely don't let this connection drain you in any way."
"Separation for balance, allowing both twins to evolve spiritually."
"We always put our marriage first... but we had to somehow figure out a way to do it."
"A relationship is always 50/50, not 90/10 or 80/20."
"Effort should be matched much like a seesaw. If he pushes up, you come down. In other words, the relationship should feel like a nice gentle seesaw."
"I'm patient, I'm kind, I give as much as I get."
"They want you in their life for a lifetime or a very long time."
"They want to restore balance to the connection."
"If you are not getting matched energy, matched effort, and you're going beyond, that's doing too much."
"Allow yourself to receive as well as give. If we are to find the balance in relationships, we have to allow ourselves to receive as well as give."
"A man's absence should not cause intense pressure on a woman."
"Seeking balance in your relationships is not selfish, it's necessary."
"Strive to become too whole empowered Souls who can express their individual potential work around each other's fallibles and find balance."
"Your true counterpart is coming in with equal give and take."
"It shouldn't be a woman's responsibility to always cook or to cook or do things for a man. It's just vice versa. You gotta help each other out."
"Balance is key... You don't want to deal with men who only want you for your body or your skin tone."
"A good man never lets the woman he's serious about do all of the sacrificing."
"You don't ever have to forgo your dreams and your passions for love."
"Maintain your own identity and sense of self while in a relationship."
"If you feel complete yourself and the other person is feeling complete, and you come together, it's beautiful teamwork."
"They see the balance between the two of you."
"Both of you still want some independence, to go off and play with your own toys."
"Indulging in love vs. preparing for the future."
"It's almost like you're looking at the situation like, yeah, I love you, I have feelings for you, but at the same time, I got bills to pay, you know what I mean?"
"Some of your relationships have been frustrating you consistently because you've been giving away too much too soon."
"Your weaknesses as a man are made up for by the strengths of that woman."
"You can't be a good mom and be a shitty wife."
"There is a balance of masculinity and femininity in a good relationship... you have to give a little bit in places."
"If you don't make time for yourself, it's going to make it difficult to show up for your relationship."
"There's love here, there's a bond, there's a connection, I think there's actually a lot of balance between you."
"There's no balancing the shit; we take turns feeling sorry for each other."
"It's all about balance and understanding your worth in a relationship."
"The hardest part of being in a relationship is showing as much care as you receive."
"I serve my loved ones better when I serve myself first."
"You have to get better at being someone's everything without giving them everything in the moment."
"In a healthy marriage, work doesn't come first."
"You're tired of relationships where people are taking from you and not giving."
"You owe your spouse that time and attention."
"It is a two-way street; if you are the only one putting in the effort, you need to take a step back."
"It's just got enough to sustain itself, the connection between the two of you. It's not too much, not too little, okay? It's just perfection basically."
"You're being very grounded and practical, you want that reciprocity."
"Marriage is a give and take, not just to take."
"There's a balance between the certainty and the uncertainty in relationships."
"You're allowed to have bad days too, and she needs to be able to support you in return."
"I want someone who balances me out."
"To keep a count of who has given and who has taken is not the best way to approach a relationship."
"They’re a mismatched odd couple, with Patrick presenting a conservative rejoinder to David’s neurotic quirks."
"Mutual attraction is what I'm hearing; there's a very mutual energy, what you do for this person, they do for you."
"They want to bring balance to this, they want to heal this connection."
"Give and take on both sides, as long appreciated and not taken for granted, it's a beautiful thing."
"Co-regulation is the two of us balancing on a board and smoothing out our interactions."
"A guy can control you or love you, not both."
"In healthy relationships, caring for others does not mean not caring for yourself."
"It takes a lot more strength to just be honest and transparent and like more balanced in a relationship."
"His investment in you of his time, energy, and emotion is far more important than your investment in him."
"Not every relationship has to be so self-sacrificing to the point where you lose yourself."
"I feel like now we're in an equal partnership."
"I want to bring balance to this connection."
"They want to be in a situation with you where they not just taking, they also giving."
"Quality time to your damn self is just as important in relationship as quality time together."
"Never put anyone on a pedestal, even if you're madly in love."
"I'm a very independent person; I love my own space as much as I love my boyfriend."
"Self-love is the key to balancing the duality of any relationship."
"They're just a good match, they go Toe to Toe, it's good, it seems evenly yoked."
"They know that they owe each other everything but are owed nothing in return."
"You can't have a functional relationship where only one person is actively participating in the relationship and the other person has a passive existence in that relationship."
"It's all about putting equal travel efforts in."
"Love yourself. If you ever find yourself in this situation, you are loving someone else more than you love yourself."
"It's not just about what they want; it's also about what you want."
"It's like two people who are just right, two people who balance each other out."