
Child Abuse Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"I'm tired of children being abused... As a human species, we've been abusing them for a very long time, and I don't like it."
"No child should be subjected to neglect and physical abuse like Jamari was."
"An autopsy by the National Forensic Service found that Jongin died of serious internal bleeding of her organs caused by external force."
"One out of every four girls and one out of every six boys are molested before the age of eighteen."
"Verbal abuse of children is worse than physical abuse in terms of the magnitude of the harm and the longevity of the harm."
"Most of us were abused as children; that does not give anybody the right to grow up and abuse other people."
"A young boy was groomed, assaulted, and had the majority of his childhood stripped away from him. He was tormented and made to believe that what occurred was his own doing, and that simply isn't right."
"Child sexual abuse is an abhorrent crime, and the possession of the documentation of this abuse re-victimizes the survivor again and again."
"We've counted somewhere between three and four hundred kids were likely sexually abused over the two years those guys were there."
"Parental alienation is child abuse, plain and simple. It's brainwashing."
"There's no direct evidence of sexual abuse of children... but you could make the case that some of the things... could be deemed as sexually exploitative of children."
"Nothing was done by the FBI even though Larry Nassar was abusing all these young girls he told."
"There is no circumstance that would ever even begin to justify or minimize the brutal physical assault of a nine-year-old girl."
"This is a problem priest molesting children is a grave Wicked Judas problem in the church and it must be brought down to zero percent not to one percent like this has to stop."
"One in ten children will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday. One in seven girls, one in 25 boys."
"The really dark shit like pedophiles raping little children with broomsticks."
"We strongly condemn child abuse. It was never our intent to include it in our narrative."
"The problem of child abuse isn't exclusive to any group but can become entrenched in groups that put up obstacles to justice."
"I actually thought that everyone's parents hit them."
"It's this kind of dismissive language that both invalidates victims of child sexual trauma and allows their abusers to continue down a path of Destruction."
"Mr. Ferguson is a result of years and years and years of physical neglect and abuse on behalf of his mother, no doubt in my mind has borne out in this report."
"Regardless of if this is true or not, Ruby and Jordy duct-taping their children, starving them, and doing all the other stuff that we've heard over the years, it's not okay."
"All of us are flawed but this is a rough topic because it involves uh the raping of children and it's happening at the highest levels of government."
"This is about an internal investigation revealing what has been a long-standing pattern of behavior of child sexual assault and a long-standing precedent of no prosecution no charges no convictions."
"The Catholic Church's ongoing struggle with allegations of child abuse, spanning decades and continents."
"It's definitely not a pleasant memory and nobody should do that to their kids."
"The treatment these children were subjected to is an absolute travesty and blight on humanity."
"So now your little girl realized she was just going through a phase and you did all that to her before the age of 18, that's disgusting, that's totally child abuse."
"We all went through stuff as kids, but this seems to be something that happened to a lot of people who either actually got sent to these places or got threatened to be sent to these places."
"The truth is this disorder should be called traumatic child abuse syndrome or early childhood trauma disorder. Any situation that causes a child to dissociate in a chronic fashion and feels immensely threatening can cause DID."
"A violated child is a violated child, and something has to be done."
"The sad truth of the matter is there are multiple times during this story when if somebody had just recognized the signs of abuse it might have been prevented."
"The body of a young boy between four and six years old was found in a box wrapped in a blanket just sitting there on the side of the road." - Aiden Mattis
"What kaboo did was take away a child's innocence, taking away her life and her freedom from her parents for two years."
"The game is alluding to the horrors of child abuse and the possibility of people in power knowing."
"In a matter of minutes, they can download hundreds if not thousands of images and videos of the most disgusting abuse of children."
"They would like joke about one of the children's Sumerian poop on the wall. As a therapist, I know that that means that there's abuse happening in the home."
"Whenever you see child sexual abuse, if you're a victim, it affects you too."
"FGM is a violation of human rights a form of violence against women and girls and a form of child abuse."
"Lindsay was an adult woman beating the [ __ ] out of a three-year-old girl."
"It is horrific to think that people do that to children. And unfortunately, I have seen it happen far too many times."
"The little girls and little boys are being sexually abused by the traffickers."
"His death sparked an inquest into the abuses endured by these victims of the residential schools."
"The judge Brooks said during sentencing he told Duggar that his crimes were exacerbated by the sadistic nature of the abuse and the ages of the kids involved and his refusal to accept guilt."
"He suffered with his mental health after being abused as a child."
"The unspeakable horrors the boy named Jonathan underwent were cruel, inhumane, and undeniably tragic."
"Daddyofive is famous for psychologically abusing their children over and over again."
"It's such an issue that people don't want to talk about because it is so horrific and unimaginable to think about."
"What Harmony Montgomery endured is heart-wrenching."
"Pizzagate is about the idea that the elite, the people in the government, people in the high-up positions are... They abuse children and they're into pedophilia, having, like, sexual things with children."
"Parental abuse and neglect can prime you to be a secondary partner to somebody you love."
"Regardless of your perspective, all over the world, it is all too common for kids to suffer at the hands of abusive parents, bullies, pedophiles, and rapists."
"The pictures of the injuries were some of the most disturbing that I had seen in a child abuse case in quite some time. That's the truth."
"Child sexual abuse is the epitome of evil. It is also disturbingly common, perpetrated not by monsters on the fringes of society, but by everyday citizens hiding in plain sight."
"There's also another allegation of child abuse in 2018. What makes this even worse, Noah would have turned 13 today."
"It's already been brought out that the Catholic Church, it's a policy of that institution to molest and rape young boys."
"The act of pedophilia - anything you do against a child is satanic."
"Frankie and Hildebrandt are accused of tying up her children with duct tape and them being malnourished."
"The treatment these children received at the hands of those who the children had the right to trust was horrific and inhumane, both physically and psychologically."
"They are 100% aligning themselves with the abuse of children, the sexual abuse of children."
"The reality of what led up to it and what this little child... endured is one of the most horrific sustained periods of abuse."
"He repeatedly stomped his child's head into the ground."
"I couldn't live with another little girl ending up where I had, with innocent kids losing their childhood to the uncaring evil."
"I think people do react differently when it comes to children because of the helplessness of the children, the dependency that the children have on adults, and to have that violated is, uh, is horrific."
"No child should have to endure abuse or be treated like garbage."
"Absolutely vile situation. It makes me physically sick to think that there's actually individuals out there who would intentionally do something like this to children."
"The worst case of child abuse this country has ever seen."
"Child sexual abuse is epidemic on Indian reservations and all you hear are whispers."
"It's really painful to see little children abused. I don't understand how anyone can witness it, much less be the person inflicting it."
"The persistence of myths: most abused children don't become abusive parents."
"But what if we only suspected a case of child abuse?"
"Such a brilliant book on trauma and the effects of child abuse."
"It is a given that I do not defend physical or any other form of abuse against a child. Of all the world's evils, child abuse may rank as the greatest."
"They'll abuse your children, and so that's what always been my message is that they will abuse the children."
"This is children being sexually, physically, and emotionally abused on a daily basis."
"It is a form of child abuse to treat a child as not a child."
"What I would like to say for any victims who have suffered child abuse is that you are not alone."
"Making your own child not eat a meal as a way to guilt-trip other people into giving you money and food is literal child abuse."
"This crime is preventable, 95 percent of child sexual abuse is preventable through proper education."
"Women like her are the reason so many parents are paranoid about leaving their kids with a babysitter or in daycare, and there’s little more evil than straight up abuse of an innocent child."
"It's worth saying that there's tremendous overlap between intimate partner abuse and child abuse."
"In families where domestic abuse occurs, the rate of child abuse or neglect is four to fifteen times higher than in families without domestic abuse."
"If we were to make a memorial to the children in the United States who've been sexually abused it would need to be 1,300 times larger than the Vietnam memorial in Washington, DC which has 50,000 names on it."
"We do not condone child abuse, just for those that are still wondering. This is a family-friendly channel. You know what, even if we weren't family-friendly, even if this was a rated R, we swore, type a whole lot type of channel, still wouldn't condone child abuse, okay?"
"The police, if you make a telephone call, they're there in minutes. Well, not anymore. Well, well, well, what I'm getting at, people that have got cases of child abuse, and they report it, they don't want to know."
"You touch the child, you're doing the work of the devil, end of. And that's that, you know. It doesn't matter if you believe in God."
"Please sign this petition for the implementation of zero tolerance on child abuse in ISKCON and the formation of an independent child protection body."
"Crimes against children are insidious. They prey on a child's vulnerability, their trust, their love, and their understanding of how or what is an appropriate way in which a parent should treat a child."
"At least his death is only one of 54 other children's deaths from abuse this year alone."
"I think it's helped alert the British public to the scale of child abuse, not just involving celebrities, but involving other corruptors, destroyers of young lives."
"...children are being sexually battered all over this nation and across and around this world every day by people just like this."
"If only it was this easy to get over child abuse."
"Is that child abuse? Yeah, if you believe those things in your heart and you know these things in your mind, should you be doing something about that?"
"Elders have received detailed scriptural training on how to deal with the sin of child abuse."
"It's really a form of torture to do that to a child."
"Protecting boys from child abuse."
"Anybody who wants to hurt a child is no different to a [__] nonce."
"Children who have been sexually abused are 3.8 times more likely to develop drug addictions."
"Intent doesn't matter when a 45 year old man sexually abuses a child."
"Eradicating child abuse in America would reduce the overall rate of depression by more than half."
"Last year over 1 million children came face to face with child abuse."
"It started off with adults screaming at her and pinching her tiny body while she was crying."
"The abuse soon escalated to kicking and punching, as well as being tossed about by those who were supposed to be loving and caring for her."
"Political or cultural sensitivities must not get in the way of preventing and uncovering child abuse."
"It is clear and admitted that the children suffered immediate and continuing irreparable harm as a result of the crimes perpetrated upon them."
"Victims of child abuse suffer with a deep, deep rooted shame."
"Child slavery is when the child is used purely for someone else's gain."
"Abuse is something that many children live with but is often kept a secret."
"There is never an excuse for abusing children."
"Child abuse is an act or omission that endangers or impairs a child's physical, mental, or emotional health and development."
"Healing from child abuse is never cut and dry; it's not simple or black and white like that."
"Any form of hitting a child as a means of harming them in some way is abuse."
"There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that angers me more than to hear of a child who's been abused."
"The stark reality is that for the majority of children who report this to the authorities, they won't see their perpetrators brought to justice."
"The reality of life for boys within this institution was that they were subjected to every kind of abuse."
"It never even occurred to me to think of the abuse, the damage, the trauma it does to a child."
"Parental alienation is a direct hate crime and is direct child abuse."
"In the United States, on average, four to seven children die every day from child abuse and neglect."
"The invisible child: It takes all of you to see me, hear me, speak of me before I'm gone forever. Stop the abuse."
"My ultimate goal is to put an end to the cycle of child abuse for children all around the world."