
Narrative Closure Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"Hell, if you think about it, Season 7 could have made for a pitch-perfect finale for Jaime's arc with him leaving Cersei to start his own life."
"When that game ends and hands you the happily ever after you so desperately craved, that you feel completely and utterly empty."
"Every emotional story be impactful and almost every thread neatly tied off."
"Returning to it should mark the end of the epilogue and likely the final chapter of the legend."
"It's finally all over in one of the most cathartic and beautiful endings in the whole series."
"Awakened serves as the real ending to the series."
"The bigger picture being that we play as the child from Five Nights at Freddy's 4."
"We're actually getting smaller characters like Jean and Supergirl are leaving and getting closure for their characters."
"We wanted to make sure that when you see the ending of Mass Effect you now have the information in the context to feel satisfied."
"As much as the final season had its ups and downs, I honestly don't think there could have been a better conclusion to send off the series."
"Metroid Prime 3 is about saying goodbye, achieving closure on this storyline."
"Every character gets their kind of great ending."
"The ending is just so bittersweet and perfect."
"When a character no longer has a functional purpose to the plot or the narrative, their death can act as a powerful close to their journey."
"This is the end of the story, not the one where we somehow come up with a silver bullet to fix everything."
"This feels like the end of the story, the inevitable conclusion we always should have known was coming."
"The answers are all out in the light. The reason that Apollo was destroyed and that the human race was forced to start from scratch."
"I mean just as a really nice little kind of ending to it with both widows wail and Oathkeeper you have ice back up in Winterfell it was melted down into those two so I do enjoy that both of those are back up in Winterfell where they belong."
"Though our epilogue series is coming to a close, please trust that like us, these characters will always be growing, changing, and supporting each other."
"A Terminator can learn the value of human life maybe we can too, right? Yeah, that's a good ending for her character."
"The Arbiter's the one who in the end ended up getting that big moment of closure."
"Ultimately, they provide a sense of closure to those story threads once complete."
"Do you think that this ended the way that it should have?"
"I'm kind of in awe that the show managed to wrap things up as powerfully as it did."
"There will come a time where Master Chief's story does come to an end, or at least the Master Chief that we know and that we grew up with."
"Every action full circle and end the show with what is arguably the most brutal yet thematically congruent conclusion in television history."
"An ending often determines a story's takeaway."
"What a full circle bookend moment for the series. Everything coming together."
"It feels more like it was there to tie up Daniel Craig's tenure as Bond."
"The survivors died but on the plus side so did the undead."
"Sometimes everyone just needs that happy ending."
"It's such a good ending sting because it feels inevitable that the issue of another glove would arise."
"It just felt like a ludicrously calming way to end a season fraught with loss, sadness, battles, internal red juices everywhere, and a lot of stress and anxiety."
"The ending will wreck you and you will never be the same."
"I think more shows should close the story where it needs to be closed."
"The Favreau show could really start to take everyone that has been on the opposite side of this civil war if you will. I think it could close it up."
"It was such a full-circle element for all of us with the Malick wedding season 1."
"If you're gonna take some of my favorites and end their stories, you better end them strongly."
"It's grueling work, and thankfully the writers were able to give her a happy ending."
"We figured it was kind of a fitting end to the story, you know, it's like of course this thing breaks down at the end."
"Snake escapes with Holly aboard a chopper and right into the sunset, ending his mission on Zanzibar Land."
"This is without a doubt a real satisfying moment to conclude this story."
"To bring an end to the song of ice and fire."
"That's about as definitive an ending as you could possibly get."
"And so the chaos that had overrun the continent was purged and at last peace came to the world."
"It’s an appropriate bookend for his character, and cements him as someone who we’re definitely happy stuck around."
"The passing of the torch feels full circle as 'Back in Black' becomes a theme throughout the film."
"This was always the ending for her character."
"The true series finale of 'Together Again' being the emotional send-off to Finn and Jake was an ending that absolutely made you cry."
"Her final comeuppance in the Fire Caves is both understated and perfect."
"Sansa's ending is the perfect conclusion to her impressive tale."
"The Extended Cut was well received and restored the closure many players were looking for."
"As long as it takes its time to execute a good enough ending."
"It’s a solid bookend, and, even if you DON’T continue the series, it’s satisfying."
"Once you destroy Oblivion Joshua is finally able to rest and Danielle takes over as turoc again."
"The ending brings the series full circle, transitioning the family back to normal life."
"The end of a story after nine years, we're finally gonna tie up a storyline."
"Stories are meant to have an ending, and this one had a really good one."
"Overall, I'm very satisfied with how the movie wrapped up."
"Given proper closure to her unfinished arc in Sun and Moon."
"I truly am grateful for this character and it's because I care so much about him that I want the very best ending for him."
"This was a fitting ending for the show and gave more closure than most other series finales, leaving no unanswered questions and a whole lot of emotion in its wake."
"I want to close the story out with his punishment."
"That was such a great way to end the series."
"Sensei Ishikawa's quest for vengeance is over."
"Ending a story is scary and having the strength to end a story, like giving it an actual heart."
"No matter how Oda ends it's like it's probably gonna coincide with a fan theory at some point."
"It's interesting to think about how everything will fall into place by the end of the story."
"I just couldn't live with myself, so don't pretend this is a happy ending."
"John Wick has been clinging to life through killing, but in the end, he's finally able to learn how to live by dying."
"Completing the Mission is such a brilliant and fitting title, it matches up with the format of verbing the noun while also literally being a statement of the series's finality."
"A truly touching end to the Survivor Series." - Narrator
"They wrapped up all the emotional moments... that you always wanted to have wrapped up."
"Rambo last blood categorically closed the book on John Rambo's journey."
"The world just kind of continues after the ending that we get, and you can assume what happens, but I'm still looking forward to it."
"It was a beautiful ending and coming from the dad was totally appropriate."
"Terminator needs to go away forever let Arnold Schwarzenegger ride off into the sunset certain characters have perfect poetic outcomes."
"Are you done saying hello?" "And now at the end of your long journey, you go to reunite with one who is dear."
"Change Your Mind still serves as a satisfying and definitive conclusion."
"But it's also about them deceiving themselves and this is what the ending is this is what the healing is because we are moving away away from this situation that we had to have that we had to see."
"The whole Unsaid Emily arc ends with Julie going to Luke's parents house and then Luke showing up as well where she gives them the lyrics to Unsaid Emily."
"This serves as not just the end of part six but there's also a cap on an entire 10-year run of the anime."
"Denji had killed the gun fiend and Aki Hayakawa was now officially dead."
"I've reached the end of a thought and that's a good place to cut."
"Everyone lives happily ever after, thanks guys."
"Wow, it is literally so amazing and the way that it was wrapped up was really beautiful."
"But if you don't reach some sort of strong conclusion, what was the point?"
"You need a wrap-up like that at the end of a trilogy like this."
"The Watcher tries to wrap things up together they lived happily ever after but he blinks."
"What a good ending. Wow, what a spectacular ending."
"And when the children ran in that Garden, they found the giant lying dead under the tree, all covered with white blossoms."
"Sometimes what marvel editorial will do... it needs to end like this."
"Ending number one is the ending that we all got."
"Enclave: final act of the main story, answering lingering questions."
"He's still hitting those emotional highs, giving Riku a phenomenal bookend to his long journey battling against the darkness."
"My feeling was that these characters should be able to have their proper goodbye."
"It closes out the plotlines, it has big emotion, it has the biggest spectacle, and it feels like it properly lands the ship in an earned way."
"It was as if all had been redeemed, the bad was forgotten, and everything arrives tied up nice and neatly in a package at the end."
"Big character send-offs, tearful departures, mining all of the emotional depth that we can."
"At last, as everyone wished, The Farmhouse is destroyed."
"For the visitors wandering the quaint steep streets of Howarth, Emily's closing lines from Wuthering Heights could easily be reassuring."
"For the love of God, let his story end. It's okay to let stories end."
"It's like the definition of a perfect ending."
"It's a full circle ending that wraps up not only the add-ons but the entire New Vegas experience."
"Wow what an ending I'm still processing but I like it makes sense that bran is the king with the council truly running the land and for John to go back to the one place he was happy young the wall and bran finally got his damn castle."
"This victory is supposed to be bittersweet; it's over, this is the end."
"This was a perfectly tragic send-off to Chuck's character and I really do love it not only that but everything that happens between Nacho and Hector perfectly concludes the entire Nacho arc."
"Brace yourselves everyone for Stormlight Five because it is the end of a major sequence."
"But fate be damned, Midoriya takes Overhaul in this gorgeously animated fight and beats him, ending this arc once and for all."
"A good detective story always answers its own questions."
"That just everything feels like it came full circle between the characters."
"It's a great end to the ark and overall I enjoyed reverse mountain quite a bit."
"His development of his characters and reaching conclusions in this third book that were extraordinarily satisfying was a brilliant, like Pierce Brown, wow, you know how to end a story."
"It's your call at the end of the story or at the end of this chapter. Whatever you want."
"It really felt like a fulfilling conclusion to her character arc."
"However, for the sake of expediency and my own sanity, I think we'll leave things on a high with gunmen of the Apocalypse."
"Emma kind of deserved a happy ending after the hell she went through."
"For me, I thought it was the perfect ending for the story."
"The final battle also ended with the satisfaction of the white tiger."
"After a long and troubled life, Joshua Graham finally found rest in Zion."
"However, on a positive note, a portal does appear on both worlds and Star and Marco are reunited in the merged Earth-Muni world right as the series ends."
"Give your audience convincing, satisfying answers. Give them the heroes they started this journey with."
"Nora feels very realized by the story's conclusion. You completely understand Nora and who she is."
"Jurassic Park ends in a wordless scene; Malcolm is humbled by nature's wrath, Hammond faces the defeat of his life's work, and Grant and Sattler become the family unit they talked about becoming at the beginning of the movie."
"This is the type of ending that won't leave you questioning what the hell you've actually just witnessed but actually what even is reality."
"Good night, Fat Buu, and good night to the theories that downplayed Super Saiyan 3 Goku."
"It was such a perfect time to end things in regards to the first half of One Piece."
"There's an ending coming, they're clear about it."
"Breengrub had died on his own terms, attempting to redeem himself for the actions of his horrendous future self."
"Gwen being the catalyst to Rhian spire hope in the guy who's supposed to give everybody else hope is such a satisfying ending to her story even if it's at best bittersweet."
"I hope it's explained at least a little bit more before we end this all right."
"His sacrifice saved the day, and as many people had predicted, he would be the one to finally defeat Thanos since his story and emotional arc were so strongly tied to him and Thanos being foils of sorts."
"Both very satisfying, very good. Like, you know, we could close the book and walk away type of finales."
"The way they wrap things up... it's incredible, it's really good."
"The ending really tied it together. This Palpatine started war, the start of the prequels is finally definitively done."
"Phil reunites with Emma for the last time, having succeeded in her mission."
"Brienne of Tarth, who began our series as an outcast, ends with the series as the protector of the children Sansa, Arya, and baby Johanna, of the two people whom she admired the most, a fitting end to a hell of a character."
"The script brings resolution to many stories in a satisfying way."
"It's a really satisfying wrap up for that character."
"With the final meet-up of everyone at Luz's quinceañera, something that was always an idea for them to do but we sadly couldn't get until now, it all plays like the perfect final note to a symphony."
"this all started with him and should end with him"
"I thought this was a perfect conclusion to the Craig era."
"I think it has a pretty satisfying ending."
"I think we can take leave of these joyful scenes and return to the modest tranquility of 221B Baker Street."
"I liked the way it wrapped, and I liked the idea of him going."
"What a beautiful way to wrap that up."
"Endings are the most important part of any story by far, as that is where all of the themes, ideas, plot threads, and character storylines are meant to finally come together."
"I think the Hound's plot thread is as resolved as it needs to be, and it's a pretty good ending."
"Such a nice end to their time on the island."
"Such a nice end to their time on the island, the mayor is okay and said his thanks."
"The ending was very, very big and it was very, very needed to happen."
"It was kind of all set in stone, wasn't it? A fairy tale ending."
"This ending with the cat, oh yeah, that ending is perfect, keep that ending just like that."
"The best thing these movies could do: draw a line under everything associated with the Skywalkers."
"I think Oda ended Wano around where he wanted to end Wano."
"He gave us some closure. It did leave some very small but not very super important things kind of open, but just enough for us to encourage really good debate over it."
"The story of the first season comes to a happy ending."
"We finally got closure on all sides."
"It's like a good book, the ending ties it all together all the way back to the beginning."