
Worst Case Scenario Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"In big O notation, when determining the efficiency of an algorithm, we only care about the worst case."
"My greatest fear is if any kind of nuclear strike happens anywhere."
"It's the worst thing that you can imagine to happen."
"We really prepare for the worst possible scenario."
"Again the way the worst case scenario might play out is nothing necessarily related to crypto."
"Usually, when we talk about complexity, we're going to focus on the worst case behavior."
"Worst comes to worst, we could just cut down a tree."
"Risk management is preparing yourself for a worst-case scenario."
"It's just a matter of time before they're able to track down Brian Laundrie."
"There’s a portfolio of assets that are better to have almost like if you have a worst-case scenario."
"Think about what is the worst-case scenario that you think is within realistic parameters and ask yourself if that occurs am I prepared to live with that."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, but not preparing to me is not an option."
"Let's try to look the best case of the worst case scenario."
"How bad is the worst-case scenario? The worst thing that's gonna happen is you're gonna die."
"What's the worst thing that could happen? Embrace it."
"This is like the lawyer's nightmare, right? Worst client in all time."
"So if I were in this situation I would have been developing a plan for the worst case scenario."
"I'm going to ameliorate that feeling by proving to myself that the worst-case scenario actually doesn't happen."
"That's a whole bunch of worst-case scenarios all coming together."
"The worst-case scenario isn't even that scary."
"Anna marry Josh for better or worse and it can't get any worse than this."
"Even that worst-case scenario from an economic perspective is better for the UK than where we currently are."
"Even in the worst-case scenario, the U.S. is gonna be fine."
"We are currently in what we call this is the worst case scenario. You could not have asked for anything worse than what we have right now."
"Deadly Premonition comes true. That's the worst that could happen."
"Picture the worst possible scenario. It's not gonna kill you. It's not gonna be the end of the world." - Joel
"The most terrifying scenario is a fire in the tunnel."
"What's the worst that can happen?"
"If the worst does happen, well what do you need to do as an investor? Well, for what it's worth, here's my plan."
"As we were saying, worst-case scenario is we put the strings on and under the tension of the strings, the glue isn't enough and it breaks."
"Even with a worst-case scenario figure, you could fit all the animals needed on the ark."
"What's the worst that can happen? You gotta be at peace with the worst that can happen."
"What is the worst that could possibly happen? Well, sometimes quite a lot."
"The more we expect the best, the more we prevent ourselves from going to like a worst-case scenario in our mind."
"So, what happened was, you have to realize that there is a mental and a physical embodiment of that worst-case scenario thinking, right? So, that's an addiction."
"Worst case scenario is great. You walk yourself through this thing of like, 'Oh, well, as long as that doesn't happen, I think I'm okay because that's the worst that could happen.'"
"What's the worst? You can have a flood in your house."
"This is the worst case scenario here."
"If you wait long enough something resembling the worst-case scenario is going to happen eventually."
"Even in the worst case scenario, you still make a profit."
"I mean, look at worst case scenario, oh, I stick my back goes into that corner, I break my back, I'm paralyzed."
"The worst case scenario: you and your new girlfriend enjoy some pizza. Kids love pizza."
"...this [ __ ] is [ __ ] terrible and I know it's the worst case scenario we ever could have imagined happening."
"What's the worst that'll happen? Like, you're already on vacation."
"The worst case scenario: I know how to make money. If I ever ended up by myself, I could keep me and my siblings fed."
"The worst case scenario is that you just go back to the job that you currently have."
"We could get in the worst case scenario the domino dynamics you just tip one thing and then it triggers feedbacks that tip another."
"...that ball hitting the post Kyle is essentially the worst case scenario..."
"What about the worst-case scenario? Someone could cut your hand off to use your chip because it's implanted. You can't get away from it."
"Worst case scenario, you buy an 870 defense model for your home defense and it pulls this on you."
"Oh, worst case scenario, worst case scenario."
"When we look ahead and we overthink, we think in terms of worst-case scenario."
"The worst case scenario is that you'd have to rebuild the whole end of the house."
"What's the worst-case scenario here?"
"This is the worst you could possibly do"
"That's what we want. How crazy is it gonna get? Like what's the worst case scenario?"
"Hey, worst case scenario, it’ll result in a bewildering Top 10 list full of sighing and cope, so we can look forward to that."
"...I think everyone's like, 'That's my worst-case scenario when I meet someone on a dating app.'"
"I just want to get in the worst-case scenario." - Ben
"That's what's happened, you have to be prepared for the worst."
"What's the worst kind of outcome that might happen with this particular technology or option?"
"So 2% even if I do worst case, it won't be that bad."
"The worst case scenario for both the publishing license and an assignment is that you as the developer can't get the rights of your game back."
"Girls always say you need to try to accept the absolute worst case scenario. If you can come to terms with that, you'll be at peace with everything."
"It captured the national imagination, because it seemed to embody everybody's fears as a worst-case scenario in medical ethics."
"It's always the worst case scenario that we want to plan for."
"I approach my tactics, techniques, and procedures that I provide in training based off of like worst-case scenario."
"We always need to be okay with the worst-case scenario."
"In every worst case scenario, I'm okay with it."
"Where do you get your ideas? My ideas usually come from a combination of 'what if' and 'what's the worst absolute worst thing that could happen?'"
"In the worst case, quick select has a time complexity of Big O of N squared; however, on average, quick select takes time Big O of N."
"Quicksort will actually perform at a speed of big O n squared in the worst case."
"You have to be okay with the worst case scenario."
"Always want to prepare for the worst."
"My heart began thumping hard inside my chest as I had to think of the absolute worst."
"If you can think about what's actually the worst that could happen and realize it's probably not that big of a deal, then you can develop your confidence."
"What's the worst that can happen when you quit your job? You run out of money and you have to go back to work. Your worst case scenario is everybody else's everyday life."