
Moral Compass Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We've not only lost our true north, I don't even think we know what direction north is anymore."
"As long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values and follow my own moral compass, the only expectations I need to live up to are my own."
"The monarchy exists because it is the country's moral compass, identity. The family is there as the nation's living breathing reminder of its morality and ethics."
"The code is our guide, there when nothing is black or white."
"At his core, Superman is a character with a very strong moral compass who wants to do good but ultimately struggles with his own identity."
"You've got to have some moral compass."
"There will come a time where you will encounter something and you will walk away, having said and done the right thing."
"No matter what you do in life, don't ever sell your soul for anything."
"Doing the things that you don't want to do but you know that are right and you still do it, that's called Integrity."
"I'm a person who never stops trying to do the right thing no matter how hard it is."
"The hero should never lose his way."
"...even everybody who before that, you know what I'm saying, who was able to stick to their own moral compass and have the courage to speak about it online. I think that's a very courageous thing. It's bold."
"You guys did the right thing and hopefully you guys do the right thing in your own lives."
"The novel compels us to reflect on our own moral compass and the implications of our actions."
"Do the right thing and be honest and you can't go wrong."
"Peter Parker is kind of like a moral compass in this."
"Courage is like doing what's right even though everyone else around you is doing wrong."
"Walk in what you know to be right in your heart."
"If you put something on there and something inside of you is saying, 'Hey that's a little wrong,' it's probably wrong."
"Do what you know is right and if you do, I know you'll have a happier life than I have had."
"I didn't have the responsibilities shown to me, I didn't have certain morals and [ __ ] that I should know."
"If I feel like it ain't right, it ain't right, like it ain't right, alright?"
"It's like the yin and the yang, the devil and the angel on your shoulder."
"What it means to be honorable is to do the right thing no matter how you feel."
"Living in a state of constant ethical misalignment is like trying to navigate without a compass."
"People have a basic sense of when injustice is ensuing."
"I think your moral compass should come to a conclusion that I would be unjust to buy this at that price unless you tell the the shop owner that this is a price um it's a mistake."
"Shame is a very healthy response that tells us that we're not acting according to our values."
"If I do good, I feel good. If I do bad, I feel bad."
"Our world needs it. Think about what you learn. We're turning right into wrong every day and turning wrong into right every hour. Our country needs y'all."
"If I do good, I feel good; if I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion."
"If you don't have some sort of higher sense of what's true and what's right, then how could you ever decide whether it was right or wrong to behave in a certain way?"
"Delores is so grounded in so many ways and I really feel like she just has a really good sense of right and wrong."
"He became an American icon, and someone who millions of people looked to as a father figure, and a moral compass."
"Human beings have an inner calm moral compass; we kind of know inherently right from wrong."
"I have always been a person that has had a strong sense of right and wrong."
"Stay grounded, stay true to your values and morals."
"We know our common sense, we know where our heart lies, we know our intentions."
"Your moral compass has to be here, the law is the lowest of the low that you can go."
"A code of conduct which is like a compass."
"That moral compass, is it 'you know it when you see it' or are there factors that can guide our discretion in identifying what that moral compass is?"
"If you want to make a change and just do better, your morality has to sway your nature."
"Our sexuality has nothing to do with our moral compass."
"I'm not saying I'm smart or anything like that; I'm a simple man. I don't know a lot, but I know right and wrong."
"This code of ethics in turn acts as a kind of North Star to guide their behavior and their decision-making."
"Integrity acts as a compass guiding individuals towards actions and decisions that lead to personal and moral development."
"Knowing what's right and wrong stays the same in all categories of life, not just with dating."
"The work of the law is written in their hearts."
"The Bible should be the compass and the roadmap for all of us."