
Hacking Quotes

There are 572 quotes

"Hit send and we get a 200 okay, that's a good indication that our exploit worked. I love it."
"There's two types of companies left in the United States: companies that have been hacked by China, and companies that don't know they've been hacked by China yet."
"And eventually, I said, you know what? I'm a hacker. In fact, I can take the stuff we use to manage the internet, and I can turn it back on myself."
"Live CDs are one of the greatest tools nowadays, especially for learning how to hack on computers when you have physical access to them."
"The strength of SOCOM's design was not diminished by the hackers; it was an inherent strength that defined the franchise."
"A zero-day exploit is a software developer's nightmare, which, in turn, makes it a hacker's dream."
"To hack a human being means to understand you better than you understand yourself."
"We just glitch hacked the game. We got past the top level."
"I think hackers... bring balance to... governments... they are able to hold them accountable."
"Your data is valuable. Hackers can make up to a thousand bucks per person selling personal information on the dark web."
"You were smart enough to hack the computer and stop a dangerous program from launching."
"Hackers get a bad rap and it's totally unfair."
"Some believe cyberspace is a hackers world and we're just visiting."
"I decided to go after the source code for the handset."
"If he had an updated version of Adobe at the time, because the problem was patched, maybe the social engineering side would have worked, but it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere, right?"
"My primary reason for getting involved in the hacking was the intellectual curiosity, the challenge and most importantly the learning."
"Hacking is Elliot's way of communicating with the world."
"It's just limitation and here's the cool part: you can't hack anything anymore."
"A big part of creativity is using stuff in ways it was never intended to be used... You can hack tools, objects, working methods, concepts."
"Once you've been able to hack a system, a real system, then there's a certain amount of addiction that takes place that you want."
"Anyone can learn to hack and cement themselves as a powerful force in the global struggle for virtual real estate."
"Someone could probably make millions... if they broke the security on tick-tock."
"Let's get into the meat and potatoes of hacking the Wii U."
"I'm clever! You should know a thing or two about that, Hacker!"
"In hacking 80% is the human, 20% is the machine, don't allow anybody to tell you that you need the latest and greatest machine to become an effective hacker."
"Hacking is a culmination of all those admin engineer skills."
"What are the best things to learn for hacking?"
"Is it a way of doing some cool offensive Wi-Fi stuff? Yes."
"Praised for his hacking or social engineering techniques."
"To hack language, to hack media, to hack law, to hack everything. Minds, yeah, everything. Right? And the point that you are making."
"Hacking is just learning IT stuff, but kinda in an artistic weird creative way."
"Knowing how to protect yourself is incredibly important. Hackers these days are getting extremely clever."
"Most hacking is simply someone guessing your password successfully or just finding it on some leaked database out there."
"It's a lot easier to hack a system when you can entice the user into an action."
"Hacking people is one of the most dangerous threats we have facing us."
"It's really cool that Green and other hackers are out there figuring out like what's coming in the software."
"Hacking in order to gain access to a system."
"It's kind of insane is they've taken a feature that um, the Elden Ring developers should have implemented in DirectX and they've hacked it in as part of the DirectX to Vulcan translation."
"Kismet can detect some of these common attacks like the deauthentication attack."
"Pico CTF is all about learning through exploration."
"We are a team of elite hackers working to bring wrongdoers to justice... You could work from the shadows and use your powers to make a real difference in the world."
"Some people lost everything. What happened? Like he was logging your account."
"I'm going to be using hacks to cheat in this dog day building competition."
"Drop hacking was a method of hacking that was far more prevalent in the early days of League"
"I want you to know that the people that play and enjoy these hacks truly appreciate the work that you’re doing, and that it's not going unnoticed."
"Hacking single targets is basically like dis courting a Zen."
"And then lastly they decided to hey we'll put on in the fence and what's the defense gonna be they're gonna try to say I've been framed by somebody whether that be the US government or another hacker out in the world."
"Is there a way you can tell if your phone has been hacked? Perhaps the most terrifying thing is if your phone had been hacked you would never know."
"Ukrainian hackers have embarked on strategic cyber warfare by targeting the enemy's communications infrastructure."
"If you can hack Warframe to make it possible to buy literally everything and you don't mind spending the time, 3107 euros is what Mr30 is actually worth."
"That's some good ass coordinated hacking and by the way aren't we actually kind of seeing this like the ransomware?"
"To me, this isn't really a hack. This is just smart."
"A hacker figured out how to lower GTA Online load times and got Rockstar to actually implement the changes."
"Vault 7 was a group of documents that contained hacking systems obtained by the CIA."
"It's all due to hacking; it's all due to the cyber infrastructure that we've put so much dependence on."
"I make DeadSec go where it has the most impact."
"Your [expletive] is mine now: Hacker locks internet-connected chastity cage, demands ransom."
"There will always be someone who tries to crack your solution."
"There's no such thing as an unhackable game."
"The pair developed an electronics kit mimicking telephone router codes to make free calls around the world."
"Gameplay in Watch Dogs 2 is nothing like the first game... it discourages any approach that doesn't involve hacking."
"I think hacking video game consoles is fun in the sense that you can extend the functionality of these systems."
"He presented this device that he created, like an AI network hacking device, and it's just chewing through Wi-Fi signal bands, just literally eating up handshakes and other stuff."
"At this point, it’s apparent that you could have just used basic SQL injection to bypass the entire login process and become the admin or any user you wanted."
"Yeah I'm thinking that is a pretty good hack there."
"But if you are more interested in web security, then checkout the web hacking playlist."
"I believe they are, as of today, one of the best educational hacking content that exists."
"Your goal as a good hacker is really to help everyone like you and me to make sure that our stuff is protected."
"Hacking can actually allow you to change the way a system works."
"WikiLeaks made a name for itself as a group that whistleblowers and hackers could safely provide incriminating document leaks to."
"Even if he did hack and steal it, thank God somebody did that, thank God that he was willing to be the martyr."
"If you get the hash, you don't need authentication anymore."
"Hacking is interesting, addictive, and very rewarding."
"In June 2017, Cyberpunk 2077 was cyberpunked by some real-life cyberpunks."
"This exploit went beyond just gaining op as you could literally gain access to a person's computer and much much more."
"Needless to say, always go for the best hacker the house can offer: Avi or Paige."
"It became a common practice for someone to buy a PSP just to hack it."
"He became Kimball, styling himself after Richard Kimball from The Fugitive. He claimed that he had hacked into the Pentagon, that he had reduced the credit ratings of world leaders down to zero."
"We've seen a huge uptick in lots of cyber hacking."
"It turns out that Natasha, who sits down and asks the computer if it would like to play a game, that is a nod to probably the best hacker political thriller movie ever WarGames."
"Hacking is like asking the bank robbers if they rob banks."
"Was never what guys what I hacked Nintendo servers and they're doing Splatoon four."
"Damn the man, hack the planet, power to the people!"
"Hacking something, you're making an object do something it wasn't originally meant to do."
"Hacking in its essence is something very creative."
"I'm not even trolling, legitimately hacking."
"Porphyristo alleges that the hackers bypassed all of."
"Hackers targeted the World Health Organization."
"Poulsen had taken photographs of himself breaking into and using equipment."
"How you say hack... How you say it hack into."
"This will go down as the defining moment of the Biden administration."
"Imagine getting a message from the Federal Bureau and it's just asking you how sexy you are. That's crazy, dude. That is a wild hack."
"There's something behind this or do you rely on some form of facts?"
"These are supposed to be great computer hackers and they won in looking for something."
"The question is, how? The current outrages about how they hacked into the DNC emails, Podesta emails, and perhaps RNC emails as well."
"I'm thinking it's an eight-year-old hacker. He's sitting in his house, school just got out, he's like, 'Guys, I can't come outside right now. I can't touch grass.'"
"Hacking is a necessary feature on an automatic watch."
"It's hacky but clever. That is [ __ ] unbelievable."
"It was important that they recruited an engineer or IT expert i.e. a hacker a demo."
"It's kind of a great kind of hack, so let's try it."
"Your brain doesn't come with an owner's manual, and this is an incredible way to hack it."
"Ashley Madison was hacked by a group who called themselves the impact team."
"Susie, well done, friggin master hacker over here."
"You're merely a double agent looking to attain immortality by hacking into a demon realm full of murderous math rejects accidentally unleashing them and turning the world into a bunch of mind-control zombie BOTS looking to cleanse humanity."
"This hacker gimmick has now taken control over an old WWE twitter account. Currently, their only tweet is the latest video from Smackdown showing an individual at a desk with clips of other stars playing on the screen."
"But if you want to, everyone that wants to learn about hacking, I think YouTube and Twitch would be your best bets."
"Chinese state-sponsored hackers compromise critical U.S. cyber infrastructure."
"Hacking could actually be a powerful tool to expose wrongdoing or to shift power away from people in power."
"This thing's perfect for learning Linux, trying a few hacking scripts, or learning coding."
"Real hackers are interested in making a system do what it was never intended for."
"Konami, we do not forgive, we do not forget."
"The completion of the progress bar logging back into the 'backup' account gave access to the source code of a QBasic program to decrypt new code received with the 'ratman' account."
"While DeadSec runs around fixing bugs, I'm deleting the source code. All you would be wrecking is London."
"The best hackers are going to come out of there."
"The two main ways of hacking his victims were... remote administrative tools and phishing attacks."
"Secret indictment listing David Pakora as the first foreign hacker to be charged criminally in the United States, stealing over a hundred million dollars in American Trade Secrets."
"I found a way to clear my friends list, let's hack Roblox!"
"I like the idea of being able to hack the world."
"The Umbral Choir spreads by hacking absolutely everything."
"And that my friends is how you invade your admin's home."
"I reverse-engineered McDonald's internal API and I'm currently placing an order worth $18,752 every minute at every McDonald's in the US to figure out which locations have a broken ice cream machine."
"The 2022 Roman Bridge exploit, one of the largest attacks ever recorded."
"Hacking in any other game is almost universally seen as a bad thing, but in Pokemon everyone's okay with it."
"I'm just gonna drop a little backdoor into the system so I can get back inside later."
"These are just bad people, really bad hackers out there, script kiddies if you will, who have effectively been using very popular applications like Discord and Slack and whatever other email service to spread these kind of documents to people."
"What we've learned today is that a simple spreadsheet with simple macros can lead to an entire rabbit hole of script kiddies utilizing actual hacking software to siphon money and accounts from people."
"Breach protocol can be used to trigger network-wide effects."
"Do a little bit of learning how to code, a little bit of going on hacker 101.com, solving the lab, writeups on Pentester Doland, and read about how someone hacked big companies like Tesla."
"Let's make one thing clear okay uh hacking is not a mystery name it's it's actually you know it's kind of a joke to even you know to even discuss this uh I know how to hack so that's that's kind of a given here."
"Suddenly, there's something that the hackers can't get into."
"If you get hacked you probably won't see your money again"
"If you're buying crypto leaving it on an exchange like coinbase or gemini or binance means that it could get hacked"
"A zero day exploit is an attack that uses a vulnerability that's either unknown to anyone... or maybe only known to a limited group of people."
"We're going to be using the cluster bomb attack type because we are brute forcing against two values."
"If somebody had 100 phones with 100 different credit cards and 100 different addresses... yeah, you can get in."
"Roman proved that not all hackers sat in the dark hiding behind a screen."
"Hacking is really just a means to an end, with the cyber kill chain as a path to guide you there."
"The hackers exploited one of the most powerful elements of the cryptocurrency market: greed."
"It is very difficult to decrypt this or hack through this encrypted tunnel."
"Ethical hackers, also known as penetration testers, are network security consultants who identify and exploit system vulnerabilities just like how a hacker would do."
"Social engineering is really, really important. If you forget or if you ignore social engineering, you're going to miss out on a big part of what actually takes place in hacking."
"Social engineering is a real part of hacking. It's a key element that most hackers need to have in their toolbox, and you need to do it well because you might only get one chance."
"Most people will fall for this and so it's something that should be part of the hacker's toolkit."
"So, we do have to give our hacker spot to Turbo because he has all the skills and he’s physically a virus and as we saw in Ralph Breaks the Internet, a virus can be very deadly when unleashed."
"If you're using public Wi-Fi, you're pretty exposed to any sneaky wannabe hackers."
"Hacking radio signals is really the next level."
"I strongly recommend that if you want to be a cybersecurity pro, not necessarily a hacker, that you study hacking."
"If you don't really understand TCP/IP, it's going to be hard for you to be a successful hacker."
"In 2011, MI6 hacked into Al Qaeda's online magazine and replaced bomb-making instructions with a recipe for cupcakes featured on Ellen."
"...credential grab out of someone's pocket. Because with a nice antenna and a good power supply... it's going to work."
"You don't need to be a cool hacker to hack people if your passwords are weak."
"Don't be a dick learn to hack properly and I'll catch you next time."
"I asked them I said why are you calling me I said you know I don't have anything to do with a hack"
"these hackers they're like kids I mean there are some of them as as young as 12 and 13 years old"
"A hacker is someone who uses their technical knowledge to either overcome an obstacle or achieve a goal."
"Hackers are kind of impartial third-party Auditors... who are able to verify that the government or the corporation is who they say they are."
"That's amazing, Justice. That's amazing. That explains why he hacks, to be honest."
"Now that's what I call hacking and Scooby-snacking! Scooby-Dooby-Doo!"
"Botnets are used for distributed denial of service attack."
"There's two types of companies, those that have been hacked and those that don't know they've been hacked."
"...it doesn't matter how old you are or a twitch live stage you're at, if you follow this roadmap you will become a hacker."
"Trying to learn ethical hacking through theoretical certificates is like trying to learn how to swim by reading a book, it doesn't work."
"She was a genius with computers and could hack any firewall in the world."
"Hacking won't help without collaboration."
"Hackers have been really active at holding organizations hostage, stealing data and selling information on the dark web."
"Guys, I think I can't do this anymore, so I have a perfect plan. I'm just gonna hack my phone because I can totally do that. I'm smart."
"Nice try. There's a back door to the main sub server, but once I'm in, that firewall's gonna come down like a ton of bricks."
"EternalBlue would go on to be a key component for some of the world’s biggest hacks."
"Hackability is the name of the game."
"This has opened up a whole new world of criminal behavior; hacking into accounts and changing passwords, SIM-swapping people to try to gain access to an account, or straight-up bullying and harassment."
"Friendly chemist told the Dread Pirate Roberts that he had hacked a known seller's account."
"We're going with Cameron as our hacker."
"Zoe has a universal remote which she said we'll be able to hack into our house."
"Hacking is the most important skill of the 21st century."
"Linux is a foundational skill for hacking, just for anything really these days."
"I firmly believe that if you're not using Linux, you're not a hacker."
"Hackers were all doing stuff that was illegal. And then we had penetration testing, but now we have so many fields that hackers can do legally and legitimately, such as bug bounty hunting."
"Black Hat Go is my preferred book for hackers specifically learning Go."
"So if you're trying to make it look like it's supposed to go to, I don't know, some login page or something, you could just put in /login/secretpage.php or whatever you want."
"How do you get started? Well, good news is unlike something like a PS4 jailbreak, a lot more people are going to be able to jailbreak their switches."
"These switches are really special. The first switches that Nintendo sold contain a vulnerability in their design."
"Jailbreaking is done by exploiting the fact that all switches have a built-in recovery mode that is useful for Nintendo but practically useless for most people."
"If you can write scripts to automate tasks as a hacker, it'll save you a ton of time and energy and frustration."
"Hackers don't give up. They are perseverant, dedicated people who once they set their mind on a task, they don't give up till they accomplish it."
"And there is Russian hackers connected."
"I’m just as much addicted to hacking as I ever was addicted to any drug or anything like that."
"One of the reasons I like making this show is to smash the stereotype of what a hacker looks like."
"I've been in the hacking scene for over 25 years now and I remember the days when we were just considered criminals that no one wanted to integrate with."
"What if I told you that you can go from a beginner to a pro hacker in the next 8 minutes?"
"We'll be able to do anything we already hacked EA."
"If we can just hack into this or guess the password, we'll get the names of those scattered skull members."
"Every single one of these computers is hacked. Look at this, it's locked."
"It's a literal man-in-the-middle you would connect it to the weekend data wires and you would try to read that information as it goes across the wires and then replay that information."
"I'm going to hack onto his flag and change it."
"We were hackers, we wanted to hack."
"So, we're going to be breaking this up into four different categories: Hardware hacks and sighting systems, Rifleman remedies, soft gear, and survival tips."
"It's a full-blown hack, next level."
"Behind every login page is access to confidential information or even administrator level access. This is gold dust for hackers."
"They even wrote a dictionary to define what they were doing, applying ingenuity to create clever results, or as they called it, 'Hacking.'"
"When it's your job to keep billions of people safe online, you have to live and breathe and see the internet just like the attackers do, because the only way to stop a hacker is to think like one."