
Error Handling Quotes

There are 357 quotes

"Even I make mistakes, so does everybody. What matters is that we should always review our code, test it with different inputs, and think of various edge cases."
"It's actually impossible to make a syntax error in Scratch."
"The most important takeaway is that no matter how many errors you seem to have, always scroll up to the top of the output and address the first error first."
"Algebraic types in Rust allow for amazing error handling."
"It might have gone off a little bit, maybe it goes down some roads that aren't necessarily correct, but it always is moving in the correct direction."
"The implementation shouldn't impact the API."
"If we don't have a course with the given ID, we return the 404 error and exit the function immediately."
"With TypeScript, we can catch a lot of our mistakes at compile time."
"Back propagation is the process of taking the error and basically like feeding backwards the error through the network..."
"In most cases, the reason is very simple. Some values might already be present in the spill range of a dynamic array function. This will create a conflict and Excel will alert you with a spill error."
"It is important to handle errors which are likely to arise."
"Don't let compilation errors discourage you from learning."
"You want to penalize more errors on small bounding boxes rather than big bounding boxes."
"So if we're looping over and the index happens to be six, well that's not valid so we just continue."
"Linux actually provides you with useful error messages."
"That was the risk, that was the mistake. I've got that out my system."
"Recover allows us to continue execution even if a fatal error should occur."
"Error handling: Catching exceptions and providing informative responses."
"If you run into something like this and you just want to skip by any missing information then what we can do is put that part of the code into a try-except block."
"An error is occurring while processing your request. It's ugly, but it's a whole lot prettier for the end user than showing a source code or a stack trace."
"Season two might have had more room for error, but it improved on its predecessor in practically every possible way and recognized how it can keep things interesting moving forward."
"Always validate your arguments; fail at compile time, not runtime."
"Let's go back to how it was. If there's a human error, there's a human error. Deal with it with that referee."
"The beauty of the validation failure handler system is that they are fired before any damage is done."
"Remix sets a new precedent in error handling and it automatically catches most errors in your code... really helpful."
"An exception is just an object that is created whenever an error occurs, and the exception itself tells you what error specifically occurred."
"Clearly we have some kind of error going on."
"Exception handling allows our program to handle errors rather than just crashing."
"This code is on fire, too soon." - CJ Thornton
"Nice one, left easy. Oops, I got a little too close for comfort here. My fault, not that it's a problem though for me."
"Crashes actually save you time during development; it's better than silent failures corrupting your data."
"Now, if I try to reload this while I'm not logged in, then we can see that we get an error."
"The toughest thing to do is to get a question wrong that you know."
"It's really important to have these propTypes set up to make it really easy to figure out if you have an error like that because it'll show up right in your console."
"The drone won't work if you put the propellers in the wrong spots."
"Just because the code says it shouldn't happen doesn't mean it can't."
"Learning to read error messages is crucial in game development."
"Reading error messages is crucial for real-world learning."
"You can tell very frequently what kind of person someone is based on how they deal with the discovery that they have been incorrect."
"The test of character is how you handle those mistakes."
"We're going to use a try-catch block because we actually are using asynchronous code."
"Error boundaries give you a convenient way to manage unhandled exceptions in Blazor apps."
"Read your error messages! Learning to read error messages is a skill that you have to master."
"The weird thing about AI is you have a new model, you have a new data set, you have new let's say error functions and you train it, you can regenerate what it does."
"Every time we make a request we want to set loading to be true."
"Explicit is better than implicit and errors should never pass silently."
"If you're in a typescript file and you come across some type error usually it's just a whole lot to parse and a whole lot to figure out."
"Super spicy take as soon as hydration existed this should have existed too the fact that there was a concept of HTML that react hydrates and binds things too and that can fail that is the point at which we should have had these types of Errors."
"If you don't do this, then the user will try to send messages and it will throw an exception."
"The divide function will automatically handle divide by zero occurrences."
"If the data being extracted includes dates of sale that don't match the dates that the destination table is designed to hold, that's going to create errors."
"Handling exceptions effectively involves creating custom exception classes and using controller advice in Spring Boot."
"Warnings are always worth checking into further so you can determine if this is actually an error that needs to be fixed or if it's something inconsequential."
"Handle potential errors and provide feedback to the user if something goes wrong."
"This is how you handle error exception scenarios using JUnit 5."
"Ada can catch things like invalid parameters, range violations, invalid references, mismatched types all at compilation time."
"It is better to use an exception than to return an error code."
"An exception is a generally unwanted event that interrupts the normal flow of your program."
"If there is some error, we are again raising that same exception."
"Pick and choose, but generally, if you know a function is going to return an error, rather return it in a result than just crashing the thread."
"You can't seg fault if you don't have a null."
"If you get this error earlier and after some troubleshooting, now you can see the build is running."
"Redirecting both regular messages and errors to text files can be handy for capturing outputs."
"Exceptions should be used for error tracing and logging."
"But that's exactly what exception pointer is for so I can do catch dot dot dot I can get the exception pointer and then I can Marshal that exception to whoever can handle it correctly."
"In programming, if you don't write it out exactly, the computer will give you an error."
"If malloc returns null, there's not enough memory available."
"But Python supports what are called exceptions."
"So you want to somehow build in redundancy in the way that you send these numbers so that if there's an error, you can first figure out that there's an error, don't charge the wrong person; and second of all maybe correct that error, you might hope."
"Now we can do this by using error handling formulas."
"If somebody enters a day that isn't one to seven, for example, 8, it's going to produce an error because the formula doesn't account for that."
"So using error handling in this way can really help you keep your spreadsheets consistent, meaningful, and easy to understand for anybody who might be using them."
"Rust's error handling is built directly into the language."
"Error messages in Rust are normally very easy to understand."
"Handle your errors properly because it's really good for a good engineer."
"Let's just catch error console error any errors just so we can see."
"So now as you can see here, we're getting a 404 page, but of course, now over here what I want to render is some Wendy's content."
"Ideally, we would like to throw an error if the parameter in this REM function is using the pixel unit by mistake."
"You can kind of get some intuition for the fact that when you have this retry loop, you can recover from errors using a little bit of reflection."
"So if our URL fails to create we're just going to return a blank array"
"Error boundaries are the way to handle the errors in React."
"So if I talk about error handling in the centralized manner so how we can achieve this?"
"Error handling in async/await is much more flexible with a try-catch block."
"Errors can happen in any type of application and you should know how to handle them, and that is exactly what I'm going to teach you in this video."
"if you had a typo and a label it just resolves it to zero."
"Check for errors after patching to determine success or failure."
"We caught that exception, we got the error message of that exception which we have now sent out in the notification email to the owner of the flow."
"Compiler errors don't block you from running your program. What I mean by that is that it'll tell you about a problem like this like if there is one but it's not actually going to prevent you from running your application."
"This is again going to throw the exception and then it's finally going to give up because it's delivered three times."
"The worker should process only post requests because currently if any other type of request is received, the client will likely get some cryptic error message about the JSON format or worse."
"The rust compiler error messages are worth reading."
"And that leaves us with the last best solution for you to handle errors in React, which is using this really awesome package called the React Error Boundary."
"Thank you guys for watching. Hopefully, this actually gave you an explanation of how you can handle errors the right way in React and how you can use this awesome React Error Boundary package to catch your errors the right way."
"What we're going to do is make an assembly file that's going to get the tab for us and then read in that last error value should a function fail."
"For any reason there's something wrong getting that data, we'll get a 500 server error and send that message to the person making that request."
"...this is why I love TypeScript because it really ensures that, hey, you're going to catch errors right there in development rather than the slow process of catching errors once you actually run them in your local machine."
"...Cyprus also provides detailed error messages pointing to the exact line of code causing the issue."
"You don't want to fail on an error, you want to catch errors, you want to retry errors, and then if you just continue to be unable to handle them and catch and retry your way out of that error, then you fail when you have no other choice."
"Always return your errors, and in this case, we have the task failed callback and again, the catch-all fallback for the states dot all."
"Here's an example of a really common error."
"That's it, that's how you handle special error cases and provide customized pages for that."
This isn't much different from the previous example, except that we're delaying the time to execute the finallySayIt, but I get this error: "Escape closure captures non-escaping parameter finallySayIt."
"Professional error handling ensures smoother app performance."
"Error handling allows us to detect that something's wrong and handle it gracefully."
"In rust, a race condition is a compiler error. This is radical."
"Error handling code is like insurance for your program, protecting it from unexpected errors."
"Now, I'm going to purposely make a mistake here because this happens a lot you might get this error message and I'm going to explain what it means."
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself: object properties are checked starting from the object itself, then up the prototype chain."
"Using the On Error statement enables an error trap, and there are two types: On Error Go To and On Error Resume Next."
"Exceptional handling means instead of terminating the program for a known error or for a known exception you want to give proper error message and you want your program to proceed."
"Turns potential runtime errors into compile-time errors."
"Windows XR comes with a nifty feature of arbitrarily switching colors every other error suite."
"If the 1.9 is not on your x-axis, it'll give you an error message."
"An error occurs due to unauthorized access, which we resolve by intercepting requests and adding authentication headers."
"effect is its own internal runtime which has its own version of lightweight threads called fibers fibers can be aborted or interrupted and effect provides you an abort signal to easily tie into this Behavior"
"effect allows us to bring type safety to our error handling as well which makes handling these errors much more robust"
"We're not missing the error but we are able to control what the actual UI shows when we get an error, so nice."
"This still doesn't actually catch all of the possible problems because uh another thing that Parson does is if it gets something that does not parse as an integer but which does parse as a decimal it'll just silently discard all the decimal places."
"You just need to be able to handle that error gracefully."
"Exception handling or error handling is an important aspect when building applications."
"They're basically console applications that ran forever. And if they threw an exception and wasn't handled, it would crash the app."
"Learn to read the error messages..."
"In some cases, you want to fail fast meaning, you know, first broken record and you stop the execution."
"If the input value is none or it's less than zero."
"When you're using the result pattern, then any component that may fail will return an error or the result."
"Errors are easier to work with in Zig."
"Zig is probably the best error handling I've seen yet."
"Expire on commit is more prone to a silent kind of failure, whereas having it on is more prone to a loud kind of failure."
"Layers are my friend because if I make a mistake on one layer, I don't lose everything underneath."
"...we also need interrupts. Why? Because we want to know when the data is done copying at the different levels or maybe you get errors while copying your data."
"Handling errors gracefully ensures a smoother user experience."
"Let's look at how you can use hooks for error handling."
"The handle error function is going to run if an unexpected error is thrown during loading or rendering."
"This is basic exception handling: you use the try except keywords."
"If it's good, call next and allow this handler to execute, but if it's not good, throw an error."
"Error handling is a very essential aspect of testing in JavaScript in general."
"If it fails, just roll back, fail, give the user a little bit of a beautiful error that says, 'Okay, just chill, it's not a big deal.'"
"Turn obvious errors into things that don't compile."
"Now what was a runtime error is a compile-time error."
"Give the appropriate suggestions for errors."
"Prefer exceptions to return codes; provide some context with those exceptions."
"Catching an exception is a language construct; handling an exception is how you meaningfully respond to that error."
"Easier async data... that solves that whole category of errors."
"Errors as values... it's a way for you to be forced to handle every error case of your program."
"Prefer values for expected errors."
"Error handling is very, very important."
"If you try to access a database that is not available, or you try to read write to a file that does not exist... we might want to handle them gracefully and recover in the code without breaking the functionality of our script."
"When you have errors, you fix them or you reject pull requests or you hold up releases if the current branch doesn't build."
"Using Const is good hygiene; it turns potential runtime errors into compile-time errors."
"Fail early, fail fast, crash, no defensive programming, don't accept it."
"If the result equals false, we need to return null because this token is invalid."
"Rust requires that we include types in our function signatures not because it can't infer what's going on, but because it provides way better error messages if we do so."
"You want the ability to roll back in case of bad writes, which can be extremely problematic."
"The mass imbalance or the continuity error is treated differently to the other residuals in the CFD solution process."
"It helps us to eliminate dependencies, not just to verify behavior, and helps us to handle errors."
"Error should never pass silently unless explicitly silenced."
"No more no reference exceptions like ever."
"If it fails for authentication, then it will return HTTP 401 which is unauthorized."
"Windows uses something known as structured exception handling."
"You need exception handling for cleanly logging the exceptions or throwing meaningful errors to the users."
"In my opinion, it would be far better if when something like this went wrong, immediately the software should have aborted."
"What should happen is that the error should be logged, the ESS cleanly aborted, an error message displayed to the user, and the system left so that he can do something else."
"Error handling is a critical aspect of all web applications."
"Error handling done the right way."
"If you're stuck on an error... take the error message exactly as it occurs, copy it and paste it into Google and search for that."
"Always remember when you're writing requirements to cover things like defaults, error handling, and how the system reacts."
"Let's talk about better ways to handle and track errors in your JavaScript."
"It's almost like having a try catch block in a language that doesn't support try catch blocks."
"Now if we ever made any sort of mistake in here, TypeScript is going to yell at us."
"Axios will automatically catch the errors when they are not in the 200 range of HTTP responses."
"Don't get worried, it's okay if your program might not work."
"Text fields help us have text inputs, buttons things you can click on, container keeps your stuff on a container, stack is how you can stack a bunch of different text fields for example, and then alert is if we get an error we want to show it as an alert."
"Tests that return a result type allow you to use the question mark operator."
"Using exceptions will help you to exit from your programs gracefully in case there is an issue."
"If we call the Callback with an argument, it means that we have an error and we should not proceed."
"If anything got confused, then over on the client side you can throw that data point out."
"We use both error handling techniques using system error, not errno, that's in C since C++11."
"Handle errors early and return often; keep the common or happy path indented and to the left."
"Use exceptions and exception handlers instead of return codes."
"Robust exception handling has been in PL/SQL since the beginning."
"What is the response code given for 'not found' errors? A 404 Not Found."
"With VLOOKUP and IFERROR, we can build a really nice-looking database."
"This is purely functional; we can tell by looking at the type that it could fail with an I/O exception and that it will succeed with a string."
"It gives me a little bit less anxiety, especially when I see these errors like 'cannot find regenerator runtime', and I'm like 'what in the world is that?' and now I know what it is and what it's for."
"We have 2D arrays and how to talk about them, and then errors and exceptions."
"90% of programming is not to handle 'make it do what I want it to do', it's to handle 'stop it from doing what I don't want it to do'."
"Prefer encoding your error types inside of the return type of your methods."
"The goal here is that we want to catch any sort of error that might happen at compile time rather than just compiling your program."
"Robustness is about checking does it respond well to weird inputs and errors. Will it crash? Is it stable?"
"If it goes above 8-bit, it's an overflow error because the numbers overflowed."
"Cadence allows you to write your code in a way that you don't need to deal with these failures."
"Heap dump on out of memory error is something I recommend all customers run with."
"We have a nice multi-line console that's aware of what's happening and not going to evaluate something that's obviously incorrect."
"React does a great job of providing solutions to potential problems in your applications via contextual warnings as console errors."
"We've seen today ways our programs can go wrong with errors, ways to handle those errors, and now ways to test our programs to ensure they behave as we intend."
"Raises essentially means you need to include it in functions that could potentially raise errors."
"It's a two-track model of error handling, otherwise known as railway-oriented programming."
"Getting an error and crashing your program is a natural part of coding and doesn't hurt your computer at all."
"A good developer will always do exception handling when things go wrong in your code."
"It would be nice if we can simply take the data and say, 'Okay, here's breakfast if everything was valid and it adheres to the rules that the business defines; otherwise, here's a list of well-defined errors.'"