
Lust Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Having sex too much in a relationship doesn't make it love; it makes it lust."
"Lust is a selfish impulse for personal, professional, financial, or sexual fulfillment by any means necessary, even if those means are detrimental."
"It is easier to chase lust than it is to chase love."
"Love is understanding and giving, where lust is taking and complaining."
"Marriage won't fix your lust issue; it's a heart issue."
"Lust is a very strong and uncontrolled desire for something. It is also known as an excessive desire for something to gratify oneself."
"There is no place in the Bible or in our contemporary world where lust produced a good result. Its effect has always been damaging."
"We've so weak, we're so controlled by our lust, we think with our smaller head rather than our big head."
"Temptation with lust grows without physical attraction."
"People do a lot of crazy things because of lusts."
"Lust isn't usually love. You can have love and lust. If you're in love with someone, you can lust over them. But if you just have lust, it sometimes doesn't mean love."
"Be guided by love versus lust, but why can't you have both?"
"Lust makes you blind, lust divides the will and it darkens the intellect, it makes you blind."
"Love is not lust; you need a balance of both."
"Love wants to get to know people but lust wants to take from people."
"Loss will get you messed up. Lust needs no contact to destroy or to abuse."
"Sex is not lust. Lust is when you have sex outside of marriage."
"It's easier for a man to chase lust than it is to chase love."
"Lust is the thing that takes what God called natural and distorts it, contorts it, manipulates it."
"Lust is not satisfied by sex; it's an insatiable desire that needs to be crucified."
"Homosexual lust or heterosexual lust, it's the old self."
"Lust can never be satisfied because the nature of lust is to always be hungry."
"Love wants to satisfy another; lust seeks to satisfy itself and can never be fulfilled."
"Lust seeks to satisfy self; love seeks to satisfy others."
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
"You need to control your lust. I'm not saying girls aren't important; you need to be dating, you need to find a good girl. Keep lust under control."
"They're lusting over you, they really want you sexually."
"Lust is not about you. It's about the person lusting. You don't have to feel slimed or dirty; you can feel empowered."
"Lust can turn into a whole person."
"If a man looks lustfully at a woman, what does he say after that?"
"Lust is taking the perfectly good thing that God created... and stripping it off from an honor toward people... and a supreme regard for God in Holiness."
"Understand the difference between love and lust."
"Lust is thought of as intense sexual desire, especially when that desire leads to your judgment being clouded and causing you to make decisions you wouldn't otherwise make."
"...if love is 'I want your good for your sake'... then lust is 'I want my good at your expense'... it's actually ugly."
"Lawrence asked Lima if whatever was going on between herself and Jared was love or lust and she said it was both."
"Maybe they're stuck in an illusion of love. Is this really love or is it lust?"
"I've seen gang members get flipped about it, they were so stuck in that damn phase of being lusting over that other male that they ended up getting ate by their own organization."
"Desire for your wife is good; lust is bad. There's a clear distinction."
"Beauty appreciates in love, but depreciates in lust."
"You cannot quench lust, if you feed lust it gets stronger."
"You ignite a lot of desire in this person, they're lusting after you."
"When lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin."
"The love bombing, versus lust, that's why our generation is struggling with relationships."
"Lust seeks to satisfy itself. Lust is dangerous; it consumes and can lead to gluttony. Relationships die because people confuse love with lust."
"The real battlefield of lust is in your head. If you win the battle in your mind, you'll win the whole battle. But after you have conceded the battlefield in your head, everything else will follow."
"Lust makes us like animals, so we have a shame about lust. And the shame should not be confused with the actual morality of it. There's a feeling of shame about it, and the shame comes from the fact that we've acted like animals."
"Lust is the manipulator of the homunculi."
"Lust is misdirected affection... anytime you're walking in lust, your affection is being directed to someone or something aside from God."
"There's a difference between love and lust, you know, and at the moment I'm just feeling really lusty."
"Many appreciated her no BS approach to love and lust."
"Lust did not attack you because you can't love. Lust attacked you because your love is meant to change the world."
"They took the precious metal out of God's Earth and made an inanimate object to give them an excuse to pursue their inmost lusts."
"A moment of lust is sin. And it's never, ever, under any circumstances whatsoever worth it."
"Lust will never satisfy. Lust grows when you satisfy it."
"You can understand unconditional love versus lust."
"For some of you, this is definitely someone, if you were involved with them romantically, then this is someone that you guys were F buddies or H. It's very lusty. This person's got a big old ego."
"If you give in to lust, make sure it's acceptable for you mentally to give into it."
"Stop fighting over pleasures, lustful things, materialistic."
"Love doesn't exist. There's only lust."
"So many of us conflate love and lust or love, right sex, and love."
"I had seen it directed at me when we were first married but early in our marriage I had noticed that look of lust on Sarah's face."
"If you look at a woman lustfully, you've committed adultery in your heart."
"But because you are married, again, related to this conversation, is it a bad thing? Is it bad to lust after your spouse? I don't think so."
"So why should you read this book I think every single person needs to read this book because I think we're all quite lost in the definition between love and lust."
"You're believing God to get this person as your mate because you're lusting after them."
"You may take her as your wife; this looks like it's fine to just peruse the women and see which ones you would like to have lustfully for yourself and wife."
"...when a woman's thinking 'Oh my gosh, checking my phone, did he text?', she's right. It's not love and it's not anxiety. It's lust for somebody."
"You don't live in a world anymore where you're driven by lust. You want true love."
"Marriage cannot and will not ever satisfy lust."
"Our Lord seeks to distinguish lust from love."
"Notice for her lust she'll burn in hell, her soul done medium, we'll all through mass manual stimulation."
"If you look at a woman with lust in your heart, you have already committed adultery."
"...what can he do for us? Carnal enthusiasm."
"Humans by design have certain spots, certain sh*t that make us lusty."
"I think we tend to get confused between lust and love, and we sometimes confuse lusting as love, and that's really bad sometimes."
"The original Hellraiser hinges on this man who is after the ultimate physical experience, his lust knows no boundaries."
"When lust is conceived, it brings forth sin the moment that it hits your mind, I practice this, I know how it works."
"Every single time they think about you, they have sexual thoughts about you."
"Attraction brings you closer to the relationship. Then it starts. Attraction doesn't necessarily mean I'm in a whole lustful situation."
"Lust is his core sin, that's the core sin that leads to the others."
"Somebody was in and out, in and out, based off of lust, not love."
"There's a thin line between love and lust. You might really be lusting for that person, might misinterpret it for love, but it's not love."
"Are you just based on lust and how you feel and passion?"
"When you say you never cheated on your wife, what are you talking about? Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
"The root is lust, so until you remove that root spirit, which is lust, then the symptom or the tentacle of pornography will always be present."
"We need to equip ourselves and educate ourselves about lust."
"Even saved individuals can struggle with lust."
"The spirit of lust brings a sense of pleasure."
"Be careful what we set before our eyes, the lust of the eyes."
"They have lusty wenches in House Hayford."
"Love comfort is like sunshine after rain, and lust's effect is tempest after sun. Tempest after sun, that would be very apt, wouldn't it, if that's all I felt for Freddie?"
"When you fall in love with a girl's looks, that's you lusting somebody."
"God's kind of love can control itself. What you are calling love is nothing but lust."
"Lust is like an attractive doorway that always attracts us to open."
"Exploring themes of beauty, lust, and power in literature and art."
"Lust is so powerful and it is the negation of true love because it thinks in terms of pleasing oneself."
"You cannot afford to have just lust connections. You need a love connection."
"I think lust is something that's probably been, I mean it has, it has been around forever, and it's just like the landscape in which that it can flourish now with social media, I think it's just like, it's there's just so many attractive people."
"Stop believing the lie that lust is harmless and accept the truth that lust is trying to destroy your life and hurt the people you love."
"The second circle of Hell was intended for those who had succumbed to lust, and many of these were kings, queens, and rulers."
"Lust declines at 8% per year of marriage."
"Calistria, The Savored Sting, is a goddess of charm and lust, but also of Revenge."
"Lust is never satisfied. It's just lust's mantra: more, more, more."
"By seeking love through lust, you miss out on love; but by seeking lust through love, you become able to profoundly enjoy both."
"In the spiritual realm, we are informed that this is not love. Where you love the other for your happiness, that is lust."
"Being in love is not the same as being in lust."
"You have an enemy, Arjuna, each one of us has an enemy within, and it is the enemy of lust."
"There's nothing more beautiful on Earth than pure love, and there's nothing so blighting as lust."