
Romania Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Romania's been very good to me. It's a great country filled with fantastic people, amazing nature, great food."
"Romania is one of those nations that are pro-legality."
"One of the advantages Romania had historically was being a major oil producer in Europe."
"Romania is a great country filled with fantastic people, amazing nature, great food. It's a great place. I live here because I love it. There's no other reason why I live here."
"Romania: discover European budget travel in Transylvania."
"Some even call it the Bermuda Triangle of Romania... this forest is not to be entered alone."
"Romania becomes one of the Tigers of Eastern Europe."
"Romanians don't see Moldova as a border; they see it as a part of themselves."
"The long story short of Romania is that it likes all of its neighbors."
"Romania is home to some of Europe's last remaining virgin forests."
"The people we met in Romania were, for the most part, some of the kindest, most welcoming people one could ever wish to meet."
"This park is beautiful, like all the different types of trees and the flowers and the details, ah, the parks in Romania, they're incredible."
"Yo, the Romanian Hospitality has just been so great, everybody here is so friendly, so hospitable, so welcoming."
"Romania beckons with tales of Dracula and the allure of the unknown."
"Romania is kind of like the 'good communist.'"
"The reality is Vlad Tepes is a national hero in Romania and has been throughout history."
"In the new oligarchic Romania made up of politicians and businessmen, the ones losing were millions of Romanians, captive in the bankrupt industry of the 1990s."
"With its fascinating history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture, Sighisoara is a must-visit destination for anyone exploring Romania."
"This is over in Romania, and one thing is for sure in this beautiful nation: if you're not a good enough manager, you will get the sack pretty early on."
"The oldest human fossils in southwestern Romania are actually 35,000 years old."
"I have never seen a video that changed my naive ignorant view of Romania into something that I desperately want to visit."
"When you think of Romania, you probably don't imagine sandy beaches and beautiful water."
"Sarmale... they're basically cabbage leaves filled with rice, meat, and a couple of different spices and boiled in a giant pot. They're also just absolutely phenomenal."
"This city is not very big, but it's really one of the most beautiful places in Romania."
"I loved Romania and it's strong Christian Nation with strong Traditional Values."
"I've been to Romania five times to rescue street dogs out there."
"Bukovina, a region in Northern Romania, is a hidden gem known for its unique combination of cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes."
"Romania has had Europe's fastest growing economy ever since its GDP grew by 6-15% over the past 20 years."
"The story goes that there's a castle in Romania that is said to have belonged to Count Dracula."
"Every person we've interacted with in our month here in Romania has been so over the top nice."
"Oh my god, Romania, you know how to do your dessert; your food is exceptional."
"Though its history is painful, it now represents hope for a better Romanian future."
"Romania has actually one of the fastest growing economies in all of Europe."
"Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Romania's oldest natural reserve."
"My mind was blown, whatever you know image some people have of Romania is completely wrong."
"This is Romania, it's just incredible, I am so blown away."
"Life has improved in Romania, really not what you expected."
"Romania is one of the most fast-growing economies in Europe."
"Romania, what do we know? This country is in reality very little, however, we've become aware of a culture impregnated with surprising traditions and history."
"Welcome to the Fagaras Mountains, a mesmerizing mountain range in the heart of Romania."
"The president has been looking forward to hosting President Johanes to celebrate Romania's 20 years as a strong and stalwart NATO ally."
"Romania has become a popular destination for digital nomads, expats, and retirees alike thanks to its low cost of living."
"Romania recently started its digital Nomad Visa program for non-EU citizens to boost its economy and grow its GDP."
"I'm absolutely loving my time here in Romania."
"My goal is to convince y'all to consider booking the flight here to Romania to travel this beautiful country."
"Romania is like a picturesque country in terms of nature."
"The architecture is second to none."
"It is extremely cheap to live out here."
"The food out here is amazing and is for a reasonable to cheap price."
"I've been loving the food out here."
"It is easy to navigate out here in Romania because for the most part, everybody speaks English."
"Romania is one of the safest countries in all of Europe."
"People really be minding their own business."
"I haven't had any experiences where I felt unsafe."
"If you're thinking about possibly adding Romania to your bucket list of travel destinations, please let me know down in the comments."
"Romania has the largest population of brown bears in the world outside of Russia."
"Romania has four Nobel Prize winners."
"The quickest way I can summarize the history of Romania: Dacia, Roman Empire, tribal migration, Middle Ages, split into three, Ottomans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians came in, World War One, country unites, things look good until boom, World War Two."
"Romania is the land of castles, yeah for Christmas movies and stuff, princess, yeah all the nice castle movies."
"This is some of the best experiences in all of Romania."
"Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Romania slowly got back up on its feet."
"Good evening and welcome; tonight we'll be going over the history and geography of Romania."
"The average salary in Romania is around $400 US."
"If I say 'place' one more time... so Romania, what is great about it, what is unique, what can we learn about this amazing nation?"
"Romania is a country that is all about preserving its culture and, you know, its history, which I think is very much important."
"I'm hoping to film more videos like this where I talk about my experience living in Romania."
"Marie herself would become a popular Queen of Romania, though ultimately its last."
"What is the capital of Romania? Bucharest."
"First impressions of Romania, that was really something special."
"The sculpture of Decebalus is kind of like the Mount Rushmore of Romania."
"If you're not familiar with Andrea, she is a very talented spoon carver hailing from Romania."
"This is what Transalpina looks like. Here you can see the characteristic yellow stripes that clearly distinguish this amazing road."
"The plan for the last day of activity is the famous Transfagarasan route."
"The principality of Wallachia, which he ruled in the 15th century, was located on the territory of modern Romania."
"Our journey in Romania till now was very good."
"Romania actually took us by surprise."
"The landscape of Romania is very diverse; it's got many different kinds of landscape."
"This is Romania's very own Atlantis, sunken village lost in time."
"This is my big finale to my October long haunted Romania series and I have saved the best until last... overnight in the World's Most Haunted Forest Hoia Baciu."
"I've never been to Romania before, and it's incredible to be here finally."
"Happy National Day to all the Romanians!"
"It's called Romania because there were once Romans there."