
Spiritual Victory Quotes

There are 420 quotes

"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."
"You are called to walk in perfect victory. The life of the believer is meant to be one of spiritual victory."
"The moment of [Jesus'] perceived victory [by the devil] actually became the moment of his defeat."
"You devil, are a defeated foe. You will not succeed, you will not prosper because Jesus Christ is triumphant."
"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet." - Romans 16:20.
"I hope everyone knows that this series isn't real and Jesus has already won."
"It is love that wins everything, divine love."
"The kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ."
"We overcame the Enemy by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of Our Testimony, and we loved not our lives unto death."
"Mary said, 'In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph...and a period of peace will be granted to the world.'"
"The kingdom of God offers you victory. Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world."
"By the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your testimony, you truly have overcome."
"The lies of the devil are broken in Jesus' name."
"I'm so grateful that we all had a chance to be in this story today in the victory that God has for you and me it starts with and ends with the finished work of Christ made available to us by the filling power of the Holy Spirit."
"Victory belongs to the Lord, so keep speaking up, praying, and standing for God's truth."
"Whatever you're struggling with has already been overcome by the Risen One."
"You've overcome the enemy, you've overcome the world."
"Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world."
"The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead will raise you up as well if he was the one that initiated your crucifixion."
"Since it is in the world's east that overcomers are to be gained."
"Get up and get off your back, get on your feet and press on. You have the victory through the Lord, you are triumphant with the blood of Jesus."
"The enemy that you see today, you shall see no more."
"The devil cannot steal the word, the devil cannot steal the revelation, and the devil cannot steal the victory in the mighty name of Jesus."
"There is an ability within me that is greater than Zaria, greater than Nigeria."
"In Jesus Christ, you disarm the adversary's power when you died on the cross."
"The devil is defeated. He was defeated at the cross of Jesus Christ."
"You're in a pretty good position if you're more than a conqueror."
"Jesus Christ, by his death and resurrection, has already defeated Satan and his schemes."
"For us children of God, we do not engage in warfare so that we can win over Satan. No, rather we're in warfare to retain the victory that our lord Jesus has gotten over Satan already."
"In heaven or on earth you have already conquered sin and dead by your finished work on the cross."
"Faith is the victory that overcomes the world."
"We are on the winning side of history if we know Jesus personally."
"There is victory in your life because this battle belongs to the Lord."
"I am victorious in Christ. He fights for me and has already won the battle."
"I'm not fighting for victory devil, I'm fighting from victory."
"God's word tells me I am an overcomer by the blood of the lamb and by the words of my testimony. I am who God says that I am."
"Even in the midst of tribulation we are not abandoned, pressed but not crushed. God remains with us."
"The kingdom wins, the kingdom is already won, and anybody that aligns with the kingdom is gonna win in every season of their life."
"Everything is now under his feet, Jesus Christ has defeated him once and for all."
"Fasting will help you in being Victorious over the devil's plans."
"The Lord always causes you to triumph in Christ Jesus."
"A victory over the devil, let a mighty revival of baptisms come to their city, come to their home."
"The devil lost again, he's a loser and he's defeated."
"You exercise God's Authority in the sphere He's given you, you lay out the odds that are against you before Him based on the realities of your life, and then you lay claim to His victory and watch Him turn the numbers in your favor."
"Satan's headship over your life and over your world was canceled."
"He has already defeated him. He is already victorious."
"The good news of the kingdom means that Christ has power over death, our greatest enemy."
"It's only when you come out of that struggle... victory in the spirit."
"We have joy in our hearts because we have a God who conquers what has conquered us."
"In all these things we are more than conquerors."
"Despite tribulations, we have a Victorious God who has overcome the world."
"Side the joy of trusting God is knowing that in the end Victory is ours because it is his, my dear friends."
"In giving our fight to God, we acknowledge that the ultimate Victory is not a product of our strength, wisdom, or strategy. It is a gift from God, a testament to his power, love, and faithfulness."
"Sometimes you're gonna have to pray and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord."
"We cannot fail. Love and light will prevail forever."
"Forces of evil operating against us, he made a public example of them, exhibiting them as captives in his triumphal procession, having triumphed over them."
"Satan and the demons have no chance against Christ, faced with demonic opposition, the cross-accomplished God's glorification, freed the devil's prisoners, publicly routed evil spirits, and sealed their judgment within the spiritual realm."
"Those evil powers are broken right now by the blood of Jesus..."
"Christ has risen. Christ is alive. Christ conquered sin, sickness, poverty, and spiritual death."
"Now that you're praying church, now that you're engaged, now that you're doing what you need to do, the victory is surely ours."
"In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
"No matter the battle you are faced with, you, the child of God, are more than a conqueror."
"You are the lightbringer, you were just meant to shine your light on that darkness."
"Not guilty! Did you do it? Yeah, but I'm not guilty because I overcome by the blood of the Lamb."
"The final victory of the sacred avatar will grant those who chose voluntary poverty the kingdom of spiritual abundance."
"Thank you Jesus, I am your anointed and you have given me great deliverance." - Psalms 18:50
"Let the darkness be defeated and let the dark be brought into the light, amen."
"Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, has prevailed."
"I declare and decree victory over every scheme or plot of the enemy."
"God says fear not... the battle is already won."
"In the name of Jesus Christ, you will find that there is victory, there is authority."
"The mercy of God is what the devil can never defeat and never will defeat."
"I would just say new love coming in for you here."
"This isn't barely get along; this is overcome."
"The cross was the lowest point, but that's actually how God ultimately destined to humiliate Satan and to set people free from every tribe, tongue, and nation."
"Divine Victory doesn't always come through battle but often through steadfast faith and prayer."
"Jesus has broken the curse, he has never lost."
"God is exalted, devil defeated, we've got the victory."
"In Christ, there are no losers, in Christ, there is no defeat."
"You're not fighting for victory, you're fighting from victory."
"There is victory in that name, there is power in that name, there is hope and holiness in that name." - Mark 8:33
"We overcome evil because of the blood that was shed for us on the cross."
"This symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance."
"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony."
"We have the right to claim the victory of Jesus Christ in every battle that we face as believers."
"The life of Christianity is a difficult life of struggle and conflict, but it's toward a victorious goal."
"God restores what the enemy has tried to destroy for years."
"Lord grant us the victory that comes through faith."
"Jesus triumphed over darkness, displaying victory openly for all to see."
"Some of us are still carrying the residue of the mess of this past season, but God is declaring victory."
"This did two things: it showed me that the enemy can't stop me, and it showed me that God is for me."
"The dragon is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of the Saints' testimonies."
"Our battle has already been won, the hand of God has already brought us the victory."
"The life of the believer is meant to be one of Victory. Deliverance is yours today, and the truth will set you free."
"Lord Jesus, you are the reason why we are more than conquerors. No weapon formed against us shall prosper."
"Thank you, Lord. I confess that everything I come against, anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards, is already defeated in Jesus' name."
"You're not a loser anymore Jimmy. God has turned you into a winner."
"We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony."
"The one who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death."
"Before you can come to me in victory, before you can have the triumphant joy and the crown, there must first be the cross."
"Thank you, Jesus, for my victory tonight, say thank you, Jesus, for my victory tonight, say thank you, Jesus Christ for my victory right now, victory right now in the name of Jesus, Jesus Christ, I am victorious, I am victorious, I am an overcomer."
"Understanding the true way of the Salaf and following the Quran and Sunnah is your victory."
"I'm not shackled by sin, His victory was given me when I was born again."
"Because he lives, we live also. Because he overcame, we will overcome."
"In the higher levels of reality, the war has already been won by the light."
"We're overcome by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb."
"The king rejoices in your strength, O Lord. He shouts with joy because you give him victory."
"Know that you're more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. You're an overcomer. You've overcome. Jesus overcame the world."
"Your chains have been broken, every curse dispelled."
"In the name of Jesus, I declare I am triumphant over the enemy. I am an overcomer. I am a victor in the anointed Jesus."
"If God be for us, who can be against us? I'm on The Winning Side!"
"We are overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony."
"There is not a soul in all of creation who has the ability to triumph over me."
"I overcome every sickness, disease, pain, and agony by the blood of Jesus."
"Jesus has already won the battle against sin and death."
"Every problem, every stronghold, every force of Darkness will be defeated at the name of Jesus Christ."
"I declare a complete breakthrough and I declare that I am victorious through Christ Jesus."
"Jesus absolutely shattered and busted death and the grave."
"Fasting for complete victory in your life... It is the cutting off of Goliath's head, it is the dancing on the grave of your enemy."
"From her great vantage point, the vastest problems of our Earthly mindsets are so small in the hands of a greater being even your deepest trials will succumb to Divine Victory."
"You have victory in this spiritual awakening."
"The devil lost. The devil lost. Victory belongs to God."
"It seemed like victory was out of sight or impossible, victory with the masculine, victory within this connection because of some situation."
"We're more than conquerors, that neither height nor depth can separate us from the love of God."
"The Messiah would crush the head of the serpent... defeat Satan and ultimately death."
"God promised to send a Messiah... who would ultimately defeat death and Satan."
"He destroyed him who had the power, the fear of death."
"Thanks be unto God, he didn't leave us helpless nor hopeless, he gives us victory through Jesus Christ our Lord."
"God is on our side. God always wins. The truth prevails. Liberty prevails. Freedom prevails. Love prevails."
"Jesus Christ has conquered all, and through his blood, we are more than conquerors."
"We win, ultimately. We know how the story ends."
"Let the devil throw his best shot because God has already made us more than conquerors."
"In the end they're going to win their Messiah is going to return."
"Discouragement will not stop me. The enemy will not win."
"The power of discouragement is broken in the mighty name of Jesus!"
"Jesus went to hell and took keys of Hell, death, and the grave. He came out with keys."
"Jesus went down into the earth and took the keys of death."
"But Jesus Christ is my protector and I don't need to worry. We have the victory."
"Being more than a conqueror through Christ means recognizing that our Victory is not dependent on our might or ability but on Christ's power and love."
"Jesus stole our stains. He stole them. The Bible tells us that He defeated death, hell, and the grave."
"Every chain has been broken, every shackle has been broken."
"Claim your Victory take hold of the blessings of Psalm 125 in your life."
"Justice prevails, and when we do see this, I think we need to seriously thank Jesus."
"At the end of the day, we already know who wins this fight, who won the battle. It's already been fought, and that was Jesus going to the Cross."
"Victory is ours in love governing this planet."
"The battle is already won. Christ is already triumphant."
"God won. You will never have to fight for your soul ever again."
"You can have Victory in the power of the Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"There's victory for my people. It happened in the spirit realm first and it's moving into the physical."
"There are some battles that don't take a sword to win; it takes a crucifixion."
"The blood prevails, the blood prevails, the blood prevails!"
"That's not what we do. That's not what we want. We know that in the end the light wins."
"The real victory is not against a worldly enemy, it's the victory against sin which happens in individuals."
"The Saints will prevail and possess the land." - Bobby Conner
"Claim your victory, take hold of the blessings of Psalm 91 in your life. Amen."
"The moment Jesus took his last breath, the enemy was defeated, God has already won."
"Take possession of your victory take possession of the blessings of Psalm 3 in your life in your home in your family in your story and remember that you were born to overcome and live every promise of God."
"I confess that everything I come against, anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards, is already defeated in Jesus' name."
"The last enemy that will be destroyed is death."
"God wants to take the worst defeats of your life and He wants to turn it into the greatest victories."
"We're more than conquerors in Christ. This is a good thing."
"Your victory is already established in the realm of the spirit."
"The Lord is my light, the Lord is my strength. I know in his might all conquer at length."
"That door, like the wall of Jericho, must sit down!"
"Thank you for praying, Father. The demon is now gone," the person's voice uttered after the exorcism.
"If you know Jesus, you are from God and have overcome these false spirits because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world."
"In the darkest day, God has victory for his people."
"Thank God for the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord."
"The Saints go from a place of defeat to a place of Dominion by one verdict from the courts."
"You will see the Giants fall. You will see my Eagle restored."
"The cross gives victory over spiritual powers of wickedness."
"Your victory will not be against humans, your victory will be against evil, against ugliness of immorality."
"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
"Victory, victory, victory in the quarters of heaven and the quarters of heaven."
"The believers overcame him, Satan, by the word of their testimony, proclamation, and by the blood of the Lamb."
"President, you tried to bankrupt this man... You failed because the devil never wins."
"Let us be full of hope in the victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"God is trying to release the spirit of truth that's why his truth is going to continue to march on it's going to triumph it's going to trump over what the enemies tried to do."
"Victorious over the devil; it's time to overcome what's been holding you back."
"Prayer brings personal victory that touches every aspect of life."
"Light is winning, believe it or not. Light is winning."
"Victory of Miriam, releasing false belief systems."
"We have already won, we just gotta step into the Oneness."
"As long as we can see it, we can receive it. Victory is mine in the name of Jesus."
"In all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us and gave himself for us."
"The victories in Jesus, the evil one is defeated when we go to God even in our darkest moments."
"He defeated death, he defeated Satan, he defeated the grave."
"Revelation tells us to him that overcometh... we overcome by repentance."
"The gospel is Satan's defeated and so is death and so is sin and its power."
"God destroys satan's final realm, the idols of materialism."
"This is a very dire time... but Jesus Christ will win... Christ wins and we win with him."
"A beacon of redemption and a declaration of victory in Jesus Christ."
"As long as I had my eyes on him, there is no weapon that's formed against me that shall prosper."
"The spiritual warfare is over. You walked away from the karmics already."
"The sting of death and the curse of death have been swallowed up in victory."
"The victory belongs to Jesus, there's nothing the devil can do about your breakthrough, about your testimony."
"We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony."
"Jesus taking upon himself the sin of the world and then definitely outmaneuvering it."
"What is it that overcomes the world? Is it not our faith?"
"I'm not going from breakthrough to breakthrough, I'm in overthrow."