
Grassroots Movement Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"We need a Grassroots Movement. We need people to get passionate about this and help out."
"We want to completely revitalize the Democratic Party and make it a party of the people."
"The greatest credit goes to the people who have been out there from day one."
"It's an immensely popular grassroots position to want to take a stand on the subject of Scientology tax exempt status."
"Everything that has been happening has been produced by the community."
"Real change takes place from the top on down, but always from the bottom on up."
"Black empowerment is more than just a slogan it's truly becoming a lifestyle... you got to be grassroots aligned and code it up to truly appreciate this lifestyle brand."
"The wisdom is out here, the power is out here, the power is in the hands of the powerless."
"This makes me so proud to show that we can get stuff done on a grassroots level. All we have to do is put our mind to it."
"It started with one hour a month and morphed into this movement."
"We the people are doing it by ourselves without big money without big parties it's we the people."
"I'd rather watch Manchester United in the fifth tier of English football in a fan-owned structure playing academy players than I would watching them play in that European super league."
"This has to start with individual people and it has to come from the bottom up not from the top down."
"The power of the people. This was the people's movement and the people won."
"We've actually started to build community the way it's supposed to be."
"Folks can talk about engagement and theoretically what needs to be done, but until you put boots on the ground is exactly what they are doing."
"You can change your nation without a title or a throne."
"If we have a future, it's because of people like Jeremy Corbyn."
"We've never had a more energized base... the rallies... incredible... nobody's ever seen anything like it."
"I mean, the guy was serious when he said 'Not me, us.' Look at him, he's fighting this fight."
"This is your window of opportunity, purple power."
"Organizing just like one Starbucks store that unionized"
"If all the people at the bottom all got this idea and were able to communicate it to one another and all band together and say no, we're not going to do this thing or that thing or whatever, you can make real change."
"I've had it with you people. I am NOT going to fall in line. I'm going to create my own party and I'm gonna take this country back."
"So if there's enough Groundswell like if there's enough support from Donald Trump supporters they may not have a choice but to support Trump and do something about it."
"If you want to be a fighter for working people then you're not going to have friends in the halls of power."
"This is a movement by the people for the people."
"The Tea Party changed politics as we know it."
"We do see a rising movement in this nation that happened in Virginia, and I think on May 17th in Pennsylvania, you're going to see it happen here."
"I think profound as a excellent word to use I think what we've witnessed with this community and the entire experience of Wynonna and this sort of grassroots tiny little show coming and being such a force."
"It's an unprecedented alliance and revival of grassroots democracy."
"When it starts with the people, there is no stopping it. This is a very ground level organic disclosure and if you want critical mass to occur, you let this flourish."
"This isn't going to change unless we go bottoms up."
"We need to create a movement, and that movement is not the Al Sharpton's, it's people like me, it's people like you."
"One person cannot change everything overnight, but a Bottoms Up movement can."
"This is a genuine people-powered movement, a lot of stuff that we're not getting, you get it and you spread the word."
"We were able to convince folks to vote down the ballot that's what you have to do tell them what's important tell them why it's important and hope that they will proceed accordingly." - Attorney General Aaron Ford
"With your help we will be able to mobilize millions of people on Election Day and build the greatest largest grassroots electoral movement in the history."
"I never in a million years saw this coming. I had never had an agenda. I literally just wanted to help some truckers."
"Real change never takes place from the top on down; it is always from the bottom on up."
"To some extent I congratulate black people because this is grassroots."
"No president can do it alone and everybody in this room understands that the history of real change in America is never about things happening from the top on down it is always from the bottom on up."
"The citizens of this country have come out in record numbers to support our incredible movement."
"We can build a trickle-up economy from our people, our families, and communities up."
"This is how we win: we need a web of candidates all across the country."
"The grassroots people who are underground... Don't let up."
"This is a leaderless movement of people that want their rights."
"The Labour Party would have a brilliant chance, okay, you know, a coherent chance of winning an election if the parliamentary Labour Party was connected to the roots and the movement of the wider body of the party."
"The power has to be built at the grassroots."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end."
"When you have justice Democrats, a movement come up that says no corporate money, no big donor money, it's a movement built by the people of, by and for the people."
"There are particular aspects of the floor vote that you can call them performative, you could call it theater, but I call it effective in galvanizing the kind of grassroots movement that would be necessary to really press this issue home."
"The Republican party will be remade from this chamber of commerce corporate party to a grassroots people-based party."
"Populist energy is one of the most powerful political forces a party, a person, a politician, or a movement can tap into."
"Real change never takes place from the top on down or in the living rooms of wealthy campaign contributors. It always occurs from the bottom on up."
"This is going to be ultimately a people-powered movement."
"We must build a broad and deep movement from the bottom up."
"Now send some money to the man who could flip a red senate seat blue while no one was watching."
"When I'm on the road... talking to the people... we have more working-class voters than any other person in this race... the number one contributors to our campaign... Walmart workers... Amazon workers... this is who this movement is."
"There's definitely a revolution going on. It's a revolution of the little guy."
"I think a lot of people want to stick it to the man."
"So her solution is that the people have to take power. This is the only solution."
"That's the reminder, that you can be the media. You can be the media. Our motto is 'Be the media.' And you don't have to deal, you don't have to be part of the corporate media to be the media."
"California can turn red again, one little step at a time."
"Cacao is definitely the one that I'm marrying off. Brandon, because he's young and beautiful."
"It's time for a revolution. Do I have just two or three women? I don't even need all thousands of you to get on board with this. I just need a few crazy women who have decided to wage war."
"Bernie's volunteer army brings knowledge and passion to the doors."
"What went wrong? The Establishment adjusted to the Vietnam protest in the Vietnam era."
"This is the most significant movement in terms of grassroots activism that I've seen at least since the tea party."
"Never underestimate the power of grassroots action. Call your reps and express your displeasure."
"We pride ourselves on word of mouth—it's how we grow the gardening community."
"Resistance will be local, it'll begin local."
"A remarkable victory of a grassroots campaign... completely on its own."
"It is from that ground up Grassroots local level that we're going to see change."
"Real change never takes place from the top down; the only way change takes place is when millions of people stand up and fight for justice."
"Abolition did not come from the political parties; it came from the people."
"We don't take any corporate money, so people see us as a force for good and positive change."
"This movement is special; it's all about helping one another, having each other's backs."
"We win elections against big money by organizing people to mobilize and to vote."
"Believe in people bottom-up solutions for a top-down world."
"Vote for uncorrupted Democrats. The fight starts now."
"It's time for you to stand up to the money pulling strings of every goddamn puppet pretending to represent us."
"This movement is beyond even Peter Obi himself because Nigerians all over the world are crying for a change, for a new Nigeria."
"It's beyond Bernie. It's beyond who takes the mantle for Bernie. This is about not just organizing protests, but starting to demand power."
"It's important that this movement in this moment be led by those who stand to benefit the most."
"Real change does not emanate from Washington DC, it emanates from the people."
"Much like grassroots movements, this change starts on an individual level. It starts with each woman who refuses to compromise on a higher standard."
"A genuine organic and ongoing relationship with the masses of working people."
"We are building a major new party that is genuinely of by and for the American people, one that will truly represent us and that aims to build the stronger, healthier, and more just society we all deserve."
"Let's all start our own gardens, how about that? Starter on freedom gardens."
"We need to rediscover our roots and fight for an economy that shifts power to our regions and nations."
"Justice Democrats is an attempt to have the Bernie wing of the Democratic Party take over the Democratic Party and kick out the corporatists kick out the establishment."
"The only way this happened was through fans and word of mouth."
"People taking personal responsibility for what they think, what they want to believe, and what it is that they want to create."
"Trump is a leader... leader of a nationwide movement... take power back from The Establishment."
"Let's get back to our roots and let's make sure that when 2024 comes we've got a team there that actually is going to care about everyday Americans."
"Real change never ever takes place from on top. It's never one person doing it alone."
"Change doesn't come from Washington, it comes to Washington."
"We're going to start building a groundswell movement right a Grassroots movement of political power economic power do we have to go we have to go."
"Nothing will change if we do not get a Grassroots movement."
"Understanding that the reason they did that and the way that they did that is because they are part of their communities, they are intrinsic within it."
"The only way that change takes place is when we develop that strong grassroots movement, make that political revolution, stand together, and then we bring about change."
"The Gezi Park protest marked the birth of a grassroots anti-AKP movement defending the right to free expression."
"What we really need people to do is to try and revive those communities rather than trying to start brand new communities."
"Change doesn't come from the top down, change comes from the bottom up."
"It is very very grassroots still, and that's what we love about it."
"We saw a groundswell of political participation, of grassroots activity, which exerted considerable pressure and played a major role in pushing back against this repeal effort."
"He's a big believer that... you need to build a grassroots army across the country to engage with, to empower, to inform."
"Down-to-earth, that's the real grassroots."
"What you do absolutely can help, and you're one blade of a grassroots movement."
"Theological revolution starts from the ground up, not from the top down."
"Money does not win elections; organizing wins elections."
"We had a faith that there were millions of people out there who agreed with us that we needed some fundamental change, and those people answered the call."
"I think it's better to depend on Grassroots programs at our local elementary schools in our local communities."
"Our power as foundational black Americans has always been the grassroots."
"Grassroots activism is what is going to move and change the country for the better."
"I think revival is going to start in the little churches, our homes and our houses."