
Self-destruction Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"Modernism sealed its own fate; it contained within it the seeds for its very own destruction."
"The story of someone so filled with bloodlust that after he's slain everyone, the only one left to destroy is himself."
"Follow your passion, follow your heart, follow what you truly desire, otherwise it will destroy you."
"Technology inevitably becomes self-destructive; it's like a snake eating its own tail."
"You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival."
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
"The only thing that can tear America apart is America itself."
"Perfectionism is a self-destructive and addictive belief system."
"Civilization might reach a point where self-destruction is inevitable."
"I'm convinced that real evil is going to be done by every single one of us in the next 20 years, and it's going to lead to self-destruction for some of us, addictions for some of us, and divorce for some others."
"We are not destroyed by our enemies but by our lack of knowledge."
"You cannot truly love yourself when you're doing something that's self-destructive."
"This is the suicide, the slow suicide of Western civilization."
"What they didn’t anticipate was to accidentally learn that whatever civilizations existed on other planets have probably already annihilated themselves."
"We're going to blow ourselves up unless we have a wisdom explosion."
"All good things taken to an extreme become self-destructive and everything must evolve or die."
"The biggest of the great filters is that civilizations invariably destroy themselves."
"Isn't it amazing that we humans know what to do to save ourselves and yet we don't act on it? What's wrong with us? Have we gone mad?"
"You cheered your own destruction, you gave away your own freedom."
"Humanity fighting a losing battle against itself."
"If his anger exploded once more, he probably could have destroyed himself and if he did end up destroying the planet, he probably would have died regardless."
"When mankind stood at that point where self-annihilation could occur."
"If we find God to be sold dull or insignificant, that we must substitute other things that truly satisfy us more than he does, we offend him and destroy ourselves."
"Either way they wind up destroying themselves... economically... or... losing power over time."
"Cuba Gooding Jr.'s career seemingly self-destructed."
"It's really not about what's the best outcome. And I think when we don't care about the outcome, that's when we really destroy ourselves."
"Given the absence of any signals from nearby stellar systems, it can be assumed that any civilization that grows to be technologically advanced runs a great risk of inevitable self-destruction."
"Humans must work hard to avoid destroying our civilization like some of the other advanced civilizations in our history."
"People will self-destruct, create roadblocks that don't even exist, create drama because they have an insatiable need for turbulence."
"It's been taught your worst enemy couldn't harm you as much as your own wicked thoughts."
"People like that can't function without taking somebody down to their level, and if there's nobody else to drag down, they'll do it to themselves."
"I always ask myself, what are our enemies thinking about this right now? I know we're giving them so much fodder. If I was a real enemy of America, I'd say, 'Let's not plot against them because they seem to be imploding.'"
"The trouble with being a parasite like that is that ultimately you will kill your host."
"It is baffling that we willingly and knowingly continue to sow the seeds of our own destruction."
"We're at the Tipping Point in our civilization right now. We have the ability to obliterate ourselves totally."
"They self-sabotaged, and they will redeem themselves."
"Becoming multiplanetary is almost inevitable unless we destroy ourselves."
"Self-destruction can be good for the species, as death is necessary for evolution."
"It's vastly less plausible than self-destruction as an explanation for the Fermi Paradox."
"Eventually society will self-destruct... it can't sustain itself."
"You're becoming the demon that you want to destroy."
"If you can't control yourself, you will destroy yourself."
"Absence of authority brings self-destruction."
"America will never be destroyed from outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we chose to destroy ourselves."
"People had freedom and they used that freedom to destroy themselves."
"Procrastination is like a slow form of suicide."
"Acting out is not necessarily antisocial... in most cases it's self-defeating and self-destructive."
"Women will literally destroy their own lives just to spite standards that they think are oppressive."
"To destroy the beauty from which one came." - Sean Carter, better known as Jay-Z
"Ultimately, I think deathcore killed itself just like a lot of genres do."
"He believes there will come a time when the Lesser species will inevitably destroy themselves."
"What could be scarier than a destructive force beyond your control that you bring upon yourself?"
"The only way to lose in the United States will be if we tear it down from the inside."
"Nobody set out to destroy you, you destroyed yourselves."
"We have to stop being self-destructive and destructive to others."
"Eventually, it just eats its own, doesn't it?"
"What's the end game, you know, with killing ourselves? What's the end game with killing each other?"
"There's nothing beautiful about killing myself with food."
"Every country plotting against my nation will implode. They are turning on each other and making deals that serve themselves but it will not work."
"We cannot defeat Trump's politics of personal destruction if we practice the politics of self-destruction."
"We create our own demons, and he does. That is the character, and he probably owns a liquor company as well."
"The tower crumbles because of spirit trying to save us from ourselves."
"When I socialize my pain, I am cooperating with my enemies for my own destruction."
"It's interesting that I want self-destruct - that's what I'm seeking."
"Only I can destroy myself, only my negativity, only my own inner nastiness."
"House of cards falls in on itself bad logic always reveals itself."
"Humanity is at the point where they have to face either unyielding growth or self-destruction."
"Bitterness is like drinking poison hoping it will have an effect on the other person and it's the opposite, it destroys the internal world of an individual."
"A real actor destroys themselves for their art."
"America will not be destroyed from the outside if we lose our freedoms it will be because we've destroyed ourselves from within."
"The only thing that could tear down the house of the dragon was the dragon itself."
"Humanity may be teetering on the verge of self-ruin with time slipping away."
"I have the same view; people can be as self-destructive as they want, but I cannot respect or support someone who's destructive towards others."
"Because anyone who has studied even a little bit of History knows that what the left is best at is eating their own."
"We take a good idea and we use it to kill ourselves."
"You are wasting your life, you are destroying great relationships and destroying families with this foolishness you carrying on."
"Mankind will come to the brink of self-inflicted annihilation."
"The biggest thing holding you back is a sense of self-destruction."
"Thankfully, Gaia was able to thwart this effort by initiating her own self-destruction, denying Hades access to the systems necessary to bring the biosphere back to zero."
"If it's cancer cell that can't heal itself and return to a cooperative relationship with this environment it kills itself."
"There's a culture of paralysis within progressive organizations that has rendered them completely and utterly toothless."
"The progressive movement is eating itself from within."
"Empires eventually destroy themselves in the effort to prove that they are indestructible."
"We had unlocked the sobering ability to destroy ourselves."
"Actions that ultimately resulted in the destruction of everything he once was and everything he could have been."
"You ruin yourself, you and your kind, every day of your life. Everything you do. Nobody can tell you what to do. No, you go your own way, stinking the land up with what you kill."
"Baiting them into burning themselves down... by using this fire stuff."
"In the absence of service, routine, structure, purpose, I will dig holes in my life. I will self-destruct."
"He who makes a beast of himself removes himself from the pain of being human."
"Great civilizations are not murdered. They take their own lives."
"As we approach the finale, I am very happy where we leave Anna."
"We're going to be drawn in to destroy our political objectives and our movement here. That would be self-defeating in an awful way." - Richard Wolff
"We're being prepared as a bride for him. That's the politically correct way of saying you're going to unalive yourself."
"He let his ego blind him and as a result he went down with his own creation."
"Our war against nature is simply a war against ourselves."
"It's a brilliant and haunting vision of the destruction we bring upon ourselves."
"A wicked woman tears down her house with her own hands."
"There comes a point where group think begins to eat itself."
"The world has come closest to bringing about its own destruction."
"Blackbeard's ultimate defeat will be by himself."
"They will turn upon themselves through strife, through division, and will destroy themselves."
"Peter gives in to the symbiote knowing that the symbiote is going to basically begin a path of death and destruction because Peter actually wants it."
"Their pride and arrogance was revealed, and their contempt for weakness turned upon themselves."
"Tragedy is infinitely more interesting than bliss. That's the allure of self-destruction."
"Unbalanced things fall apart and self-destruct."
"It's easier to destroy yourself than to empower yourself."
"Everything he had built in years of being a content creator, he lost in just a couple of years of not just recklessness, but an outright penchant for destroying himself and everyone around him in the most vicious way possible."
"Within humanity are the seeds of our own destruction."
"I was in a path of self-destruction."
"Fear is like fire; if you let it get out of control, it will destroy you and everything around you."
"This movie is going to shoot itself."
"Lucifer had designed this contraption to kill himself because of the undying anguish and guilt he felt coursing through his being."
"Never ever walk that road again where self-destruction rules me."
"Your enemies may hate you and you may hate them, but if you do, you destroy yourself."
"You have the possibility of self-destructing your own life, and God doesn't want that for you because he loves you."
"I have not yet begun to defile myself."
"Looking for anything to fill the void in her life even when it means literally destroying her body and dignity to get it."
"Let go of the protection that is killing us."
"There were clues, they're like giving us some. Because I keep going back to the idea that the psychologist was saying, which at some point all of us self-destruct."
"The achievement subject exploits itself until it burns out, developing auto-aggression that often escalates into self-destruction."
"Humanity has almost accidentally destroyed itself many times over."
"The tragedy is a standing warning that the price of heroism may well be self-destruction."
"There was a part of me that felt like it was going to fucking destroy me. I saw one chance to run out of the Hotel California, and I think I realized [that the only way to do that] was to burn that motherfucker to the ground."
"It's a brilliant not so much an anti-war film but an anti-self-destruction film."
"So unfortunately too many people are making a disaster out of themselves."
"Anger will eat you, that'll be all you can eat, anger buffet."
"The prosperity of fools will destroy them."
"He learned to hate them back and he destroyed himself."
"I struggle with self-destruction daily."
"Once your intelligence is against you, there is no force on the planet or anywhere which can save you."
"The devil doesn't need to destroy you, if he can distract you, eventually you'll neutralize you or worse yet, you'll end up destroying yourself."
"I've never had a client ever say to me, 'You know, I really want to destroy my life and the life of everybody that's in my interpersonal circle as best that I can.'"
"Completely abandoning yourself to desperately please an abusive person is one of the most destructive adult symptoms of early trauma."
"The thing that will damage you more than anything is your own ambition or your own laziness."
"From the lack of awe, we will destroy ourselves."
"Everything around you needs to be completely transparent if there's a hint of something that you can't see or a hint of something that feels hidden you don't need to be trying to figure it out just move forward cuz all that's behind it is self-destruction."
"Humanity really did a remarkable job at obliterating itself."
"He wants to become champion. This is the only way he knows how to get his emotion out. He's beating himself up."
"The worst part is that there is no dialogue... It's 'cool' to... destroy yourself."
"Every man is his own greatest enemy and as it were his own executioner."
"It wasn't a case of let me gamble to win, let me drink to enjoy. Nah, destroy it all."
"I can see humans destroying themselves before the universe does."
"It's not what God did to me, it's what I was doing to myself."
"I do believe artists are putting themselves at risk and self-destructing every day."
"It's better for you to be the destructive force that takes out your own business and makes it better than for somebody else to come and do that to you, right?"
"It's in your nature to destroy yourself."
"If the story that they're living inside of their minds would be gratified by a big explosive catastrophic ending where they're the biggest victim in the room then yes 100% they'll do self-destruction."
"For pure Evil, Ben had said, was always self-destructive in the end."
"The devil is charming as well at first at least just to reel you in so that he can completely destroy you"
"She smiled, she shuddered at the recollection that she was on the point of killing it together with herself."
"The thorn of revenge sits so deep in their flesh that they can't stop killing even their own people."
"Don't interrupt your opponent when he's destroying himself."
"She's so self-destructive exactly you know like she's so close to being able to like have a happy life and and and she doesn't even know it she can't get out of her way."
"You know like she's so close to being able to like have a happy life and and and she doesn't even know it she can't get out of her way."
"Thank God I had the courage to destroy it long before I thought of destroying myself."
"Addiction is about destroying yourself."
"It’s like there’s this fine line between healthy creative tension, and total misery and self-destruction."
"They'll be the architects of their own destruction."
"Sin is a perverted form of self-care, sin is a death vacation."
"If you don't see God's will for your life, you will seek to use God so that you can have your will for your life, which is self-destruction."
"Do it no matter how difficult it is. It's going to destroy you. Trust me."
"The worst thing you could do is to be complicit in your own demise."
"We're dying a slow death with alcohol addiction, drug addiction, sex addiction."
"This whole year has been like a nightmare. I've ruined everything. I've ruined my whole life."
"Some folks die of old age, others die from circumstances they can't control. The rest of us, we end up killing ourselves one way or another. Why is that?"
"To get to you, one must begin the voluntary death of destroying all that you imagine to be."
"When you give a young fool some money, you give them confidence, you give them ego, and you give them power. And if you put power in the wrong hands, self-destruction comes on."
"If we as a country are to be destroyed, it will only be because we did it to ourselves."
"Even when you can see that this person is in front of you is not good for you, it's only going to bring pain and shame into your life, yet you can't resist the relationship."
"Necessary sacrifices... if your ambition becomes sometimes Revenge, you end up destroying yourself, you end up destroying the world more so than the person you're trying to take it from."
"Hollywood is very slowly eating itself."
"Morrison was often seen as a man on a collision course with self-annihilation."
"Self-improvement is masturbation. Self-destruction."
"It's the things we learn most that destroy us."
"If your knowledge throws you in destruction, throws you in trouble, you wish it would have been better that you did not understand it in the first place."
"Every oppressor, every zalim, every tyrant, every genocidal maniac eventually self-destructs. This is self-infliction before anything else."
"Comparing tortures the heart. Comparing destroys the soul."
"Why would you waste your pain on self-destruction?"
"They're gonna eat themselves alive and they're already losing."
"Sin is the suicidal action of the human will against itself."
"You guys are destroying yourselves if you stay with it for a long period of time."
"Many people are in this state and they don't realize how much they poison themselves."
"You know, the seeds of self-destruction lie at that very moment when everything appears to be going incredibly right."
"The beauty of fascist movements is that they cannibalize themselves... they've never been successful... they have like a built-in self-destruct."
"The only thing you will kill is your own ego."
"How does a tape know when to self-destruct?"
"Every time you exchange something real for something fake, you are in a sense killing yourself and your soul."
"I find it kind of horrifying how many people are okay with the destruction of the self most religions and philosophies see this as a good thing though they differ in exactly how it happens."
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself."
"It's only me killing myself if DCM makes me a movie."
"He buried his own grave, dug up his own grave, and buried himself in it."
"Ironically after self-destruction is when the narcissist is most productive."
"I mean there's no way to save at this point there's no way to save there's no way to really save an antifa from like devouring itself."
"Hate doesn't destroy the people you hate; it destroys you."
"If you stop worshiping, you start self-destructing."
"If you stop worshiping, generations start self-destructing."
"If the pack that you're rolling with is destructive, it's going to destroy you."
"This is our world, and what we're doing is imploding our world. We're centering it, we're getting closer to a core."
"We've just destroyed ourselves. We have to recreate ourselves and we have to redefine ourselves."
"You deprive cancer cells of glucose, they self-destruct."