
Inner Power Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"The power that created and sustains the universe is resident in you as your own wonderful human imagination."
"There's a power inside of you that you can only discover when you are truly alone."
"There is a lot of magic within you; you have a strong manifestation power."
"Manifesting locates and amplifies the power inside of you to do the work to get those things."
"Once this qi is activated, we all have amazing healing capabilities within ourselves."
"Spiritually, you are able to combat 10 times your weight, pulling strength from multiple, several different sources at any given time."
"Greater is He that is within me than he who is in the world."
"My inner power grows in moments of gratitude."
"Every power that any human being has ever had here on Earth is in every single one of us waiting to be activated."
"Once you touch this power within you, which is not egoic power, it's primordial."
"Can you access the power that you have within you with your breath?"
"You have that much power because the god presence is in you."
"The source of all life and all power is from within."
"You can literally change everything in your life by the power that's inside of you."
"You have something so powerful inside of you that is just dying to burst forth."
"When you know that the power that is life is inside you, you are in awe of your own divinity."
"There is a power in each and every one of us that lives by turning to every other one of us."
"You always have the power to connect with the creative force, the true magician."
"You deserve peace and harmony in your life. Serve spiritual law and trust in the divine power within you."
"There is definitely more than just physical strength in the world."
"The power within me transcends anything that can manifest around me."
"Your shadow self is awakening your true nature, your true power."
"You are the source. The source lives within you."
"Your strength and your power is not in a gym, it's not in the weights, it is in you."
"Please tell him that he must be careful of the powers that lie within him."
"The power of God within us is greater and mightier."
"Your innate abundance and prosperity frequency is not connected to external systems... you can still ride these waves with a sense of your own power."
"The power is within your thoughts and feelings; this saying highlights the necessity of manifesting our inner truth and power for personal and spiritual salvation."
"The power of God within you can remove demonic activities."
"Give expression to that greater power within you which surely can make your ideals real and make all your dreams come true."
"We're so much more powerful than we have any idea about the power that we have inside is so magnificent and full of so many miracles that are here every day."
"Because yes, God is your supplier, your I amness, that power within you is your supplier, but more important than this, and this is big. It is supply."
"We are the godness, we have the blueprint for God power within all of us."
"The truth is within and the power is within."
"The Divine feminine's Light is so bright place of great strength strengthen the sun."
"You are more powerful than you can imagine; your power comes from within."
"Only when weak may I carry my true strength."
"You're an old soul; awaken to the powerful force within you."
"The power that only comes through transformation and through Christ Within."
"You are not powerless. The power that is working within you is able to do all things."
"His power became an entity of its own within Mob's mind, representative of his repressed self."
"Strength can be surprising, tapping into a previously unknown energy."
"You have more power than you ever really know, and you have to connect to that. Connect to that, connect to that, connect to that, connect to that, connect to that, and be at peace."
"The world within you has so much power, and it is the world within you that creates the external world."
"That's literally trusting and surrendering to the power that you are."
"Your fire is not the product of man's strength, but of Divine Life active within man."
"When you discover your sacred self, you awaken this dormant inner energy."
"All the world's religious scriptures are pointing towards and pleading with humanity to awaken this latent power within."
"You have a lot of power that is just waiting to be awakened from within you. You have a lot of creativity, you have a lot of wisdom, even, that is supposed to be guiding you in this life."
"What needs healing in your family line today?"
"For he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
"You need to trust that you have this power in you."
"Strength does not come from outside of you; it comes from within."
"Welcome to your yoga class for inner power and rejuvenation."
"The ruling power within us takes a flexible approach to circumstances, always adapting itself easily to both practicality and the given event."
"The six inner powers achieved, that you will attain from practicing the yin and yang methods of inner alchemy, are the hidden knowledge for you to retrieve from within this Book of the Three Sovereigns."
"Courage, stability, inner power, have strength."
"The power center is right within you."
"That's what I would say is that we're dealing with a multivariant thing because you have that inner power, right?"
"It's a new day of need for inner power and strength... doesn't that come from the gospel?"
"He got all of his powers from within."
"Beaver Spirit is here to tell you about a power living within you that is born of Spirit."
"Your innate power comes from inside, it comes from freeing yourself, or mostly freeing yourself, of trauma-driven thinking and the trauma-driven beliefs and emotions that flit through your mind and heart all day."
"You're courageous, sure of yourself, confident, brave, and have inner power."
"Make all your inner power scalers start salivating."
"The power within you can bring us prosperity of every kind."
"The power within you can lovingly direct you to perfect health, perfect relationships, and prosperity."
"Strength comes from within. Embrace your inner power and let it guide you through the changes and blessings that are coming your way."
"That's not magic, it's the power that's inside every person which can be woken up through understanding and self-control."
"The inner power that each of us possesses... a Divine gift, a sacred light that resides within every soul."
"Personal transformation arises when we commit to using this inner power to evolve and grow as individuals."
"Meditation, for example, is one of the most powerful practices for accessing and strengthening our inner power."
"When we are truly aligned with our inner power, we discover unlimited potential for creativity, wisdom, and love."
"By discovering and activating your inner power, you are inspired to live according to your Divine Purpose, contributing not only to your good but to the greater good of humanity."
"The miracle is you, not some gifts, just you."
"The Christian is the individual truly who lives from Christ within and in living from this Christ within reveals this power which to him is the most sacred thing in his world."
"Christ in you is stronger than the wrong Desires in you."
"The power that sleeps inside you is a power that even capable of making the so-called Creator Gods tremble with fear."
"Meekness is the most strength there is because it's this internal self-control and strength."
"The true power is already inside of you it's all about how do you tap into it."
"There is power in you tonight that you have no idea."
"There's more strength in this world in a person's heart than we can imagine."
"It's deeply settled, and deeply powerful. And it can say no, and, you know, it's not this, like, I'm love and light thing. It's very whole, and it's really in the body. And it's very powerful and deeply compassionate."
"You're very connected to your inner divine power, to your inner empathy."
"You've got resurrection power. Well, if you've got the baptism of Holy Ghost speaking with tongues, you've got resurrection power in you."
"Greater is he who's in you than he who is in the world."
"There is a strength in the spirit that is not natural."
"The power that you have is all within you. Your power is not held in the hands of anyone else."
"You have the greatest power in you, but it's only based on faith that you can use this power, receive this power, see this power make you supernatural. Only by faith. You have to believe that you are going to be able to do this."
"It's not about sizing up my situation, it's about sizing up what's in me, and what's in me is unmatchable."
"I ask that out of the riches of His glory, He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being."
"I am connected to my higher inner power; I trust my intuition always."
"The omnipotent power within you does not enter into any controversial argument; it is waiting and willing to serve when you are ready."
"Dark feminine energy resides in every woman, yet most women are completely unaware of this powerful force of nature."
"Faith is that function or power of the human soul."
"That boundless power, source of every power, manifesting itself as life, entering every heart, living there among the elements, that is self."
"You have to remember that the power that you have inside of you creates on the outside."
"You need to be a monster but be able to control it."
"The power to manifest your dreams lies within you."
"You have this enormous power within you, and all it takes is the commitment of your energy to what is correct."
"Greater is He that is in me, than he that's in the world."
"Put your trust in that principle within you which has the power to give you perfect health."
"We all have this magical power, that's how you utilize it."
"The key to manifesting anything you want lies within you, in the power of your vibration."
"We all have an infinite amount of power inside us to make miracles happen in our lives."
"He that is in us is greater than all the devils in the world."
"Don't fight the challenge, tap into your inner power, your inner strength that's already within you."
"Within you lies the power of the Dragon, gentle yet powerful and brimming with confidence."
"The power is so much deeper than just my physical body or my external life; it's really coming from this place of turning within."
"You have power over your mind, not outside events. Once you realize this, you have true power."
"How is vulnerability a source of inner strength?"
"The true power of the Avatar doesn't lie in the bending or the Avatar state or raava, but rather it lies in the content of her character."
"There is a power at the center of your being so wonderful that it staggers the imagination."
"The energy that creates worlds lives inside of you."
"There is a place in you where the strength of God abides."
"Spiritual sovereignty is naturally a state of consciousness where we are our own inner authority."
"Greater is He that's in you than anything in this world."
"The power that you seek on the outside is nothing compared to the power you have already inside your soul."
"The infinite power is inside of you."
"The power that answers your prayer is inside you."
"He who knows that power is inborn, that he is weak because he has looked for good out of him and elsewhere, and so perceiving, throws himself unhesitatingly on his thought, instantly rights himself."
"You have all the powers that the character Jesus had because the Christ is within you."
"We as seekers underestimate the powers and the possibilities that reside within our own psyche."
"Christ in me is my strength; Christ in you is your strength."
"The seed of this power is within you, keep it alive."
"There is a power within you able to heal you, and as you rest, it is your job to simply sleep deeply and allow this power to work its magic."
"We have his life, we have his ability, we have his love nature, we have his strength."
"This is a time for you to really kind of tackle a power inside of you and to embrace peacefulness."
"I am strong; the Holy Spirit is within me."
"Greater is He that is in you than the one that is living in this world."
"There is a power many of us have experienced... this power will work in you and through you and bring about revolutionary changes within your thinking, your action, your attitude."
"You were given special power in your soul, in your ruach, and your spiritual essence, far greater than any other ordinary person."
"The power of the sun is so strong, that's who you are."
"It's time to let the devil know that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within us; we have the power to manifest that."
"It's the inner essence of you, your authentic goodness, solidness, and power that is going to win the day."
"The key to the magic without is tapping within."
"Greater is He that's in us than he that's in the room."
"The one who is in us is greater than the one that is in the world."
"It's not just about muscles, it's about here."
"Divinity is the power within us to transcend perceived limitations."
"The path into the higher worlds is bound up with an energizing, a strengthening of the inner powers of the soul."
"Power doesn't rely on external manipulation; instead, it's rooted in our ability to influence and transform our experiences."
"The higher we are on the Consciousness scale, the more we embrace our inner power."
"If you ever want to unleash that power's full potential, you must accept that it's a part of you now."
"In a jhana, you're very safe, very protected, you come out with incredible power and bliss."
"My presence within you ignites a divine power, a celestial force that works tirelessly to unfold a reality far beyond your imagination."
"You are of Elohim, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
"Inner strength is actually that inner power with which I'm able to accomplish whatever it is I need to do in my life."
"Connecting to her inner dragon, the energy of her ancestors, that's where her strength comes from."
"You have all the tools you want, but the power is within."
"Bear in mind the force that is capable of moving the grandest mountains and stirring the deepest oceans resides within you."
"The most important Elemental that we haven't mentioned is spirit, and spirit is something that comes within and without us."
"Solar plexus is all about drive, power, being in complete control over your life, unaffected by the outside noise."
"It will help you stay strong and to help you build your inner strength."
"I want to share with you the power that you all have within you."
"For you have been imbued with a power, a resilience that is unmatched in all the vast expanse of creation."
"She was both lunar and solar, like Isis, she's got the power to work in both an extroverted visible way and also to go within and tap into those inner powers."
"May He do super abundantly above all that I dare to ask or think, but according to the power at work in me."
"It is his heart that is the strongest."
"The power inside them is growing, or mutating, they've been touched by a god, they've converted to a religion, they had a vision."
"Embrace the power within you, let love be your guiding force, and trust in the clarity of your mind to see you through."
"You've got deep reserves of spiritual power."
"Within you resides an immeasurable strength, an unfathomable resilience."
"The path to wisdom, knowledge, and power lies within the fiery heart."
"There is a mystical power in you that can be used to change the world for the better."
"Magic lives within you; you create magic."
"The power to healing and reinventing yourself resides within you."
"You've got a lot of inner strength."
"If you let yourself relax and surrender to the amazing power that's within you, you'll experience more and more magic and miracles coming into your life."
"Your inner lion is powerful, resourceful, and mighty."
"We have the magic within us to create."
"You are very courageous, very emotionally strong, and you have this kind of enormous inner power within you."
"You are strong spiritually, very strong, very powerful."
"Manifesting is magic itself; it comes from within you."
"You have to channel your inner strength and your infinite wisdom."
"You recognize this power within you, whether it's bold, brave, and out there, or whether it's a silent strength."
"It's time to awaken the beast within."
"Spiritual strength is your power."
"You do have a lot of strength, a lot of inner strength."
"Embrace the power of my heart, my soul, my self."
"You have this sacred power that you have to honor and love and cherish and nurture."
"Trust that magic is really working through you."
"You have immense inner wisdom and physical strength."