
Auditing Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Professional scepticism is an attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert, and a critical assessment of audit evidence."
"You as an auditor for the financial statement audit are able to undertake a peculiar form of time travel where you can review what's happened essentially in the future by comparison to the financial statement figures that you're reviewing."
"We partnered with prominent auditing companies to certify our operations."
"Financial audit, with a guy called Caleb, highly recommend. It's fun, it's interesting, it's also kind of educational."
"Audits provide meaningful protection against misleading information and misrepresentations of important metrics such as fees, performance, and other items."
"Auditing your business on a regular basis is crucial. If you don't audit your business, what ends up happening is you're identifying new leaks being created in your ship."
"It's stunning they have no ability to audit meaningfully." - Lou Dobbs
"Just do me a huge favor and audit every other hour."
"These audits have great value to figure out where the problems are so we can fix those legislatively and elsewhere."
"These audits are mostly good news, developing good and helpful information to figure out what really happened."
"You're already getting audited at a higher rate than the wealthy."
"Assets on chain mean constant auditing, a healthy practice for the ecosystem."
"Document your ish, I was on the phone with an auditor, an actual auditor, someone who does the same thing I do."
"Imagine what would happen if every US Congressmen, US senator, president, etc. was audited every one to two years by an independent agency. I think that's a wonderful idea."
"When an auditor has the technical foundations, they can have a conversation that focuses on how to solve the problem together."
"Auditing access controls regularly and continuously can surface attacks and anomalies, ensuring data integrity and security."
"I mean honestly I would as much as I want to see a sequel to this I actually would love to see Like An Origin story as well of the family and his auditing and all of that I think that would be really cool as well that would be incredibly interesting"
"An auditor is someone who arrives after the battle and bayonets all the wounded."
"Your audit evidence must always be verifiable."
"Everything you put in your audit report has to be based on fact, has to be based on truth."
"Identification plus authentication plus auditing equals accountability so we don't have accountability without identification authentication and that auditing trail."
"By using database change management systems we get a log where we can sort of audit everything that's been done to the system."
"American auditors for 27001 can be up to three times the price of the UK. Their day rates are huge."
"There is definitely an art to documenting a nonconformity. A good auditor documents a nonconformity in a manner whereby it is very clear what the nonconformity is and which requirement is documented against it."
"He literally could just release OT 9 and 10 and make it auditing other people's body thetans."
"Don't be an auditor. The problem with auditors is they confuse knowing and believing."
"Auditing is one of Scientology's practices which involves regular one-on-one meetings with a counselor to talk through emotional and mental problems."
"Transparency is 100% available 24x7 online, anyone can go and review, audit, and validate the transactions executed by the smart contracts."
"It's one of the longest running frauds in Australian history over that whole period of time not one auditor of the accounts and they're required to be audited annually ever picked up a problem."
"The auditor is a facilitator in a controlled self-assessment."
"We're not going to come out here and connect it we're gonna utilize that five foot of point of entry to make sure we make that connection."
"Audit logs tell me who did what, where, when, and how."
"Nmap is actually one of my favorite utilities because it lets you do some network auditing on your network."
"There's something called auditor's expectation gap, a gap between what the public thinks auditors do, what the standards instruct the auditors to do, and what the auditors actually do."
"There are threats to independence, and we need to make sure that we can understand those different threats."
"Centralizing all of this in vault means that you'll be able to create an audit log of every secret that's being accessed by whom and when."
"It's not about quantity, it's about doing the right audits."
"My goal on this channel is to help build a full audit library of different account balances that when you're at work or when you're testing a certain account balance, you can come back to."
"The overall purpose of an audit is to make sure that the numbers in the financial statements are legitimate."
"The attack surface is really low, anytime you can have less code there's just easier to audit."
"Understanding the client and the reason that this one is so important, and I'm going to talk about ASA 315 a lot."
"An auditor is considered a good auditor once he has also the knowledge of the process for which he is performing the audit."
"Your main target is to get the evidence."
"Evidence are records, statement of fact rather information which are relevant to audit criterion verifiable."
"Take notes, take notes, take notes. Very important, if you don't have notes, you cannot conclude your finding."
"You as an auditor, you are the chairman of the audit, so you have to run the show."
"Be polite and calm and thank the auditee."
"As an auditor, you need to have good time management."
"Nonconformity is a non-fulfillment of a requirement."
"Opportunities for improvement could be good points which you're going to see."
"The internal auditor needs to be independent of the process."
"The auditor also needs to be a good communicator."
"Audits are about finding facts, not faults."
"Integrity is very important as an auditor."
"Auditing is critical, it's a critical tool in that continuous improvement process."
"Acting in the public interest is important for an auditor to maintain the reputation of their profession."
"Substantive procedures are procedures which identify material misstatements present in the financial statements."
"The main aim of the auditor is to identify material misstatements and ensure the financial statements are true and fair."
"Monitoring and auditing track the progress towards an established set of objectives and enable smart decisions to be made along the way."
"The audit's approach for this type of entity should include careful planning."
"The main skill that you need as an auditor is probably curiosity because you always want to ask why."
"NMAP or Network Mapper is one of the most popular networks and security auditing tools."
"Everything has to be audited and logged for forensics purposes."
"The requirements are the bits that you have to follow; these are the explicit rules set out for auditors."
"Audit is all about professional judgment."
"Every year the company must publish its financial statements, the auditors do an independent examination of that report for the shareholders."
"The reputation of an audit firm is one of its biggest assets, so protecting that reputation by doing audits correctly is really important."
"The auditor has a duty of care; they have a duty to exercise a reasonable skill and care expected of a professional."
"The best way to prevent from getting sued is to conduct high quality audits."
"Planning is the foundation of our audit and it helps us make sure that our audit is effective and efficient from the very start."
"As auditors, we need to be able to go and find documents."
"External auditors need to make sure that they are getting the right information in order to verify the reliability of financial reports."
"Auditing standards act as the floor, the basic level that everyone must meet."
"Accountability is really important and it helps the audit run smoothly."
"The auditor shall design and perform audit procedures that are appropriate for the circumstances of obtaining sufficient and appropriate evidence."
"Ensure the external auditors remain independent."
"This platform is fully reserved; they do audits so you can trust that your funds are safe."
"With more than three years of professional auditing experience, I have honed my time management skills."
"The highest quality audit evidence is when the auditor actually goes and views something with their own eyes."
"Deloitte was fined 20 million dollars by the SEC for asking their audit clients to conduct their own audit work."
"Engagement letter is sort of the legal contract between the client and the auditors."
"We need to be very skeptical as an auditor, challenging the statements of the management."
"IT auditing involves assessment of IT-related controls put in place to ensure that controls protect information technology assets and ensure integrity and align organization goals and objectives."
"If the inherent risk is high, if the control risk is high, then I have no option but to reduce detection risk."
"Risk of material misstatement and detection risk, if my risk of material misstatement is high, I will need to reduce the detection risk."
"Right now, I'm only finding out the chances of fraud and error; later on, I will plan procedures for these risky areas."
"Independence is the cornerstone of the auditing profession."
"The auditor is an objective third-party assessor who comes in, looks at what he or she is presented, uses their professional judgment, makes an assessment, writes it up, says thank you so much."
"The auditor would have to do a lot of work on the aged analysis of receivables."
"An auditor is a professional person who carries out an independent review of financial state to confirm if they are a true and a fair view."
"Let's bring a mobile feature in to audit my active physical asset environment."
"There is always a full audit trail and history of every touch or interaction that's taken place with a document within the system."
"Being able to view the version history of what changed in the table is incredibly powerful for auditing needs."
"Audit logging on root so that you have all the commands that root does log into your syslog file."
"Key audit matters are areas of higher risk of material misstatement, significant auditor judgment is needed."
"Security control assessment is like auditing; you're trying to verify that the controls that are implemented are working as intended and producing the desired result."
"We need to consider planning and performing the audit with professional skepticism."
"We audit what the doctor wrote and make sure that it is compliant with CMS requirements for risk adjustment coding."
"Auditors will literally pour over every single line of a smart contract to make sure it's doing exactly what we want it to be doing."
"An audit is nothing to be scared about; it's just like going to the dentist."
"Welcome to Amanda loves to audit and the launch of my new series on accounting transaction cycles from an audit perspective."
"We're going to try and identify common control activities, how you test those controls, and different sorts of substantive procedures you could use."
"An audit is risk based; we're going to focus and spend more effort on those parts of the audit where there's a greater risk of misstatements or errors."
"Confidentiality is paramount; auditors are privileged to have all sorts of very confidential information made known to them."
"Always audit against specification, against the specific clause of the ISO standard."
"Gathering an understanding of the client's business and industry is one of our most important steps."
"The auditor wants to do a good job at the audit."
"Auditing is a process of professional judgment where often there are three or four different answers that could be just as acceptable as someone else's."
"We have to have professional judgment; this means that in many of our auditing situations there is no perfect answer."
"Independence is the cornerstone of auditing."
"We're going to make sure we're independent and objective."
"The estimated population exception rate is the exception rate that the auditor expects to find in the population before testing begins."
"Ansible actually has a really good way of doing an audit as to what it did."
"Confirmation of customers' balances is the most important test of detail of balances for determining existence."
"NiFi has a very powerful system which is going to audit and give you the lineage of everything that is happening on the data."
"Monetary unit sampling often reduces the cost of the audit because several items are tested at once."
"If you could distill what auditing is down to one word, it is probably evidence."
"The ISA is very strict about audit reports; this after all is the public face of an audit."
"The opinion paragraph changes because the name of the paragraph is giving notice, is giving warning to people right up there."
"We've applied the ISAs, that's the standard to which we've done the audit; we are independent, we have carried out the work in an ethical fashion."
"We take our results and auditing of these results extremely seriously."
"Security is a thing that we have to approach from many different angles, and auditing is just one thing that must be done, but it's not the only one."
"Operate at all levels, stay connected to details, and audit frequently."
"What does materiality mean in the context of an audit?"
"Audit risk is the risk that I express an inappropriate opinion when the report is financially misstated."
"The risk of giving an incorrect opinion is affected by the inherent risk of the client, the quality of their internal controls to prevent errors, and my ability as the auditor to find misstatements."
"When there's more risk, the auditor will charge more dollars."
"If we can be an efficient auditor, then that means that we have increased profit."
"Auditing and monitoring continuously keep track of all the policy changes happening on the GCP IAM."
"An audit is a systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively."
"The estimate should be reasonable and sustainable, and high-quality audits should be performed."
"They must contain the objective of the audit and the applicable reporting framework."
"We periodically audit to make sure the work instructions are right, we audit to make sure that critical to quality baselines are right, we audit to make sure people are following the right procedures."
"Building a community of auditors and people who are interested in auditing and learning about auditing is really important to me."
"Hi and welcome to Amanda Loves to Audit, I am Amanda and I do love to audit."
"Substantive procedures are basically the main test that auditors are going to do to see if numbers are materially stated within the financial statement."
"We're talking about giving you an introduction of all the tests that auditors have at their disposal when we are doing an audit."
"We're trying to give reasonable assurance, not absolute assurance."
"Audit evidence must be sufficient and appropriate in nature."
"Sufficiency has to do with the quantity of evidence... do we have enough evidence to substantiate management's assertions?"
"Appropriate in nature means that it meets two things: it meets relevant and reliability."
"Can it be relied on to obtain truth in the account balance or the assertion being tested?"
"We usually like documents that are not prepared by management... that's a little bit more reliable."
"That's the 20,000 foot view of auditing."
"The auditors... ensure that custody of assets and all of the accounting is done in accordance with rules and ethically and legally."
"Ethics is not separate from audit; ethics is not an add-on. Good ethics is absolutely fundamental to doing audits of good quality."
"Audit data analytics... it's actually possible to test a hundred percent of the numbers in some cases using the computer."
"You must make sure that you plan the audit in the same way as you'd want to plan a journey."
"I'm going to be performing a complete audit of my entire backlist of 27 novels."
"One audit might not even be enough; working with multiple auditors and getting more eyes on your code will give you a better chance of finding more vulnerabilities."
"Good ethics is absolutely fundamental to doing audits of good quality."
"Whenever a government agency gives out grants, there's always a risk, so we have pretty tight auditing and review processes for these grants."
"We're going to build in some auditing and security scanning on top of that."
"This is natural audit log of our domain, right?"
"Streamline compliance; auditors love documentation."
"The introspection rundown... we're gonna get into real technical details of Scientology auditing and explain how it works, why it is laid out the way that it is."