
Olive Oil Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Extra virgin olive oil is cardio protective, neuroprotective, and supportive of metabolic health."
"As we gather our notifications out there, we're going to talk today about the healing power of olive oil."
"Olive oil has done wonders... do it every day and you'll start seeing changes."
"I love olive oil so as long as it is a good olive oil I'm always ready."
"Olive oil is the juice of the olives... they press the juice from the olives."
"Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most helpful oils for lowering the risk of heart disease."
"Oil such as olive oil will dissolve things like the oil that's in the skin that acne bacteria eats and feeds off of."
"Extra virgin olive oil might exert beneficial effects on endothelial function."
"Oleocanthal rich extra virgin olive oil is incredibly effective at reducing brain inflammation."
"Olive oil is facing extensive shortages after major producers in Spain and Italy went through one of the most brutal droughts."
"Olive oil, the polyphenols in olive oil actually really boost the immune system."
"Oleo kanthal rich extra virgin olive oil is remarkably effective at reducing neural inflammation."
"I can't overemphasize the benefits of olive oil enough, honestly because olive oil is when it comes down to the ketogenic diet."
"A study presented at the nutrition 2023 meeting in the U.S has suggested that a regular consumption of olive oil reduces the risk of fatal dementia."
"Extra virgin olive oil is heart healthy and has the ability to increase your good cholesterol and lower your bad cholesterol."
"Extra virgin olive oil is literally the number one food to feel full."
"Of all the oils that exist, extra virgin olive oil is the one that I would reach for." - Dr. Will Bolsowitz
"The Roman Empire ran on olive oil. It was used not only for cooking but lighting and even the ancient equivalent of soap. You couldn't live without it."
"Olive oil is a winner because it stimulates the liver to produce a transcription factor which helps total body metabolism."
"Extra virgin olive oil contains not just fat... it contains the polyphenols from the olive."
"The real Mediterranean diet is swimming in olive oil."
"Extra virgin olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, most of the fat eaten in the Mediterranean."
"Using a good extra virgin olive oil, you can really get the most out of it in terms of smell; it gives a nice flavor."
"So it's rubbish. The rumor everyone should be extra virgin olive oil for not only their salads but also their cooking."
"Extra virgin olive oil could lower the risk of heart disease stroke and decrease type 2 diabetes."
"Olive oil, which was used in cooking as a dressing for lighting lamps, making soap, and in the creation of ointments like olives, olive oil was easy to store and could be exported without much difficulty."
"Extra virgin olive oil without a doubt is the healthiest fat or oil that anyone could consume."
"You do not cook with olive oil... use it to drizzle to finish."
"Olive oil, a favorite in Mediterranean cooking, is a Powerhouse of health benefits."
"The best fried chicken that I had in Seoul was at a place called BBQ, and their chicken is fried in olive oil."
"Olive oil is absolutely great for cooking, it has a smoke point of around 400 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Olive oil changed my life. It changed the way I cook, it changed the way I eat. It's been my passport to the world and has allowed me to connect with people that I never thought I'd be able to orbit in those circles."
"Extra virgin olive oil can sell for more money than virgin olive oil, pure olive oil, or pomace olive oil."
"Your olive oil may not be what it claims to be."
"Good extra virgin olive oil is unlike anything else."
"Extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants that calm redness and skin irritation."
"And so it's really important that they be mainly healthy fats like olive oil canola oil soybean oil."
"So, olive oil is the heart and soul of the Mediterranean diet."
"Multiple studies show that olive oil promotes weight loss."
"So this is startling green intensely pure olive oil with notes of freshly moaned lawn yes tomato Vines yes stuff Vine leaves artichoke Granny Smiths and aromatic sap of fig trees."
"Food is just a carrier for olive oil."
"The best olive oil is made from freshly picked olives."
"Olive oil can be a part of a healthy dietary pattern."
"The poet Homer described olive oil as liquid gold."
"Extra virgin olive oil isn't just a kitchen staple, it's a golden Elixir for your liver."
"Olive oil was a core element of Roman Cuisine and culture, used in salads, breads, sauces, and meat."
"Spain produces more virgin olive oil than the rest of the planet combined."
"...olive oil makes up the biggest portion of my soap recipe."
"Hack number one is olive oil to clean your palate. Who knew?"
"Olive oil is amazing for the hair, so I'm going to go ahead and add an ounce of that as well."
"We know with olive oil that people have lived on that for thousands of years and hence the Mediterranean diet that was just studied and that we know is a very healthy oil."
"Extra virgin olive oil... does not lend a bitter or overpowering flavor to your breads."
"We found a supplier that is Greek, and our olive oil comes from small farms in the Isle of Crete and comes directly packaged from Greece."
"And on top of this, you put some olive oil."
"Extra virgin olive oil has been found to be as anti-inflammatory as low-dose ibuprofen."
"Olive oil is a highly refined food no matter how extra virgin."
"Olive oil has been shown to have some very beneficial effects."
"You put that olive oil on pretty much anything and it'll just become magical."
"Monounsaturated fatty acids, found in olive oil, are good for your heart."
"The Mediterranean diet is solid proof that you can include olive oil in your diet and still reduce your risk of mortality while improving your overall health."
"I love the taste of fresh eggs with good extra virgin olive oil."
"Drizzling extra virgin olive oil afterwards will keep those fruity olive flavors intact and it'll elevate the taste of those fresh delicious eggs."
"Olive oil stands the test of time as one of the best cooking fats there is."
"Behold, one of my most favorite things in the world: balsamic vinegar and olive oil."
"I try to encourage people to use olive oil... as a dressing or as an uncooked product to drizzle over food."
"Olive oil, rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, plays a pivotal role in combating inflammation and supporting the health of blood vessels."
"Maybe the olive oil produced at Gethsemane was intended to light the temple of Jerusalem."
"Olive oil has always been there for us; it has never failed."
"Every day, if you're looking at your cooking oil, I would say the best one is to have is the extra virgin olive oil."
"I like when olive oil is used in sweets; it's an underrated flavor."
"Extra virgin olive oil is the most valuable fat that we can consume; it's almost like medicine for the body and brain."
"Extra-virgin olive oil, in conjunction with a Mediterranean diet, was helpful in reducing blood pressure."
"If you get a bowl for your pizza dough, you drizzle that with olive oil, and then you throw your dough in there and let it rise."
"We're keeping the flavor profile really clean here because we want that extra virgin olive oil to really shine through."
"Every day olive oil isn't just a key ingredient in the kitchen; it's also a powerful contributor to better health and longevity."
"Olive oil, particularly extra virgin, is highly beneficial for heart health due to its rich content of monounsaturated fats."
"By lowering LDL levels, olive oil reduces the risk of blockages."
"Olive oil has been shown to improve the endothelial function of the arteries."
"Olive oil is renowned not only for its heart health benefits but also for its role in stroke prevention."
"A diet rich in olive oil was linked with effective weight loss."
"The antioxidants in olive oil, including vitamin E and polyphenols, neutralize free radicals, thereby protecting cells from oxidative damage."
"Monounsaturated fats found in olive oil are known to have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity."
"Olive oil contributes to a more robust skeletal structure."
"Olive oil helps improve the absorption of calcium in the body."
"Olive oil activates the production of bile and pancreatic hormones which play crucial roles in digestion."
"A Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil benefited brain function."
"Olive oil's high concentration of vitamin E and polyphenols plays a crucial role in preventing premature aging and maintaining skin elasticity."
"Olive oil is widely regarded for its ability to promote longevity, a benefit that stems from its comprehensive impact on various aspects of health."
"If you don't fry off your spices in the olive oil, you're really missing out on flavor."
"Gorgeousness right here, we're going to make an olive oil herb rub for this guy."
"Olive oil's got so many tremendous benefits when it comes down to insulin sensitivity and whatnot."
"If you use extra virgin olive oil, it is liquid gold for your arteries."
"The Prophet said that olive oil is a cure for 70 diseases; science confirms that olive oil lowers cholesterol, lustrates arteries, enhances respiratory tract, eradicates ringworm, fights cancer, and is an excellent emollient."
"I love extra-virgin olive oil; it's got a high burn temperature and is perfect for sealing."
"Components in olive oil actually stimulate brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF)."
"We like us Mediterranean people believe that olive oil cures all in it."
"It's like the freshest olive oil I've ever had in my life, come straight from Sicily."
"Olive oil contains a unique compound called oleocanthal, which has the capability to rupture a part of the cancer cell."
"I love this olive oil because it's a product of Italy and all of the olives are from Italy."
"Olive oil is really good for your heart."
"Olive oil is like a superhero for your heart."
"Extra virgin olive oil has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties."
"It contains a unique compound called oleocanthal which acts similarly to common pain relievers."
"Olive oil consumption may help lower the risk of developing inflammatory diseases."
"Olive oil is great for your skin and hair."
"Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, is really good for your heart."
"Healthier skin and hair, olive oil's special properties can do wonders for your appearance."
"Nutrient absorption, olive oil is like a superhero for certain vitamins, making it easier for your body to use them."
"If you got up to one tablespoon a day of olive oil that was associated with a 9% lower risk of dying from any cause."
"Something in olive oil broadly speaking, is enormously protective against cancer."
"Components of olive oil kill cancer stem cells."
"That relatively small amount makes a big difference in terms of health maintenance and cancer prevention."
"Extra virgin olive oil is so good for you."
"Extra-virgin olive oil should be the sole oil that you use."
"Olive oil is the first thing in the pan and the last thing on the dish."
"Extra virgin olive oil actually prevents the formation of those compounds."
"Olive oil is about renewal every year; there's a new harvest and it's all about freshness and renewal."
"Making olive oil or finding and extracting olive oil is an edible art."
"Olive trees and their oil came to symbolize health, wealth, beauty, and wisdom."
"Athletes were smothered in oil and the winners of the athletic games were crowned with its leaves."
"Olive oil is great if you're not heating it."
"The infused olive oil is what did it, but look, we want to just add some seasoning."
"Oils like extra virgin olive oil have more of these bioactive nutrients such as polyphenols."
"Where possible I would consider using an olive oil because of the high level of these antioxidant like compounds."
"The highest quality is the extra virgin, mostly based on acidity but also taste."
"Using a high-quality olive oil is really important because you really want to taste that beautiful olive oil flavor in the dressing."
"Olive oil is just extremely hydrating... and honey is packed with vitamins."
"Olive oil is a powerhouse of an ingredient, it's full of very strong anti-aging complex and it's packed with antioxidants."
"I prefer olive oil over all the other random oils; it tastes better and it's better for you."
"Pour some good olive oil on a plate, sprinkle in the dukkah, and dip a hunk of crusty bread right into it."
"The health benefits of olive oil have prompted the food folks to use more olive oil in salad dressings, baked goods, even desserts."