
Himalayas Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"In the Himalayas, solitude brings you closer to understanding the blend of knowledge and devotion, a nourishing path for the spiritual life."
"The aim behind Trigoyone was to raise awareness to the sustainability of the Himalayas' resources."
"Most who come here are drawn to the Himalayas hoping these mountains will heal their soul."
"Bhutan is a tiny country lying in the mountains and valleys of the mighty Himalayas."
"The summit rock would have started life at the bottom of the sea floor, and then I've collected it from the very, very top of the world."
"The Himalayas are the water tower of Asia, supplying fresh water to a fifth of the world's population."
"The formation of the Himalayas has changed the entire landscape, an epic evolution from ocean to immense mountain range."
"The Himalayas will always be calling, I certainly like to be returning to the Himalayas next season."
"The rise of the Himalayas might have had an impact on the climate of the entire planet."
"Swami Vivekananda said, 'He who runs away to the Himalayas to meditate and die there in order to realize God has missed the way.'"
"Flight 268 is missing somewhere in the Himalayas."
"There's the Himalayans and uh, the you know, it's made with the water from the Himalayans. They put it on the river beds nearby so it's supposedly very delicious and I could test it that because surprise, already got to it."
"The Himalayan mountains are home to the tallest and most treacherous mountain peaks in the world."
"I was in the Himalayas in a place called Pokhara"
"Forest officials in India have recorded for the very first time one of the most venomous snakes in the world just hanging out high up in the Himalayas."
"It's not a goddamn farmer's field, it's the Himalayas for Christ's sake!"
"The Himalayas are crumpled up ocean floor that resulted from the collision of India with Asia."
"The Yeti has become an iconic figure symbolizing the unexplored wilderness of the Himalayas."
"Every step reveals the raw beauty of the Himalayas."
"Himachal Pradesh is most famous for the Himalayas, what a great set of mountains those are."
"The Yeti, once better known in the West as the Abominable Snowman, is a mysterious alleged bipedal creature said to live in the Himalayan mountains."
"The rivers are older than the mountains, so they cut these gorges through which it's possible to go through this fantastic barrier, the Himalayas."
"Mount Everest lies in which mountain range? The answer is the Himalayas."
"Did you know that the Mekong flows down all the way from the Himalayas?"
"What mountain range has nine out of ten of the highest peaks in the world? The Himalayas."
"The yeti is also called The Abominable Snowman."
"The legendary creature known as the yeti, also called the Abominable Snowman, is said to dwell in the majestic Himalayan mountain range of Asia."
"Mount Kailash is the most sacred mountain in all the Himalayas, some call it the Stairway to Heaven."
"The collision between India and Asia is going to produce the Himalayan Orogeny."
"The Yeti is a bipedal creature located in the mountains of the Himalayas."
"The Himalayas are in themselves considered the Abode of Lord Shiva."
"Hiking in the Himalayas is becoming a very popular pastime."
"Deep in the heart of the Himalayas lies the land of the thunder dragon, the kingdom of Bhutan."
"It's the home stretch of a 14-day high altitude motorcycle ride through the Himalayas."
"Ripping through the Himalayas on motorbikes is the kind of once in a lifetime opportunity that I absolutely jump at."
"The Himalayas are the very definition of epic."
"We've decided to travel to the Himalayan mountains in Nepal to make the long trek to Everest base camp and summit a nearby mountain."
"Nowhere on earth do mountains look as magnificent as in the Himalayan range."
"The massive collision between India and Eurasia thrust up Earth's crust, forming the jagged Himalaya mountain range and raised the roof of the world."
"The majestic Himalayas are home to the world's highest mountain."
"The Himalayas... site of the world's highest mountain and one of his most enduring mysteries."
"Every time I came over the Himalayas for several orbits, I managed to get some good pictures of the Himalayas."
"My landscape photography journey into the Himalayas started in Kathmandu."
"Welcome to the Himalayas of Daku."
"It's the end of June and I'm walking on snow, dude. I love summers in the Himalayas."
"In which mountain range is the country of Nepal? Himalayas."
"Bandy por is known for having the view of the Himalayas."
"We come up here every day to see if we can see the Himalayas behind there, but yeah, still no luck; they're always surrounded by the clouds."
"The Himalayas alone contain an estimated 15,000 separate glaciers."
"Circumnavigating a whole chunk of the Himalaya, passing through almost every kind of landscape and terrain imaginable."
"The area is a lot more remote than the other corner of the Himalaya and is still almost unspoiled."
"The cave temples of the Himalayas, mysterious caves carved on the side of a flat mountain face."
"There's something magical about the Himalayas; it's definitely a big adventure, any of these treks you choose."
"The Himalayas, home to the elusive snow leopard."
"Nepal, a country blessed with the majestic Himalayas, diverse landscapes, and culture."
"It's about being fit enough for the Himalayas in October."
"The Himalayas are one of nature's finest masterpieces, rising five miles into the sky."
"The highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, home to the elusive snow leopard."
"The narrow roads and valleys of the mighty Himalayas would make anything but meager gains all but impossible."
"So I am currently looking at one of the most incredible 360° panoramic views that I've seen of the Himalayas in my life."
"Welcome to Tosh in the Himalayas of Himachal Pradesh state, look at this day, unreal."
"This woman rocks, who I trekked with in the Himalayas."
"I would love to go somewhere along the Himalayan Mountain Range."