
Anti-hero Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"It's a visually stunning anti-hero romp that's fun to play, even if the things you're actually doing are somewhat repetitive."
"Kashin Koji is an antihero just like Itachi."
"Jason was the inadvertent hero of the story. He's the villain you want to root for."
"What the Joker does isn't good...he's not a hero of class warfare; he's an agent of chaos."
"The anti-hero is a conflicted character who often has a cloudy moral compass, but that's what makes them realistic, complex, and oftentimes even likable."
"Our hero, D, the dhampir, is a half-vampire bounty hunter with a grudge against the demonic, a man whose powers are as many and varied as his past is steeped in mystery."
"Namor isn't really a true villain, he's more of an anti-hero in the comics."
"She might foreshadow a new movie era of super anti-heroines."
"In an industry that keeps turning out female superheroes who are beacons of strength power and love, Harley Quinn is the reigning anti-heroine."
"Anti-heroes have become increasingly popular."
"Anti-heroes on the other hand are morally ambiguous."
"Anti-heroes often find themselves battling for the right to Simply exist as they are."
"The popularity of anti-heroes represents a shift in our Collective thinking."
"We love anti-heroes because they tell us that we too can be heroes even with our flaws."
"Scott really created the archetype of the solitary anti-hero facing daunting challenges and tough moral dilemmas."
"Ryan Reynolds perfectly plays the potty-mouthed anti-hero who pulls zero punches."
"We all love a good anti-hero, everybody loves Han Solo."
"For an anti-hero to work you have to enjoy watching them be semi bad and a little wild."
"As much as I love that it's kind of a shame because Matt Ryan has steadily become the defining version of the character over the last few years but anyways Constantine is definitely a strong anti-hero."
"None of that has stopped them from being adored by fans as the true epitome of what it means to be an anti-hero in the sport."
"Being an anti-hero Is Not a Bad Thing despite how it may sound."
"What it means to be an anti-hero is that you always do the right thing but you don't always do it the right way."
"The anti-hero archetype sometimes allows for a more depth-driven story because the hero does not need to be entirely predictable."
"A good anti-hero makes you think about your own morals and possibly identify with some aspect of their character."
"Underscoring Kang not only lives out of time but outside of the constructs of hero and villain, right? Kang, I guess, is the ultimate anti-hero to some degree."
"Giovanni's purpose in the story won't be to help Team Rocket but actually take them down."
"Deadpool's cinematic makeover: from weaponized villain to lovable anti-hero, a refreshing change."
"This one clicks as a Punisher movie because Punisher is ridiculous, he's an antihero."
"One thing that this version of the Punisher is very clear about is that this is bad and he's a bad person doing bad things but we're sympathetic to him."
"Namor is at times presented as a flat-out villain and other times as a prickly antihero."
"Woodman saved Evelyn's life, kind of, by defying the orders of the Tiger Claws. Sure, he also abused her afterward and pawned her off on fingers, but he did technically save her life."
"Like a shinily animated Walter White, Rick Sanchez is the mad genius anti-hero."
"Stone Cold Steve Austin became the great anti-hero of his time."
"Even if you do want to play a heroic necromancer, it gives you this kind of antihero feeling behind your character."
"Nobody in this game is or claims to be the good guy."
"Captain Boomerang, disruptive attitude and dysfunctional personality."
"He's too crazy to be a hero hero but he's too like regimented and superhero II to be like a Punisher killer right so he's like right in this weird middle ground."
"The anti-hero became the hero, a direct parallel to what was happening in society."
"I think there's a difference between an antihero and someone that's just plain worthless."
"But in his own eyes, it's for the world's sake as an anti-hero."
"This Cooperative nature would also manifest in the character of Godzilla himself, transforming the once ravenous icon of Terror into something of an anti-heroic defender of the Earth."
"Joe is an anti-hero we can kind of root for."
"I'm the bad guy. I don't save the day, I don't fly off into the sunset."
"For 50, he's a complex character that's been developed incredibly well from a brutal villain to a morally gray anti-hero."
"I can do those things because I'm not a hero. Not like that. I killed those people."
"If anyone likes to think of luchano as a criminal genius, they should not forget the terrible wake of misery and suffering behind him."
"He is more of an anti-hero than a full-time hero but we love him."
"He's an anti-hero...drop the anti, he's just a hero."
"He is more of an anti-hero than a full-time hero but we love him and we are so excited to see who's going to take on his character and if Nicholas Cage will return for the role."
"Two of the most popular Renditions of Dracula portray him as a man who will do anything for love maybe even an anti-hero in some ways rather than just being a mysterious man with no background who kills for no reason."
"That's where the anti-hero becomes irredeemable."
"This movie was also heavily marketed with slogans such as 'embrace your inner antihero,' yet all this movie does is try its hardest to make Venom a superhero."
"This isn't your granddad's hero. This is an anti-hero."
"Sandra came across as an anti-hero, showing a take-no-prisoners attitude that was also respectable."
"Anti-heroes don't regret their mistakes; they justify them."
"Sometimes the world no longer needs a hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster."
"Nucky Thompson is one of the best anti-heroes of his genre."
"Since Deadpool is still a murderous assassin more often than not, he'll do the right thing but a lot of people will end up on the receiving end of a bullet or a sword."
"Heroes don't torture people, she's an anti-hero."
"She's actually more of an anti-hero and she was never actually evil."
"Number one trait of an anti-hero... is that they do it anyway."
"The antihero became the hero, and that was a direct parallel to what was happening in society."
"Oogie Boogie not only is an anti-Claus for seeking out the 'Naughty' children, but he is also kind of an 'Anti-BoogeyMan' too."
"What makes James Gandolfini's Tony Soprano an intriguing anti-hero to follow?"
"An anti-hero is not a villain character, they are characters who lack all the qualities needed to be a hero despite sharing similar characteristics with villains."
"Anti-heroes are seen as more realistic than other types of heroes."
"In literature, anti-heroes are often used to explore ideas of what it means to be human."
"Anti-heroes are a popular literary device that highlight how all humans have flaws."
"A great anti-hero has flaws just like a real person."
"Don't confuse your anti-hero with the antagonist."
"Show different sides of your anti-hero by using foil characters and supporting characters."
"Establish a clear moral compass for your anti-hero."
"At the end of the day, it's an anti-hero's job to help make the world a better place."
"This is similar to how a show like Breaking Bad lures the audience to root for its antihero and accept his altruistic rationalizations for what is ultimately selfish violence."
"Evil Superman resonates because we get catharsis of finally seeing the anti-hero."
"It's like completely against everything that Captain America stands for, right? It's, yeah, it's like the anti-Captain America."
"She's more like an anti-hero. Okay, what about Harley Quinn? I mean, she's anti-hero like too, like she's really like a villain."
"They wanted an anti-hero but they got a villain."
"Anti-heroes are still in the category of a hero to me because they're not doing anything wrong, they're like villainous but they're only villainous against other villains."
"An anti-hero is someone who has evil natures yet still somehow ends up being the good guy."
"The lone wolf is like the American archetype for an action movie anti-hero."
"With Ivy at her side, Harley went on to rebuild herself as a famous anti-hero, leading teams like the Gotham Sirens and Suicide Squad."
"Ravana is an antihero, teaching us how not to be. The principle he stood for, to make others cry, is still alive."
"Dark Star is more of an anti-hero, a character we're going to care about, rather than just some evil piece of [ __ ]."
"Tony Soprano is the best example. He's a ruthless [ __ ] gangster that kills people, yeah, but I love him. That's the anti-hero."
"Now that it's over, you know what I just realized? This movie doesn't actually have a hero."
"Fantastic! I like toxicity, don't get me wrong. I love me some toxicity against a hero wannabe. That is the most ace thing I've ever heard in my life."
"It must be exhausting always rooting for the antihero."
"He's sort of the quintessential anti-hero."
"I don't think that I don't think it's as simple in the show to um say there's good guys bad guys right and you you said it right there is that he wasn't a typical babyface it was the bad guy in him that people loved right the rough edges."
"I think Tyson is actually a good example of an anti-hero."
"By the end of this pilot, Walter White has become what he's gonna pretty much be for the next seven years: a drug-dealing murderer."
"Characters do things for selfish, sometimes morally questionable reasons, and not for the classic ideals of good or honor."
"This film is Yoji Yamada's real masterpiece and it's a must-see for anyone that's been wanting to see the best samurai film about an anti-hero."
"For his incredible escapes, Yoshi Shiratori became a legend and anti-hero in Japan."
"Anti-hero was awesome, by the way, what a cool video."
"The Ghost Rider knew that this contract was pure evil, so he betrayed his heritage and outran the devil himself."
"He's a villain turned hero turned antihero."
"Sometimes the world needs something darker than a hero."
"Time for us bad guys to save the world."
"The magic of Dragon Ball Z really is... Goku's kind of an anti-hero."
"Black Adam presents himself as a complex anti-hero with extremist views designed to free the world of oppression."
"He's somewhat of a good guy, an antihero."
"This is kind of Marvel's version of Suicide Squad, right? Where you have villains that are doing heroic things."
"He's just very very consciously a symbol of this anti-hero archetype."
"I am not a hero, I do not share my meat."
"Luffy's not a hero, he's a good guy, not a hero. That's perfect."
"This world needed a hero, or at least an anti-hero willing to clean up."
"A classic antihero, stealing around by night, ridding society of the slowest life-form, using a website as a hit list."
"He sounded like the Robin Hood of the underworld."
"There are so many movies that treat the concept of an anti-hero as basically a superhero who just kind of swears a lot."
"The Punisher is not your typical Marvel hero."
"Deadpool loves taking people out, not in a mean way; he does the dirty deed with a smile and vulgar witty banter."
"Saga of Tanya the Evil is my favorite magical girl story, one where our heroine is a complete sociopath fighting for not Germany in an unholy merger of World War One and World War Two with magic."
"I think he has the potential to be an anti-hero, someone that's not on the good guys' side, someone that's not on the bad guys' side, but is on his side."
"Majin Vegeta, what an incredible arc, talk about an anti-hero done right."
"Elektra's anti-hero vibes and her dynamic with Daredevil is awesome."
"Gather round guys and dolls as I spin the beginnings of a lovely tale of karma, an angry antihero, and not just one, nor two, but three messes."
"Sometimes protagonists lack moral integrity and fall into the anti-hero category."
"There is nobody like him; he stands atop as NASCAR's best anti-hero."
"This wasn't Dean Ambrose; this was John Moxley, the red-hot anti-hero who was here to eradicate any memory of hot dog carts and gas masks."
"Nice to have Victor Freeze, a villain kind of sort of in the whole Batman the Animated Series lore, more of a Anti Hero kind of sort of deal."
"Not the nicest guy, not the best guy, but one of the best anti-heroes that I've seen in quite some time."
"Taxi Driver's like brutal OG anti-hero story."
"I feel like the best way to describe him would be anti-hero."
"One of the greatest anti-hero stories of all time."
"The anti-hero has been making great strides."
"People always seem to love anti-heroes."
"I know he's a bad guy and everything, but he's badass."
"He's the notorious anti-hero Venom."
"He's the ultimate anti-hero, he's like America's anti-hero."
"In essence, an anti-hero out for revenge."
"The Merc with a mouth is a meta mystery: hero, villain, sociopath."
"Nowadays, she is basically DC's version of Deadpool."
"He's not a good guy, but you love him anyway."
"Lara was like this anti-hero, just absolutely obsessed with adventure, absolutely obsessed with the thrill of the adrenaline rush that came with these adventures."
"Code Geass is a perfect example of an antihero being the main protagonist."
"Harley Quinn has gone on to star in movies like The Suicide Squad."
"To the outside world he may be a gangster, but here he's a sort of Robin Hood."
"He represents an anti-hero dancing on the line between the good and the evil, which makes him a realistic and relatable character."
"Darth Maul doesn't die a villain, he dies a tragic character."
"An antihero is someone who does not have traditional heroic qualities, but even though they don't have those qualities, they're still admired."
"Frank Castle is not a hero, he's an anti-hero, he's a vigilante."
"The Venom symbiote was always a bad guy, and then it became a good guy with Peter; it went back to its normal nature with Eddie and then it's been working its way to try to become a good guy ever since."
"Venom immediately rescues the woman just to eat the thief's head."
"Lobo, you might call him a superhero, super whatever... he's always been kind of referred to as an anti-hero."
"I am neither hero nor villain. I am just an anti-hero."
"Life doesn't want me as a hero or as a villain, just as the balance of both, and that I am now an anti-hero."
"Ultraman is Superman at his peak but with none of the morals and nothing holding him back."
"It's that Vegeta kind of thing, right? You find someone with similar power levels and then you surpass them and then eventually they just kind of become the anti-hero reluctant."
"Venom cements his legacy and popularity, becoming an antihero and vowing to lethally protect the innocent."
"Fully embracing the character's inherent antihero nature when removed from the singular goal of killing Spider-Man."
"I want to see more anti-heroes and stuff actually done right."
"This is not a hero story nor a villain story, if anything you can classify it as an anti-villain or an antihero."
"Electra is not a traditional villain... she's more of a blend between Punisher and Daredevil."
"You're immortal, they're not; they're anti-hero and you're immortal."
"He's a comic book character, let's call him an anti-hero."
"The authority, including one of the members, the engineer, are very much so anti-hero esque."
"Despite being presented as a major foe for Wolverine, more often than not, he is also fought on the side of good quite a few times."