
Victim-blaming Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The fault of the car being stolen is the person that stole the car."
"It's always 'she shouldn't have done this,' rather than 'he should have controlled himself.'"
"Teaching women how to protect themselves is not victim blaming."
"You realize what you're arguing for here is literally just victim blaming, right?"
"When has America ever been great? The ugly sign to this truth is that we are witnessing a reality where the blame is being constantly placed upon the victims."
"It's just absolutely awful and disgusting and wrong to victim blame like that."
"You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault someone else weaponizing your own body against you."
"Every time you condemn someone for falling for that, you're making sure the scammers win again."
"Placing blame on the victim. Nice. Let me tell you something. A little bit says victim blaming. Guess what? You gotta look out for yourself because if you don't, nobody else will."
"I'm not blaming the victim, but it would be hard to ask you to blame a victim."
"These monsters can make somebody who they did something horrible to seem like the monster."
"Anyone blaming the victims nearly never been in a situation of abuse. It's hard to get out of that situation."
"Listen Joanne, you don't get to play the victim card when you're the advocate for taking away women's rights."
"This is like telling a rape victim they had it coming because they dressed the way they wanted to. Maybe check the rapist instead."
"In most of these cases, the female was complicit to a certain point, she made some bad decisions."
"You're the [ __ ] she's only the product of her father's infidelity, not the cause of it. How dare you make it seem like she is the problem in all of this."
"No woman chooses an outfit and goes out thinking I want to be sexually assaulted."
"Blaming the victim for anything bad that happens... 'if you would have had my breakfast ready when I left this morning...'"
"I was told by one law enforcement official, quote unquote, 'bad things happen to bad girls.'"
"That is such an offensive inversion of who is the victim in that scenario."
"I still had that thought in my mind that he would assume that anything else that happened to me was my fault."
"If you have a culture that completely devalues women and treats them as second-class citizens, women who are out revealing their flesh have it coming."
"You ain't fooling nobody, baby. You was on them drugs. It was free and you was loving it. Now you a victim."
"For people to blame the consumer, to blame the victim in all of this, just as the tobacco companies blame the twelve year olds, they go out and addict."
"It's very much a case of blaming the victim."
"Victim blaming is easier than changing your position and perspective over the reality of your environment."
"The most common aspect of an abusive relationship besides the abuse itself is victim blaming."
"The religion of disassociation is victim blaming, is trauma shaming. What actually happens is the most wounded, suffering people enter the room and all of the religious bigots teach the other folks in the room how to ignore them."
"Just say he was a gullible girl, you fell for a child, you saw opportunity."
"The problem lies with the perpetrator, not the woman."
"If you say she's not a victim of this or she did something to deserve it you have your own issues to deal with."
"It's kind of victim-blaming to imply that it is okay to be harmed by such a popular person."
"Safety is important, but blaming victims for their attire isn't right."
"...when it comes to bullies and their victims, the victim is often blamed..."
"There is no solution that a victim can engage in but that's the message that's given to them by society and maybe by parents certainly the message given to them by the abuser."
"People tend to blame the victim as if they were weak or vulnerable, but human beings are open to influence of all types, good and bad."
"We need to change a culture that blames the victim."
"She just blamed the victim, lols."
"Rape myths serve to blame the victims of rape and sexual assault."
"I'm not victim blaming. I'm empowering them and bringing truth to this whole dynamic."
"That is blaming the victim and punishing the victim instead of blaming and punishing the person who did something wrong."
"Blaming the victim is not necessarily always fallacious; showing the victim's possible role in an altercation or abuse may be contrary to typical explanations of violence and cruelty."
"...being a contemporary around Jonestown and listening to the news reports there was a lot of that a lot of victim blaming."
"Abuse is never the fault of the victim; it is an exposure of the abuser's heart."
"Fraud is the last kind of crime where the victim is being blamed."
"There's no such thing as a victim, so if they came into her harassment, then that's their fault."
"I mean, if every woman that looks sexually attractive was deemed to be asking for it, we'd all end up being raped."
"...if you even go to the police the police are gonna question whether or not it really happened why were you there were you intoxicated what were you wearing why were you even there at night you know how many times this happened to before is this woman promiscuous."
"It is too often the last refuge of a hopeless defense to accuse the victim."
"It is not the victim's fault so therefore we shouldn't frame it in a sense where we make it seem like there are things you can and can't do to prevent you from ending up in an abusive relationship."
"This rhetoric contributes to victim blaming, shame, and keeping us quiet about any abuse that we suffer."
"What you wear has nothing to do with how creeps perceive you. If someone's got a perverted mind, their imagination will do all the work."
"Who wants to report that when you are told you're the one at fault? No one's going to believe you or they're going to shame you and say that you did something to bring it upon yourself. So it's this vicious cycle again of abuse and it's just perpetuated."
"But many found it easy to cast her in the ‘manipulative female mastermind’ role because she wasn’t the flipside to this figure: the so-called perfect victim."
"When we expect perfection out of victims, it shifts the attention off of the person that no one ever expected perfection from."
"if you're gonna go to the police and say he raped me back in 1988 because he should have done something about it then you know the police say rape and yesterday say okay"
"For this girl to come along and try and claim that she is the victim in this situation, she feels exploited, is downright ridiculous."
"...if we blame the victims then we don't provide solutions for the entire population."
"How is it that women who are drunk and get sexually assaulted are told that they deserve it but the rapist who is drinking is told they couldn't help it?"
"When a woman gets raped because she didn't dress appropriately, it's not her fault. The men who are provoked by looking at a woman, the men are at fault."
"To blame the victims of genocide for causing it is gaslighting."
"In real life, abusers tell their victims that all your friends and family are just jealous and they're wrong because they want to get in the way of us."
"He literally hits every single fallacy, victim-shaming fallacy."
"We do not blame people who are robbed, why do we blame people who are sexually assaulted?"
"This case is just the perfect example of victim blaming."
"It doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a female that's being a victim, you shouldn't be blamed; it's the offender's fault."