
Living Wage Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"You have to work eight hours, you should be able to pay your rent, all your expenses, and still you should have some money left."
"Every worker deserves to earn a living wage."
"If you work full-time, you should be able to live on that wage."
"If you work full time, you should make enough money to survive."
"Every worker everywhere has a right to earn a living wage, work in safe and healthy conditions, and pursue a better life for themselves and their family."
"I didn't ask for too much. I was just asking for a decent, dignified living wage. What they did was legal, but it was immoral."
"Paying people less than a living wage is unethical."
"If you can't pay your employees a living wage, you shouldn't be in business."
"To see a brand who not only was just supporting these amazing people with 100% living wages, something that's almost never done in the fashion industry today, but also had the heart behind what they made."
"There are certain articles that have talked about different trends around sustainability and paying people a living wage...those are not trends; those should be like just a paradigm shift in terms of how we look at interior design and decor."
"The minimum wage does not provide a living wage."
"Living wage is math. Market value is a path."
"No one in America should work 40 hours a week making below the poverty line."
"You want to help them give them a living wage give them a college education that doesn't bury them under mountains of debt."
"I want the minimum wage up as high as it can go."
"The fact is that if Employers in this country simply paid workers a living wage that has kept up with cost of inflation taxpayers would save about $150 billion per year on federal assistance programs."
"People deserve $15 an hour now because they are living below the poverty line while working 40 hours a week."
"A $15 an hour minimum wage is not a radical idea. Making $600 a week in the United States of America, barely given the high cost of rent and all the other living expenses that people have to pay, that's not a lot of money."
"People are tired of being screwed over by a terrible healthcare system, having a minimum wage so low they can't survive, and enduring nearly constant mass shootings."
"If you're giving people 16 an hour and it's covering the basic goods most people need they're not stressing for things they can't buy."
"People cannot live on the salaries that they have right now."
"Shout out to my fellow radicals who believe crazy things like a full-time job should be enough for you to live."
"We must raise the minimum wage to a living wage."
"Should it not be an employer's responsibility to pay their staff a decent living wage?"
"No one who works full-time should have to live in poverty."
"We will put money in people's pockets with a real living wage."
"If you work 40 hours a week in this country, you should not be living in poverty."
"Education is not the way out. Give people a living wage."
"I wasn't asking for too much. I was just asking for a decent, dignified living wage."
"Give people a living wage to me I want to see that I don't want that to be huge mass incarceration that needs to stop."
"We believe that in America, the richest country on earth, that if you work 40 hours a week, you should not live in poverty."
"Every worker in America is entitled to a living wage."
"Wages bad, bad morals. Make them pay more. People need to be paid more money. All workers should be paid more money."
"Oh straight into it I haven't even finished sipping my tea. Oh what, how can be the start of video like this, that's ridiculous."
"Did you know that? And so if we're gonna use this fake money, maybe we should at least make sure everybody gets paid a living wage because everybody deserves a living wage."
"No one in this country should work full time and live in poverty." - White House Press Secretary Jensaki
"Make sure that every American who has a job gets paid enough to live a dignified life without having to rely on food stamps."
"Nearly a full quarter of Americans can't find a job that pays a living wage."
"It's a moral and economic imperative to raise the wage."
"The people keeping me from Medicare for all or a living wage or from fixing homelessness are a bunch of pub[__] people with power called the Democrats."
"If you can't afford to pay your folks a living wage, you are not doing business right."
"Jobs that can't be outsourced. Good union jobs. Prevailing wage. A wage you can raise your family on."
"Supporting a living wage to increase living standards is a precondition for increasing productivity."
"There's never been a better time for a young man or woman who has no skills to go and earn a living wage."
"Raise the minimum wage to $15." - "We're gonna raise the minimum wage to a living wage: $15 bucks an hour."
"Every feminist to the left of Sarah Palin sees a living wage as a feminist issue."
"Modern-day progressives instead turned to newer economic models and theories to defend their living wage movement."
"We need to get a living wage, we need to at least get a vote on it."
"Our legislation gives large profitable employers a choice: pay workers a living wage or pay for the public assistance programs your low-wage workers are forced to rely upon."
"Anybody working 40 hours a week making less than $15 an hour is in fact living in poverty. It should not happen, period."
"We will no longer accept an economy in which over half of our people live paycheck to paycheck."
"If you work 40 hours a week in the United States, you should not have to live in poverty."
"We need to increase the minimum wage to something reasonable, at least $15 an hour."
"Should we raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Yes."
"We should have guaranteed housing we should have guaranteed living wage."
"69,000 is a very good livable wage, I would say, in the UK. It's a lot above average, I think in London the average salary is probably around 30,000."
"Nobody needs to be making eighty thousand dollars for a desk job, but a living wage, that's what it should be."
"No one who works full-time should ever have to raise a family in poverty."
"I know what worker productivity means, and that means that you have to make sure that your employees are taken care of and have a living wage."
"I think most people aren't billionaires and millionaires... most people are hard-working Americans who deserve to be paid a living wage, more than a living wage, a wage of dignity."
"To know that I'm buying something that is going to feed someone's family, that's making a living wage, that has a value to me that means a lot."
"If you are working 40 hours a week and you cannot afford to live in the city that you are working in, something is wrong with the system, not the individual."
"To preserve a healthy society will require massive redistribution of income to ensure that everyone has at least a living wage."
"We want one with living wages, one that ends poverty as the fourth leading cause of death."
"If we're talking about human beings getting a living wage, if we're talking about human beings being treated decently, if we're looking at good immigration practices, it shows."
"Everyone should have a living wage."
"If you work 40 hours a week, you should not live in poverty."
"If somebody in America works 40 hours a week, that person should not live in poverty."
"We've seen the deficit fall by another 16 billion, we delivered a record number of jobs, and we've introduced a national living wage."
"I'm in favor of the living wage. I think those organizations that can pay the living wage should pay the living wage."
"The national living wage will rise again to £7.50 in April, which is over £500 more for a full-time worker than this year and £1,400 more than when the national living wage was introduced."
"If paying people a decent wage is going to put you out of business, then you've got a failed business model."
"If productive labor is supposed to allow a person to flourish, then people who pay wages are obligated to pay a living wage."
"I think it's perfectly reasonable to demand a living wage because I don't know how you live without a living wage."
"They are very passionate about making sure their workers are receiving a living wage."
"You pay them what they need, in order to survive and to express this moral artistry so that they can live a full and flourishing and meaningful life."
"Born into utter poverty... if they're going to work 24 hours a day for 22,000 pesos a month or 40 bucks, of course, they get free housing and food."
"Everybody deserves to be treated like a person, everybody deserves to make enough money to own a home and have a family."
"The federal minimum wage is $7.25; we need at least $15 an hour to live comfortably."
"Minimum wage is the same thing, isn't it? Trying to give people a living wage."
"I don't think anybody should have to work full-time and then not make enough money to survive and put a roof over their head."
"People are working two and three jobs just to afford rent, afford child care. We have to think about and talk about a living wage."
"Why can't you have a living wage without the fear of homelessness?"
"No one likes inflation; people want good jobs that pay a living wage."
"Don't call me a hero, give me a living wage."
"Wages for full-time jobs that don't even cover basic living costs."
"Nobody working 40 hours a week should be living in poverty."
"Any American who is working a full-time job trying to make ends meet should not be at the poverty level."
"A living wage if you have to support a small family, in my state which is Massachusetts, is just under thirty dollars an hour."
"Minimum wage tackles the issue from the wrong end; the issue is the cost of living."
"Our standup strike wasn't just about one contract; it's about a fight for a living wage, a secure retirement, healthcare, and taking our time back."