
Health Care Costs Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Loneliness in the elderly community is huge, and a lot of it is a significant contributor to health care prices."
"If you fix the food, you've fixed the cost of most of our major problems."
"Stop unfollowing me. If I have a medical emergency, don't you dare kill an ambulance. You better Uber my butt to the hospital because we are not about to pay $5,000 for a ride in the Wii U wagon."
"What is health care going to cost for retirees? Over your lifetime, you're anticipated to spend about $316,000."
"In America, for a ground ambulance, the costs can be up to $1,200, for an air ambulance, $20,000."
"It is unconscionable that we live in a country where people are paying $1,300, $3,000, and up for coronavirus testing."
"The biggest challenge people are having is just financial; it is super expensive to care for a loved one."
"We pay more for prescription drugs than any major nation on Earth. Not anymore."
"Hypertension was at least a contributing factor in 670,000 deaths in the U.S. alone last year."
"So the country is going to have to say, we are going to be willing to pay an extra percent for pharmaceuticals to have maximum safety and I think that’s a very fair question and fair trade-off."
"Americans do bear the brunt of the cost because other countries are free-riding, but we also capture the industry upside."
"You wonder why people go bankrupt when they get sick in America and it doesn't happen anywhere else in the Western world? Because our leaders are completely corrupted liars."
"Traditional medicine doesn't really have a lot of great treatments except ones that are extremely expensive and often come with very significant side effects."
"If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it's free."
"Patients are confused, families don't know what things cost... this pulling back the curtain on healthcare prices will help competition occur."
"We pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. We're getting ripped off every day."
"People are hearing about a road or Bridge being built in their Community they're seeing the cost of insulin cap to 35."
"Obesity is not the problem because obesity is the fat you can see. Metabolic syndrome is the problem because that's where all the money goes."
"Why should Americans pay $645 for the same inhaler... sold in the United Kingdom for $49?"
"It's not an employer mandate. It just says you've got to pay your fair share because otherwise all of us have to pick up the tab."
"Most households will not see much change right away, but some will see real reductions in what they’re paying for things like health care and energy."
"Italians spend $3,000 for a system that covers everyone, while Americans pay $8,000."
"There's a huge burden here. We're hemorrhaging money into our healthcare system to manage these diseases and that could bankrupt us."
"We're getting historic things done to lower prescription drug costs."
"At the end of the day, the price per course of treatment to save your life was only a thousand dollars."
"I don't think someone should be bankrupt because they got cancer."
"Distributions for qualified medical expenses are completely tax free."
"Prescription drug prices in this country... they're way too high."
"Drug prices will be coming down 80 or 90 percent."
"We're stopping American patients from just getting pure and simple, two words, very simple words: ripped off."
"It's not fair that patients don't know the cost of the services they're going to get."
"Average basic Part D premiums have dropped thirteen point five percent and average Medicare Advantage premiums have dropped twenty seven percent."
"Lower prescription drug costs, more support for older Americans in the community, better protection in nursing homes and assisted living facilities."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised by small business owners as one of the largest costs they have."
"The costs of an assisted living facility are quite large."
"We pay much more than anybody, double or triple what people pay per capita in Europe or Canada, and our healthcare outcomes are 79th in the world."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised as one of the largest costs for small business owners when they start a new business."
"The truth is insulin is sold to other nations for as little as seven dollars of vial while here in the United States it can cost more than a hundred dollars a vial."
"It's about time we have a food conversation in our country because if we maintain this course, we literally could see in our lifetime, almost half of our government dollars going to Medicaid, Medicare and other healthcare related costs."
"Other countries are shocked at the amount of money we spend on this system."
"No more surprise billing we hear those horror stories of people going to the hospital and coming out with like a ten thousand dollar covet bill for going to the hospital for having coveted."
"The problem isn't you know yes pharmaceutical prices are ridiculous."
"Go ahead, get sick... and you will go bankrupt. That's how it works in America."
"We are done... we're not going to continue to pay these prices to the pharmaceutical companies."
"Lower prescription drug prices and you'll see them at a level that you will never have you'll never see this again."
"I've met Americans who've rationed prescription drugs. That's because prescription drug prices in the United States have been two to three times higher than any other country for decades."
"So the stories from the Associated Press and Colorado's Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the woman who expected to pay 1300 bucks for spinal fusion surgery but was billed more than three hundred thousand dollars by the hospital."
"Americans know we're already paying through the nose for health care in so many ways."
"Americans pay more for their health care than any other people on this planet."
"Too many Americans still find themselves having to choose between paying rent or paying medical bills, between buying food or buying prescriptions – and nobody should have to rely on a GoFundMe or a collection jar because they’ve fallen ill."
"We spend 18 percent of GDP on health care, an additional trillion dollars compared to any other advanced country, yet have lower life expectancy."
"We will continue to fight for American workers, lower drug prices."
"Brian's de-aging journey is costing him upwards of two million dollars per year."
"I can't fathom any life-saving drug costing anything. Let alone that much money."
"A low premium plan does not offer less coverage than a high premium plan."
"Starting in 2025, there will be a cap on the consumer out-of-pocket prescription drug costs of just $2,000."
"The cost is already much too much—we spend twice as much as other high-income nations."
"Nobody will have to pay more than 86,000 pounds."
"The American people, in my view, no matter what your political view may be, are sick and tired of being ripped off by drug companies and paying the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, including insulin."
"There's nothing more frustrating to a veterinarian than diagnosing a very manageable condition and being unable to proceed simply due to cost."
"The tax increase they pay will be substantially less than what they were paying for premiums and out-of-pocket expenses."
"Medical expense deduction will drop to 7.5 percent of your income instead of 10."
"Most people can't afford $30,000 a month to go to rehab."
"Why are they charging people a hundred thousand dollars to airlift them in an emergency? That's honestly such a scam."
"At some point it will all come down to lives and to dollars. The Reckoning warns dr. Lustig is coming."
"Pharmaceutical companies will continue to extort insurers and ultimately consumers with the drugs they're being held ransom by."
"As long as the pharmaceutical industry is allowed to operate without oversight, they will continue to raise prices until there's not a single American who can afford their drugs."
"The most expensive health care on Earth is 'free' health care."
"This year, the FDA approved a drug that costs nearly $3 million."
"There's no logical argument against lower prescription drugs, it just doesn't make any sense."
"I would gladly pay the extra... to save so much money on all these expenses."
"We pay twice as much as every other developed nation for healthcare and every one of those countries has better healthcare by every metric than we do"
"One trip to the hospital here in the US could be $100,000 $200,000 for a simple trip to the hospital."
"Healthcare is one of the key costs plaguing Millennials."
"I just pay out of pocket every time I go to the doctor in cash."
"Prescription drug prices have gone down. That's a big number."
"Lower healthcare costs - we get it. We understand."
"People are sick and tired, paid for high prescription medication."
"That's the United States for you. That's what it costs. I wish it didn't cost money to find out you don't have cancer."
"Medications will be cheaper instantly overnight."
"If you think medical care is expensive now just wait until it's free." - PJ O'Rourke
"So in 2025 your drugs are going to be capped at $2,000 out of pocket, that's really, really good news."
"I've paid a total of 2820 pounds for my health care and that's it."
"Every person who ends up in the hospital for corona with coronavirus places a huge financial cost on the system."
"The average family in retirement spends $318,000 on healthcare costs. This is on top of what's covered by insurance like Medicare. So this is true out-of-pocket expenses related to paying for your healthcare in retirement."
"...but everybody's recognizing we have to do something disease burden are going up up up there's no end in sight medical expenses are is so so enormous now $4 trillion dollar a year and 80% of that is for preventable diseases."
"86% of healthcare costs are for treating chronic diseases that can be prevented or reversed by lifestyle changes."
"To call an ambulance you have to think about how much it's gonna cost, like 5 grand minimum."
"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that to call an ambulance you have to think about how much it's gonna cost, like 5 grand minimum."
"Coinsurance is a form of cost-sharing between the member and the insurance company, where you pay a percentage of the cost of covered medical services."
"...the endoscopic approach is associated with shorter length of stay, lower cost, and better quality of life."
"Listen, healthcare is not going to be free, even if you get it for free, it wasn't free. You may not be paying the bill at the counter, but you're paying it in your taxes."
"The debt is being erased. The medical bills are going to be paid off."
"So there's a price to be paid for this and that's where the clinical decision needs to be made with the patient."
"High prices of Healthcare are causing real problems, real strains for budgets for individuals and companies across the country."
"Healthcare costs that have exceeded inflation for the last 30 years."
"Half of healthcare expenses are spent in the last year of somebody's life."
"The cost of medical care can be astronomical, but then what is more precious than life if it can be saved?"
"The problem with healthcare is that 95% of costs are interventions on people that are sick."
"The current cost of healthcare is $49 trillion over the next 10 years, and the estimates for Medicare for all would be $32 trillion, so you'd have a $17 trillion saving."
"Medical tourism is becoming increasingly popular, especially among westerners looking to escape the sky-high prices of treatment in their home countries."
"Covering long-term care is so unknown; about 15% of the population will incur a very substantial long-term care event that will cost over $250,000."
"If we keep our healthcare system the same... it will cost 49 trillion dollars. What would it cost if we did a Medicare for All system? 32 trillion."
"Medicaid expenditures are increasing at a faster rate than private insurance."
"In the longer term, employees who have lower health risks should have lower healthcare costs."
"The amount of money spent every three months doing coronary bypass surgery in the United States corresponds to the cost over ten years of eradicating smallpox from the whole world for all time."
"Why do we pay so much money for the worst care in the developed world?"
"As you get older, 65 plus, the odds of you having some serious medical issues or your spouse having medical issues and expenses just go up."
"I feel so grateful and blessed that I had the means to be able to pay for such an expensive bill."
"The cost of pressure injuries is huge because if they get a large deep pressure ulcer, that is weeks if not months of wound care hospitalizations."
"The bill aims to cap the cost of drugs at two thousand dollars per year for seniors under Medicare."
"For type 1 diabetics, you're actually spending about one in four Healthcare dollars for management of DKA."
"86 percent of the 3.8 trillion dollars that we spend in health care costs are due to chronic diseases that can often be prevented or even reversed."
"If you have money and you're going to be spending it on health care costs, why not use pre-tax dollars to finance those things?"
"Care can be very expensive if you get a long-term illness, and medications can be astronomically expensive."
"We're used to if you're working a W-2 job and you have an employer picking up the healthcare cost."
"If we don't have a revolution in health care costs, we could consume and understand when you start talking about the total numbers here, you're talking about approaching 200 percent of debt to GDP."
"Almost 60% of what you're likely to spend on your health care in your life is going to be after you are 60."
"Health insurance premiums right now, even with my private insurance here, it's about a fifth of the cost of what I was paying in the U.S."
"Out-of-pocket maximum is the most you'd have to pay in one calendar year for your healthcare before insurance covers 100% of the bill."
"A mom should not have to go bankrupt if her son or daughter gets sick."
"We spend 50 percent more than Switzerland and we don't have cheaper health insurance and we don't necessarily have better outcomes."
"Allergies are super common whether it's seasonal allergies or those poor dogs and cats with food allergies which are just extremely expensive to treat."
"Bankruptcy because of medical expenses is a huge portion of the bankruptcies in America."
"We spend about 2.4 trillion of those dollars just treating the effects of sugar consumption alone."
"New treatments and technologies improve detection, treatment, and outcomes but also come with increased costs."
"Medical bills are no joke in the United States, and it is insanity, so we all need a little bit of help when this kind of stuff happens."
"Diseases that are related to the brain cost us one trillion dollars according to the World Health Organization and the OECD."
"High income people are going to cost you more, so you get down to this level here, you can see someone that's really high income is paying an additional $500 a month just in surcharges, just in additional Medicare taxes."
"It has saved my family literally thousands of dollars."
"People understanding the cost is part of consumerism."