
Containment Quotes

There are 341 quotes

"SCPs should never be able to escape their cages, but what would happen if they do?"
"The individual instances of SCP-2372 are contained in separate proportionally reduced humanoid containment cells, with supervised interaction between instances being permitted contingent on good behavior."
"The SCP Foundation is capable of quite a few incredible feats, from containing gods to restarting the world after an apocalypse."
"In crisis management, you've got to contain the crisis first, and then try to clean things up."
"The O5 Council passes a mandate allowing anomalous methods in the containment of the mutants, including reverse engineering of paratechnology, use of necrothaumaturgy, and collusion with extra-dimensional entities."
"Find, isolate, test, and treat every case to break the chains of transmission."
"In what should be a bit of good news, SCP-4975 is currently in containment at an SCP Foundation facility."
"I want to emphasize that we continue to build the nation's public health infrastructure to ensure that we have the capacity to stay in the containment mode."
"It's like taking a person that's bothering us and putting it in a little drawer, a box. Stay in this box."
"As more and more countries experience community spread, successful containment at our borders becomes harder and harder."
"Tex is eventually captured and contained in the meta storage unit."
"It could have been contained to that one area in China where it started and certainly the world is paying a big price for what they did."
"Secure, Contain, Protect. It's the task of the foundation to contain anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena."
"SCP-2317: The door to an alternate reality holding the Devourer of Worlds."
"Church of the Broken God's failed attempt to revive Makani led to a metal abomination."
"SCP-2470 is a telepathic Keter class entity with the potential to create a ZK class scenario."
"SCP-2700 is composed of three main parts: a computer interface with a keyboard, a particle accelerator to power it, and a core containing a self-sustaining vacuum."
"SCP-173 is a sentient concrete and rebar-based statue that can typically be contained and kept inert as long as eye contact is made with it at all times."
"The legion is defeated. Its master imprisoned."
"SCP 682 must be destroyed as soon as possible."
"What would the world look like if everybody was contained? You know, a lot of people have heard about dopamine. It's about more. It's about the future."
"Weapon containment device: a lot of people jump to the theory that perhaps master chief wants to contain Cortana in this chip where she has no power. Weapon containment, right? That would be the goal of chief."
"Containment of COVID-19 is possible in all affected countries and should be number one."
"There are positive signals, we have seen successes already in some countries where they have already contained the virus."
"Items contained by SCP are classified as one of the following: safe, euclid, and keter."
"SCP objects are classified into 3 main categories of safety."
"We need to stay committed to containment, and I still believe containment and control is the goal."
"Just circle around them and keep them pinned into this one area."
"SCP-1048: Extreme caution is to be taken if SCP-1048-A or SCP-1048-C are encountered again."
"The problem with multiverses is that you have to keep them very contained before they spill over into everything and destroy everything that you've created."
"The only way to contain this thing... would be to do a really serious lockdown."
"We should have a very strong containment strategy."
"Ultimately, SCP-1077 is a highly intelligent entity."
"If Brian can do that, it gives us hope that people can change. Evil can be contained."
"SCP-879's pheromones force people to seek the creature, leading to their absorption and transformation into its rudimentary organs."
"Imagine a weapon so dangerous you had to seal it away like basically in a mountain."
"If rumors were to be spread in the anomalous world that the Foundation intends to execute some sentient humanoid, it would most likely disappear from within the walls of the Foundation that very same day."
"But we were able to contain it and I think allowing this is a reminder for everyone that English is a bridge."
"We're seeing evidence that this can actually be contained and controlled."
"SCP Foundation: where magic, science fiction, and horror are real, but contained and protected."
"The entity referred to as Cartoon Cat was given the object class Keter, regarded as highly dangerous and nearly impossible to contain due to its reality-bending nature."
"They are pushing back tanks with their bare hands, they are ordinary people suddenly turned into urban warriors."
"Containment often requires sacrifice, although usually not to this personal degree."
"Containment has failed. It has definitively failed."
"I've been arguing for several years that our objectives with Putin should be containment."
"You need to make yourself your own mental point of origin."
"The swift response of law enforcement contained the situation."
"They're breaking into the prison, don't you dare, don't do that, don't need that!"
"The Foundation is definitely better off not creating any anomalies."
"The attack was blunted, the spearhead stopped, the Nazi columns contained."
"An octopus that knows sign language – not the most dangerous or extraordinary anomaly the Foundation has ever discovered, but still, this anomaly could not remain out of containment."
"The chess game is to contain Russia. There's no check on what Putin may do."
"Contain Cam Boozer, it's always been the goal. You just gotta contain Cam Boozer. If we do that, we'll win by 20."
"Complexity is definitely a possible containment."
"Subject, when encased inside SCP-076-1, is technically dead. However, occasionally SCP-076-2 will awaken, effectively 'reanimating', complete with all vital processes needed to sustain a living human being."
"Whatever it is, these years of securing, containing, and protecting have prepared him."
"The best prison is the prison they won't want to leave."
"The Stranger managed to drive the Wendigo into cages."
"SCP-106 is one of the scariest entries, monitored at all times in a lead-lined steel cell."
"I'm pretty sure someone's going to have to or those things are going to get out eventually, it's the nest."
"Scared straight, he's gonna, it's like a Hannibal Lecter, he's behind the glass there."
"You're wanting to be more contained in 2024, not willing to give away so much but holding back enough for yourself."
"...it was amazing how he managed to contain the power of Twilight in his body."
"The SCP Foundation does their best to live up to their famous namesake: They secure and contain anomalies and monsters from all around the world."
"It's like a virus, so what do we do with any virus? Quarantine, contain it."
"We can't even open the windows, but I guess they don't really want us to jump; it's bad for business."
"The belief that you could just kind of like lock away the virus... that is not what happened in the United States of America."
"...let's take this doctrine of containment and let's wait the Soviets out, ultimately their system will fall."
"Imagining contains the whole; all things are contained in the human imagination."
"Trays are pretty magical, they contain the mess."
"I think that rubbed out inside this box somewhere."
"We just need a new place to contain Mr. G."
"Run along now, zero nine six," Dr. Kowalski told the shy guy. "There are worse monsters in this world than you."
"It's the SCP Foundation's Ten Commandments of containment."
"SCP-1370 was unstoppable, obliterating everyone that came to desperately try to contain it."
"As long as SCP 187 has her visions, the next breakout or apocalyptic event can be stopped in its tracks before it happens."
"SCP-610 is a Keter-class entity, meaning it’s an anomaly that’s exceedingly difficult to contain consistently or reliably."
"SCP-2000 is an anomalous asset so vital to not only the Foundation but the entire world."
"P493 very rarely shows itself to humans, and on rare cases when it has, it has not been to a large population, meaning our lack of ability to contain it has not been detrimental to public perceptions on the existence of anomalous creatures."
"I think, except for sealing off the area, we should do the exact opposite. Everybody here, at E Lab, knows exactly what happened. Certainly whoever took the bugs know. But nobody outside knows anything yet. Keep it that way. Leave it wide open."
"...it's hard enough, you know, the NBA had a bubble where they kept everyone in the same location limited exposure to anyone on the outside to try to play a season."
"It does keep it contained and keep your surfaces protected."
"You can't keep a maniac like Shrieking Eagle running around here loose."
"An exclusion zone has been established around the fire scene and is expected to remain in place for at least 7 days."
"Containing the walking pox is vastly more difficult than quarantining off any other Zombie Plague."
"Putting a dog in a crate a lot of times, that's comforting to them. They like the more enclosed space, so it keeps them contained, keeps them from being distressed."
"Capturing and containing the spirit indefinitely follows the same principle."
"It's very simple, except for the air which flows freely, everything about this park is meant to be isolated. Nothing gets in, nothing out. The animals kept here are never to mix with the greater ecosystems of Earth. They are never to escape. And they never have."
"If that program was expanded, it could be used to trap the entity."
"Reality isn't the platform into which things emerge but rather it's the container of the entirety of existence."
"Every agent, doctor, and researcher sent to capture them steadfastly refused to complete their mission due to a reaction to their zone of influence."
"It's evident that SCP-514 interprets any attempts to capture it as a hostile act, triggering the nullification effects of its zone of influence in response."
"We're gonna lower the water level so that she stays in the tank."
"...whatever grief existed between them was contained within those two pieces."
"Love, power, home, food, and prosperity. It is a pit where everything goes but nothing leaves."
"The known infection vectors for SCP 610 spread seem to be focused on physical contact."
"If they feel like if they don't have somebody to tell them that they're okay, if they don't have somebody to help them contain these overwhelming emotions, then they will spontaneously combust. They will cease to exist."
"Eliminating the opportunity for this to continue growing."
"That's the one thing the history of evolution has taught us: that life will not be contained."
"The next relationship that you have is calling you towards self-expression. It feels like there has been some containment in the last few months in your ability to be able to speak about yourself."
"We get virus outbreaks they can't be contained."
"Jean Gray is the Lioness she's got the struct she has to have the structure she has to have something that will detain her the chaos is endless so something that can contain it and she has to think about it and she has to direct that somewhere so that it is not destructive."
"The soul is in the body, not as contained by it, but as containing it."
"The difference between a contained and an uncontained experience is that one takes us over and we have to struggle with the chronic anxiety of not knowing when the feeling will end."
"The foundation had done the unthinkable; they had vanquished the very concept that takes us from being alive to being deceased."
"SCP 3078 is a self-replicating image that can appear without warning on message boards and social media platforms."
"The frightening thing about SCP 3078 isn't so much its deadly consequences but the fact that it can spread so quickly if unattended."
"The television flickered, revealing an interior containment cell with Bobble the clown."
"Containment had been a delight in the early days."
"...a since deceased level 4 scientist named Dr. Yuat was experimenting with the newly discovered egg samples to see how they would affect existing SCPs."
"Welcome to SCP 1733. To the untrained eye, SCP 1733 seems to be a completely harmless item stored in a digital video recorder. It is kept securely in the dusty depths of the SCP Foundation's video archives."
"With all that in mind, we can only hope that the doorway of SCP 2317 stays closed, at least for a little while longer."
"To get the sin out of me as I said to all this one thing for the boat to be in the sea it's another thing that the sea to be in the boat."
"After all, how can you properly contain something you can’t even hope to comprehend?"
"SCP – 682, the unkillable anomaly, floated dead in its tank. Death truly made no exceptions within SCP – 2935."
"To this day, all attempts to open have failed. Personally, we think that’s probably for the best..."
"If he tried to escape SCP – 087 before he was permitted, he’d be shot by SCP Foundation Field Agents on the spot."
"They never once in all the years that we had them try to get out of the fence area."
"This movie follows two people who risk their lives to make sure that the Ebola virus was contained before it had a chance to become an epidemic."
"You can't just trap the monsters."
"Having boundaries is incredibly important because it speaks, I think, to containment, containing, and holding the client in a space so they can self-regulate. It's incredibly important."
"...the Predators are finally contained in return to the zoo."
"Sex is good, like a fire, hemmed in by a fireplace."
"Containment and isolation are not the same thing."
"It's not about us... it's a container that you energetically hold together."
"...locking people up trying to control his disease with quarantine is like killing mosquitoes with a 30-06. it'll work if your aim is good enough but you're blowing holes in the buildings the more mosquitoes can get in."
"She's containment and that's all they were thinking about."
"The containment is defined by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission as... to confine fission products that otherwise might be released to the atmosphere in event of an accident."
"Always nice in containers because it spills over so wonderfully."
"Each project is in a bag or in plastic."
"I'm not going beyond this suitcase, this is it, that's it."
"The SCP Foundation has long stood as a bastion of hope, information, and security for the entirety of the human race."
"scp-2099 is the brain of Jeremy Valdez and all Associated machinery and equipment contained in place at the recovery location."
"SCP-2935 might be the most dangerous SCP of all."
"They're holding everything inside right now."
"That's the best way to keep him on the sideline."
"Lockdowns work. It reduces mixing of people and the virus doesn't spread."
"SCP-173, or as most of the staff in the SCP Foundation call it, the sculpture."
"Humans are inherently evil and need to be contained."
"He's trying so hard not to laugh, and trying hard. He can't stand right there, oh, I can't either."
"People and probably law enforcement if law enforcement believed that there was an absolute imminent immediate threat to life I I don't believe they would have done this kind of containment and wait and see type of thing."
"I literally cannot contain my excitement."
"How do you contain someone that you later feel the urge to set free?"
"Containment isn’t easy, but it’s ultimately the very thing that makes the SCP Foundation the organization it is."
"The SCP Foundation will do anything to prevent these scenarios from occurring, apparently even including the elimination of all humankind or entire universes."
"We've got the containment unit, we've got proton packs, and of course, we've got Terror dogs and Ghostbusters."
"Failure to deal with them now could potentially spell disaster if they got out and the cause of SCP 5254 wasn't immediately neutralized," the narrator explained.
"Make sure it floods only the house, which is something outside the body."
"A good fence will keep a goat where they need to be."
"I'm trying to contain my excitement."
"Everything is well sealed and in good containers or bags, which ensures that my food is staying where it's supposed to."
"The Tesseract is where it belongs, out of our reach."
"These people ain't here on treatment, these are being contained."
"That's what they want to know: if the problems within the US are contained."
"With regard to China, unlike a number of my friends who profess the importance of restraint, I don't think we should show restraint vis-a-vis China. I think we should go full bore to try to contain China."
"If we go to 2017, then what? Look, Skynet's a computer program. As long as it's still being coded, it's contained. Once it's uploaded from the servers, it's done. It's done. It can't be stopped."
"It's almost like a little vase... you can start tucking anything you want down there."
"The sufferer would fly into as much of a rage as he seemed to dare to entertain."
"Emotions are beautiful as long as they're contained within a certain structure."
"...the radical crazy energy of the way that this thing was generated is so completely contained inside, it's just thrilling."
"We have to bring this to the Nova Corps. There’s a chance they can contain it."
"That's what I call heart containment."
"Anyone who chooses this Persona is ultimately unable to contain it."
"The therapist's job is to help contain and take people on this journey to try and help them develop some clarity on the way that they think, the way that they feel, and how maybe some of their early life experiences have influenced that."
"Touring does come with the cargo tray, has a little bit of a lip on it to help contain any liquids that may spill."
"That you know of. Mostly we work to contain it. Nothing presses progress in destruction faster than warfare."
"I don't know how they managed it, but the containment wall at the front campus entrance has been breached and the infected are bleeding out into the town."
"Because the foundation currently owns the only copy of the game and the game's anomalous effects are only evident to active players, SCP 1633 poses no risk of containment breach and therefore it has been given the object class safe."
"SCP-6262 was not punished for this leak."
"For now, SCP-2399 will remain there, reassembling itself, while we devise some way to stop it."
"We had to stop the infection from spreading."
"These powerful devices are used to contain reality-warping anomalies and prevent them from bending the fabric of our universe to their whims."
"Of course, all that boost won't do as any good if we can't keep it contained."
"Franco had managed to contain the warmongers in his own ranks."
"We had the only true bubble that existed."
"I couldn't contain my excitement."
"Instead, their tactic has long been playing to the truly toxic ego of the creature - Designing the containment chamber more like a luxury hotel room, perfectly suited to 056’s refined taste."
"You could keep one inside a sturdy metal shell, contained by magnets to keep it from drifting."
"Language serves kind of as a container. When we have a name for the experience that we're having, we don't get as overwhelmed."
"Healthy containment, a cocoon, an egg, a nest, a belly with a baby in it, that healthy containment allows transformation to happen inside it."
"The first response to any pandemic is containment."
"you can't quarantine hundreds of millions of healthy people"
"It was time to deploy another big bad bot to cut SCP 1370 back down to size, it was time to send in the dragon slayer."
"You have to grab them and hold them in a place where they feel it's safe to go absolutely bonkers."
"SCP-5999: sealed in seven different parts, culminating in one apocalyptic ending."
"SCP 173, known as the sculpture, is a relentless hunter hidden in plain sight."
"If any entity could turn the tables and break the spirit of SCP-3999, it would be SCP-999."
"Do not get married if you can't contain, get married if you can contain."
"The spread of the Dark Mist has been temporarily contained."
"That solves that problem. Now nothing can set the dark stalker free, and no one can abuse his power."
"It's nice when everything is all contained."
"It's really just about keeping people in than it is about locking people out."
"...drop it in the bucket of water to quench it."
"We were able to identify cases early, the first fourteen, do the contacts, do the contact tracing over 800 contacts, we identified that two of those contacts were actually infected, we were able to isolate them, we were able to contain the outbreak."
"No nuclear weaponry is ever to be used against SCP 001."
"I really wish we would have kept the yolk more contained."
"Behavioral blocking and containment capabilities can help identify and stop threats based on their behaviors."
"You can get so saturated with the anointing that it cannot be contained."
"it was adequate support or lateral containment for me it wasn't terrible or anything just not as adequate or not as good support as a job one"
"Cut the King off. It's slow but it's effective."