
Cohesion Quotes

There are 817 quotes

"Everybody knows everybody and everybody takes care of everybody."
"Cohesion is when many pieces work together to create a unified whole... It's cohesive when everything means something and adds up to something."
"We have to share certain norms and standards, and if we don't, then society fragments."
"Fighting a war is about cohesion, it's about teamwork."
"The whole of human societies is held together in and through religion."
"BO3 is truly a case where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
"The big piece that's missing is the big picture: how do you get all of these tiny little parts of your game come together and actually be a cohesive game."
"Despite the inquisition pulling the imperium in different directions, it also remains, by contradiction, the thing which has also helped hold it together."
"I wish there was a little bit more of a stronger community sense within our country."
"Cohesion and coherence is what holds your writing together, what makes it easy for the reader to understand and to follow your train of thought."
"Social media being the thing that's going to kill us is because it breaks down social cohesion."
"Without trust, both on a national level and on the international level, civilization collapses. Trust is the glue that holds everything together."
"It really comes together and makes for a compelling performance."
"Warhammer is one of the few franchises that's positioned in a way to create a multi-faceted storyline that all comes together."
"I think musically the album flows incredibly well."
"As the appeal of renewable energy grows, there seems to be a push for all these individual projects to come together into something more cohesive nationwide."
"Cohesion principle suggests that related functionalities should be part of one unit, like a class."
"Jurassic Park is able to take so many complicated and moving pieces and make them work as a whole."
"It's amazing how it all comes together; it's also extremely ignorant."
"You need discipline, you need structure, you need this team to work cohesively."
"It does feel like a really cohesive open-world here..."
"This was one of the most cohesive projects I've heard in a long time."
"We wanted to create some kind of cohesion between some of the cubes."
"And somehow, it all works together and creates this unique experience."
"It's actually connected together now into a cohesive narrative."
"A uniquely cohesive and formidable mercenary corps."
"An excellent animated family trilogy that fits together really nicely."
"Oh, sent into that spear by trent again that's that cohesiveness."
"There's something about the cohesion and the well-paced nature of the first film."
"This is the stupidest [ __ ] script I've ever read in my life... But it really holds together."
"The good teams I've been around have been close-knit."
"Mutual tolerance and respect leading to internal cohesion was the only option."
"When you have a society where there are very high levels of social cohesion virtually any system will work well for a time, but only for a time."
"It's exciting for us as a team because it shows we're more cohesive."
"Trust is fundamental to the basic concept of getting back to the business of the day because it's actually what holds a society together."
"Proof was considered the glue that kept the members of D12 together."
"The melody is so important because it ties the whole thing together."
"Necessary to bring everything together and tie it to the original trilogy."
"It's not really just suddenly this happened and now moving on to the fight, it really kind of pieces things together and ties everything together in a cohesive way."
"It's very vital that we create a cohesive community."
"The Last of Us tells an incredibly cohesive story that has a perfect button on it."
"Bioshock that made it really work was the fact that everything tied together the enemy design the weapon design the powers and the place all tied together."
"You're the high council, man. You're the glue."
"We label anything achieving social cohesion as moral."
"The Son of Man is the glue that holds all these things together."
"It's what gives your life meaning. It's what holds a society together."
"Tony Hawk 3 exemplifies aesthetic completion through a cohesive system."
"The team is a whole I mean it's a team the source is stuck together as this roster for quite a while."
"What you want is a society that is cohesive where everyone feels part of the same thing."
"Isn't wonderful that we have a public marketplace where everybody can shout at the same time which is really what social media platforms are it's like."
"Wow. This is 10. Different but cohesive at the same time."
"It's like one cohesive experience rather than two disparate ones."
"A single undivided region, lending a more cohesive feeling."
"This is all starting to end up being fairly cohesive, considering."
"I think we did really well. I thought we were really together."
"Stay with your team, stay with your team, stay with your team, stay with your team, stay with your team."
"Covet is stressing the bonds that bring us together."
"Every single change has made the story feel more cohesive, more mature, and more dramatic."
"It's one of those rare games where you just feel like nothing just feels out of place."
"Pulling everything together, if you like it, it'll all work."
"It's like every song leads into the next one in an interesting way."
"It all ties together, it all fits together and it creates something."
"It's not really about songs or about what any single song does, you know, it feels like a pretty cohesive two-hour experience."
"Troop morale and unit cohesion: essential for the success of any campaign."
"The aesthetics on the set do seem to come together for an overall pleasing look."
"Eternal attack is a little bit long it doesn't have enough bangers some of these songs just really melt together without standing out on their own it doesn't quite justify how big it is."
"I think when you watch it all together, you can see the brilliance of some of the storylines."
"Don't have too many different colors all throughout the house, have a nice cohesive home and it'll help make it flow and not feel messy."
"It all fits well together and that it's a nice cohesive page."
"Aquarius is the frequency of miracles, it is the energy that will bring together all these wild, crazy pieces and create some kind of cohesive wholeness or story."
"Everything's eye-safe, everything's pretty, everything worked well for me; it all works cohesively together."
"The original The Matrix trilogy... they do go together fairly well."
"Prayer is kind of like the glue that holds everything together, and without it, things start to crumble around it."
"You can bring together different types of knowledge and understanding in a very cohesive way."
"It's like a puzzle and all the pieces fit together."
"That really ties the desk together."
"Centripetal forces... unite people, a state, or a group."
"You are built together as a habitation of God through the Spirit."
"Centripetal forces are things that bring people together and promote unity."
"You want to make sure you're taking the time, you're blending it, and you're making it cohesive."
"A perfect sort of bookend type thing."
"Morale is a strong factor in keeping a community functioning."
"They play hard, they play together, and they play a great brand of basketball."
"The scrum team as a cohesive unit of professionals is focused on the product goal."
"When you have that complete buy-in and everybody's moving in the same direction, that's the type of team you want to play on."
"It's so smooth the way it flows well together because it is so well edited."
"I love the painted built-ins, it just makes it feel so much more pulled together."
"It's already completely lifted the ceiling up and just feels so much more cohesive."
"It's all about the details. The details are what makes things come together."
"Offensive line only really as good as the weakest link."
"Social cohesion. Who can imagine a system more constructed to bring about such a goal?"
"The songs move the story along, and it's great."
"A test of unity, the fundamental essence of Voltron."
"It felt cohesive, like it was a director the entire way through with a vision."
"...weird place to end that one on yeah I know it just uh just kind of how that's uh that all all came together at the end."
"It's nice to have the vocal samples and stuff. Yeah, the two together really makes it sound full."
"The entire time through, Delta Squad continues to feel like Delta Squad."
"Slowly but unmistakably the tension of community and sodality waxed among them, as if a loose mesh of threads weaving about between the different individuals was being drawn tighter and closer, further isolating them from the rest of the world."
"We all put an effort into making separate functional spaces, and you can go from one space to the next and have a different experience in each space but it still feels united and cohesive."
"Things are starting to fall together around here instead of fall apart for once."
"Jill Scott was like this amazing glue person that just brings everybody together no matter what's happening."
"We try to create a family environment in everything we're involved in."
"Linking words are like the glue that holds together everything else that you learn."
"The goal here is to keep the gang together. Because I feel like you've got it pretty much nailed down, where everybody kind of has a pretty unique personality and it kind of jives and it kind of bounces off one another."
"It was cool how at the party she brought everyone together."
"It doesn't just look like a Ranger with a canopy stuck on the back. It's all a very cohesive design."
"They just hung together, it's as tight of a group as I've ever been around."
"It's that trust and... cohesion within a group."
"That tied the album together perfectly."
"Pizarro was the glue that held impressionism together."
"Definitely a lot of attention to detail here and again like very cohesive."
"For personality I think the flow of the team and how that uh people gel together is really important."
"It's so versatile and it brings everything together."
"It's a very, very soft grayish white color, and it just kind of helps tie everything in together."
"The connections between all these life forms add a strong sense of cohesion to the massive cast of characters despite their innumerable differences."
"...the music is a huge part of what holds Andor together as a series."
"...the music in Andor is a huge part of what holds the series together."
"It's not any one thing that makes it strong, it's everything working together as a unit."
"It's looking quite cohesive which I'm fairly happy with."
"Brattleboro has a strong social fabric because people live alongside neighbors who are different from them."
"I really think it helps to center the room, bring it all together."
"Ryan young is kind of a glue guy."
"It just feels like they're glued together."
"We're just trying to hone in, create a brand and a real, you know, we want people to feel like a community, a community of people."
"The crew comes across like a family."
"I think everything came together really well."
"Marvel did a great job of keeping this puzzle together."
"Commitments are what holds our world together."
"The key to coordination is repetition. You have to find a balance between variety and repetition to create cohesion."
"Bringing people together. Good show."
"I think all of these look so good together."
"My mom holds the family together."
"There was always shouting and bawling, but this was a cohesive movement."
"This is the ultimate way of creating a painting that is just in itself absolutely cohesive everything that you create everything that you do is part of the process and also a natural result of the process."
"It really ties the room together."
"In the end, I actually like having a little bit of an overall glue."
"It's like a very nice cocktail, you know, that just embodies our strengths."
"Something literally comes together like a breath of fresh air."
"It's a group of lads who get on so well."
"Repetition is key, especially in a small space, especially to make it feel a little bit more cohesive."
"Everything really flows really well and all the songs, each one stands up so solid. It's got a little bit of everything in there."
"That team had a brilliant team spirit."
"Matt was the team leader, he was the guy who kept everything together."
"...these specific narratives are on another level of cohesion and continuity."
"There's a real cohesion in the entire vibe here, even if you're not doing anything overtly sporty with it."
"The Chili Peppers, whether John or Josh or H back in the day or Jack or Chad, they're just such a unit."
"Togetherness is absolutely paramount... Morale, momentum, they're all huge parts that come into it. But the togetherness initially is everything really."
"You are so necessary. You're the glue of the family."
"Teams that win the title are teams that stay together."
"Everything about this film works so well."
"Achieving the right balance is crucial so that every element complements one another, making for a cohesive room."
"Love is the thing that makes this whole thing come together."
"That combination all works together."
"The noodles and the cheese have kind of become one, which is what we were looking for."
"I dig these a lot. It's a real upgrade over the previous cartoon Turtle suits."
"...it's there to support your narrative not to not to break it not to like get in the way of it."
"Steve was kind of the force that held the whole studio together."
"Piece by piece, everything is connected."
"Nothing in this setup stands out like a sore thumb. Everything blends in so well together. It's an easy 10 out of 10 for me."
"The pieces won't fit if it doesn't align with us."
"It's just perfect and they all kind of match together."
"I'm finally happy with the rug choice. I know we had a couple of different iterations of chairs and rugs, but it has all come together."
"Everything's just perfect, it's so cohesive."
"Helps everything feel a bit more cohesive and knitted together which I really really like."
"Our secret to success is being a tight-knit bunch."
"Our ability to act as a community is being stripped away from us."
"Recognizable songs that all flow together well."
"The themes of Venus Wars are strong enough to keep the story together."
"The album is really strong from start to finish, with each of the songs standing out all on their own."
"We're the glue that holds all the other departments together."
"The resulting mix should be completely unstable but somehow Almodovar ties all these threads together with an effortless grace."
"You're the glue, man. You're the glue to this whole everything, man. You put it together, man."
"I think the first act is really choppy. It feels like a bunch of different scripts all crammed together."
"It's funny how recognizable Jeff's music is as well. His songs have so much potential to be a mess, but yet he never loses grip of his music, and it all fits together so well."
"Nothing is more upsetting to these characters than the breakdown of the family they've all grown to be a part of."
"They just flow, like they were just meant to make these movies."
"When you change backgrounds in Photoshop, it's always a good idea to apply global adjustments to bring all the images together and make them feel more cohesive."
"You don't have to try to match an existing color you can just take that in and match it exactly and it can create a cohesive palette."
"You have to align everyone morally, ideologically, and mentally."
"It just feels like the team is so aligned. It just feels like the team is so aligned."
"Now I know why everybody loved this one so much. It tied together really well. Very well done, Marvel."
"A really quick and easy way to make your house feel like home and cohesive as if everything was meant to go together."
"It's a strategy used to bring as much cohesion to a slave community and to a particular slave family as circumstances allowed."
"From that point on we just became a unit."
"So the next thing we need to do is we need to bind them together."
"Cheese is what holds this together and it is what's happening."
"What happens when you pull the glaze across an entire piece in order to unify? At the very least, it gives you a place to move forward from where everything in the under layer is now cohesive."
"The biggest thing that was noteworthy about Odd Taxi is how it was able to take these small subplots and then weave them together."
"I loved the writing. It was super creative and just the way that every piece fit in together."
"We just needed someone to come in and glue the lads together and glue the nation together."
"If you can identify what that force is holding everything together, that's the center of gravity."
"...from a bunch of odds and ends to a surprisingly cohesive Patchwork design..."
"The balance between the assemblies and governors ensured local needs were addressed while maintaining Imperial cohesion."
"Most groups hold together not by what they're for, but by what they're against."
"...possibly there needs to be a storyline behind the teams, like there needs to be something pulling the team together..."
"I honestly would love to give this like nine out of 10 or 10 out of 10 because it's very cohesive."
"...it's got that same frantic energy you can find in so many of his songs, being bombastic but still cohesive..."
"Bringing people together together it's so sick like that's like probably the best outcome of last night."