
Taking Chances Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The nature of regret is difficult, right? Because if you take a chance and it doesn't work out, you might regret the other thing. But you can believe in advance that even if it doesn't work out, at least you know you tried."
"You might as well just go for it because in reality, it could end up being the best relationship you ever had."
"If you ever in doubt, ask the girl out. The logic being that she either says yes and that's great, or she says no and you have your answer."
"If you don't leap, there's no wonderful in the air and there's no landing safely, so you've not gone anywhere or done anything."
"You ain't never going to score if you don't shoot your shot."
"If you're young and you're thinking about doing this, please go for it."
"I want to quote a man in my life that said, 'Son, you miss a hundred percent of the shots that you don't take.'"
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained in other idioms such as those."
"I don't want to regret not taking a chance at things."
"And remember, sometimes you gotta risk it for the biscuit."
"Michael Jordan said you miss a hundred percent of the chances you don't take."
"You'll never know what would happen if you don't do it."
"Trust Zoey and go for it. That's what I'm hoping to do soon. I got the shark face. I'm ready to go."
"That's what you call shooting your shot, alright? And that's the mentality you need to be elite."
"If you don't take your chances, it makes it hard."
"If you don't shoot, you don't score. If you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the lottery. People, you have to shoot more."
"Sometimes you just gotta take that step forward."
"Life is too short, man. You just gotta give things a shot."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots that you don't."
"Now is the time; the clock is ticking. If you never shot your shot then you will always wonder what if."
"Shoot your shot. I feel like this could be in business, work, literally moving—pretty much anything like that."
"Life is short... I've always understood that life is short and then we've got this one chance and that it's worth it to try to make something big out of it."
"If you don't take your chances, you don't score goals. If you don't buy a lottery ticket, you can't win the lottery."
"Now is the time to take a leap of faith, now is the time to take a risk, take a chance to a new beginning."
"You miss a hundred percent of the shots that you never take."
"Don't live with regrets. You regret what you didn't do."
"And if there's hope there then you must give it a shot and see if it works."
"When you feel like you really want to do something, you should just take a leap and go for it."
"You're gonna miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
"Shoot your shot because chances are it will go well for you."
"If you never try, you never will get to the next level."
"You gotta respect it. The man knows he's got one shot, he's gonna take it."
"You're gonna know when it's the time to leap and leap you will."
"Taking that leap of faith, you know, you have to walk all the way to the edge of your fears and then just jump. Or else it's never gonna happen."
"That risk was a risk worth taking because your life is a risk that's worth fighting for."
"Shoot your shot, my group twos. You will not fail."
"You gotta risk it for the biscuit, you know what I mean?"
"If you don't jump in the water, you will never learn how to swim. This is a clear sign that the new gateway is about to open."
"What do you have to lose? Shoot your mother effing shot!"
"You need to shoot your shot here, Sagittarius."
"I'm so grateful that you took a chance on this relationship."
"I just took the chance, and you responded. So yes, here we are."
"You never know until you take the first step."
"Now he saw that there was nothing to lose in trying."
"They're going to take a risk and go for this connection."
"It's worth a 60-70 shot... it's absolutely worth that shot."
"Don't be afraid to jump sometimes you're the plan."
"We gotta risk it for the biscuit, right?"
"If you don't shoot your shot, you miss 100% of your shots."
"When will I know I'm ready to take a chance? Man, take a chance. Go to that edge and just jump. Take a leap of faith."
"It wasn't anything dramatic, but I remember being like, oh man, like I'm gonna regret not giving this a shot."
"If you have your eye on a person, I would just shoot your shot."
"I always wanted to learn new things and take chances and experience new stuff."
"I think that everyone needs to sit down and question yourself and question your choices and actually think, is this making me happy? Am I doing these things because I want to or because this is what I've always done?"
"Take the shot and then this game he took the shot and hey it went in."
"Jump in. You're being asked to take a chance and give whatever you're questioning a try."
"You gotta shoot your shot, I'm telling you."
"Let's do it risky for the biscuit, bab. Let's do it!"
"I think it's worth a shot for something that we love."
"If you're not shooting, then you miss the shot."
"It's worth a risk, it's worth a go."
"You only live once in this life, and if you want to win, you got to try everything in life."
"Remember, it's impossible to hit the shots that you never take, so pull that trigger and shoot for your dreams."
"I always tell people, you know, go for it, see if you can reach out, that's the best way to do it."
"First you gotta learn how to fly, and you can't do that unless you jump."
"You know, don't doubt nothing unless you've tried it and you know you should always take your chances in life because you just never might not know."
"You should give it a shot, what the hell, you're going to do it anyways or you're going to regret it."
"I'm just so bold, I have to shoot my shot."
"I think I'm going to shoot my shot."
"If you don't ask, there's no chance at all."
"She had only one chance, and that was to use her head."
"I feel like you can shoot your shot and you probably won't miss because 100% of the shots you don't take, you miss."
"You just never know if you don't go."
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, man."
"Why not just go for it? There is nothing to lose."
"What would happen if I took a chance? It's always hard at first glance."
"Sometimes logic isn't the answer, it's just put your boat in the water. You can't catch them if you're not out in the water."
"If you don't try, you already have a no."
"Sometimes it pays just to have a go."
"Life is too short to not take chances on new experiences."
"It's a good area of the field to take a shot."
"Go for it or else you'll definitely regret it."
"Risk it for a biscuit, let's go and do it."
"You just got to go for it, don't be nervous."
"I feel that you are maybe looking to take a leap of faith towards some sort of dream."
"It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap."
"Shoot your shots, man. People be scared to shoot their shots."
"Once you blossom, baby, you're gonna... take advantage of what you got going."
"If you want someone, shoot your shot."
"Guys betting on themselves and taking the opportunity, there's nothing wrong with that."
"Sometimes when you got a hot hand, play it."
"If you like somebody you really feeling them and you're single, you might miss an opportunity to have a lifelong partner if you don't talk to somebody that you like."
"I'm just gonna be me, put myself out there and see what happens."