
OCD Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"Deconstruction is so exhausting... it's an incredibly courageous thing to do to turn your life upside down and to start all over."
"People with true obsessive-compulsive disorder... it's not just some cute disorder."
"I know who I am, and I know who I'm not, and not letting OCD kind of dictate that."
"Did you ever make up your own silly rules like don't step off the white line when you cross the road? It's called having OCD. I struggle with it every day. Thank you for bringing that up."
"He suffers from serious obsessive-compulsive disorder with many shortcomings."
"OCD is fundamentally a disorder of the self, characterized by self-ambivalence and contradictory self-representations."
"You guys save me I suffer from OCD and anxiety."
"The symptoms of inattention... might actually be a phenomenon related to the OCD."
"Previous suicide attempt is the most important risk factor for suicide."
"Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is the therapy of choice for OCD."
"He was eventually diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, yeah, that makes me empathize a lot more now."
"This single-handedly made my religious OCD and scrupulosity especially around the second coming so much worse."
"I've got the OCD for those even numbers and those milestones."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by recurrent, uncontrollable thoughts that are irrational and arise out of different fears."
"People think I'm OCD, but I'm not, I'm CDO, 'cause that's alphabetized."
"Functioning OCD just makes me happy."
"I found out a couple years ago that I have OCD. It explained a lot of things about my personality, both, and I found out you have it too, 100%. I feel like it's a superpower in a way."
"Usually these characteristics their typical onset is in childhood or adolescence as it shows up in once again the recurrence of the distressing thoughts or the repetitious behaviors."
"Someone with OCD though has the recurrence of this unwanted questioning over and over and over and over and over again to the point that they actually can't do anything else but think and worry about that."
"OCD is defined by three things: obsessions, compulsions, and the disordered loop between the two."
"...people probably think OCD is like oh yeah you have to clean up your room all this stuff no it's it's like it's not that at all..."
"If I ever want to tell people how OCD intrusive thoughts feel, it's the same visceral disgusting full of Shame feeling that this scene gives me."
"The treatment approach for OCD is to recontextualize thoughts as just thoughts, not facts."
"So far he's kept his OCD in check and is enjoying a life free of anxiety."
"OCD just makes you... it's [ __ ] up."
"It was not driving anxiety, it was OCD."
"There isn't enough dialogue about OCD and research."
"I'm just someone who has really struggled with OCD."
"I have so much anxiety before leaving the house because my OCD kicks in like crazy."
"The best advice I got from the judge is to stop being controlling and to control my OCD."
"I just hate to say that I'm cured from OCD and anxiety because I feel like these things are just like they just are gonna come up like they're never fully go away."
"My therapist thinks I'm being stubborn. You need to take that in. OCD sufferers are very stubborn in their case, their story, and when you try to mess with their stories, it's like, 'Yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but.'"
"Nailed it. So what you need is you need an understanding of How To Love Yourself the way that God loves you. All OCD suffers do not love themselves the way that God loves them, and that's what you need. Your problem is not the problem, it's a love issue."
"OCD is not as weird as you think and that really this is a problem for people who are too nice, too careful, and trying too hard. Thank you very much."
"No one in the history of time has ever got rid of OCD by giving into it."
"OCD is a con. It promises safety and comfort and steals the person's life."
"That is funny, man. You are like literally proper OCD."
"For my OCD clients out there, for those that love symmetry, that are geometry Majors, the star is going to be one for you."
"OCD symptoms can interfere significantly with a person's daily life, relationships, work, and overall well-being."
"When we have OCD, especially pure O OCD where it's thought-driven, thought-stopping techniques are just not enough."
"One huge OCD tic of mine is closing doors. I cannot stand doors being open for no reason, so every door in my home is shut almost 24/7."
"So for sure, seek a professional for this. It's totally worth it. Medications can also help with this OCD. But either way, one of the biggest things I want people to stop doing are the compulsions."
"I definitely do have a little bit of OCD like real real real for sure."
"I was ashamed of OCD because I actually thought, am I a bit crazy? I can't help it. It's who I am. I like tidy things, and it's the way I live."
"It's me letting my OCD go crazy and just being able to sort stuff and clean stuff and get everything back in order. And at the same time, I'm helping someone who needs it. So, I'm having so much fun. I love it."
"This has definitely been the best therapy I've had for my OCD."
"I think that mindfulness can be a very powerful adjunct to the treatment of OCD because it allows us to engage in the discipline of watching our brain speak to us in a way that's non-judgmental and, hopefully, non-reactive."
"OCD is a nightmare I wish I did not have it."
"OCD is not funny, it's not cleaning, it's not tidying, it's deadly."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized as frequent and repetitive irrational and intrusive thoughts, urges, or impulses."
"I think my OCD is getting worse, actually."
"To the extent that you eliminate compulsion and avoidance, you are better from OCD."
"The icons came about through that same OCD thing."
"Torine activates Gaba receptors and boosts Gaba levels in your brain, helping to reduce the symptoms of OCD."
"With regards to my OCD, it's quite nice because I think I'll go home tonight and think, 'Oh well, I've done that and I've touched that and I'm not sick.'"
"I have OCD which is a mental illness obviously, but I don't have the good kind where I like clean stuff. I have the disturbing kind where very intrusive thoughts like what if I accidentally kill my cat."
"Stop negotiating with these OCD thoughts, call their bluff."
"The OCD journey is actually learning how to strengthen your identity."
"A lot of people throw out that term like 'oh my god I'm so OCD,' when they are not OCD. They're just concerned."
"Join a community of people experiencing relationship OCD and anxiety."
"Learning about OCD and researching it often can kind of help you uncover the patterns in your own brain which eventually can help you break them."
"It's not so much what's coming into your mind, it's how you interpret it, and OCD sufferers have a very harsh condemning, shaming interpreter is really really important."
"Let me try to figure this out. Let me try to get to certainty. Let me try to prove that I'm okay. That's a compulsion. So if you notice yourself engaging in ruminating and then like, 'Oh wait, let me return back to the present moment,' you're really doing response prevention."
"Exposure and response prevention can help with intrusive thoughts. They are considered typically a form of OCD, which does respond very well to ERP therapy."
"Our main treatment for OCD is going to be antidepressants."
"...if you didn't have to get into OCD thoughts of the content and face the fears, there would be no exposures ever used."
"To recover from OCD, you must be willing to make sacrifices. Your brain sends false signals, and you must decide whether, for the sake of your long-term recovery, you are willing to sacrifice the quick relief from your anxiety."
"Mindfulness is an essential tool in the treatment of OCD. Be aware in the present moment of the independent activity of your brain as it generates distress signals. Observe rather than react to the distressing cognitive associations produced by your brain."
"I take it and I try not to think about it. My OCD will make me spiral."
"OCD is more than you think and it affects more people than you would assume."
"Yes, you can describe a lot of these behaviors under the umbrella of OCD. And so the CD is a... it's a disorder because you call something a disorder because it's causing you more trouble than it's helping you."
"I have anxiety and OCD, so it's a vibe."
"It's not all bad news. There are some people you want to have OCD. It's a good idea for your pilot to have a little, a little titch, exactly."
"I wish I had to put my blocking and had the TV a little more centered, a lot of y'all have spoken up about man, holy moly, my OCD's wigging out that your TV is not centered."
"OCD is all about doubt, I mean if you think of the nickname of OCD it's the doubting disorder."
"OCD has never allowed anyone to feel 100% sure."
"In the world of what if, almost anything can become potentially possible."
"OCD can screw with it and make you doubt it because that is just the nature of OCD."
"OCD is one of the top 10 most disabling disorders in the world."
"OCD lies to you folks, it lies to us."
"...it's a game for people that are sort of borderline undiagnosed OCD. We love going round and round in circles and repeating the same thing over and over and over again."
"OCD is treatable, so it doesn't matter what the theme is."
"We cannot 'what if' our way out, we cannot think our way out, we certainly can't trust our feelings when it comes to all that because that is gonna, if we are engaging in those, are all gonna say 'this was not OCD, you're just messed up or this is real or whatever.'"
"If it is OCD, treat it by teaching her how to deal with not knowing if the bad thing is going to happen."
"The degree of focus it takes to remain in OCD or to run continuous thinking loops is amazing. Imagine how productive a person would be if they put the same amount of effort into their recovery."
"OCD sits on top of anxiety; stop focusing on your symptoms, start exploring the causes."
"Your OCD thoughts do not mean anything; they are just what your subconscious is using to try to trap you."
"Remember that in OCD, the problem is not the anxiety. The problem is the compulsions."
"Um, well, you know, some people think that I'm joking about OCD. I'm like, no, I'm fully not. I'm not making that up as like a 'haha, I have OCD.' It's like, no, no, it's a very, uh, pain in my ass."
"The unsub is not a classical serial arsonist. He's someone who uses fire because of a completely different disorder which is an extreme manifestation of OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder."
"The way you talk to your OCD is important. If you're going into it like a battle... it may well get angry back at you. So when you're talking to yourself... what I'd like you to try and do is to use a calm and soothing voice."
"Let me just get through my name is Ethan if you don't know me. I'm the National Ambassador for the International OCD Foundation."
"Understanding the moral component of what drives you to do compulsions is an asset. And the short version is: don't be so hard on yourself, right? Understand that being hard on yourself is part of the OCD."
"The function of the OCD network of the brain is to say, 'Oh no, is there anything bad happening? Oh no, is there anything I need to fix?'"
"Anytime someone is trying to know for sure that it's harm OCD and not their feared state, they're really feeding the beast."
"The act of trying to prove it is a humongous compulsion."
"It's that urgency, 'I must do it now or else I will feel awful,' that lets you know you're in compulsion territory."
"If you feel like your pants are on fire and you need to do a behavior but your pants aren't on fire, you're probably near a compulsion."
"Harm OCD is treatable. That doesn't mean that the thoughts go away entirely, but we're able to experience much less distress."
"People suffering from OCD suffer obsessions about a particular object or process and then compulsions to carry out a specific action."
"OCD is very distressing to the human being that has it."
"Intrusive and unwanted thoughts are large components of OCD."
"OCD is the disorder of a thousand faces."
"OCD can make you doubtful about absolutely anything under the Sun."
"Even though I can't stop my obsessive thoughts, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder really is significantly a brain mental health disorder."
"My suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder could be completely different and completely minor compared to what somebody else has, and I recognize that, but that doesn't make what I suffer with any less significant."
"OCD isn't just cleaning, yes that's so true."
"The World Health Organization published a list of the top 10 most debilitating conditions, and OCD ranked sixth."
"OCD picks up on the things you're most scared of and uses them against you."
"OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder."
"The best way to stop the cycle of OCD is just to stop the fight."
"You are not a monster and you are not a freak, you are just a person living with OCD."
"People with OCD have some level of insight, aware that their thoughts and behaviors are kind of unreasonable."
"Cognitive diffusion... is also really helpful for OCD."
"The hallmarks of obsessive-compulsive disorder are obsessions, these intrusive thoughts that increase anxiety, and accompanied with compulsions, which are repetitive behaviors."
"OCD is a very misunderstood diagnosis."
"OCD is technically an anxiety disorder, although OCD type disorders have their own category in the DSM."
"Scrupulosity is a form of OCD involving religious or moral obsessions."
"Healing from OCD will at times feel like the equivalent of a drug addict coming off of a drug."
"A 70% reduction in OCD symptoms with the SSRI group rather than the placebo group."
"You don't have OCD because you like things organized or clean. OCD is horrible and debilitating."
"If someone has OCD and they have intrusive thoughts and those intrusive thoughts are racist, that doesn't mean that person is racist."
"People with OCD are tortured by these thoughts and they're forced to hear them against their will."
"Yeah, mental health, where's my mental health? Diagnosed with OCD, what does that mean? Well, gather 'round."
"I am an advocate for OCD, particularly pure OCD."
"Do not ever let OCD dictate what you are or aren't going to do in life."
"Don't let OCD stop you from life; you can still do anything that you want with OCD."
"Go live life, whatever you would do if you didn't have OCD, do it anyway."
"Keep fighting. OCD sucks, but there's treatment, you're not alone, and recovery is possible for anyone."
"Some people talk about being OCD, they talk about being perfectionist, neither of those things is a good thing."
"I'm an advocate for pure OCD, which is a community name for individuals with experience intrusive thoughts and mental rituals."
"I'm also the author of 'Pure OCD: The Invisible Side of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder'."
"I am an advocate for OCD, in particular the community named pure OCD, which is the name of my memoir."
"Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is different than OCD; it is a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control."
"The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are not the result of another psychiatric disorder present or caused by a medical condition or substance abuse."
"I'm an advocate for OCD, particularly pure OCD, which is a community name for how OCD manifests with intrusive thoughts and mental rituals."
"OCD is a lifelong commitment that you have to live with and try to control. When you control it and use it in a good way, then you can inspire other people or, in my case, try to find the good in it."
"OCD is not a fun thing to have, it is not defined as person who likes to clean."
"A person with OCD suffers from thoughts they do not want to have."
"Hello, my name is Chrissy Hodges, I'm a mental health advocate especially for OCD."
"I am a certified peer support specialist here in the state of Colorado, working to support individuals worldwide who live with obsessive-compulsive disorder."
"OCD is OCD. It can manifest in all different kinds of ways."
"I cannot trust my brain to convince me that I'm experiencing OCD, but the one thing I can trust is my behavior."
"The fuel for OCD is for us to continually engage with it."
"You're never going to know it's OCD... because it feels so real."
"Don't let OCD stop you from living your life; it can come alongside you, it can walk with you."
"OCD is not who you are; it is an illness, a medical condition."
"You have probably been suffering for months with OCD... but you still got to get up and you still got to try."
"OCD does not change the person that you are... you can do whatever you want, even if anxiety is there."
"One strength of the use of drug therapy for OCD is the research evidence showing its effectiveness."
"Self-compassion work is important everywhere, it might be more important in OCD than anywhere else."
"Letting OCD run the show for the rest of your life is just unacceptable."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder... is not a fear of a real life thing, it's purely fear of the person's own thought."
"You can learn to manage this and live a normal life every single day whether OCD shows up or not."
"I'm an advocate for OCD, particularly I like to talk about pure OCD."
"You are not alone if this is the secondary fear that you have: 'What if I don't have OCD and my obsessions are real?'"
"What did I do to deserve this? There is no cause and effect other than the cause is you have OCD, the effect is you have symptoms."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by having intrusive thoughts... and also compulsive actions which you engage in to neutralize those thoughts."
"That OCD is just being clean or organized is a misconception; it's a lot more and a lot worse than just that."
"OCD is a very serious illness and can destroy someone's life."
"I'm a mental health advocate particularly for OCD or pure OCD."
"I'm the author of Pure OCD: The Invisible Side of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder."
"OCD wins if I don't make a decision, if I don't take the risk and live with the uncertainty."
"What if this is the year that you decide I'm gonna push back and I am NOT gonna let OCD control me anymore."
"100% of OCD sufferers are incredibly hard on themselves."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy is a very powerfully impactful treatment to relieve the symptoms of OCD."
"Those of you that know my cleanliness levels and my OCD, I don't want to put anything in here until I've given it as much of a good clean out as I possibly can."
"It highlights how important it is to raise the awareness levels of OCD to tackle the ignorance surrounding the condition."
"It's extremely damaging, the way the public perceive it as nothing more than a cleaning thing."
"People need to know about the real OCD."
"If you think you have OCD, or if you're worried about it, please get help, the sooner - the better."
"The more we make others aware of what OCD really entails, the less people will decide to use OCD to represent a joke."
"And anybody with OCD, it is what it is. You'll deal with it step by step, issue by issue."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder... it's a part of you, but it's not you."
"When you have OCD, if you don't understand the seriousness behind it, you won't understand the frustrations."
"That was a breakthrough in the treatment of OCD."
"If you have like super OCD, I apologize; it's not exactly lined up, but it's close enough."