
Disaster Preparedness Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"The rich, the powerful, and the politically connected would be the ones guaranteed underground hideaways when fire starts falling from the sky."
"But small in comparison to the massive quake expected to hit the Pacific Northwest, one that would be stronger than the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami which killed thousands in Japan."
"Referred to as the Doomsday Vault, this facility in Norway is supposed to provide supplies to people if there is a great disaster."
"Everything's fine I'm here in the Caribbean everything's fine but if a major hurricane comes it's not going to be fine so I need to prepare now and have some extra food and water and things available in case there is some major disaster."
"We do need to look at everything from emergency shelters to radio masts for emergency broadcasts, earthquake sensors, tsunami warning buoys, weather radars, and a deep space radar for meteors."
"With just 10 compressed blocks or cans of vacuum-sealed bags of these, you could be eating well long beyond any disaster."
"Government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen's responsibility to be prepared for a disaster." - President Obama
"If we have direct tsunami detection in the open sea, we can forecast how big the tsunami will be."
"There's still time to come up with an escape plan and stay away from the looming disasters that are approaching us, so you need to act right now."
"We really prepare for the worst possible scenario."
"A pandemic of even moderate impact may result in the single biggest human disaster ever."
"The wake-up call should just be knowing that you live in an area where earthquakes are common or can happen. How we build and where we live can be the difference between life and death."
"This is about national defense, about keeping communities safe and secure, and saving lives."
"Having adequate supplies on hand when disaster strikes is critical."
"There's really no reason to panic, just make sure you have multiple ways to receive alerts and have a tornado action plan in place."
"An EMP has the potential to disrupt the grid and damage technology."
"It's time to focus our attention on the importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten our lives, property, and homeland."
"Keep gas and Battery tanks at least half full throughout the entire season."
"Start evacuating if you've been asked to evacuate."
"It is critical to protect against the potential damage of an EMP event could cause."
"Prevention is better than the cure, so knowing how to recognize the warning signs of a possible tsunami, and getting away from lowground, will always be better than any decision you may make in the midst of the rushing waves."
"The next big one is a matter of when, not if."
"Do not build where the tsunami is going to hit."
"Start where you're at... focus on your ability to escape a disaster zone."
"Earthquakes happen. I get so much more out of watching."
"When you prepare for one type of disaster, you prepare for a multitude of disasters."
"The people who think that that is not the eye are the ones who are going to die, you're the ones that go outside and get blown away."
"Community is at the core of any successful disaster preparedness."
"Mitigation is the key word here and we need to get better at that."
"One of them a direct hit on Henryville High luckily the school had evacuated its pupils before disaster struck."
"The Storm Dragon herself could be present in a city so woefully underprepared."
"The governmental structure of the Philippines, the lack of severe storms impacting Visayas, government distrust, and widespread poverty created a perfect example of complete and total failure in disaster preparation."
"Every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring a scientist."
"When disaster strikes, where are you gonna go and how are you gonna get there? That is the purpose of today's video. Let's get to it."
"Almost any disaster is...be aware and prepared for it."
"This catastrophic event stands as a stark reminder of the suddenness and importance of explosion safety measures."
"Take it from someone who's been through hurricanes: Preparation matters."
"Who is to say that we won’t encounter another hurricane, flood, or tornado that won’t dismantle yet another nuclear reactor on the same level as Fukushima?"
"Out of all the scenarios that we would probably face forcing us out of our home, fire would be the most likely."
"Even a little planning can minimize the impact of disasters upon us when they do occur."
"Life, both of these hard and soft skills are equally valid when we're talking about how to survive any sort of disaster or life-threatening."
"If we abandon God's salvation in the last days, then no matter how much material wealth we possess, and no matter how high our social status might be or how great our power is, it won't save us from a disaster."
"If you're not prepared for an earthquake, you're a fool."
"Thankfully, we know a lot more than we used to about tornadoes and are safer than ever."
"No one knows which cities would be hit first, but it’s likely that New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, or Washington, DC would all be contenders."
"Not a lot of people have been talking about a disaster that has kind of been in the making for over 100 years."
"It's not a matter of if it will happen, it is a matter of when."
"What if... the largest asteroid hit Earth? Okay, let's get the terminology out of the way."
"The sooner we discover an asteroid heading our way, the safer we'll be."
"If they prepare properly and heed the evacuation order, these are survivable events."
"Contrast enables you to tell subtle differences."
"We took necessary steps to remove neighbors in case something like this were to occur."
"Tragedies are somber reminders that preparedness is a shared responsibility."
"Each step we take to become better prepared makes a real difference."
"If you want to stop a tsunami, build down not up. You heard it here first."
"If you feel an earthquake and you're near the coast or a body of water, that is your warning that a tsunami may come and you should evacuate to high ground immediately."
"Those people that recognized the signs and moved immediately away, they were saved."
"Prepping for a national disaster that will last more than 90 days may seem extreme but it should be your minimum goal."
"One day it will be a real virus, not like this, like a zombie virus or you're going to have an electromagnetic pulse problem when you won't have electricity for a year."
"It is now inevitable deadliest creatures... safe evacuation routes have been established."
"Human beings are complex creatures... acting in such a way to make it likely, if not certain, that our grandchildren are going to face terrible disasters."
"Prepare for the worst because we are living on the conditions that you could have never invented."
"Approach energy as a primary prep, figure out what your bare bones minimum would be after a disaster."
"For most, the threat of a natural disaster is probably bigger."
"And when the rain starts falling, it's too late. It's too late."
"In his case, he was gonna help his entire city live through survive an earthquake and show that God knew this was coming."
"It's not so much that I'm going to be highlighting the disasters themselves but it's what you should be able to do about them."
"Prepare an emergency supply kit and create an evacuation plan in the event of a tsunami."
"Natural disasters still are a huge threat to us."
"Sleep is probably one of the least talked about aspects of post-disaster readiness."
"Experts can't pinpoint when the big one will happen and whether it will be as big as they're speculating it to be."
"The moment the sun takes out power, there's no travel, there's no prepping, you are where you are with what you got."
"These items will become so much more valuable after a shtf situation happens so now it's the time to stock up on these things before something was to happen."
"Think about when a hurricane is heading toward the United States, how quick does water bread and other supplies sell out when the shtf people will start panicking and looting all these items will be gone super quick."
"The act of preparing with supplies and evaluating scenarios is like a rehearsal when the disaster does strike."
"With a serious flood, it's important to contain the water; anyone unable to escape before the doors of the crossover Caverns shut tight would be trapped inside."
"La Palma, to sum it up, I think this is something we should never be afraid but always be prepared, right? Prepared not scared."
"Our community is full of great examples on how to survive a disaster."
"Massive population shifts which will basically diminish the death toll... people have prepared."
"Prepare for the worst. If the worst doesn't happen, you don't lose anything. If the worst happens and you're not prepared, you lose everything."
"Knowing how a disaster unfolds allows you the opportunity to prepare for it."
"We are at risk to have a much bigger disaster."
"When will the Prime Minister follow through on commitments for essential infrastructure especially for evacuation and fire preparedness in our North?"
"Not everything has to be preparing for actual shtf end of the world style scenarios but a lot of us still don't even prepare for the basic necessities in case there's a random natural occurrence."
"California has lived in resolute expectation of the big one for decades."
"You'll have to wait for the disaster and try it out for yourself."
"It's not about prepping for the end of the world; it's about keeping your family safe during any crisis."
"Love connecting with you all out there, but we've got to get prepared for a hurricane."
"Post-disaster chaos: Prepare for the worst, hope for the best."
"When disaster strikes, staying inside your home is almost always your best option."
"For the good of the channel and your life, I highly recommend getting a solar generator."
"Your chances of survival when a tsunami hits come down to a mixture of preparation and sheer luck."
"Our civilization would not make it through [a cataclysm]. We're not psychologically prepared to survive a cataclysm on that nature."
"Prepare as if this is going to be a category 4 hurricane."
"They say that you can expect a super outbreak like this every 40 years in the U.S."
"We must wake up and get as prepared as possible."
"When it comes to hurricanes, be prepared. Take what's important to you and evacuate if necessary."
"Ultimately, if we can make better buildings, stronger buildings, perhaps we can modify our evacuation policies."
"The engineers made this extraordinary bridge uniquely earthquake-proof with unprecedented solutions."
"Hurricanes and tornadoes are a constant concern for Americans, and this is why they are not only designing innovative tools but also state-of-the-art shelters."
"Beijing's subway system is designed with earthquake resistance features that allow it to withstand tremors, a critical capability not integrated into many older subway designs around the world."
"There is a huge list of lower-cost everyday items we need to have available when disaster strikes."
"No one is prepared for a disaster of this magnitude."
"We hope we can get the water, the food, the batteries, everything here at one stop at Walmart. It's super busy here. But it is very busy."
"So we did end up finding some water! I'm super happy because I wasn't thinking we were going to find any water."
"They built the Katrina barrier in seven years so Katrina happened seven years later they had a storm surge barrier so why don't we have one 10 years later I want to know."
"I recently completed the original trilogy and loved it to death. It means so much to me."
"The plans to rebuild Moore would incorporate a more tornado-friendly and safe city, which is a very good thing because moving forward, we know that Moore would experience and two more violent tornadoes and an F4 from 2003 and of course the EF5 in 2013."
"It doesn't matter the severity of the disaster. If you're not prepared, the disaster is as equally disastrous."
"The richer a country it is, the better prepared it will be to withstand the effects of natural disasters."
"How do we prepare for the ever-present danger of volcanic eruption?"
"Japan's vulnerability to seismic activity and natural calamities has increased which is why the sky mile Tower was conceived."
"Our whole plan is to have a lot of people with really good equipment, very capable equipment. We're not trying to blow these things up with lots and lots of markup. We want these within reach of most people."
"Witness the elaborate techniques designed to deal with flooding, heavy rainfall, and provide high-speed decontamination."
"Essential tips so you can navigate an outdoor disaster."
"Build this after disaster from materials that you can gather or build a dry filter and put it in your prep so it's ready when you need it."
"Our long-term planning... involved looking at what we call both dry defense and wet defense."
"So while deep below us an angry hell is churning and waiting for its moment you can sleep well tonight learning how we can get ahead of catastrophes like claridge."
"If you think there's nothing you can do when disaster strikes, think again."
"Your AOP, aka your disaster plan, needs to be based on a risk analysis."
"There remains only one thing we can do about earthquakes: we can build better. It is not earthquakes that kill people, buildings do."
"California has made the largest financial commitment to earthquake risk reduction in the country."
"If you believe there might be a risk of flooding during rainfalls, consider elevating your property."
"The biggest and most probable threat that we face is natural disasters."
"After a disaster, having the ability to stay informed and being able to communicate with both others locally and with those outside of the impacted area will all be critical."
"When there's a disaster, all bets are off; you're on your own."
"Finland has one of the most comprehensive disaster response systems of any country in the world."
"Not everybody is going to see extreme wind damage, which is obviously great news, but you want to prepare for that possibility."
"He has directed his Intergovernmental Affairs staff to remain in contact with governors and mayors in the path of the storm."
"We're very well prepared for the incoming hurricane."
"For every dollar spent before the disaster in resilience building will save seven times the investment in avoided loss and damage."
"The event is inevitable, so all of us actually need to plan for that event."
"Nevertheless, I am scientifically and personally distressed that we did not accurately foresee the scale of the events of May 18th."
"Crowded public spaces can lead to stampedes, panic, and difficulties in evacuation during a disaster."
"Disaster events as a potential threat to your business and there should be a proper disaster recovery plan in place."
"This means that even in the face of a catastrophic tornado, improved designs and safety procedures might be able to save lives and property."
"The underground bunker... was built to endure hard-hitting man-made and natural disasters as well as a nuclear strike."
"I'm going to invest more than a $1.25 in disaster preparedness for me and my family."
"A safe room is a specially designed, hardened, windowless structure inside a home meant to provide protection from flying debris."
"Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what disaster may occur on the earth."
"This changes our life forever, it does, it showed us that we need to take stuff like this more serious."
"We are prepared for a disaster; this is where this really comes in handy."
"If we would have another major eruption... how would our society react?"
"Early warning systems that enable people in flood-prone areas to vacate need to be put in place."
"This goes over what to do to prepare for a lot of different issues, you know, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, everything."
"The next catastrophe is right around the corner, and we are not prepared."
"The facility also contains a bunker where top-ranking government officials would go in the event of a serious disaster compromising national security."
"We're trying to make sure that everyone is properly prepared for whatever is coming your way."
"If you have no basement, crawl under heavy furniture in the center of your house."
"If caught outdoors, get into a ditch. Stay away from overhead wires."
"Follow the animals. Insects, rats, and snakes leave their homes a couple of days before really big earthquakes."
"The country is spending money on warning systems and evacuation."
"Prepare for the natural disasters that are common in your area."
"If an earthquake strikes while you are inside, remember to drop, cover, and hold on."
"Make sure you have an adequate set of supplies for your shelter."
"Rotate your batteries; you don't know when a disaster's going to strike."