
Energy Consumption Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"If you want to have any kind of robot, the power consumption is a key bottleneck, same for self-driving cars. If we want to build AI without contributing to global warming and climate change, let alone use AI to solve climate change, we really need to address these issues."
"It's the issue of how do we adapt to lower energy and material throughput while the ecological environmental situation is getting worse."
"The energy that the brain takes as you move from birth up through five years of age... is one of the most energy-expensive periods of brain growth in childhood."
"Raise your hand for just a minute if you believe that Elon Musk, arguably the most intelligent person to walk this Earth right now, who runs arguably the largest car and aerospace companies in the world, just suddenly realized that Bitcoin uses electricity."
"The energy consumption of the United Kingdom...is as if we've all got 125 light bulbs on all the time."
"Look how much electricity she's using: string lights, neon, lava lamp, and it's daytime. Shine on, baby."
"25% of the total energy in your whole body is used to operate your brain."
"Innovations in energy storage and consumption."
"Honestly, it takes way more energy to be negative than to be positive."
"I do think that you're going to see a lot more things come out about being eco-friendly and less energy consumptive."
"Now they have enough people for the tournament."
"The Kardashev Scale is an approach to measurement of a civilization’s power usage."
"Consciousness takes a lot of brain power. It burns up a lot of energy. Your brain uses eighty percent of the available blood sugar in your bloodstream anytime you're consciously engaged or cognitively engaged."
"Your brain is one of the biggest consumers of energy."
"The long arc of the human endeavor is we grind out more primary energy every year, not less."
"Someone know how much this energy meter consumes hashtag electricity."
"The Kardashev scale is a purely hypothetical scale based on our human understanding of technology and energy production that is the better your technology the more energy you'll be able to consume."
"The brain has more mitochondria in it than any other organ in the body by far. It's not even close."
"Bitcoin itself right now is it might be using 0.1 percent of the energy in the world. It's negligible."
"Muscles make up about 40 percent of your body weight and use up about 20 percent of your energy at rest."
"A machine that pointlessly uses energy to pointlessly dry household waste... just raised another seven or so million dollars on Indiegogo."
"I guess so, you can see that power consumption at night just goes through the roof with all the lights."
"We're burning a hell of a lot more coal today."
"Your fun utility vehicle uses four times less than the average car."
"That's the trifecta of Tesla: how we store energy, how we consume energy, how we produce energy."
"Total system power consumption is a better reflection of how much it costs to run."
"When you view people as evil, it takes energy."
"Humans use more power than the sun... the electricity will come from massive solar power ramp-up."
"Our financial situation right now, our financial systems right now, like you were just saying Max, take an exorbitant amount of power."
"Realize if you are consuming flesh, you are also absorbing that energy."
"Ethereum 2.0 transition is going to dramatically cut the energy use."
"The average household in the U.S. spends about 12 percent of their entire home energy expenditures just on air conditioning."
"Bitcoin electricity usage dropped 25%, crypto clamp down only way of controlling the wild west of finance."
"Once I got into Windows, the system actually drew about 3 Watts less from the wall."
"I think a good future would look like, you know, we really substantially transferred to sustainable generation and consumption of electricity."
"Proof of work basically means you need to expend energy to acquire the value of the money."
"Our ability to produce, consume, and use energy seems to scale almost indefinitely."
"In order for Humanity to have a good future of the century, we have to figure out a way to sustainably produce and consume energy."
"The M1 Max barely sipped 90 watts, while the Legion needed a monstrous 270 watts."
"It's projected that 2023 oil consumption around the world is going to be at a record high."
"The brain has an enormous energy need that isn't supplied by glucose alone."
"Vision is so important to humans that almost half of your brain capacity and 25% of our day's energy is dedicated just in seeing."
"It's not sensible that we're ending up with three-ton-plus family cars with big battery packs doing two miles per kilowatt hour."
"The A770 is generally about as strong as an RX 6650 XT while consuming RX 6800 levels of energy."
"Appliances like televisions, stereos, and chargers, even if they're on standby, still pull some sort of power."
"While those percentage increases have slowed, we're still talking about 73 TWh of electricity consumption for US data centers in 2020 alone."
"Bitcoin consumes 113 terawatt hours per year while the banking system consumes 263.00 terawatt hours per year."
"Astros Playroom is a real game. It's on the console. It seems to peak it to the max power consumption."
"Bitcoin mining because of its energy consumption has the ability to reduce emissions from methane."
"Electric cars offer an entirely new paradigm of refueling."
"Home energy is definitely spilling over into December as well."
"Our rough calculation is that it's about 300 terawatt hours needed to transition the world to a sustainable energy economy."
"Every part you add costs more energy to fire, so sure, build a forty barrel gun if you want."
"Renewables share in total final end-use consumption needs to accelerate six-fold."
"It's a global problem and a global problem of how humans get our energy."
"Bitcoin uses too much power, it's a waste of energy, right? Well check this out."
"They produce less heat and consume less power."
"The brighter a star the faster it burns up all its Fuel and the shorter its life."
"An electric car of course it still uses power, alright, so what's up with that? Why is it good rather than sort of neutral or bad or equal, right?"
"Our brains use more than 20% of our body's energy, even when we're resting."
"Bitcoin is literally this system of converting energy into indisputable truth about who owns what."
"You're not capturing the carbon dioxide for free. In fact, you're gonna have to burn even more fossil fuel to get the power to run the carbon capture equipment."
"At full boat this rig is going to pull a lot of power."
"The larger system draws a lot more power, 463 watts on average."
"Being fake requires way more energy than being who you are, way more. I fully agree with that. I just tell people, I get paid to play characters on television. Yes, that's the only time you're going to see me play a character, that's it."
"Bitcoin uses more energy is definitely not true. It's about one-seventh of that."
"Bitcoin's energy use is the amount of money spent to secure the network, a ratio of the market cap."
"Well, on electricity only we averaged four point eight miles per kilowatt hour which is pretty incredible..."
"The human brain is the most energy-hungry organ in our body."
"Bitcoin accounts for one percent of one percent of all the energy usage on the planet."
"It was purpose-built miners, those miners could be consuming like 10 bucks a day."
"Consumption of energy is not directly indicative of carbon footprint. The source of that energy is far more important than the amount of energy that is used."
"The more energy bitcoin uses, the healthier humanity will be."
"Literally just white on the nakedness, there's nothing underneath it but joy."
"Sustainability must be prioritized... how much energy do currencies consume?"
"If they truly care about sustainability and carbon reduction, you can't be in a system where there's no built-in mechanism to constrain energy consumption." - Charles Hoskinson, IOHK CEO
"We never ate that way... we only ate from the light of the sun because we are electricity and energy."
"Throughout this drive for world domination in the name of communist dictatorship their use of fossil fuels especially coal and oil have soared."
"China buys more oil from other countries than anyone else in the world."
"Bitcoin mining is cleaner consumption of power than the US dollar"
"Know your annual electricity consumption to determine the appropriate size of the solar PV system."
"Your entire Modern Life is predicated on oil, whether you believe it or whether you want to believe it or not."
"We use less than 100 watt hours per mile."
"'Isn’t mining a waste of electricity?' While there’s been a lot of criticism regarding the energy consumption that Bitcoin mining employs worldwide, there are various arguments against this claim as well."
"This means that the use of electricity worldwide is actually becoming more efficient."
"This is something that like you can keep your AC low, you can keep the same amount of energy, but like just no more inflation."
"We probably need to reduce our energy consumption by at least 20 or 30% over the next two or three decades just to be able to live on what we have left."
"But that's not the only cost. When you're running a cluster like this for weeks, it consumes a tremendous amount of energy."
"At some point, we will have to find other solutions for our energy consumption, and the time to start is now."
"China suddenly became the world's largest consumer of energy by 2009."
"Cloud-scale intelligence helps reduce energy consumption in buildings."
"As humankind has evolved, we've had to find new pieces of concentrated energy we can break down to drive the ever more demanding construction of our technologies, our cities, and our society."
"Hosting events in such a technologically advanced venue doesn't come cheap. The sphere's high-tech light and sound systems require a significant amount of energy."
"It takes the same amount of energy to do one Bitcoin transaction that it takes to power nine homes in the US."
"Your cells require x amount of energy, and if you're not consuming the energy that you need, then your body changes its hormone profile."
"The overhead from running an additional motherboard and CPU is probably going to be anywhere from 80 to 120 watts."
"It's like leaving your TV or monitor on even when you're not home. It'll be on for 24 hours a day seven days a week and eventually at some point, it's going to stop working."
"With the AC running, you can even hear the compressor running. It's nice and hot out there, and the lights on. We're currently still charging these batteries while using the AC."
"On our test, we've been getting only around two and a half miles per kilowatt hour."
"Problems, crisis, challenges - they'll consume energy long before you ever have to face them."
"Try and move the paradigm. If you start cutting down [energy consumption], it will make a significant impact worldwide."
"Crypto mining uses an enormous amount of energy, and it's inherently inefficient."
"We hardly use any electricity. We don't turn our lights on until pretty much after the sun goes down, so it's kind of cool."
"That means we can use, as long as the batteries have got enough power stored, up to 3,000 watts worth of stuff."
"While I've managed to get an ESP32 based device like this Fire Beetle board used in my weather station to run as low as 0.01 milliamps or at an average of 1 milliamp when transmitting data over Wi-Fi."
"Why would I want to go back to a country that makes up only 4.5% of the Earth's population but produces 177% of the Earth's garbage and consumes 24% of the world's energy?"
"I'm actually up to 103 miles per gallon which will come down as the engine does kick in but it's such a big difference by having that hybrid battery obviously if you go for the plug-in you will actually get 33 miles on pure battery before the engine kicks in."
"There's also an eco mode which lowers the consumption, which is pretty cool."
"...the human brain and brains in general are huge energy hogs."
"Use a kilowatt meter to know exactly how much power each device is using."
"Vampire power can account for somewhere between 10 and 20 percent of your energy bill."
"We're at 1.57 miles per kilowatt hour. We've put almost 20 megawatt hours through this truck, absolutely insane."
"What a stark difference from the last charging session where we were charged $35 for roughly the same amount of energy."
"So looking at what this does at the wall um you know right now in hive os it says 140 watts but you know hive os is not entirely accurate taking a look at the wall right now it actually says we're at 193 watts."
"I have a higher electric bill because I run the air conditioner in the summer at night. I don't open my windows anymore at night."
"I believe the most efficient vehicle on sale today at about 120 plus mpge."
"The entire blockchain consumes less than 0.1 percent of all the energy."
"...by some estimates by the year 2040 if we keep increasing our energy usage due to computing will exceed the power budget of the planet Earth."
"The reality is bitcoin takes up 0.1 percent of the world's energy supply as it is today."
"Proof of work is like a sucking hole in your economy. It pushes down the price of your token to an equal amount that it pushes up the price of electricity."
"The power quality of electrical distribution systems has a drastic effect on power regulation and consumption."
"Heating that shower water produces four and a half pounds of carbon dioxide per 10 minutes, or around three quarters of a ton of CO2 over a year's worth of showers for one person."
"The only point I want to leave you with here is that you're not actually using renewable electricity unless you have both the REC and the electricity."
"They just literally like Pac-Man, they munch on all the energy in the atmosphere until it's all ate up."
"If you consume less energy, then GDP economic growth goes down, which is a good thing for carbon emissions and ecological footprint."
"We're going to get it right by addressing the underlying cause of all of this, which is energy consumption."
"The global human economy is functioning as a single energy-hungry super organism."
"Utilizing this technique required an immense amount of energy in the order of millions of units."
"Like a fish completely unaware it is swimming in life-giving water, our modern society lives each day awash in energy services without realizing it."
"Home labs use power, and so we'll talk about a few things you might want to think about when you're designing your home lab."
"The brain takes a huge chunk of your basal energy."
"Laser communication systems are smaller and more efficient than radio wave technology; they leave more room for science instruments, are cheaper to launch, and require less energy on board the spacecraft."
"Big brains are not the natural end state of evolution; big brains are big drains on nutrition."
"The difference is a massive amount of power consumption between the two."
"The 234 watt hour per mile translates to 4.27 miles per kilowatt hour, right in that range there, which is incredibly efficient."
"The brain is only two percent of the body's weight but it uses 20 percent of the body's energy."
"That's how demanding thinking is on your body's resources, on your energy."
"The energy in buildings and the infrastructure which connects the movement of people and goods between those buildings accounts for 75% of the energy consumed in an industrialized society."
"Enter the Kardashev Scale, the celestial equivalent of an Intergalactic TripAdvisor, reviewing alien civilizations for their superior energy consumption or lack thereof."
"The brain is one of the body's organs that consumes the most energy."
"This thing is very efficient at using only 150 watt hours in a 24 hour period."
"Heating is the single biggest use of energy in your home."
"Bitcoin consumes 707 kilowatt hours per transaction whereas Dogecoin is just 0.12."
"We're using about 6 KW hours a day of electricity from the system."
"After three consecutive rainy days, if we have a sunny day, power demand goes down."
"Economy on electric vehicles is measured in miles per kilowatt hour of electricity rather than miles per gallon."
"Putting the world economy in a mini coma has cut fossil fuels used like crazy, which reduced the accumulation of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases, and slowed the rate of global warming."
"Intel has run studies and found that 51% of a microprocessor's power is consumed when driving signals through its interconnects."
"It only uses 240 watts for an air conditioner, which is a fifth of the power consumption of a conventional air conditioner."
"If we're going to have less impact on climate change, I don't think we can do it by burning natural gas in our walls."
"Power is instantaneous; it is the power dissipated or consumed or generated at that particular moment in time."
"Yes, it will have less performance, but it's also going to use less than half the wattage for the CPU."
"You can get some fantastic hash rate for a very limited amount of Watts, which is awesome."
"The mesial prefrontal cortex here and hyper ayatul precuneus here are the most demanding cortical nodes in the brain for glucose and energy."
"I was very impressed with the low power consumption of the P2 Pro."
"Unless oil is used more efficiently, supplies of crude oil could run out in the next 30 years."
"We still got about 3 days' worth of juice left, so that's looking pretty good."
"The Pentagon's energy use in one year could power all US mass transit systems for nearly 14 years."
"We're going to talk about the energy that you use in your homes and the energy that you use in cars."
"There's a correlation between my energy use from hour to hour and maybe day to day, and maybe week to week."
"My energy consumption, I'm going to argue, is going to be controlled at least in part by what the weather's doing outside."
"With all that power, the next question is, well, how much power does this actually use?"
"We are now hitting an all-time high powered by the beating heart of the superorganism and the energy dissipating structure that is the global society."
"AI is already consuming as much energy as a small country."
"The performance per watt is improved; the challenge has been to perform more and more computations consuming less and less power."
"Digestion is the most energy-consuming thing that your body does."
"We're building these enormous storage facilities for our data and that is a huge energy user."
"Air conditioners are heavy electricity consumers and it's mostly fossil fuels powering that electricity."
"Load shifting is changing our habits to use most of our electricity when it's cheapest to generate."
"Cultural entropy is the amount of energy that is consumed in an organization in doing unnecessary or unproductive work."
"In the United States, buildings account for approximately 39 percent of overall energy use and 72 percent of electricity consumption."
"China has a few weaknesses, and those weaknesses are its energy consumption and its irrational and hasty economic policies."
"The production of cement consumes approximately six percent of the world's energy."
"The whole consumption in a year equates to only seven households in Switzerland."
"AI is going to use electricity like you can't believe."
"The brain consumes 20% of the body's energy, although it makes up only 2% of a person's weight."
"EVs use substantially less energy than gas vehicles do, even when they are charged completely from a dirty grid."
"The energy bill is made up of how much energy you use in kilowatt-hour; you pay per kilowatt-hour."
"Imagination is information that's being generated and it's being generated by a system that must consume energy to generate it."
"This carbon will never exist again; it is a one-time magic power bonanza that we're extracting very rapidly."
"If you had these two batteries and you were a hundred days you lived in your coach and every day you killed your batteries and charged it up, which is really hard to do, you're going to be good for 20 years on these batteries."
"The concept is similar in washing machines; if you've got a wash that's around three and a half hours, then the amount of electricity is going to be a lot less than if you're doing a quicker wash."
"Our data centers actually consume only about half the energy of traditional data centers."
"The rapid increase in global energy consumption and the environmental impact of traditional energy sources has led to tremendously increased research activities on clean and renewable energy sources."
"Our brains make up around 2% of our body weight but consume 20% of our caloric intake."
"Our lifestyles are changing in such a manner that we are becoming more and more dependent upon this energy."
"Advanced civilizations use a lot of energy. Civilizations that are stuck in mud huts and don't have the internet and don't have washing machines and cell phones do not use a lot of energy."
"Making humanity into a multi-planet species uses a lot of energy."
"All life and all civilizations use a lot of energy."
"I spent many happy hours the other day plugging stuff in and measuring how much power I was consuming."
"Great returns on investment there; higher refresh rates consumed more but only a little bit more."
"Ultimately, we cannot go on increasing our energy usage globally on an indefinite basis."
"It's definitely a shame to see the industry veer off into big pickup trucks and huge SUVs that burn sometimes 10 times as much energy."