
Social Media Criticism Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"Don't fall victim to the Instagram likes and comments."
"The problem is there's no mechanism for solving this. Twitter is this corrupt, broken, evil machine."
"Delete all your social media accounts. Just stop. Don't do it. It's stupid. Stop doing it."
"Intimacy is the enemy of corporations, intimacy is the enemy of social media platforms, intimacy is the enemy of the state."
"Has anybody else noticed that the job of social media influencer has become code for online salesmen?"
"Social media has destroyed, I think, in many ways, our family, our children, our ideals. It's exploited and brought out the worst in people in many ways."
"No other woe of the modern age has made me want to take a cattle prod to the inventor of the steam engine more than social media."
"Is it because people are fed up with social media corporate elitism and the disaster of communication and censorship that we have in the United States? Well, yeah, that's definitely one of the reasons."
"True effortlessness, true coolness, true rejection of like this influencer culture would just to be not post on Instagram at all."
"Social media is a disease. It is not good for children to be on it."
"Social media makes it worse for many people... I think you can make an extremely compelling and strong argument that social media is not good for people under the ages of 18."
"Overall, social media has been a net negative for the American people."
"If a human being takes the time out of their day to consume your piece of content, consume it, and then spend time to leave a negative comment to you after consuming your content, think about how shitty that person's life is."
"I get that apps like TikTok make people happy and bring people together and all that good stuff, but to me social media has always been this glimpse into how petty, immature, and downright frightening human beings can sometimes be."
"Everyone sucks on Twitter, that's how this case feels right now."
"Society would thrive more without social media."
"Stop scrolling down to the [ __ ] comments. You don't need more dopamine." - Hamza
"Social media is a public proclamation extraction machine that sits there and gets this out of everybody and turns everybody into a cartoon of some [__] they never even thought that deeply about."
"The harm that social media does to the developing minds of children is clear enough to anyone willing to look."
"Twitter for me became like a malignant form of telepathy where I got to hear the most irrational, contemptuous, sneering thoughts of other people a dozen or more times a day."
"The real world isn't as horrible as the social media world can be."
"I genuinely hate Facebook. I think it's definitely one of the culprits of making Society uh society says int even dumber than it is."
"Any chance that I get to crap on Facebook is a day that I enjoy."
"People don't just want to be off social media themselves, they want everybody else to be off of social media because we all increasingly understand social media as something that we are collectively obligated to."
"Social media is melting the brains of humanity."
"Twitter's a failing company, it's a garbage platform filled with garbage people who just want to rag on you, lie about you, smear you."
"Teens blamed Instagram for increases in the rate of anxiety and depression."
"Jordan Peterson writing an article about the problem with twitter following him randomly calling a model ugly completely unprompted and running off the platform because other people were mean to him in response is so incredibly [ __ ] funny."
"I'm of the general view that we were happier as a country without social media and all this division that it allows."
"There are a lot of real reasons to be very skeptical of Facebook."
"When you're scrolling for so long, you're no longer like you're just existing but you're not living."
"Facebook, to me personally, feels like a platform that needs to be like [ __ ] cleansed off the face of the earth every day I sign onto it."
"Nobody gives a [__] about small creators on this platform, especially this damn platform, okay? This is about the political aspect of YouTube, basically feeling embarrassed and shamed."
"We know he's a lot of mouth and not always much action."
"Facebook is part of the downfall of society."
"Social media can be a dog-eat-dog world. People just jump on other people's downfall for some views. It's sad, it's very scary, honestly."
"I think the perverse incentives of social media lead to a lot of these behaviors."
"The thesis statement of this YouTube video is 'TikTok is the worst app on this planet and I'm here to prove why.'"
"I cannot wait to see how they nail it because y'all may know not a really big fan of I used to call it the face booking of VR but now I call it the metastasis of VR."
"I don't like about social media is that it makes art too disposable."
"We're replacing useful information with absolutely dog [__] yeah TikTok is just festered in my brain."
"Comments like these are so annoying. I wish Reddit would just go back to silver, gold, and platinum awards that don't take up half my freaking screen while I'm scrolling."
"Her content definitely does a great job at individually calling out the YouTubers in question."
"Real life is so much more important than social media."
"Social media is starting to become worse than mainstream media."
"Social media is the devil, preying on the worst of human vulnerabilities."
"I think the conversation has become too much about attention and followers and growth and not enough attention on value."
"Social media, of course, I call anti-social media... it's been so disastrous."
"Unfortunately, the way that social media corporations work is the algorithm encourages clout Chasers and grifters who engage in infantile ad hominem attacks."
"Social media builds on our cognitive deficits, it is intended to divorce us from reality and above all it is intended to divorce us from sane voices."
"If you don't engage with the people you love for good information, I think that is the single best way we can prevent the Town Square of Twitter from being turned into just a dollar machine for a billionaire."
"Social media algorithms funnel refuse back into the mouths of people in a human centipede of ideology."
"You don't have to show it on the Internet, we live in a world where everybody just wants views and clicks."
"You're completely in the right. Everyone should read. Social media is substanceless."
"Long story short, I think Shane Dawson's content is messy and unstructured."
"All of this complaining about social media, cancel culture, whining."
"I'm just saddened that these people feel like every single thing that happens to them in their life, everything especially with their kids, is just an opportunity to make content."
"Your sanity is more important than some clown making a video about you."
"Large Twitter accounts that always talk about how toxic Twitter is ruin it for the smaller accounts."
"I'm just kind of sick of seeing straight white boys pretend to be gay on YouTube, TikTok, whatever, just for views."
"Twitter is an absolute hell hole these days, anyways, onwards we go."
"Welcome to Twitter, where they cancel you if you don't toe the line with all of their opinions and [expletive]."
"If you don't conform to popular opinions but ask questions and think for yourself, you get campaigns. Welcome to Twitter."
"Facebook is the problem. It's become too powerful, pays [__] all taxes, promotes fake news, and then it tried to bully us, your government."
"It's crazy how I can't even explain how much they hate people from social media because they view it as unfair."
"Social media is cigarettes, okay? It's just gonna end up being the most harmful thing that people are just letting exist."
"It is time to ban Tick Tock not only is it a China's communist Enterprise it is grooming kids teens and even adults into absolute mush for brain morons."
"Social media is just the new soap opera that's all it is."
"How dare you assume that these people wanted their blindness cured, and even if they did, how dare you post this on the internet?"
"Twitter's view of racism is absolutely [ __ ] much like social media sites."
"Social media is the largest medical experiment in history where we allow strangers to pump in a powerful toxic drug right into kids' vulnerable Brains."
"Bottom line, get your news from the news. Don't believe everything you read on Facebook; those posts aren't always true and accurate." - Allison
"Social media is as [__] as people live in a fake life. The more followers you have, I can guarantee the more depressed those people will be lonely."
"She's just a dumb thought who isn't cute enough to have a simp army pay for her life just because she exists."
"Shut down the electronics and not to mention the stress and the headache that comes with being on social media."
"Social media is the devil... become monk yep."
"I think social media is a breeding ground for toxicity."
"Stop turning your worst impulses into content constantly."
"Just because somebody has a blue check mark doesn't mean that they're an end-all be-all in life."
"The mark of a great juicy trailer is when dislikes are disabled by the owner."
"Tick-tock is a dumpster fire that for some reason we just cannot stop watching."
"Don't let social media make you think you're wrong."
"How did Twitter, an intended tool for democracy, become its mirror, its inversion, a tool for censorship?"
"Facebook is pure garbage anymore. You're better off without it." - Trash Panda 365's opinion
"Social media can pretty much rot your brain, and I think what's happening on TikTok right now is a really good indication of that."
"I appreciate people that take themselves out of this whole consumerism and social media."
"Social media is making everybody pretty much one-dimensional, predictable and pretty much the same."
"It's one of those things, it's like, why would you do that? Why would you just get on Twitter?"
"Anyone who tries to downplay Kanye while vilifying people for posting one link on their Twitter are totally insane."
"Cancel culture makes social media weak. People are so afraid to say anything."
"I think it's outrageous that Twitter allows people to see the list of people who follow you."
"Facebook doesn't really give a damn about what your preference is."
"The Internet will tell you quickly, 'Black in,' and it will tell you, 'N***a, stop crying.'"
"The Internet is not your friend. Go to a relative, go to a friend that's live and touchable in front of you."
"Social media platforms have heavily prioritized engagement metrics over artistic merit, leading to the rampant devaluation of our hard work."
"Relationships are no good if they're only on TV, right? Right? Maybe you're only on Instagram, that's whack and lame."
"This is the biggest scam in human history. You are a sucker if you believe in this nonsense."
"It's really easy at midnight to put caps lock on your computer or your iPhone and tweet tough words but what does that mean?"
"The mere fact that you actually have the audacity to have an opinion and stand behind it is something that is just so catastrophic to the internet these days."
"I think a lot of what Trump says on Twitter is really dumb."
"Don't blame her, blame Mark Zuckerberg with his social media lies and his space lasers."
"Social media is toxic. Comparison is the thief of joy."
"Social media is a cancer, it really is a cancer."
"Outraged culture that exists on Twitter has a half-life of like three fucking days, it's gone."
"Facebook essentially amplifies the worst of human nature."
"I feel like Facebook and all of this, it's poisoning us and it's pushing us further apart."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes and picture."
"Pride cometh before the fall, and also, only idiots post to Facebook."
"The ad was immediately torn apart viciously and thoroughly on social media."
"It's completely addictive. Social media is built around compulsive behaviors, playing on all the flaws in our biological makeup that lead us to feeling completely hooked without realizing it."
"Don't let anyone in any comments sections of anywhere tell you you can't wear bright color."
"You're probably touching grass. It's terrible for them to make money but it's... the ultimate goal of all these social media companies."
"That's why I always say we have a second humanitarian crisis going on with our big tech social media platforms."
"Toxic femininity is very real, all-encompassing, and it will only grow because social media is unfortunately a cancer."
"This is what really pisses me off what pisses me off is that we're facing a crisis social media is propping up the most insane garbage people doing weird crazy things."
"A lot of people hate social media and don't want to be on it or even use it."
"Tick Tock has been good for many things, however, lately it feels like it's just been doing more harm than good."
"Haters gonna hate, and all social media is an absolute magnet for narcissists."
"Nobody signed up for so on social media platforms to be manipulated but that's actually what's happening on those platforms 24 7."
"It tastes like social media. Everything about it sucks but it gets you."
"Social media is not real though. It's not a real place at all."
"Let's keep this real: I, along with most sane people on social media, have been saying this for years. Okay, the censorship, the selective outrage, the fake outrage."
"Twitter is a hate platform. It's just in the end, isn't it just a hate platform for the most part?"
"It's very easy to sit on Twitter and be a whiner and a crybaby about everything, but you can try to proactively help with whatever chain you have."
"Social media is so [__] stupid at the end of the day."
"Twitter is eroding your intelligence according to this study."
"We've got to say goodbye to Facebook and YouTube... you're gonna need that leftist tears tumblr."
"Social media is not helpful or great for the mind."
"It's repugnant to see someone who is continuing to, in my opinion, suffer from main character syndrome and trying to take them being deplatformed as a chance to try and like Revitalize and change their platform."
"Twitter bullying a 17-year-old child into going to therapy isn't activism."
"Somebody needs to get a life. Social media is broken."
"Let Twitter cancel and censor themselves into oblivion."
"I can't believe that they doxed him, man. I hate Twitter so much, these people are horrible, literal scum of the earth."
"Remember, an app like Facebook or TikTok, you're the product whose attention they're selling to advertisers."
"I love when the Pope issues these edicts, like, so late that we already know. He's like, 'Social media is bad,' and we're all like, 'Thank you, finally!'"
"I'm amazed, dismayed, and disappointed in the number of tweets poking fun of the missing submersible situation. Does everyone really think they're that funny? Trust me, you're not."
"I just don't like how everything has to go on social media."
"Social media really was a mistake."
"I think social media has been the downfall of us completely because of that detachment from... human interaction."
"Social media is like the junk food of social life... if you're going to use social media, make sure it only ever complements your in-person relationships."
"Nobody wants to actually say Twitter is toxic because everybody enjoys the toxicity."
"All of this social media stuff, all of this drama, all of this just toxic stuff isn't going to mean anything, and all I'm going to want is love and family."
"Social media is a matrix, and it is a distraction."
"I don't think the pros of social media outweigh the cons."
"It's pushing it in a direction that's really not resonating with the majority of people."
"Social media is going to be our collapse."
"Social media is the death of us. I really do think that the problem is people are just throwing rocks at people."
"It's so easy to judge Facebook, it's so easy to complain and go on rants, but if you can't actually provide a feasible solution, it's better to stay quiet."