
Vlogging Quotes

There are 7948 quotes

"I've been vlogging for eight years... He was born at one pound and the doctor said he would not make it."
"The way this channel started back in 2016 was we picked up a little point-and-shoot camera and every day for the entire first year we traveled, we daily vlogged."
"This year is the year for vlogging more in public and just vlogging more in general."
"My whole vlog at Universal Studios is about how I don't know the gender of my baby, let's try these old wives' tales, and then people watched Ryland's vlog and at one point we're just like joking on the escalator, and Ryland goes 'So he's a Virgo,' and I go 'Yeah.'"
"The size and particularly the weight is going to be a huge plus for vloggers, for YouTube creators, or for anyone that likes to travel with their camera."
"We're going to have a week off vlogging. I'm smiling because I'm so excited, I also don't quite believe it yet."
"We love vlogging so much, but it is our job. There's so much stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we don't share, and it takes a toll."
"That's it for today's Vlog, guys. I hope you enjoyed watching it."
"I just, I probably hit the record button and didn't even notice, but anyways it's the end of the vlog. I love you guys so much and I'll see you really soon. That's all, love you. Bye."
"You may have noticed that my background is going to be frequently changing, that's because we're on the road and I'm just filming wherever I can."
"Until Next Time, I Will See You All in the Next Video."
"Thanks for watching folks and I'll see you guys next time."
"Here we are again we made it to falcon field thank you guys for coming along on day number two of this trip i'll see you on the next flight bye."
"But all that being said, I'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"And with that, my friends, concludes this week's video. I do hope that you enjoy the rest of your week, and I will see you all back here next week with a new video."
"Thank you, Ritual, for sponsoring this vlog, I'm just so grateful."
"It could be the ultimate vlogger camera if only Canon could work out their 4k."
"Peace and love everybody, see you in the next one, bye for now."
"Thanks guys for joining me on this adventure."
"Till the next video, it's your average consumer peace."
"Nothing in this life makes me happier than vlogging."
"Thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one."
"I thought that making a video about me trying to fix it would show that I am capable of doing everything in the whole world."
"I just had this idea pop into my mind, it's something that I wanted to sit down and talk about and I sat down, hit record and now I'm here talking about it."
"A bit of a rant bit of a chat but I love having these with you guys."
"As a YouTuber who has called vlogging the YouTube endgame, what is your opinion on the increasingly personal relationship between creators and viewers?"
"My vlogs don't necessarily include my kids all the time, but you guys don't understand how much I just love hanging out with my kids."
"I love vlogging. It's a great way to not forget your past but also build on yourself." - Atlas Leas
"Their perfect family seemed realistic, believable, and almost enviable."
"This is my surprise to you as a treat for your lovely vlogging era. Thank you so much. I got you a free trip and a free thumbnail. Thank you, thank you."
"I am seriously impressed by the price and on top of that on release Sony is offering this at 749 U.S. and they're also offering the Vlogging Kit, which is usually $210 at 149."
"They've done an excellent job of taking everything that makes the RX100 a popular and good vlogging camera and they've just made it better."
"By absolutely no means do you need all this gear to make a cool, good entertaining vlog."
"I've actually found that I really only need the bare essentials to make a vlog."
"It's just important to remember that it's not about the gear you're shooting on, it's about the story you're trying to tell."
"I think this is for now the best vlogging camera you can get, not perfect but you."
"So I think the lesson I learned is that I should go ahead and vlog if I feel like it, but I'm never gonna put another set of pressure on the vlog."
"Thank you, I hope that this was educational for those of you who want to make good vlogs."
"Remember we're doing at the beach like well we were like predating stuff so we're if you see this vlog we are not here we're close to the beach at the new house so that's it here's our vlog I guess."
"The best camera for YouTube needs to be easy to use, have an articulating flip screen, and killer auto focus. Weight matters for vlogging, and having a mic input is essential for better audio."
"We've already filmed a lot so far in this vlog with how quiet the attractions have been."
"I absolutely love how this ended up looking."
"This vlog took a turn, it's like the moment I try to keep my vlogs normal, the universe is like no."
"Until we meet next time please take good care of yourself please stay safe out there and I'll see you again very soon here in the DroneBot Workshop."
"This vlog we are actually dedicating to our future kids."
"So, if you're creating vlogs, I want you to take this step back and come up with one to two sentences that describes what your channel is about."
"Now, part two, we're gonna get into my approach to vlogging and how I use story when I'm out crafting my videos."
"We just love this dynamic and so I think we'll probably continue with this kind of vlogging style for the birthdays."
"What the heck's going on here anymore, I'm so confused."
"Hey besties, welcome back to my channel! If you guys are new here, my name is Jada, commonly known as Joji."
"Thanks for hanging out with me today I'll see you next time."
"Honestly, vlogging is actually real fun and I always question why we stopped to begin with."
"That's what i've got for today i hope you guys have a great day and we will be back again with more tomorrow take it easy everyone bye."
"Lots of love and I will see you guys next time."
"It's gonna be so hard in these pre-film vlogs."
"I love you guys and I will see you in the next video."
"I treat YouTube very much like a personal diary."
"And that was an awesome adventure. And if you want to join us on the next, click right here. Bye."
"The adventure continues! Thank you so much for watching, I appreciate you, and I'll see you real soon. Bye bye."
"Hope you enjoyed it and found it useful, and I'll see you in the next video."
"Thanks for watching guys hopefully you enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one take it easy and good bye."
"Thank you so much for watching my large family grocery haul if you enjoyed this grocery haul I've been doing them since dinosaurs roamed the Earth."
"It's been your boy Duck of the Gamer, and I will see you guys in the next video. Peace."
"My name is John Campbell and until next time my friends, bye-bye."
"Numerous vloggers seek to forge a connection with their audience through sincerity and relatability."
"I feel like you guys are with me in everything I'm doing nowadays."
"That's kind of a nice view isn't it? I'm thinking thumbnail cats for the next one. Thanks for watching, peace out."
"I definitely understand where all the King Vaughn's family, friends, and fans are coming from. This is a hard one."
"That's it for today's video. I hope you guys have an amazing day wherever you are."
"But thank you so much for coming by, that's all I got for you today. I love your faces and I'll see you tomorrow."
"Thank you all for watching, hope you guys did enjoy today's video. I love you guys and I'll see you guys next video, peace."
"That's all for today, and I'll see you guys next time."
"Thanks for watching to the end, and I will see you guys when I see you, bye."
"So, have not returned to these storage buckets again, remember this is a vlog."
"Have a great day and I'll see you in the next one."
"Imagine if we all got to do that together though, dude. You know what's my biggest dream? This would be the most epic vlog ever."
"And then when it really started to hit its stride, those iPhone vlogs, an average day for me would be..."
"And as always, I hope you guys are happy and healthy and don't forget to rate, comment, subscribe, share with your friends, family, hit that notification bell, and I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye guys!"
"Good morning from New York City! Welcome to my little vlog."
"Being a YouTuber is like so cool, it's the coolest thing in the world."
"It is now time for me to go to sleep, so I really hope you guys have enjoyed today's vlog."
"Here we go, little sip of old water. Hey, Vlog Dad, you timed your entry well."
"Thank you guys, I love you guys, and I will see y'all tomorrow."
"A big thanks of course as well goes out to each and every one of you for watching, and until next time, Cheers."
"I'm back, I think this is the first video I record after my birthday. It was March 18th, your boy is 22 now, 22! That is crazy!"
"Your girl is so bored, so I'm vlogging and showing you what I get up to day today."
"Thank you so much for watching, hope you have an absolutely amazing day ahead of you, and take care everybody."
"Carrying on vlogging as normal, but we have to, as the queen would say, keep calm and carry on."
"I love you guys so much and I'll be seeing you in the next video."
"Thanks for watching, I hope I'll see you in the next one. Goodbye everyone!"
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time. I love you guys, cheers, cheers, cheers. Stay healthy."
"Thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys soon again. Bye."
"This is gonna be probably the biggest baddest most epic vlog to date."
"Smells so freakin' good, you can practically taste it through the screen."
"Welcome back to the vlog, where even the potatoes have a story."
"There's no rhyme or reason fitness-wise, we're just going to be vlogging, you know life for this weekend so I'm really excited to bring you guys along with me."
"Thanks for coming, have a great day, and I will see you in the next video. Take care everybody."
"I think they're going to need to come out with a vlog centric full-frame camera."
"I love you guys so much and I will catch you in the next video."
"She's back doing daily Vlogs, which is pretty wild."
"This has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"It's kind of the perfect mix between a vlogging camera and a travel camera."
"Let me know where you want me to go next and I'll catch you guys in a bit."
"Until next time, I'll see you later. Bye bye."
"I feel like I did some different fun new things in this vlog, so hopefully you guys enjoyed."
"I just realized vlogmas is halfway over. How insane!"
"Love you guys and I'll see you in the next video, make sure you keep that chin up, work hard, and believe in yourselves, and as always, have a bye five."
"My battery's flashing, and I must be going, but thank you guys so much for watching."
"We hope you had a sensational time watching this vlog."
"But I'm gonna wrap this one up there thank you very much as always for watching."
"I know you guys have subscribed to this channel for vlogging, I'm sure as you can understand it is difficult to do any traveling or spending time with family or anything like that when I'm supposed to be isolating in my house by myself."
"So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and I will talk to you guys in my next video."
"I'm gonna go get some food now. I'll put this up on the channel so you guys can watch it."
"Hope you enjoyed the video hope you're having an amazing day you're gonna have an amazing weekend and and that's all I got bye guys."
"Until next time this coffee break is over bye guys."
"The battery life is outstanding... I can pretty much shoot an entire day's vlog on one battery, it's great."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and until we eat again, see you later."
"And I will see you very soon in my next one. Bye."
"I love you guys and I will see you on my next video. Bye y'all, love you."
"After the travel vlogs, yes we're doing a little bit better."
"Panasonic has also reset my standard in terms of flip-out screens. It's way better if the screen is right behind your lens so that you are all in alignment. Panasonic gets this right better than anyone else."
"Something I've complained about many times is it's weird that no camera has really completely gone after the vlogging market, and I feel like this might be the best one yet."
"Have a fantastic day guys and I will see you all next time. Peace."
"I figure I couldn't really do a $2,500 GPS watch unboxing in a t-shirt and jeans."
"It's just so winter, this is the epitome of The Vibes of what I kind of wanted this Vlog to be."
"Hopefully it was funny at least. Subscribe if you're not subscribed already and I will see you in the next one. Take it easy."
"I hope you enjoyed hanging out with me today."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and shopping around with me. I hope you saw some back to school stuff that you were maybe eyeing or looking for. It's time for me to go home and eat some lunch. I'll see you next time, bye."
"Thanks for understanding and hearing me out. That's all for today, cheers, and I'll see you in the next video."
"Hope you guys had an awesome day and enjoyed the video. Subscribe for new and I'm gonna get something to eat, man. I'm hungry. Anyway, see you later. Peace."
"Be yourself find your niche like whatever that may be that's such a good point of like finding your niche and realizing that just because Connor does weekly vlogs you don't have to do with your vlogs."
"Quite possibly my favorite day of vlogging yet."
"The puff sleeve actually has been around at least for two previous seasons especially in the spring and summer and this year it's not going anywhere."
"That's gonna be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it and got tons of cleaning motivation."
"What's up guys? It's your boy, Bert Kreischer."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next video."
"I will definitely see you guys in the next one, bye."
"Thanks for tagging along guys...hope you enjoyed this."
"Keep it tight, keep it clean, see you on the next one."
"Thanks so much for tuning in, I'll catch you guys in another tech video very soon."
"I'm uploading twice a week here on the vlog."
"Oh my god this is insane, what is the view, oh you see see Lily in her room she's vlogging all of her bits as well, oh my god this is mad, this is absolutely mad."
"This is a big deal we're really entering end game one piece here end piece all right thanks for watching everybody this will be teching signing out later."
"I'm happy with it... So that's gonna be it for today's video."
"Being 13 is gonna be so insane, like I don't even know what to say. Being 13, exactly 13 years ago I wasn't a thing, then here I am vlogging for you guys."
"Thank you guys so much for spending the day with me everything you've seen in today's video is linked down below for you guys."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out with us on our check-in day."
"People watch vloggers like Emma Chamberlain not because of a certain product or a haul or something but because of who that person is and how they make them feel."
"Thank you so much watching everybody I'm going to jump off the very top of my treehouse to say goodbye as is customary my cool tree as you know I guess I never felt the top of this end huh."
"Hello everybody, it's me Nani and I'm really upset to say that this is what I have to do when I get back on YouTube."
"I'm gonna try to vlog a lot more while I'm just sitting in my freaking house and once again make the best of it."
"I'm going to be posting a ton of daily vlogs all the time just new content so I hope you guys would love to stick around and enjoy that."
"Anyway guys my name's been Jack Mate, please like, subscribe, do all that good stuff, I'll see you next week when hopefully I'll have something funnier for you."
"Thank you guys for watching... peace out my dudes."
"Subscribe right now so you guys don't miss what it's gonna be like when I explore the warehouse."
"Thank you guys for watching again, and guys, I'll see you on the next one."
"Thanks for watching and listening, thanks everyone who watches until the very end and we'll talk to you soon."
"I love you guys and I will see you in the next one."
"Thank you guys like always for watching, you guys go out there and go on some adventures of your own, live life, beat the status quo, y'all know the drill, enjoy the rest of your day."
"It's just like, it's not about the money at all, which is weird 'cause when I was daily vlogging, 100% it was about money."
"It's weird if you get even the smallest vlog audiences they just want more."
"I always love getting people's first reactions when they are in these cars or even drive that it always brings a smile to my face and I feel like it would bring a smile to other people to other people's faces so that's why I decided to record it"
"It was like a get ready with me but for my nails."
"For community support, I'm gonna give the edge to Black Ops 2."
"I'm back to life, family. I'll see you in my next vlog. Peace."
"Thank you very much for watching guys and gals, and I'll see you next time. Bye bye."
"As always peace and love and I'll see you in the next vlogs."
"Thank you for watching guys, have the best day ever, stay strong, and I'll see you in my next video."
"So, we ended up uh killing today's video, I think I did not expect the neighborhood to be that cool."
"That's it, that's plugged in, very very chill today it is."
"Thanks so much everybody, I love you, I'll see you in the next video."
"Have a great day and I'll see you guys in the next one."
"This might actually be my biggest Supreme unboxing I have ever done."
"This is the last vlog and you know bittersweet a little bit but it's for the best and I'm really excited for what's next and you know to constantly change and grow and I think it's just necessary so I'm excited."
"I genuinely just film my life, this is what I do every day."
"This was heart racing, we did a lot of fun stuff."
"We didn't quit YouTube, we were told to get off YouTube. Yeah, by the FBI. Yeah, this is legit."
"Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video, and I will see you soon with another video soon in another movie vlog soon. Goodbye."
"What's up you guys, we'll see you on the next vlog. Peace."
"It's been a while since I recorded, so this is probably a great way to get back into the swing of things."
"Good morning, Vehicle Virgins family! I hope you are having a fantastic day."
"I love you guys, I'll see you guys in tomorrow's upload. Peace."
"Sorry if this Vlog felt a bit chaotic it's life's been chaotic but I love you guys thanks for watching see you in my next video."
"Thank you so much for watching! As always, I have been AverageTrey. PEACE."
"I did it. I've managed to pick myself up and pick my camera back up and start vlogging again."
"Welcome back to the channel guys, today we're here in Reading taking a look at the Select Car leasing Stadium home of the Royals."
"We hope you've enjoyed this vlog. If you have please support us by giving us a thumbs-up."
"It's kind of our job as travel, you know, food vloggers to make the food look as sexy as possible."
"Long before I ever even could dream about working with them we love case to fight you guys saw a couple vlogs ago I actually switched over to this case if i case I love it so much."
"So thanks so much for watching everybody. We're gonna see you next Taco Tuesday and talking about something probably a little bit less serious." - Ben
"Thank you very much for watching what I suspect is a very long travel day."
"Last-minute shoutouts, make sure y'all are on my vlog channel, the link is in the description box, go over there. Vlog tomorrow, new vlog tomorrow, I'll see y'all baby, let's get."
"But anyway, that's about it until next time Dawson Ryder signing out."
"Well, no, probably not daily vlogging forever."
"Let me know in the comment section below and uh have a good day or night or whatever the [__] you're at I'm out peace."
"As always, thank you for hanging out with me today. I love you guys."
"Match your input fps to your output. It's a super simple thing to do, but it makes a huge difference in how your vlog looks."
"Good morning guys, welcome to my morning routine!"
"I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you're still enjoying the vlogs because I'm enjoying making them."
"Enjoy this beautiful day. I'll look forward to seeing you in tomorrow's vlog. Peace."