
Speaking Up Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Have that belief, have that commitment. If you're ever going through a bad moment, always speak up, don't be scared, and the most important thing, just give absolutely everything. Give 110% in every situation that you're in and have no regrets."
"Imagine if everyone did [speak up]. Yes, they should."
"I think you should be able to get a fair shake without having to do that, but I do think that yeah, people should speak up."
"It's good to admit you were wrong or if you never spoke up about it, speaking up about it now, it's a good thing."
"If you've been abused, harassed, violated, don't be afraid to speak up."
"You know abuse is not okay, and you have to speak up."
"There is something powerful about just speaking it out."
"In light of the rise and fall of mars hill phenomenon... sometimes we need to be willing to speak truth to power regardless on how people may be perceiving it."
"Say what you want out loud. Say it out loud to the right folks."
"Speak up, don't do it if you're not comfortable."
"The only reason to not speak is because you have a reason to speak."
"I'm not standing for s**t like that, I'm gonna speak up."
"If you're asked about my condition, you better speak up and speak out."
"Sometimes you just gotta say what's on your mind."
"I don't believe there to be any other sustainable effective methods to achieving these goals other than to speak up as individuals."
"It's important that we speak up when we see something that's wrong, and it's the only way to make sure that justice is really served."
"Your voice will not be silenced; you're coming into your own when it comes to speaking up."
"I'm hoping that my speaking of up will give others the courage to do the same."
"If we don't speak up for what we believe... we end up... silenced."
"If you keep your mouth shut for 25 years, you're a coward."
"I just wanted to be a voice for those who can't speak about it because I have a platform, and I'm gonna use that platform to speak up on what's hidden and what people are scared to talk about."
"I really hope you learned from this one and don't ever forget to speak up. Your voice is powerful enough."
"Most people would be wrong, but good on them for speaking."
"You're the greatest of all time. Lean into speaking up, doing what's right, and making sure that people hear you."
"If I don't say something, the past has shown me that I will regret it."
"Speaking up is like playing a melodious tune, expressing yourself and letting your voice resonate."
"Speaking up is like attending this meeting and sharing your valuable thoughts. It reinforces the idea that your voice matters, a belief crucial for confidence."
Speaking up is a way of saying "I am here and what I have to say matters." It's not about shouting from the rooftops; it's about contributing to the symphony of life with your unique melody.
"It doesn't cost you anything to say something about it."
"Do not be afraid but speak and do not keep silent."
"It is safe for me to speak up for myself."
"We have to advocate for ourselves, so here I am doing that."
"You have power in speaking up, in using your voice."
"It's important for people of color, black, brown, Latino, all of us, Asian, to speak up."
"Because you spoke up, you probably stopped this guy from getting other players hurt as well."
"Curious how speaking up for what's right has become an act that causes a stir."
"Speak Your Truth, speak up, and if it creates a few ripples, allow the ripples because they will settle where they will."
"if you don't know something don't be afraid to speak up and say you don't know"
"Annabelle, if you want to say something, now's the time."
"Speak up for those who don't have voices," Tiffany remembered Granny Aching's words.
"...if you're looking for control there is none... the best control you have is just accepting yourself whatever's happened in the past it's not because of you... and I'm proud of you for [__] speaking up."
"I knew what was coming but I thought other people there are people who probably if I'm honest probably could speak and don't want to speak."
"I actually wanted to join the conversation and speak up earlier than I did."
"Courage is like a muscle, the more we practice the stronger and easier it is to speak our truth."
"Somebody's got to say something here."
"It takes a lot of courage to speak up about your experience."
"I feel like it's very important to speak up for those things and Advocate."
"It is time that we stop being silent."
"Sometimes, you have to speak up because it's the right thing to do, even if no one listens."
"Staying silent isn't actually the right thing to do."
"Everybody's speaking up and speaking the truth."
"Speak up, tell the truth, be honest. I'm sick of this [ __ ]."
"I think it's really important to speak up, to not be afraid to speak up."
"I am not going to be quiet out of fear of man. I think I need to stand up for what is right."
"I'm just trying to speak up about issues."
"Let's speak up, and just keep speaking up."
"Speaking about a thing for others is good."
"If you're not a fucking networker or you're not somebody that's going to speak up, it's tough. You put yourself in a tough position."
"Everybody wants to speak up, but nobody wants to speak out."
"Every voice, every person that speaks up, there are going to be 10 or even 100 more victims that will hopefully feel empowered and enabled to step up."
"Silence is them winning. Silence is the enabler. Silence is the killer. Whistleblowers and people who speak up are the ones that make a difference."
"He used words to change that situation. He spoke his faith from the beginning."
"Anybody that does speak up for their people become essentially a part of a movement and an awakening."
"Courage needs to be honored when someone begins to speak, no matter how hesitant or how little they speak."
"If y'all are ever in a position where you are able and willing to to advocate for not only yourself but for others try your best and just speak up and see what happens because if you don't speak up then it'll just stay the same no matter what."
"Thank you for [ __ ] speaking up. Thank you for saying something. We have been voiceless."
"Speak up, even if something doesn't feel right or sound right. You have a right to be heard."
"If you don't speak up, you're part of the problem."
"When do we say something? All these years, 16 years we never like we're not gonna say nothing. Nah, we gotta say something."
"Mistakes are the best way to learn, don't hold back and think- oh if I don't say as much, maybe I won't make a mistake, you've got to just speak, speak, speak!"
"Now is the time to speak up properly about it."
"Don't be a silent devil, don't keep remaining silent and letting evil keep going."
"I'm speaking for these people who can't say something ok and I'm going to speak for them and if you don't like it oh well."
"If you guys ever feel mistreated, make sure you speak up."
"It's probably better to speak up and be wrong than to never say anything."
"This is the year where many of you guys are going to finally start speaking up for yourself."
"When God tells you to speak up, it's because there's going to be major events that are going to connect with what you're saying."
"What you have to say is important."
"You totally have the right to say, 'I don't feel like this is right; this really did hurt my feelings; this upset me; I see something wrong with this.'"
"It's okay to speak up, say how you're feeling, and say your thoughts on things."
"Speak up if you're in a position where you can speak up, please speak up."
"It's important to talk about these things because people are struggling, and this world definitely needs more people speaking up."
"When you speak up, you give them courage and inspire them."
"The confidence you get in actually speaking up comes from moments where you didn't speak up."
"Speaking up is a cornerstone of that safety culture."
"If you're feeling pain and you feel like something's not right, definitely speak up about it."
"We need to start speaking up; these people deserve validation."
"If you continue to speak up when you see someone doing something or saying something wrong, it can make a difference."
"When you speak up, there's at least one other person in that room that feels exactly the same way."
"They were not some wilting, shy flower in the corner. They spoke up when they had to."
"It's important to speak up, it's also important to defend yourself."
"If anybody touches you inappropriately, don't be afraid to speak up."
"I could not hold my head up if I didn't speak up; it's too important."
"Say something when it doesn't feel right. Speak up for those who can't or won't."
"You're never going to feel ready to speak up, but you've got to do it; your dreams depend on it."
"It's important that people do speak up."