
Emotional Detachment Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"Maybe that's forgiveness, where you just stop caring about it. You don't care if they succeed, you don't care if they fail, you just don't care."
"The feelings are not you; they're something you have and that gives you a bit of space and leverage."
"Be slow to judge yourself. Your new relationships will be based on elimination of emotional attachments and the practice of acceptance."
"You can't lose what was never yours in the first place."
"This should not be an emotional thing. Support who you want to support; don't support who you don't want to support."
"Detach your emotions from situations that you cannot control."
"You have to detach your emotions from the scale not let this cause you to be super excited and not let this cause you to get pissed off and say it's not working. It's just all part of the process."
"You can't be emotionally attached to your money because the truth is with stock market trading, you're going to win some and you're going to lose some."
"I'm sorry because it seems like it's just a constant game of who can care less. Nobody cares. No one. Who can show less emotions."
"The question is this, can you be committed to the process of what you do without being emotionally attached to the results of what you do?"
"Even for me, it can still be difficult to set aside my personal feelings on the topic."
"Trying to throw emotion out the door and really just focus on logic when you are finding stocks to invest into."
"You gotta put your feelings to the side. You gotta start creating policies that's what matters."
"Guys can compartmentalize sex from feelings."
"They see you as the nine of pentacles and feel like you're not interested anymore."
"You're kind of getting yourself detached here, more and more, at least emotionally."
"Stop giving a damn so many of you guys have done the work and you still struggling with women because you care too much."
"I don't care about their feelings. That's not my problem, that's their problem."
"I have no emotional attachment to the Rams whatsoever."
"Stop letting people keep you attached to what you did."
"If you could only disconnect just as easily as we disconnect from our emotions, it would be so nice."
"People have to take emotions out of these kind of decisions."
"Dean showed no emotion as the judge read his sentence of 11 years and 10 months in prison which is longer than the typical sentence under Texas law."
"Emotionally detach to do what's best for you."
"Being emotionless is one of the only ways to really become profitable."
"I feel nothing. I understand, son. This is not based on feelings. It’s a decision."
"The power is in the truth it's not in your emotions."
"He's over it, not leading to anything in real life."
"When a thing can no longer offend you, it ceases to exist in the old way."
"The breakup is primarily because there was a drop in emotional attraction."
"Ed Woodward is playing football manager without emotions."
"I'm not emotional; I'm not disappointed; I'm actually happy. I am happy that it's over."
"Data is data, the day doesn't care about your feelings."
"You don't have to spend time with anybody it's just because you forgive them all that means that you no longer have an emotional reaction to them and you can let it go on that."
"Attachment is a fear-based energy that kind of repels love."
"You might notice yourself kind of detaching, more interested in current events."
"You can become more detached during this time, the drama can fall off gradually over the year and a half you can detect to."
"'The reason Casey seemed so happy after Kaylee was gone was that she was happy that Kaylee was gone.'"
"Detachment is the key; be able to let go, not cling too hard."
"Detaching emotion from storage decisions is essential for maximizing space."
"You're an inanimate object, no one cares how you feel."
"That's just the way things are now... I no longer want this connection."
"In investing, the best thing to do is nothing... It's best to simply remain dispassionate about all the emotionally charged things."
"You wouldn't even really be that sad over that guy."
"Best advice: Drop it, don't put your life on hope for this person."
"I feel very bad because it's just like, even though I don't feel like I have an emotional attachment to them, it's a living creature."
"Remove the emotion from whatever coins you're attached to."
"Your emotions cannot have any part any type of monetary or financial negotiations and it's going to lead them to embarrass themselves."
"Let go of any sentimental items which don't bring you joy."
"Detachment is key. The more emotional you are about your investments, the worst decisions you're gonna make."
"If you treat your emotions and thoughts as if you're a passive observer, you're more likely to be able to live with them."
"I hope you're able to release your attachment from whatever is stressing you out."
"Success is being content, so peace in general, I would say is success."
"I'll never celebrate the downfall of a black man, but I don't have to. I don't have to agree with them either, right? Right. And I'm not going to put no energy into it, good or bad. I don't give a [__]."
"Psychopaths can sing the lyrics but they don't respond to the melody. The melody of normal human interactions and emotions. There is something missing. He has no compunctions. He kisses or kills without a thought."
"You don't need to force yourself to detach yourself from something that brought you a lot of happiness."
"Once that comes in, you won't give a damn about what you feel you lost, alright? Or who you missed out on, you won't give a damn."
"We're good at disciplines because we're disassociated from our feelings."
"Dating is a game where the one who needs you less wins in the long run."
"I feel like you're walking away from this energy. Like, I feel like you thought you would be with this person for a long time but Ada Cups is like walking away."
"Detach starts with never breathing life into it."
"Hope shines in the darkest of places. Remain emotionally detached."
"When you're spiritual, you don't hate people or waste time hating people, you nothing them."
"It's the perfect way to watch sports, it's so foreign to me where it's like a pathology, my Bills fan I get ill I can't even watch a lot of the games whereas this Knicks it's like ah whatever we win we don't it's like it's wonderful."
"Don't take it personally even if someone leaves you behind."
"Am I going to be losing any sleep tonight or this week? Probably not."
"Let go and let them be, it's not worth your energy."
"You're detaching from the situation and focusing on your own happiness."
"This person could be very detached emotionally."
"You're trading probabilities, you are not trading emotion."
"Don't take criticism or the compliments to heart."
"Detachment brings relief and balance, making you unstoppable."
"He's now stopped caring about the sine wave... it's just the way it goes."
"Emotionally detached helps them to stay calm... act of committing murder."
"Her work does what most people fail to do when talking about this subject which is that it removes a lot of the emotion from the debate."
"I didn't feel anything, but just seeing myself like that really upset me."
"Empty inside, total indifference to human life... an increasing problem in our society."
"Stop-loss orders: A free insurance policy to limit losses and free decisions from emotional influences."
"You can't be emotionally attached to your product. You have to be very logical in this sense and just read the data."
"Separation is intentional but not received in anything of malice."
"We now learn never to fully invest in our lives, like why should we? Then we don't attach to other people."
"Never invest emotionally; always invest based on facts, logic, and methodical thinking."
"You have to learn indifference. You have to cut the cord and move on."
"Lightning is a pure expression of firebending without aggression; it is not fueled by rage or emotion."
"No pity for what you have done to them, it is all part of my plan."
"There is no sense getting emotional about it. It's just part of the cycle."
"You're cutting them off, you're going hardcore, you're putting emotions to the side."
"You don't own or feel you own any of the things that he did."
"Don't be afraid to break the rules; detach from your emotions; be ready for surprises."
"Everybody has bad days... detach yourself from it."
"Don't let emotional thoughts get you married to an idea, just trade what you see."
"Rose just doesn't give a damn... she did it with a very cold heart."
"The moment a political leader wishes to be loved, that is the end of their validity as a political leader."
"Self-discipline has nothing to do with emotion or even motivation, it just has to do with action."
"Release the attachment over having to have it succeed or worrying about whether someone will like will love it or like it or accept it or not."
"Just be a heartless ri bass fecal matter when it comes to NFTs, like don't treat it like your baby."
"You're meant to break free from old emotional connections."
"We're so bad we don't even know how to receive love anymore."
"Take yourself out of being emotionally committed and surrender to the divine."
"Forget the money, forget everything, that's how I felt."
"I don't want to recycle a connection that I already know where it could go."
"If this energy does not feel good, why do you hold on to it?"
"I've killed a lot of people. I'm having fun, you know, good."
"Facts don't care about your feelings." Fair enough.
"I don't know how to feel sad, I just met him. That's how much his life was worth to her."
"I only look at data. I'm a data-driven guy. I have no emotions."
"Recovery means that one day you will hear their name and not feel a damn thing."
"If you don't care about Jordan, you don't help, you just watch them do it wrong."
"Once you stop thinking about the twin flame journey, stop checking their social media, start messaging them, go completely MIA and get on with your own life... that's when they notice that the cord has been, you know, stopped."
"Gemini, you're doing what you need to do, moving forward with your life regardless of this person. You're not keeping your life on hold for this person. You only live your life once, right?"
"The idea that this was shocking at all to Chris indicates just how emotionally detached he was from her and their final weeks together."
"Removing emotion from it because emotion is not a good driver."
"In a dating culture where detachment is the name of the game, how are we then surprised when people are struggling to really feel their feelings?"
"I don't like to dwell on what I could or shoulda did because it's easy to say what she could have did, there's no energy there for me."
"Facts don't really care about your emotions, do they?"
"You become separate from the emotion you become separate from the thought and the observer has more control to say huh I got angry in a moment huh I got jealous in that moment but I'm not going to act off that energy."
"You're making logical, rational, reasonable decisions right here, and whatever the situation is that you're involved with, you're releasing it and you're letting go of it."
"I highly suggest you guys go and look into them all on your own and then maybe come back and tell me your theories down below."
"I release attachment to all, not some, all against my highest good."
"Neptune and Pisces is going to ask us to detach, to release our grasp, to allow things to open up, open up more density, open up anything that we've been locked into."
"The disciple is an emotionless executioner, she slaughters her enemies in cold blood feeling no remorse in the process."
"The disciples obsession with revenge drives her to commit reprehensible sins but unlike most Psychopaths her face gives nothing away."
"But I don't care because I trade with the trend baby, if it's red I go down, you know why? You know what the difference is between me and most people is I am not emotional to it."
"Close your heart to their desperation, close your heart to their suffering."
"It's just so much easier to just go focus on something else."
"There's this base level raw attraction that a woman needs to have to sleep with you, and hookers are completely devoid of that."
"It's not about being angry; it's about satire. I'm describing the ridiculous but real."
"If I'm going to tell anybody to do anything, the great thing about setting these things up and have them automatically go, is it takes out the emotion out of the equation totally."
"Detachment does not mean that you no longer care, it simply indicates that you are looking at things from a different point of view."
"I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"The book is written and I've just got to kind of let my baby go off into the world."
"Learning to want and like things without actually owning them is so important."
"The most powerful way to learn to love yourself: separating yourself from anything that makes you feel unlovable."
"The further you can disconnect, the better trader you're going to be."
"You've got to remove yourself from the emotion of stock prices going up and down."
"Let go of emotional ties or outdated projects holding you back."
"Take emotion out of it and stick to the plan."
"The market gives no [ __ ] about emotions and feelings. This is strictly numbers."
"Detachment from expectations and ideals of others is key."
"You literally couldn't even affect me if you tried."
"Facts are universal. Water is wet. It doesn't care how you feel."
"I'm more interested in what's real than interested in how I feel about these things."
"The market is gonna make a stone fool out of you if you just feel this, the market don't care about how you feel, you just don't."
"Turn around and walk the other way, focus on someone new."
"It's not about walking away from them, it's about recognizing that their healing journey and their problems aren't yours to carry."
"Stop loving things that don't love you back."
"Detach yourself from what's holding you back."
"Detach your energy to the point that sometimes you gotta let it go."
"Stop caring or care a little bit less, and you'll have more outcome independence."
"Get outcome independent; there are plenty more out there."
"The less you care sometimes, the better it is."
"Let him go [__] okay let them deal with having to pleasure themselves after he done okay that's not your problem oh let him go."
"It's better not to become emotional about these things because you start to see things through rose-colored glasses."
"Ignore them. Just, you know, the ace of swords upside down, cut them loose from your consciousness, don't pay... because what we focus on expands. So if you don't pay any attention, it can't get to you."
"The facts don't care about our feelings, family."
"A lot of time has passed, I no longer have feelings towards my past, I'm incredibly present right now."
"Closure is something that will hold you back. If you wanna move on from someone, you don't need closure, you just need to let go."
"Once I fixed that, like, it was easy. If you stop caring, then you do a lot better."
"Remember, you are not your feeling and you are not your emotion."
"You take away somebody's power the moment that you don't let them affect you."
"You have to start unhooking from the cloud, your self-esteem."
"Once I sell, I close my laptop, I walk away, I'm done, on to the next play."
"I don't have any feelings for him. I believe he has the same towards me."
"I'm not brokenhearted, I swear, it's just my ex is getting married as we speak."
"I just have a hard time believing you when you stand there and not show any kind of emotion and you've known about this. You even participated."
"Artificial sweeteners can induce insulin resistance, metabolic derangements—beware of hidden health risks."
"Honestly, truly believe that if somebody's putting out good content like they deserve to be supported."
"If you are too emotionally attached to your business, you will never grow."
"You've given too many fucks... finally detaching from what wasn't serving you."
"There's something romantic about checking out, detaching from feeling overloaded."
"If you are not responsible for their well-being Do Not Crash out for these people they don't love."
"Practice forgiveness. We become bigger when we forgive. It's a sign of detachment."
"You're not holding on to the hope anymore, no matter how much love you have for someone. You're not doing that to yourself again. You want facts, you want to see real, right?"
"Never fall in love with your designs, be proud of them."
"That's because they have finally learned that no matter what they do, they're not going to get what they want from you. That's a great thing. That's a good thing."
"Forgiveness is akin to detachment and letting go."
"Letting go of the emotional ties we have on our things was a big lesson."
"Think logically, don't think with your heart."
"The devil's in the data and the details, and the data don't care about your feelings. Facts are what they are."
"The truth sets you free and facts don't care about our feelings."
"Let go of anything no longer serving you, see what comes back to you."
"When you walk out of that house, say, 'I'm leaving it there.'"
"It was easier to look them in the face and smile and wave back at them when you haven't had to smash their homes to pieces first. The morning we got into Rennes, boy, that really was liberation."
"What do you really want? If you want this, head for it now, but don't get emotions involved in it."
"Learning what not to do is a lot more important than learning what to do."
"Start from scratch in your mind... try to separate that from love."
"This right here deserves Detachment, protect your mental space."
"Detachment is freedom from a stagnant situation."
"Ultimately what you're trying to do when you're detaching from a narcissist is to try to stop letting them hurt you."
"For those of you who are still energetically hooked to a past person, let that go."
"Mastery over your environment, mastery over your emotions."
"Detach from letting those things affect my inner peace, my inner tranquility, my power as a source of creation."
"The key to letting go is understanding that attachment is what keeps us in lower vibrational emotions."
"In order to move forward, you need to release any type of attachment that you have in the past."
"Don't let them reconnect. Cut the cord and burn it."
"He's never made any statements about the crime, he's never expressed grief or sorrow about the disappearance of the woman who was carrying his child."
"I'm ready to leave him behind where he belongs."
"Remember, detached from emotions and attack these thoughts and situations in a very logical way."
"Idaho murder suspect felt no emotion and little remorse as a teen."
"You can't feel sad about somebody saying goodbye if you never gave him a reason to stay in the first place."