
Physical Touch Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Physical touch is a huge part of connection. If you're feeling a lot of isolation, go for a massage."
"Physical touch is a primary love language for most men."
"Real life relationships...actually hugging someone. That's the necessary [part]."
"Physical touch from someone you care about can be as effective as antidepressants."
"I feel connection with people when I physically hug them when I'm physically holding their hands."
"Touch actually lowers our levels of cortisol... makes us feel safer and more calm."
"Proximity and physical touch are crucial for building attraction and intimacy."
"Men receive oxytocin through touch... if you want your man to feel the way you wanted to feel... you gotta learn how to touch them."
"Hug your friends cuddle with your friends lay your head on your friend's shoulder hold hands with each other when you walk down the street."
"A cuddle is a nice thing, it can be quite soothing."
"Hugs are powerful, hugs are incredibly powerful."
"Physical touch, hugging, hand holding, very important."
"Physical touch mostly, so hugging, kissing, cuddling, handshaking, stroking... anything that makes you physically feel warm and have skin-to-skin contact."
"There was something about those soft and delicate touches that made me feel comfortable."
"Any kind of touching drives up the oxytocin system and can give you feelings of deep attachment."
"Sometimes it's just giving your partner a massage, it's making out, it's holding hands, it's feeling close again."
"The first way to love you have is by saying yes, but what shall I say? How I like to receive? Oh no, no, but my first way to love you is with physical touch."
"This person misses hugging you. Each time they see you, they want to give you a big hug and wrap their arms around you."
"I love words of affirmation and I love physical touch, that's why I'm always encouraging people, that's why I'm always hugging you."
"Physical touch can raise confidence, which raises faith, leading to better performance."
"A physical touch can inspire positive thinking, expand trust, and boost your immune system."
"I think to use like um small like physical touch a little bit more um and to be more playful."
"I'm a physical touch person, which I think a lot of people are surprised to know."
"My love language is physical touch without a doubt."
"Craving physical touch is a completely normal and reasonable need. Humans crave touch."
"We're wired to crave physical touch. It's soothing to our system and vital for our development."
"The craving or need for physical touch isn't weird. It's innate and important for our existence."
"Quality time, I put right there with physical touch."
"Quality time I put right there with physical touch, I put them kind of in the same category."
"My love language would probably have to be... would, I think, number one is physical touch. And then I would say, right behind that is words of affirmation. But I think it comes from insecurity in my relationships in my past. That's why I like... I needed affirmation."
"Human connection is so vital, physical touch is so vital. Even when we're really little, when we're babies, we can die if we have zero physical touch and zero connection to other human beings."
"You left this person turned on, if for nothing else, by just that physical touch."
"There's an important point made here that there is a hypnotic aspect going on. The physical touch is an anchor that helps the lower self to do the healing."
"Britney likes to keep her hand on him."
"Without physical touch, you don't feel valued, you don't feel loved enough."
"Physical touch doesn't have to be sexual; you have to know the boundaries."
"Let's talk about how physical touch and a lack thereof affect the human brain."
"Touch disarms people and if you're having any sort of strife or any tension in your relationships, incorporating touch can heal it."
"Physical touch that is non-sexual says I want to be close to you, I value being close."
"Let others touch you. Let touch others. We really need it in this time."
"Your arms allow you to hug people, your arms allow you to hold a baby, your arms allow you to reach them out to somebody who's in pain."
"My love language is physical touch, and distance makes that very hard."
"We do need hugs, we do need human connection, we do need eye contact that's not through cameras, laptops."
"It's so important to look at each other in the eyes, to have somebody grab you by the shoulders, to hold you, to hug you."
"He's incredibly affectionate with the other members and loves to show his love with skinship and cuddles."
"My love language is physical touch, and Carla's is acts of service."
"Nothing replaces like giving someone a hug."
"My love language would be physical touch, of course."
"I've gone so many years without physical contact that at this point I think someone tenderly holding my hand would kill me."
"When you hold someone in your arms, you can feel that."
"I'm actually confident with your physical touch."