
Facial Recognition Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Facial recognition... raises troubling philosophical questions about personal freedom."
"China is embracing [facial recognition] in a big way... We can match every face with an ID card and trace all your movements back one week in time."
"We want to be in the responsible category," referring to the use of facial recognition technology.
"Our faces are being scanned daily and recorded and saved on databases without our consent."
"What do you think? How important is it that we start protecting our faces from invasive facial detection and recognition programs?"
"So today, in this video, you and I are going to figure out how facial recognition actually works."
"Once you finish this tutorial, you should come to a realization how easy it was to make a machine recognize a human face."
"There's so much to say about the dangers of facial recognition technology and a lot of other A.I. technologies."
"Faces are the home of identity, the metonym for one's values, reputation, and personality."
"We are particularly good at recognizing the pattern of human faces. Faces are incredibly important patterns to us and obviously important to the survival of the species."
"Facial recognition technologies will let governments see your face and they can instantly see what your political preferences are, or what you like, or what you do."
"These facial recognition filters are evolving so fast, it's wild. At some point, the CIA is going to get involved when they need to catch someone catfishing as another race."
"These hyper-realistic silicone masks are so successful at fooling people that one in five cannot distinguish them from a person's face."
"We pass judgments on faces so rapidly our conscious mind doesn't even have time to get involved."
"Sony's IBO features natural movements, facial recognition, and entertainment for up to two hours."
"Facial recognition technology decided Robert Williams was a thief based on a misidentified photo."
"San Francisco, first US city to ban facial recognition... they want it banned from public spaces."
"The iPhone 13 is finally getting a smaller notch and inside of that smaller notch should be next generation new and improved Face ID technology."
"Now you can use either front or back camera to map your unique facial features and expressions and create emojis that actually look like you."
"Facial recognition is going to make it really hard to disappear."
"AI has to recognize language and facial recognition too - recognizing faces. If you're ever going to have an actual artificial intelligence, those are two of the Baseline capabilities that it needs."
"You think I'm messing with you, right? What is he scanning his face for?"
"So now they're trying to get facial recognition technology and you see a lot of pushback for that. They've been trying to get this facial recognition."
"New data on London metro police facial recognition shows it's still wrong 96% of the time."
"Bet on facial recognition for problem gamblers."
"The Viola-Jones face detector is actually very robust and works very well in images."
"Viola-Jones face detection is a very famous algorithm." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"China, all these people have their Tick Tock apps, putting facial things on, scanning your whole face."
"Snapdragon Secure now also includes a Next Generation Face Unlock with liveness detection."
"It's kind of a sad reality that we live in that we can't just accept people's faces as they are."
"Bees can actually be trained to recognize human faces. They have actually been shown to remember those faces for up to two days. It's extraordinary."
"Apple face-recognition blamed by New York teen for false arrest."
"Concerns have already been raised about facial recognition technology."
"Face and eye detection are not on par with some of the competitors, but it's nice to see that Nikon is moving into this space."
"Wow, that's awesome! Let's see if I can go in. Ready? Yeah, Jamesy, you don't look like me, so it doesn't recognize me. Perfect!"
"Misty can navigate a building, recognize faces, and even emote."
"iPhone XS Max: True depth sensing camera for Face ID."
"Guys, I am so emotionally aware. This face is expressing contempt. Yep, wow."
"Vive facial tracker captures expressions and gestures with precision through 38 blend shapes."
"All the head coaches should have their face scanned."
"Apple might let you use Face ID with a mask in the next iOS update."
"I love the fact that I could use the continuous autofocus it would find his face or it was find his eye and it didn't get lost in the rain or in the water it didn't miss it hit exactly where it needed to hit which was right here in the face."
"The Pixel 4's face unlock is spectacularly fast and reliable."
"There's a very significant conversation going on right now about facial recognition."
"Facebook is considering facial recognition for its use in the upcoming smart glasses."
"It’s how Facebook tells your face apart from your friend’s face so that it can make tag suggestions when you upload a photo."
"No problems whatsoever with that face unlock."
"Recognition happens within the first second. It's like those algorithms, you know, facial recognition systems."
"Look at the AI doing its magic, it's on the screen, you can see it phase detect my face."
"That's the power of what a baby does. They change our facial recognition. In fact, they will tell you that a baby as old as nine minutes will ultimately notice a face in the room, and it is strategic in their development to make sure that there is a face that loves them."
"We'll make detections which will effectively be able to go and detect our face."
"Facial recognition technology is being normalized in the tech that we carry in our pockets."
"This person loves your face, maybe you have a gorgeous face."
"Nobody's face is ever their face in these movies. I gotta remember that."
"I didn't understand it at all, the little face recognition Square popped up and, well, I snapped a picture."
"Facial recognition which looks at the shape of the face and the characteristics like mouth jaw cheekbone and nose."
"By the way, the answer to can you train not to do this, the other answer is people train to read faces even better."
"It knows all of these people in the photos and if it recognizes the same person in multiple albums it will group them together."
"Identify specific attributes and landmarks on faces."
"My phone has the nerve to not recognize my face. Racist, I swear! When I'm down this raw view, I'm going to call Apple's manager, buddy!"
"People with BPD are indeed less accurate at identifying neutral faces compared to relatives and controls."
"There's been a lot of discussion stating that Copperface is actually better than DeepStack, and so far, I am seeing that. I think Comproface does a better job of detecting faces."
"The camera's technology is so good that the person can be on the opposite side of a basketball court, they will still recognize it as a face."
"Definitely check that out to better understand how our face changes with age."
"...what it is, it's the slight differences of distance between the features. It is the features themselves as well, but strangely they're not as important to the likeness as the distance between the eyes, for example."
"Dr. Paul Ekman is a master of reading people's faces and picking up on micro expressions to the point he's basically become a human lie detector."
"Let's talk about facial motion capture because we are here in Unreal Engine 5."
"You can actually choose to register their faces in here, and then if there's a group, the camera will know to prioritize focusing on those registered faces."
"When you look at the areas of the brain that become active when you show faces, what you see is a particular area at the base of the brain in the fusiform gyrus called the fusiform face area."
"The camera has become very good at detecting a face and specifically an eye."
"Face body detection combined with the new phase detect hybrid system is absolute magic."
"The machine can now unlock your phone with your face... talking about an ultimate automation the world we live in."
"The Surface Pro 8 does have Windows Hello so it's going to scan for my face and log me in."
"Non-consensual facial recognition, especially in public, is just creepy and wrong and weird, and I hate it."
"It's actually one of the first vehicles in the world to have facial recognition for the driver memory system which includes your mirrors, your seat, your radio presets as well as your climate control settings."
"This model is responsible for creating the 128d face descriptor."
"Facial recognition algorithms have a significant chance of error in identifying women and minorities."
"The ability to identify and read human faces is an essential skill our ancestors evolved millions of years ago."
"We're very excited about the future of face."
"Cool art because you could see all the facial features still there."
"The eyes are so central to facial recognition and to just recognizing a person."
"At a minimum, Congress should pass a moratorium on the police use of facial recognition."
"Face Match is facial recognition technology processed locally on the device using on-device machine learning."
"The Surface Go also has Windows Hello facial recognition which allows you to log into the computer just by looking at it."
"You have your physical camera shutter... and I can see a camera for Windows facial hello, so you'll get Windows facial unlock."
"We are basically going to make a program that uses our webcam in order to recognize faces."
"Facebook can recognize faces with a 98% accuracy rate, which is about as good as humans can do."
"Our face recognition works, and isn't that fabulous?"
"So you can see how easy this code is; we just completed a full-on face recognition with just a simple 39 lines of OpenCV code or Python code."
"Women are better at facial recognition than men."
"If it can recognize a face or an eye, that's what you generally want in focus."
"I keep that on because if I'm taking a picture of a person and their face is in the scene, it'll automatically focus on their face."
"One awesome thing is the facial recognition with Windows Hello and this thing has a ton of sensors."
"In the mind of a little child, the children prefer looking for humans' faces than any other."
"One of the best things about this new professional reader is that the video on it will actually show the full face of the person."
"Facial recognition can gain popularity as well to identify customers at a retailer."
"The relationship between the mouth and the face is something that's completely invariant; that doesn't depend on viewpoint."
"Seeing people's faces is important for your health."
"A big part of that will rely on facial recognition technology."
"We can sort of pinpoint more accurately slight little differences that'll be in the person's face."
"You can register faces on this camera and then the camera will prioritize faces."
"Augmented Faces allows you to have face capabilities in your own app, works at scale, and is available at no charge."
"Once a face is detected, the new metering sensor can compare skin tones with other areas of the scene to produce more accurate exposure calculations."
"The facial tracking feature is the most advanced technology in Cyberfun Tech."
"Python is finding the faces and then drawing boxes where it thinks the faces are."
"This person does not exist and it randomly generates faces of people that look so real."
"Welcome to part two in the series on facial recognition using a Siamese neural network."
"It will seamlessly interchange between tracking an object to tracking the face to tracking the eye and then back to the object."
"We'll develop a detector that can actually find faces in images under varying illumination conditions and pose conditions."
"One of the most common examples is where you have face tracking or body tracking... and this is how Snapchat filters and face swap applications work."
"Cameras today are so advanced that there are many out in the streets with facial recognition technology."
"It's very hard to tell the difference between most of these faces and real human faces."
"Facial recognition is probably the most jaw-dropping part of the whole thing."
"The Forester will actually use facial recognition to see if you're nodding off or looking away from the road for too long."
"Pretty cool, right? So like, that's a lightweight sentiment model so it's chasing my head around."
"If I cover my face, it's sad; if I unhide my face, it's happy."
"Windows Hello facial recognition works very well, no issues."
"It is possible to register a face of a family member at an event and have the camera in a group of people find the face that it's been registered and focus on that one."
"When you open your laptop and it recognizes your face, it logs you in, and it's the best thing ever."
"Windows Hello will recognize your face and unlock the system, so you don't really need a fingerprint scanner."
"Facial recognition technology works like a charm."
"It's nice and fast as you pick it up, it will unlock just by looking at it."
"Windows Hello, the login system, basically takes a 3D picture of your face."