
Nobility Quotes

There are 1219 quotes

"You must have no qualms with taking them. This puts you in a difficult position. You seem to be in pain. You are noble in spirit as well as blood."
"Live nobly so that mind can store a past well worthy of recall."
"Adopting a child is probably the most noble thing a responsible adult can do."
"There's a nobility in it, you know? and- and- and the people who think that way and act that way not as a pretense or a contrivance but because that's just who they become I don't know anybody like that who isn't successful."
"Powers might make one super, but it's one's nobility that makes a hero."
"Nobility is aspirational to the Riojans. They believe anyone, through luck, chance, treachery, or patience, can become noble."
"Motherhood is the most noble, honorable institution on the planet."
"The pursuit of knowledge is the most noble adventure of them all."
"You want to take on responsibility. You want to take on the heaviest load that you can conceive of that you might be able to move because it gives your life nobility and purpose."
"The Bereans were of noble character for they received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily."
"Landowners in Scotland are given the title Laird, which today is Lord or Lady."
"The Jade Emperor was proclaimed the supreme ruler for his noble deeds."
"In a world divided by status and power, the true nobility comes from understanding and empathy."
"It is more noble to teach young people about responsibilities than about rights."
"There is a nobility in accepting the truth of the universe, bleak as it may be."
"Any man can wield a sword, but what separates the common mercenary from the noble hero is the willingness to give his life for the good of the people."
"Just look up any history on old nobility, you'll crack open a pinata of brain spiders."
"When you make the decision to take on all of that voluntarily...then all the catastrophe justifies itself in the nobility of your striving."
"Caregiving is noble but also very beautiful in the sense that you're bonding with a person in a way unlike any other healthcare professionals can."
"Battles, however, are not fought with only steel and flesh but in the halls and courts of nobility."
"The great lords and ladies of the land look on as I drape the arms of House Stark around my bride, to finally seal our marriage."
"All hail His Grace Robb of House Stark, the First of His Name, King in the North, King of Winter and the First Men, Lord of Winterfell, and Protector of the Realm."
"The most noble amongst you are those who have the most taqwa."
"In Muscovy, the monarch selects the nobles. In Poland, the nobles select the monarch. And that's a very, very different kind of setup."
"Yes, you are almost certainly related to at least some nobility of the area in which your ancestors lived."
"He surrounded himself with the enormously wealthy nobility and modeled his court on the glory of the ancient and mythical Camelot of King Arthur, a celebration of the cult of chivalry."
"Nobility is not about being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is about being superior to your former self."
"Sephi was granted a new title of nobility, Baronet, and received an official appointment letter as a magician."
"There is no purpose more noble than motherhood."
"The discovery of the nobility that's within you constitutes a sufficient wellspring of strength."
"True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."
"You're a part that has some nobility... you're a part that wants to fight for rights even if it's misguided."
"Aryan refers to people with noble qualities. You know, so people with noble qualities can be anybody. And it's not a particular race."
"Rembrandt lighting represents integrity and nobility."
"But we also know this is the most noble nation that has ever existed."
"A Song of Ice and Fire finds the nobility in humility."
"It is good to reap strength, noble princess."
"Elizabeth Bathory was a 16th-century Hungarian noblewoman who supposedly carried out the bloody murders of over 600 of her female servants."
"It was one thing to mistreat and even kill peasants and servants, it was another thing to mistreat and kill the daughters of lower-level gentry and lower-level noble families."
"She was allowed to live, she was imprisoned in her castle."
"We must remember that the overwhelming majority of police officers in this country are noble, courageous, and honorable."
"Man must die sometime and since he must die he can find no nobler death than that which overtakes him while fighting for his home his fires and his country."
"The charter called for the creation of a body of 25 nobles who were empowered to coerce John into complying with the terms of the charter."
"Christopher, offered three thrones, declined kingship for a life without stress, marrying a millionaire American widow."
"Reinhardt's suit encapsulates the nobility and power of his character."
"On one hand, this person is going to be very spiritual, but then on another hand, this person is going to be very noble, very powerful, very strong."
"I cannot think of a house more noble than the house of Ali."
"Preservation of knowledge is one of the noblest human pursuits."
"Now we are the Duke of our land and nobody could criticize me."
"It's not as simple as that at all. This was about a war between nobles, think Game of Thrones."
"Public service is a noble calling." - Narrator
"True nobility is not about being better than anyone else; it's about being better than you used to be."
"Sacrificing yourself for the team... that's truly noble."
"I think there's nothing humanity does that's nobler than our quest to understand and explore space."
"There is nothing more noble than... to start a business and create a job."
"It is a far, far better thing that I do now than I have ever done. It is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
"At his core, he embodies everything good and noble about the human spirit."
"His end goal was a noble one. A successful one."
"Meet Kabai Akal, a stallion exuding timeless beauty and nobility."
"A superhero is a character that needs to learn or had nobility all along."
"If you act noble and not in pursuit of love, you will end up with a lot of love."
"I'm Lord Dan Hardy as you can see, officially now."
"The nobility does harm to the common people on a daily basis by denying them opportunities, tools, and even basic information about the way their world works."
"The world opens itself before those with noble hearts."
"The Duchess uses her royal status to do good."
"As he comes out of this shock he tells Cain that he wants to make him a Viscount and give him a town of his own close to the capital."
"Sacrifice can be a noble thing indeed, the surrender of the self, be it in effort or even life, for the cause of another is the ultimate in selfless acts."
"There's an energy of nobility here... even in the darkest hour, we should always endeavor to do our best."
"True nobility is simply the enhancement of virtues which we should all in some degree possess."
"Shepherd was as noble a fellow as any ever drew breath."
"They were granted Grand titles and Estates and married to high-ranking Royals but they often faced Prejudice from haughty courtiers for being born on the wrong side of the sheets."
"If a bunch of nobility just sat around and said to themselves 'oh we're not really that important we're really just big children' then they would get anything done."
"Those who have supped from the Sanguinary Chalices and survived are noble in spirit, honorable in manner, furious in battle."
"We are Knights and we are held to a higher standard."
"Tonight, the nobles have gathered in honor of the Grand Magistrix."
"A noble cannot bow down in the face of adversity."
"You have royal blood in your veins. Let nothing stand in your way."
"Be too big for anger, be too noble for misunderstandings."
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self."
"It's easy to see why so many people claimed to be one of the lost Romanovs. Royalty and nobility have always commanded respect and carried a certain mystic aura which is undeniably attractive."
"Dion welcomes the prince to his Manor, taken aback by the sudden visit."
"Doing all that for a cause, and for what is essentially what is a noble and just cause any way you slice it."
"We are frequently flawed and meretricious, but we are perfect in our courage and transcendent in our nobility."
"The nobility served a very important role in the medieval period, one of the original exchanges in the feudal system was protection."
"Mana was the ability that gave unusual talents and supernatural abilities to some rare people who were given the title of nobles."
"He gives Kane the title of Baron, along with 10 Platinum coins and a mansion of his own."
"Working at solving tough, long-dead cases would make for a noble pursuit."
"It's time for truth and responsibility and there's something noble about that."
"You don't have to be noble to be strong."
"My envy comes from the fact that he is a Knight Banneret."
"Baronet and Banneret are entire star systems apart regarding how the noble ranking and structural system work."
"Our dashing Lieutenant got his title and ennoblement through deeds that will be written in goddamn history."
"He'd be, and already is, the chagrin and envy of many nobles."
"Medicine is still a noble profession, upholding the highest ethical principles. For the young doctors still stand for life and for all of us, hope for all of us."
"It seemed like they were the most noble people on the face of the Earth and I decided that's what I wanted to do from the time I was eight years old."
"I won the heart of all the Nobles and was loved by all."
"These are the best sons of Adam, the princes and the greatest and the grandest amidst The Messengers."
"Nothing could be more beautiful and noble."
"Not every boy of noble birth was fit for a knight’s duties, and any aspirant had to be thoroughly tested before he could be accepted as one."
"Much of her fortune descended to her surviving son, the 10th Duke of Marlborough."
"Public opinion of what she chose to do was met with applause, lauding her decision as a member of the nobility to remain close to her child."
"This is very important because in one sense this is a document saying that the soon to be Henry II is in one sense giving this land to the family."
"You know that's incredibly noble and mature, Meg."
"The youth today are among Heavenly Father's most noble spirits."
"We all felt like we were doing something selfless, something noble."
"It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; and it's a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known."
"The noble soul has reverence for itself."
"It's okay to give up. It's a noble goal to push on."
"There's no such thing as a noble sacrifice."
"There's nothing more noble and free than the heart of a horse."
"He was, after all, Richard the Lionheart."
"The Elfstone, Elessar of the line of Valandil, Isildur's son, Elendil's son of Númenor."
"He said that if she found out that a noble was involved, she would make sure to leave no traces."
"It's not bad enough that the world nobles exist and do all of their horrible things, but their actions actually end up encouraging the lower nobility to become more and more like them."
"The journey of a man who rejected the boundless privileges of his nobility to return to his people and lead them to freedom has stirred the hearts of the oppressed for generations. The tale is timeless."
"Nobility is not about being better than others. True nobility is about being better than who you were."
"Our call is a very high and noble call."
"What care I longer for anything that may happen if I be magnanimous?"
"The point is not how long you live, but how nobly you live."
"Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even."
"Mary Queen of Scots is one of the most famous women in Scottish history."
"She embodied all of the truly Noble virtues."
"Men get killed and nobody minds... except their wives and sweethearts and children and things like that."
"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one."
"In the midst of the destruction and Carnage, there could be courage and nobility which rose Above The Fray."
"Wow, was that sad. Noble death though."
"You are a prince or a princess in the kingdom of God."
"Saki thought of what a noble does as something impossible for her."
"No matter the kingdom, it is an absolute requirement that the nobles who are in charge have high-level magical power and magical abilities."
"The annoying Nobles would find fault with everything he did."
"There's no safe path. There's a noble path, there's an honorable path. There's no safe path. And possibly you wouldn't want that anyways because, well, who are you exactly?"
"He wants this job so his family will approve of him. That's noble, right?"
"I think it's better for everyone to know everything than for no one to know nothing and I think that's Noble."
"True nobility isn't about being better than anyone else, it's about being better than you used to be."
"Falling nobly in battle amidst a hail of arrows and bullets is an honor for a warrior, and she desired such a death."
"Therefore, Hugh Groer 7eventh Duke of Westminster is more than just a wealthy nobleman, he is an emblem of what the aristocracy could become in an era clamoring for change if they play their cards right."
"The family's rise to power within the nobility began with the stalwart Sir Richard groer the first baronet."
"The kingdom recognizes the libert family as a line of dukes."
"True nobility is not really about being better than anyone else, it's about being better than you used to be."
"Clara was far more approachable and gentle. She was curiously shy in some aspects but forward in others, easily excitable and brimming with curiosity and genuine kindness, a rarity among nobles let alone royalty."
"A human being is the finest, the noblest, the most godlike creature ever produced on earth."
"There is a nobility in accepting the truth about life, bleak as it may be."
"We need to reclaim the nobility of power... love as the ultimate power."
"Batman being made the villain to protect Harvey's reputation shows his immense sacrifice and nobility."
"If you're the sort of person that sacrifices the future to the present, then that eradicates the possibility that you will bring the most noble being into existence."
"God chooses the nobodies that you think don't even have a name, that you think don't even have a purpose, because God loves them."
"Accept it as... True nobility lies in Lucid acceptance of the world, its beauties and its limits."
"Justice is done and the good angel of this lordly house has returned."
"Rumors of Wolsey's lifestyle prompted the king to ask him why he had built a palace that far outshone his own at nearby Richmond. Wolsey replied, 'To show how Noble a place a subject may offer his sovereign.'"
"The quality of love ennobles us when we allow it."
"War alone brings to its highest tension all human energy and puts the stamp of nobility upon the people who have the courage to meet it."
"Cordelia's sacrifice to die in her place was Noble."
"Henry's position as ruler was far from secure in the early years of his reign, and many nobles viewed him with suspicion."
"This is the most noble and holy thing I could ever hope to witness in people."
"It's the belief that beneath layers of pragmatism and self-interest lies a heart that beats for honor, justice, and nobility."
"Concern for others, make that an honorable noble thing to do."
"For the seeker of truth, nothing takes precedence over the truth. The status of no one is diminished by the truth, rather does the truth ennoble all."
"Olivia isn't exactly the newcomer to nobility that she seems. Beneath the surface of her professional London life lies a secret twist, a lineage almost as blue-blooded as her soon-to-be husband's."
"The most noble fate a man can endure is to place his own mortal body between his loved home and the war's desolation." - Robert A. Heinlein
"One of the most absolutely noble things that a person can do in life is be a participant in stopping some of these generational cycles."
"I need to live in a castle. I hope to win a place above the salt before I'm done."
"It is one of the most noble and luxurious cafes that we know of for which its name Majestic is most suited and justified."
"The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."
"Oh nobly born, remember who you truly are."
"If you provide people with nobility of purpose, then they can tolerate the suffering of existence without becoming entirely corrupted by it."
"Cultures that don't provide nobility of purpose are dead. They don't have a story anymore, they don't have a call to adventure."
"Barbara is a determined and noble hero."
"He was named Lord Paramount of the riverlands despite not having the most land or the best lineage or even the biggest army."
"Thoroughbred racing is the sport of Kings."
"Doing something which is noble and just, contrary to your immediate interests, which leads to your own death - that's real heroism."
"Lady Joanna had him gelded and made her son's fool."
"A mother's love instinct in giving birth and raising her children is acknowledged as the most noble love in the whole world."
"May we be persistent in those things which are good and noble."
"May the grace for visibility rest upon your destiny. May Kings hear about you, may Nobles hear about you."
"The things that strike us that cause us to Marvel and to say that's what human nobility is all about or when that radical altruism extends Beyond those categories."
"Take this cup, my noble lord, gold friend of men, and to the ys speak kind words as is only right, be generous to the ax. Think of gifts for them all that you have from far and near."
"To die for others is the most noble thing you could possibly do."
"True nobility doesn't come from power or blood but can be found in their soul."
"Although many nobles fled to Europe, where they belated with other monarchies to join in the effort."
"I can't think of anything more noble."
"She is worth saving because of her noble journey to fulfill her mother's last wish."
"Noble victories are built on the backs of noble sacrifices."
"Cause even the noblest proudest rulers should have the humility and wisdom to stay grounded, to respect the common man, and sometimes to ride in the rain on an old horse."
"Hockey is not just a game, it's a sport. It's my sport. Of course, Your Highness, and a very noble sport it is too."
"You can give yourself or a lucky friend or family member the established title of being a lord or lady."
"Nicole's heart is too pure to hurt a friend, her soul is too Noble."
"You're noble and you're beautiful you got a lot going for you Cindy"
"He's incredibly clever, is constantly solving the problems and finding ways around things, and he is very noble."
"... the more gradual the better... the higher calling, the nobility of the higher calling... I am managing this for God."
"There's a nobility in knowing how to fight and how to defend yourself and not doing it because if you withhold yourself when you know how to hurt someone, that's Noble."
"True nobility comes not from birth or wealth, but from the wisdom of the heart and the courage to see beyond the surface."
"Realize that you are walking on a very noble path that is the path of the prophets."
"You are inherently noble. My nobility can cover anyone's shame."
"Let me tell you something, there is no nobility in poverty."
"Sacrificing your life for something that isn't guaranteed is so incredibly noble."
"His parents are becoming more skeptical of him because he doesn't seem to possess any of their nobility."
"The gods are as fired up and involved as Elizabethan nobles wagering on the outcome of a bear baiting."
"Queen Kaizer's proposition sets the stage for Akira Rainford's elevation to a noble status within the state."
"The monarch's purpose is to serve and restore, embodying the noblesse oblige."
"Poor fellow. He died as he lived, an officer and a gentleman."